AK V8 ported release ap. issues, install, questions etc.

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Profile Gecko
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Message 746238 - Posted: 30 Apr 2008, 20:19:27 UTC

Please post any issues/errors or install questions here and try to minimize multiple threads.

Answers here may help others w/ similar problems.

Seti Veterans:
Your help & input on this thread is greatly appreciated : > )

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Profile Logan
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Message 746271 - Posted: 30 Apr 2008, 21:44:34 UTC - in response to Message 746238.  
Last modified: 30 Apr 2008, 21:45:49 UTC

Please post any issues/errors or install questions here and try to minimize multiple threads.

Answers here may help others w/ similar problems.

Seti Veterans:
Your help & input on this thread is greatly appreciated : > )

It is a nice idea Gecko!

No problems here... if you meet spanish people who i can help in his native language, you can call me.

My english is bad, but the people (normally) can understand what i want to say...

In short, you can count with me ...

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Message 746294 - Posted: 30 Apr 2008, 22:58:05 UTC - in response to Message 746238.  

Please post any issues/errors or install questions here and try to minimize multiple threads.

Answers here may help others w/ similar problems.

Seti Veterans:
Your help & input on this thread is greatly appreciated : > )

Glad it was released before I have to go out of town for the next three weeks.
Everything in install went without a hitch. The new apps. are counting down about 2 seconds per 1 at the moment.
So far I have noticed that the CPU and MB temps are up by about one to two degrees C. Since my system is overclocked I may experiment with backing down one or two steps before I leave to bring the temps back to where they were before.

When we finally figure it all out, all the rules will change and we can start all over again.
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Andre Howard
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Message 746340 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 0:34:31 UTC

"So far I have noticed that the CPU and MB temps are up by about one to two degrees C. Since my system is overclocked I may experiment with backing down one or two steps before I leave to bring the temps back to where they were before."

I too have had the same experience.App must be working much harder than 2.4 as my temperature increased approximately 2c. Backed off a bit on the overclock and all is back to normal.

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Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 746355 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 1:16:07 UTC

My QX6700 need now ~ 5 to 10 W more..
And the CPU is ~ 1 - 2 °C hotter.. and sometimes for short time (it depend at which WU-progress) 1 - 2 °C hotter additional.. (so complete 2 - 4 °C hotter)
OC to now stable..

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Message 746401 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 4:09:14 UTC - in response to Message 746238.  

Please post any issues/errors or install questions here and try to minimize multiple threads.

Answers here may help others w/ similar problems.

Seti Veterans:
Your help & input on this thread is greatly appreciated : > )

I have had BOINC and all SETI apps stop running once now.
I am not sure why as yet and am waiting for a second event before I get to concerned.
Environment is
Core2 Quatro 6600 step 0
4 GB Corsair Twinx 8500
VISTA Ultimate or XP X64 Professional [chosen at boot time]
BOINC 5 10 20

Should I update to newer version BOINC for AK/JD Whale apps?

When we finally figure it all out, all the rules will change and we can start all over again.
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Profile Gavin Shaw

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Message 746404 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 4:22:32 UTC

I have the new app running on a C2D 1.8 GHz with Boinc 5.4.11, so it will run fine on older versions. I do have hiccups with the Boinc manager losing connection to the sci apps, but this usually only happens when there is a large download queue, but not always...

So 5.10.20 should be fine, unless there is a bug in that version that I am unaware of...

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Profile Gecko
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Message 746405 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 4:28:11 UTC - in response to Message 746404.  

So 5.10.20 should be fine, unless there is a bug in that version that I am unaware of...

Agreed, 5.10.20 should be fine.
Might try the normal close/reboot, and/or drain cache & reset project.

If you want to upgrade, 5.10.45 is latest stable release and I didn't have any issue w/ that in testing.

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Profile dcappello

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Message 746406 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 4:35:17 UTC

I just finished moving two win XP/32 machines over to AK V8 One A core 2 Quad and the other core 2 Duo E6600

The Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.4) OC'd to 2.88 running the SSSE3 AK V8 app - I had to back that
OC from 3.0 down to 2.88 since the temps of the cores with my current cooling were between 171F and 165F OC'd at 3.0 and the new app - the new app DOES stress the CPU! BTW before the move to the new code core temps were between 155 and 160 (core 0 always runs hot) Both running Boinc 5.10.45
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Message 746407 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 4:36:36 UTC - in response to Message 746404.  

I have the new app running on a C2D 1.8 GHz with Boinc 5.4.11, so it will run fine on older versions. I do have hiccups with the Boinc manager losing connection to the sci apps, but this usually only happens when there is a large download queue, but not always...

So 5.10.20 should be fine, unless there is a bug in that version that I am unaware of...

Thanks for the good feedback. I have exceeded my download quota of 400 for today:)
I think that is what is happening here.

When we finally figure it all out, all the rules will change and we can start all over again.
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Profile Bryan Wallace
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Message 746419 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 6:03:11 UTC - in response to Message 746407.  

installed the sse4.1 app on an x3350 @ 3.6. no problems with the oc, as others mentioned temps are a bit higher but nothing for me to worry about. The higher temps just mean that they're making better use of the cpu(s). installed the ssse3 for c2d on a new t7250, credit seems ridiculously high for this computer. Looks like it's working!
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Profile AndyW Project Donor
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Message 746444 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 8:44:06 UTC

Just installed SSE3 on my 6 * Phenom Quad farm and have seen a power consumption increase of approx 30W total for the farm. No problems encountered with changing over the app. All seems to be working ok at this time. Will report back any RAC increase seen.
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Message 746453 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 9:07:01 UTC

Unstalled the 32 bit ssse3 version on the 2 main Quaddies when I got home earlier today and they are crunching really well, with times down substantially. For the heck of it I also installed the app on the Dual core Laptop and will let it crunch for a while now & then - it currently has a queue of about 18 WU's at the moment, and I'm going to leave it run overnight while I'm here at work :)

Temps on the quads might have been a little higher, but it was hard to tell - they did not really seem to increase. The Dual core lappy on the other hand, is running at 68C, so a laptop cooler might be a good idea when I see one that blows air the right way for a Toshiba laptop.

I'll install it on Vixen tomorrow afternoon when I get out of bed and give it a little run there for a few hrs as well.
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Profile John Clark
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Message 746550 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 15:27:03 UTC

Done the same on my 2 Quads. Running fine for several hours now and, like others, the core temperatures are a couple of degrees centigrade higher
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Profile zoom3+1=4
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Message 746551 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 15:27:44 UTC - in response to Message 746406.  
Last modified: 1 May 2008, 15:31:47 UTC

I just finished moving two win XP/32 machines over to AK V8 One A core 2 Quad and the other core 2 Duo E6600

The Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.4) OC'd to 2.88 running the SSSE3 AK V8 app - I had to back that
OC from 3.0 down to 2.88 since the temps of the cores with my current cooling were between 171F and 165F OC'd at 3.0 and the new app - the new app DOES stress the CPU! BTW before the move to the new code core temps were between 155 and 160 (core 0 always runs hot) Both running Boinc 5.10.45

That's hotter than My QX6700(B1 vitamin ingested;)) is, The cores are running at about 149F(~65C) and the cpu is at 129F(~54C) or so, PC1 is running at 3.37GHz, Temps here didn't change any after the change over from 2.4V to AK_v8_win_x64_SSSE3x(I use this on all 3 PCs), The only problem I saw was that the seti apps were all shut down all of a sudden and Boinc had nothing to display as all the screens were blank, I shut down Boinc and did a restart of Boinc and all was/is normal ever since, So far I've not seen this happen yet on the other two PCs(Both Quad equipped, PC2=Q6600(B3)@ 2.6GHz and PC3=QX6700(B3)@ 3.2GHz).

Oh and as far as I can tell I'm not exceeding My quota, yet. But they sure are suckin the WU's up, Like a vacuum cleaner.
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Profile JDWhale
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Message 746575 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 18:00:23 UTC - in response to Message 746551.  
Last modified: 1 May 2008, 18:01:15 UTC

Oh and as far as I can tell I'm not exceeding My quota, yet. But they sure are suckin the WU's up, Like a vacuum cleaner.

Your quota is 400 WU/day/host... It looks like you have your settings to "always connected" and cache set to ~3 additional days if even set at all. Of course I'm often wrong in my analysis.

Your hosts will be able to crunch ~90 WUs/day each... So you will not meet your quota with your current settings... just steadily DL ~100 WU/day to keep ~300 WUs ready to crunch.

BOINC On...On...

BTW... I've backed down Thurston OC to 3200 from 3375 MHz and watched my temps drop ~10C (59-52-55-57) room temp 28C. Also of note is that power draw has dropped from 256 to 200W, saving me $3.25/mo (25%) on electric bill for this host.
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Profile Fred J. Verster
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Message 746584 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 18:53:00 UTC - in response to Message 746575.  
Last modified: 1 May 2008, 18:55:12 UTC

Oh and as far as I can tell I'm not exceeding My quota, yet. But they sure are suckin the WU's up, Like a vacuum cleaner.

Your quota is 400 WU/day/host... It looks like you have your settings to "always connected" and cache set to ~3 additional days if even set at all. Of course I'm often wrong in my analysis.

Your hosts will be able to crunch ~90 WUs/day each... So you will not meet your quota with your current settings... just steadily DL ~100 WU/day to keep ~300 WUs ready to crunch.

BOINC On...On...

BTW... I've backed down Thurston OC to 3200 from 3375 MHz and watched my temps drop ~10C (59-52-55-57) room temp 28C. Also of note is that power draw has dropped from 256 to 200W, saving me $3.25/mo (25%) on electric bill for this host.

B.t.w. a Q6600 takes almost 20 Watt's more then the QX9650, same % in OCing.

Got another strange CRASH: first a full stop, without a 'BLUE SCEEN' , then 15 minutes later another one.
At start up, a message from WINDOWS, a driver problem, according to a XP website.
Third time, BOINC crashed, without a message, exept from HAVE RECOVERD FROM SEVERE FAULT.
And a message from the Kaspersky Virus Scanner (32BIT!).
Run on a ASUS P5E, QX9650 @ 3580MHz(10x358), WIN XP64 Pro, BOINC 6.1.0. (X64) & Crunch3r's 2.4V SSE3. Temp oK(57C).
Can't get my finger ON the problem :(.

*** Keep On Crunching ***
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Profile AndyW Project Donor
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Message 746603 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 19:29:59 UTC
Last modified: 1 May 2008, 19:30:41 UTC

One of my Quads took a dive earlier. No reason or errors in the logs, it just stopped! It isn't overclocked and is on the same UPS and in the same room as the other 5 quads (which have not crashed) so cause unknown at this time, although the only change has been the install of the new ap this morning. None of my quads have crashed in over 3 weeks - coincidence? Maybe...

Oh, on a positive note, my RAC is increasing already, proving that the new ap is much more efficient. Great work guys!
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Fred W
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Message 746608 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 19:48:38 UTC - in response to Message 746603.  
Last modified: 1 May 2008, 19:49:28 UTC

One of my Quads took a dive earlier. No reason or errors in the logs, it just stopped! It isn't overclocked and is on the same UPS and in the same room as the other 5 quads (which have not crashed) so cause unknown at this time, although the only change has been the install of the new ap this morning. None of my quads have crashed in over 3 weeks - coincidence? Maybe...

Oh, on a positive note, my RAC is increasing already, proving that the new ap is much more efficient. Great work guys!

My Quaddie didn't take a full dive, just tripped up a little. I got home from work to find a message like:

"Boinc client had encountered an unknown fault an had to exit".

The machine was still sitting as I left it and obviously hadn't re-booted. The message in the WinXP Event Log is:

"Faulting application boinc.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x000111de."

I assumed it was due to my AS5 not having fully bedded in and my being unable to restrain my overclocking enthusiasm. But we do seem to be seeing a number of minor hiccups so I thought it worth registering my 2 penn'orth.

I will be keeping an eye on it to see if it recurs.

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Message 746624 - Posted: 1 May 2008, 20:10:27 UTC

I got one like Fred Verster last night, P5B Q6600 running at 3200, temps didn't look all that high to me, but I moved it down into the basement anyway to see if that helps, it's running 5 - 10C cooler down there. Also my main box, not OCd, Boinc just stopped, no error or anything, after I went to bed, I re-started it in the AM, been going since then OK...
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Message boards : Number crunching : AK V8 ported release ap. issues, install, questions etc.

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