Profile: Bill G

Personal background
I am an over 70 year old computer nut. I have come from Burroughs Corp where I was a Field Engineering specialist over 25 years ago. Because of a mis-understanding with my boss I "retired" and became an antique dealer and continue to be one at present. But, I have been back into building and repairing computers as WAG Computers after having never left the computer field, starting with a CPM machine some 25 years ago and writing programing in dBASE. I continue with my WAG Computers and my William A. Gustafson Antiques and have added Austerlitz Restorations as well.

For 5 years I had been a MS-MVP/Desktop User Experience, certainly a highlight of my life and career. That recently has come to an end.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Even though it is unlikely that in my lifetime we will find "them", you never know. Just to be around at that time would be great.
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