Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1963977 - Posted: 8 Nov 2018, 21:28:46 UTC - in response to Message 1963959.  

More of the "Who would believe it!" 'features' for Microsoft Windows systems:

Windows 10 Pro goes Home as Microsoft fires up downgrade server

Microsoft's activation servers appear to be on the blink this morning – some Windows 10 users woke up to find their Pro systems have, er, gone [to] Home...

... While there remains no official statement from Microsoft on the problem, users have reported that the hardworking support operatives of the Windows giant have warned that there is indeed a "temporary issue" with its activation servers related to the Pro edition. Affected customers are advised to sit tight and wait for a fix...

I got hit with this today. I saw in the lower right corner of my screen this very faint pop-up stating that I need to activate Windows. Attempted to do it as I thought it may have been in relation to my GPU upgrade. The process failed and when I attempted to do via the trouble shooter, it tells me that I have a Win 10 Home license running on a Win 10 Pro machine and to get a either a valid product or a new product key via the M$S store. My question is - If I don't log on to my machine using my M$S account, how in the HE#$^%&^LL did the license get changed?

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ID: 1963977 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1963980 - Posted: 8 Nov 2018, 22:14:41 UTC - in response to Message 1963977.  
Last modified: 8 Nov 2018, 22:16:10 UTC

More of the "Who would believe it!" 'features' for Microsoft Windows systems:

Windows 10 Pro goes Home as Microsoft fires up downgrade server

Microsoft's activation servers appear to be on the blink this morning – some Windows 10 users woke up to find their Pro systems have, er, gone [to] Home...

... While there remains no official statement from Microsoft on the problem, users have reported that the hardworking support operatives of the Windows giant have warned that there is indeed a "temporary issue" with its activation servers related to the Pro edition. Affected customers are advised to sit tight and wait for a fix...

I got hit with this today. I saw in the lower right corner of my screen this very faint pop-up stating that I need to activate Windows. Attempted to do it as I thought it may have been in relation to my GPU upgrade. The process failed and when I attempted to do via the trouble shooter, it tells me that I have a Win 10 Home license running on a Win 10 Pro machine and to get a either a valid product or a new product key via the M$S store. My question is - If I don't log on to my machine using my M$S account, how in the HE#$^%&^LL did the license get changed?

Hi Cliff,

Did you forget to activate Windows after installing it. I cannot think of a reason for Micro$oft to require an activation if the OS has already been activated.

I'll be keeping one eye on the lower right corner and make sure I DO NOT activate Windows. Mine already is.

Have a great day, for what's worth right now because of Micro$oft. :|


[edit] Corrected spelling error [/edit]
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
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ID: 1963980 · Report as offensive
Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1963983 - Posted: 8 Nov 2018, 22:31:27 UTC - in response to Message 1963980.  

More of the "Who would believe it!" 'features' for Microsoft Windows systems:

Windows 10 Pro goes Home as Microsoft fires up downgrade server

Microsoft's activation servers appear to be on the blink this morning – some Windows 10 users woke up to find their Pro systems have, er, gone [to] Home...

... While there remains no official statement from Microsoft on the problem, users have reported that the hardworking support operatives of the Windows giant have warned that there is indeed a "temporary issue" with its activation servers related to the Pro edition. Affected customers are advised to sit tight and wait for a fix...

I got hit with this today. I saw in the lower right corner of my screen this very faint pop-up stating that I need to activate Windows. Attempted to do it as I thought it may have been in relation to my GPU upgrade. The process failed and when I attempted to do via the trouble shooter, it tells me that I have a Win 10 Home license running on a Win 10 Pro machine and to get a either a valid product or a new product key via the M$S store. My question is - If I don't log on to my machine using my M$S account, how in the HE#$^%&^LL did the license get changed?

Hi Cliff,

Did you forget to activate Windows after installing it. I cannot think of a reason for Micro$oft to require an activation if the OS has already been activated.

I'll be keeping one eye on the lower right corner and make sure I DO NOT activate Windows. Mine already is.

Have a great day, for what's worth right now because of Micro$oft. :|


[edit] Corrected spelling error [/edit]

It's been activated since day 1. Never had a problem with it until now. I did install 1809 when it first came out and had to back it out after about an hour. Now I'm wondering if that had something to do with it and nobody reported it. But that doesn't make any since either as the system always showed it was activated. Wish I could go back to Win 7.

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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1964040 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 3:13:45 UTC

Dad's ASUS Laptop just Updated to the recent 1803 Release last week, and his Desktop, (Custom that I had built for him with Gigabyte GA-H270-HD3 and Intel i7 7700), just went through the Update to 1803.

Both Systems state that they are Win 10 Pro x64 and ARE Activated. In hitting "Review Updates" on the Desktop, (Farragut), I find MANY entries and Updates going BACK TO June stating "Update for "x-Program" for 1803"; things like ADOBE Reader, etc... So, I'm wondering WHY if in June we were on 1803 then, WHY are we Re-Updating to 1803??? Is this because 1809 was the Update everyone's talking about as being bad???

Anyway, dad's Systems seem to be OK, for now...


P.S.: Prometheus is still Win 7 Pro x64, and my main System, (now), is the Mid-2010 Mac Pro 5,1! (I'm SOOOO glad that I've been able to stay away from Win 10 for my own use this long.)
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ID: 1964040 · Report as offensive
rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1964090 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 7:27:16 UTC

I spotted something about MS having had its license validation server crash big-time and as a result people were having big problems when trying to refresh their licenses after updates. Apparently this normally happens without the user noticing unless of course the server isn't there....
Bob Smith
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Message 1964110 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 9:59:01 UTC

7 isn't broken, yet 10 is now, MS was stupid.
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ID: 1964110 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1964117 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 11:24:03 UTC



Yesterday, I saw that Cliff Harding got a ghostly message from Micro$oft to activate his Windows. He tried and he was told that he now has the Home version and he needs to buy a new license. He was running Windows 10 Pro and it had already been activated. I am running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit and this morning I awoke to the same ghostly message from Micro$oft. I ignored it and nothing has happened, yet. :)

There is a command called Winver that will tell you what version Windows and whether you're running Home or Pro. I recommend using it to make sure your Windows has not been downgraded to Home.

Here's the weird part: When I first installed Windows 10 I got a regular notification to activate Windows. I used my Win7 Pro 64 bit license key and Windows 10 got activated. This "ghostly" message I see is not a regular notification to activate. I'm not buying the "activation servers are down" that we are being told. I'm thinking that this is a ploy by Micro$oft to extort money from those of us that have Windows 10 for FREE. Why else would they be making Windows a "Pay-as-you-go" OS in a few years? Think about it. Why would we be getting a message from the server(s), that's not your standard notification, to activate IF our Windows 10 Pro is already ACTIVATED? Remember when they made the red X an "Ok" button to upgrade to Windows 10? Yeah, I ain't buyin' this at all.

Please note: this is my opinion! As many here know, I do NOT trust Micro$oft at all.

Bottom line: If you're running Windows 10 Pro and you see a "ghostly" non-standard notification to active, DON'T. When you start using you PC, the message will go away.

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
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ID: 1964117 · Report as offensive
Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1964129 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 13:49:34 UTC

Sometime early last evening a little birdy, I think it was Tweety, told me to look at 'control panel > system' and lo and behold it stated that Windoze was activated. Something tells me that what ever telemetry (basic) is sent back and forth between M$S and my machine is what set this off in the first place when their servers supposedly decided to go south.

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Profile Bill G Special Project $75 donor

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Message 1964136 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 14:34:08 UTC - in response to Message 1964040.  

Dad's ASUS Laptop just Updated to the recent 1803 Release last week, and his Desktop, (Custom that I had built for him with Gigabyte GA-H270-HD3 and Intel i7 7700), just went through the Update to 1803.

Both Systems state that they are Win 10 Pro x64 and ARE Activated. In hitting "Review Updates" on the Desktop, (Farragut), I find MANY entries and Updates going BACK TO June stating "Update for "x-Program" for 1803"; things like ADOBE Reader, etc... So, I'm wondering WHY if in June we were on 1803 then, WHY are we Re-Updating to 1803??? Is this because 1809 was the Update everyone's talking about as being bad???

Anyway, dad's Systems seem to be OK, for now...


P.S.: Prometheus is still Win 7 Pro x64, and my main System, (now), is the Mid-2010 Mac Pro 5,1! (I'm SOOOO glad that I've been able to stay away from Win 10 for my own use this long.)

I think if you look closely at the updates you will see that the latest 1803 update was a Cumulative Update, and not the actual 1803 update. Now I am not exactly sure what that means but all my computers that were running 1803 got that update. (cautionary notice: lost my CUDA drivers)

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ID: 1964136 · Report as offensive
Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1964144 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 15:16:04 UTC - in response to Message 1964136.  

I think if you look closely at the updates you will see that the latest 1803 update was a Cumulative Update, and not the actual 1803 update. Now I am not exactly sure what that means but all my computers that were running 1803 got that update. (cautionary notice: lost my CUDA drivers)

If I remember correctly in Win 7 we got individual KBs for each update, even cumulative ones. Now every it seems that indivduals are included in the cumulative updates. Since they are not major versions update the version (1803) won't change, but the OS build might. My current OS build is 17134.376 '(settings > system > about)'. As to the cuda drivers, go to 'control panel > system > advanced system settings > Hardware tab > device installations settings > NO'. It seems that M$S has finally fixed this as I haven't had any problems after the initial OS install with any of my device drivers as I always update them from the vendor(s) web site. If you haven't already, do a clean install for your GPU(s).

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ID: 1964144 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1964150 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 16:06:47 UTC - in response to Message 1964144.  

I think if you look closely at the updates you will see that the latest 1803 update was a Cumulative Update, and not the actual 1803 update. Now I am not exactly sure what that means but all my computers that were running 1803 got that update. (cautionary notice: lost my CUDA drivers)

If I remember correctly in Win 7 we got individual KBs for each update, even cumulative ones. Now every it seems that indivduals are included in the cumulative updates. Since they are not major versions update the version (1803) won't change, but the OS build might. My current OS build is 17134.376 '(settings > system > about)'. As to the cuda drivers, go to 'control panel > system > advanced system settings > Hardware tab > device installations settings > NO'. It seems that M$S has finally fixed this as I haven't had any problems after the initial OS install with any of my device drivers as I always update them from the vendor(s) web site. If you haven't already, do a clean install for your GPU(s).

Hi Cliff,

My build number is 17134.345, slightly behind yours and still running v1803 too. I received security updates just a few days ago and they screwed with my video drivers. Are you saying that you got security updates and they did NOT screw with your video driver(s)? Could it be that too many people are complaining to them about these shenanigans and Micro$oft reverted? I'll have to wait until next month's updates to find out. :)

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
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ID: 1964150 · Report as offensive
Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1964170 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 17:30:28 UTC - in response to Message 1964150.  
Last modified: 9 Nov 2018, 17:31:21 UTC

My build number is 17134.345, slightly behind yours and still running v1803 too. I received security updates just a few days ago and they screwed with my video drivers. Are you saying that you got security updates and they did NOT screw with your video driver(s)? Could it be that too many people are complaining to them about these shenanigans and Micro$oft reverted? I'll have to wait until next month's updates to find out. :)

Have a great day! :)


'.345' was released on 9 Oct. '.376' was released on 24 Oct., both are cumulative updates. I see nothing in those updates that directly pointed to an update to your video drivers. I turned my device installation setting off immediately after my initial install and I always check after each build refresh to make sure they stay off. I get my updates directly from Samsung (SSD), Intel (iGPU), or Nvidia (GPUs). I don't even update from, 3rd party sites like Guru3D, which BTW, I consider to be a safe site, including their d/ls.

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ID: 1964170 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1964176 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 18:24:27 UTC - in response to Message 1964170.  

My build number is 17134.345, slightly behind yours and still running v1803 too. I received security updates just a few days ago and they screwed with my video drivers. Are you saying that you got security updates and they did NOT screw with your video driver(s)? Could it be that too many people are complaining to them about these shenanigans and Micro$oft reverted? I'll have to wait until next month's updates to find out. :)

Have a great day! :)


'.345' was released on 9 Oct. '.376' was released on 24 Oct., both are cumulative updates. I see nothing in those updates that directly pointed to an update to your video drivers. I turned my device installation setting off immediately after my initial install and I always check after each build refresh to make sure they stay off. I get my updates directly from Samsung (SSD), Intel (iGPU), or Nvidia (GPUs). I don't even update from, 3rd party sites like Guru3D, which BTW, I consider to be a safe site, including their d/ls.

There may have not been anything about video driver updates, but every freaking time I get updates my video drivers go to crap. I have to do a clean re-install of the NVIDIA driver to get things back to "normal". I would even get an indication when I went to play World of Warcraft. I would get a message that the hardware changed and be asked to go to default settings or cancel. Micro$oft is doing SOMETHING with my NVIDIA driver and it pisses me off.

Ok, this is weird. I just checked my update history. You say your build number is from a 24 Oct release, mine from 9 Oct. I see that I had cumulative and security updates yesterday 8 Nov. Why do I not have the same build number or one higher than yours?

One thing I see is that I do not have KB4462933. My last is KB4462930 which I got yesterday, along with KB4462919 which was released 9 Oct?

Are we sure we're running the same OS? lol Haahahahahahahahaha... :D WEIRD!

Have a great day Cliff! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
ID: 1964176 · Report as offensive
rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1964178 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 18:32:31 UTC

Ok, this is weird. I just checked my update history. You say your build number is from a 24 Oct release, mine from 9 Oct. I see that I had cumulative and security updates yesterday 8 Nov. Why do I not have the same build number or one higher than yours?

Such is the "quality" of MS's configuration management.
Bob Smith
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ID: 1964178 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1964179 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 18:37:23 UTC - in response to Message 1964178.  

Ok, this is weird. I just checked my update history. You say your build number is from a 24 Oct release, mine from 9 Oct. I see that I had cumulative and security updates yesterday 8 Nov. Why do I not have the same build number or one higher than yours?

Such is the "quality" of MS's configuration management.

Bah hahahahahahahahaha..... Thanks Rob, I needed that. :)

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
ID: 1964179 · Report as offensive
Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1964211 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 21:50:15 UTC - in response to Message 1964176.  

My build number is 17134.345, slightly behind yours and still running v1803 too. I received security updates just a few days ago and they screwed with my video drivers. Are you saying that you got security updates and they did NOT screw with your video driver(s)? Could it be that too many people are complaining to them about these shenanigans and Micro$oft reverted? I'll have to wait until next month's updates to find out. :)

Have a great day! :)


'.345' was released on 9 Oct. '.376' was released on 24 Oct., both are cumulative updates. I see nothing in those updates that directly pointed to an update to your video drivers. I turned my device installation setting off immediately after my initial install and I always check after each build refresh to make sure they stay off. I get my updates directly from Samsung (SSD), Intel (iGPU), or Nvidia (GPUs). I don't even update from, 3rd party sites like Guru3D, which BTW, I consider to be a safe site, including their d/ls.

There may have not been anything about video driver updates, but every freaking time I get updates my video drivers go to crap. I have to do a clean re-install of the NVIDIA driver to get things back to "normal". I would even get an indication when I went to play World of Warcraft. I would get a message that the hardware changed and be asked to go to default settings or cancel. Micro$oft is doing SOMETHING with my NVIDIA driver and it pisses me off.

Ok, this is weird. I just checked my update history. You say your build number is from a 24 Oct release, mine from 9 Oct. I see that I had cumulative and security updates yesterday 8 Nov. Why do I not have the same build number or one higher than yours?

One thing I see is that I do not have KB4462933. My last is KB4462930 which I got yesterday, along with KB4462919 which was released 9 Oct?

Are we sure we're running the same OS? lol Haahahahahahahahaha... :D WEIRD!

Have a great day Cliff! :)


KB4462930 is an Adobe Flash update If you manually hit 'Check for updates', you'll probably get the latest which is -376. If it didn't come up don't worry just keep checking daily and it will appear. I wouldn't worry about the 1809 d/l, since the only one's that are getting it are the insiders. BTW, did you do what I suggested about the device installation settings?

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ID: 1964211 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1964219 - Posted: 9 Nov 2018, 22:19:28 UTC - in response to Message 1964211.  
Last modified: 9 Nov 2018, 22:35:16 UTC

-[ snip ]-

-[ snip ]-

There may have not been anything about video driver updates, but every freaking time I get updates my video drivers go to crap. I have to do a clean re-install of the NVIDIA driver to get things back to "normal". I would even get an indication when I went to play World of Warcraft. I would get a message that the hardware changed and be asked to go to default settings or cancel. Micro$oft is doing SOMETHING with my NVIDIA driver and it pisses me off.

Ok, this is weird. I just checked my update history. You say your build number is from a 24 Oct release, mine from 9 Oct. I see that I had cumulative and security updates yesterday 8 Nov. Why do I not have the same build number or one higher than yours?

One thing I see is that I do not have KB4462933. My last is KB4462930 which I got yesterday, along with KB4462919 which was released 9 Oct?

Are we sure we're running the same OS? lol Haahahahahahahahaha... :D WEIRD!

Have a great day Cliff! :)


KB4462930 is an Adobe Flash update If you manually hit 'Check for updates', you'll probably get the latest which is -376. If it didn't come up don't worry just keep checking daily and it will appear. I wouldn't worry about the 1809 d/l, since the only one's that are getting it are the insiders. BTW, did you do what I suggested about the device installation settings?

Ok, I guess I'll have to check for updates...

I had to Google the device installation setting to know what it was. I went in and did it. That was a different setting than the ones I was setting before and the one that Micro$oft removed a while back.

I'll see what happens when I get updates, if they're ready for me. ;)

Have a great day! :)


I got KB4100347, something to do with Intel micro code. I did not get KB4462933. On the bright side, I didn't have to re-install my NVIDIA driver. Woohoo! :D
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
ID: 1964219 · Report as offensive
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Message 1964505 - Posted: 11 Nov 2018, 0:11:10 UTC

Sooooooo glad I 'Just said no' to the 'Free' drug of M$ Window$ 10.

It was prophesied .........'The Mark of the Beast'.........

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ID: 1964505 · Report as offensive
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Message 1964728 - Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 1:31:23 UTC
Last modified: 12 Nov 2018, 1:32:57 UTC

This is quite a follow-on "Ouch!"... Really, is anyone still using the Windows Phone since the demise of Nokia?...

That amazing Microsoft software quality, part 97: Windows Phone update kills Outlook, Calendar

Microsoft has thrown gasoline on its quality-assurance dumpster fire by disabling the Mail and Calendar apps on some...

... "Microsoft issued an automatic app upgrade for the email client on Windows Phone 10 overnight on 7th/8th November," the reader said. "We all woke up yesterday morning to find that email is no longer working...

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Message 1964805 - Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 14:18:04 UTC - in response to Message 1964728.  

IT is what we allow it to be...
IT or I.T.? :p
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Message boards : Number crunching : Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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