Stderr Truncations

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1700482 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 13:58:11 UTC - in response to Message 1700478.  

I grumbled a bit because they moved things around on the menu again and I had to hunt to find often used shut down client.

Under the File menu. :)

Blame me for the switch-around and remodeling/renaming of the menus. After adding several things and splitting off the add project and add account manager wizards into separate windows, the original menus were too cluttered and the original headings no longer held true for their contents.

So I complained about it, after which the developers, plus me and Jacob Klein sat down and showed each other what we thought the menus should look like, be named as etc. It's taken several test- and trial versions before we came on to the version out now.

And in general it works, though I still get taken aback every time I try to 'View' the event log, but find it's a 'Tool'.
ID: 1700482 · Report as offensive
Profile Jord
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Message 1700487 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 14:15:17 UTC - in response to Message 1700482.  

It was under File first, as I remember.
ID: 1700487 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1700493 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 14:24:13 UTC - in response to Message 1700487.  

It was under File first, as I remember.

In v6.12.34, which I still keep running, it's 'Advanced'.
ID: 1700493 · Report as offensive
Profile Raistmer
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Message 1700495 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 14:32:18 UTC - in response to Message 1700471.  
Last modified: 11 Jul 2015, 14:32:45 UTC

Interesting how little CPU time the NVidia OpenCL tasks need - and I'm typing from the machine running the test, with no sign of screen lag either. I'd held back an extra core just in case (running five CPU tasks plus intel_gpu), but I think I can safely release that.

[Edit - verified it is an OpenCL app, Process Explorer shows threads running in nvopencl.dll

You can never be too sure about the plan_class name at MW]

In case of Einsten's low consumption puzzle was quite simple as I recall - 20ms or so predictable size kernels. With 20ms kernels one can safely sleep this time.
Has MW code to look at? If bigger kernels again it's not "interesting" at all.
ID: 1700495 · Report as offensive
Profile Jeff Buck Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1700500 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 15:01:26 UTC

To start my day here, I find that my xw9400, now running with BOINC v7.6.2, only coughed up one truncated Stderr last night, Task 4259104046. It's a typical truncation, not an empty Stderr, with the following contents:

Stderr output

setiathome_CUDA: Found 4 CUDA device(s):
  Device 1: GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 2047 MiB, regsPerBlock 65536
     computeCap 5.0, multiProcs 5 
     pciBusID = 5, pciSlotID = 0
  Device 2: GeForce GTX 660, 2047 MiB, regsPerBlock 65536
     computeCap 3.0, multiProcs 5 
     pciBusID = 88, pciSlotID = 0
  Device 3: GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 2047 MiB, regsPerBlock 65536
     computeCap 5.0, multiProcs 5 
     pciBusID = 69, pciSlotID = 0
  Device 4: GeForce GTX 660, 1535 MiB, regsPerBlock 65536
     computeCap 3.0, multiProcs 6 
     pciBusID = 24, pciSlotID = 0
In cudaAcc_initializeDevice(): Boinc passed DevPref 4
setiathome_CUDA: CUDA Device 4 specified, checking...
   Device 4: GeForce GTX 660 is okay
SETI@home using CUDA accelerated device GeForce GTX 660
mbcuda.cfg, processpriority key detected
pulsefind: blocks per SM 4 (Fermi or newer default)
pulsefind: periods per launch 100 (default)
Priority of process set to ABOVE_NORMAL successfully
Priority of worker thread set successfully

setiathome enhanced x41zc, Cuda 5.00

Detected setiathome_enhanced_v7 task. Autocorrelations enabled, size 128k elements.
Work Unit Info:
WU true angle range is :  0.202907

Kepler GPU current clockRate = 992 MHz

re-using dev_GaussFitResults array for dev_AutoCorrIn, 4194304 bytes
re-using dev_GaussFitResults+524288x8 array for dev_AutoCorrOut, 4194304 bytes
Thread call stack limit is: 1k


The Event Log shows:

10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] [slot] assigning slot 6 to 17ja15aa.1758.15609.438086664198.12.247_0
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/init_data.xml
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/Lunatics_x41zc_win32_cuda50.exe
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/cudart32_50_35.dll
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/cufft32_50_35.dll
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/mbcuda.cfg
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/work_unit.sah
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/result.sah
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/boinc_temporary_exit
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] Starting task 17ja15aa.1758.15609.438086664198.12.247_0
10-Jul-2015 19:40:56 [SETI@home] [cpu_sched] Starting task 17ja15aa.1758.15609.438086664198.12.247_0 using setiathome_v7 version 700 (cuda50) in slot 6
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/6: handle_exited_app()
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/boinc_finish_called
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/boinc_task_state.xml
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/cudart32_50_35.dll
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/cufft32_50_35.dll
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/init_data.xml
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/Lunatics_x41zc_win32_cuda50.exe
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/mbcuda.cfg
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/result.sah
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/state.sah
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/stderr.txt
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/work_unit.sah
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] Computation for task 17ja15aa.1758.15609.438086664198.12.247_0 finished
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/6: get_free_slot()
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] [slot] assigning slot 6 to 13ja15aa.17180.18063.438086664202.12.151_0
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/init_data.xml
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/Lunatics_x41zc_win32_cuda50.exe
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/cudart32_50_35.dll
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/cufft32_50_35.dll
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/mbcuda.cfg
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/work_unit.sah
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/result.sah
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/boinc_temporary_exit
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] Starting task 13ja15aa.17180.18063.438086664202.12.151_0
10-Jul-2015 20:12:36 [SETI@home] [cpu_sched] Starting task 13ja15aa.17180.18063.438086664202.12.151_0 using setiathome_v7 version 700 (cuda50) in slot 6
10-Jul-2015 20:12:38 [SETI@home] Started upload of 17ja15aa.1758.15609.438086664198.12.247_0_0
10-Jul-2015 20:12:40 [SETI@home] Finished upload of 17ja15aa.1758.15609.438086664198.12.247_0_0

Nothing to indicate a failure to delete/remove the stderr.txt file. It seems like this might indicate that truncated Stderr and empty Stderr result from slightly different behaviors. In S@h, of course, either one can lead to an Instant Invalid if it happens on an overflow with no Autocorrs.
ID: 1700500 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1700503 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 15:06:36 UTC - in response to Message 1700495.  

Interesting how little CPU time the NVidia OpenCL tasks need - and I'm typing from the machine running the test, with no sign of screen lag either. I'd held back an extra core just in case (running five CPU tasks plus intel_gpu), but I think I can safely release that.

[Edit - verified it is an OpenCL app, Process Explorer shows threads running in nvopencl.dll

You can never be too sure about the plan_class name at MW]

In case of Einsten's low consumption puzzle was quite simple as I recall - 20ms or so predictable size kernels. With 20ms kernels one can safely sleep this time.
Has MW code to look at? If bigger kernels again it's not "interesting" at all.

The code is on github:

If the question is kernel size, then the answer becomes choosing a development platform that suits the granularity of the problem under consideration.
ID: 1700503 · Report as offensive
Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1700525 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:24:44 UTC - in response to Message 1700407.  

One thing to add to the MW/Seti Priority mix, is that if you reach a state of overcommit at any point, then that is where the probability of the application/boincapi side of the weaknesses happening (at least) should become higher. Examples of the most extreme situation would involve full utilisation of the CPUs. This pressure occurs most with GPU tasks starting up and shutting down, on top of existing CPU tasks, then pile on the Boinc client recalculating/simulating its schedule, other housekeeping/network and possibly other system tasks going on.

Then I should be a perfect candidate for those conditions since I run SETI, MilkyWay and Einstein tasks concurrently on both of my GPUs. I also run 6 cores of 8 on the CPUs. The systems normally run the GPUs at 99% utilization and the CPUs between 65-95% utilization depending on what kind of tasks are on the cards. The Einstein and MilkyWay tasks use a lot less CPU than SETI. However I have noticed anytime a MW task is on the same card as running SETI tasks, then the SETI tasks take a lot longer to finish than normal. The MW tasks use more resources somewhere that hinder the SETI tasks. The problem could get worse if the MW devs actually release double sized tasks as they are proposing to make them run longer.

Seti@Home classic workunits:20,676 CPU time:74,226 hours

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ID: 1700525 · Report as offensive
Profile jason_gee
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Message 1700526 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:25:55 UTC - in response to Message 1700503.  

That's some tidy sources and structure actually. Nice to see no spaghetti code.
"Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions.
ID: 1700526 · Report as offensive
Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1700527 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:29:21 UTC - in response to Message 1700478.  

I grumbled a bit because they moved things around on the menu again and I had to hunt to find often used shut down client.

Under the File menu. :)

Blame me for the switch-around and remodeling/renaming of the menus. After adding several things and splitting off the add project and add account manager wizards into separate windows, the original menus were too cluttered and the original headings no longer held true for their contents.

So I complained about it, after which the developers, plus me and Jacob Klein sat down and showed each other what we thought the menus should look like, be named as etc. It's taken several test- and trial versions before we came on to the version out now.

Yes I found it after a few clicks. So you are to blame ;-} ... I like the Tools menu. It makes sense to me the the Event Log is in that category. Just have to forget muscle memory when I try to stop the client. Should become second nature in a week or so I guess.
Seti@Home classic workunits:20,676 CPU time:74,226 hours

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ID: 1700527 · Report as offensive
Profile jason_gee
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Message 1700528 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:31:05 UTC - in response to Message 1700525.  

Then I should be a perfect candidate for those conditions since I run SETI, MilkyWay and Einstein tasks concurrently on both of my GPUs. I also run 6 cores of 8 on the CPUs. The systems normally run the GPUs at 99% utilization and the CPUs between 65-95% utilization depending on what kind of tasks are on the cards. The Einstein and MilkyWay tasks use a lot less CPU than SETI. However I have noticed anytime a MW task is on the same card as running SETI tasks, then the SETI tasks take a lot longer to finish than normal. The MW tasks use more resources somewhere that hinder the SETI tasks. The problem could get worse if the MW devs actually release double sized tasks as they are proposing to make them run longer.


Probably not the next release, but the one after for multibeam will have substantially more control over the loading. (next release will just be higher load). Probably can't recommend defaults to push OpenCL tasks aside , but can at least look at showing what something a bit more refined can provide as far as reconfigurability goes. Sharing the devices nicely will eventually be the name of the game, though for now it's all still a bit wild west out there.
"Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions.
ID: 1700528 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1700529 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:34:02 UTC

OK, I got an invalid with blank stderr: de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8825659_0. Ran for just 96 seconds, but look what BOINC was doing in that time.

11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/0: get_free_slot()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] assigning slot 0 to de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8825659_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] setup_file: projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe to slots/0/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] setup_file: projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/parameters-15-3s-sim-fast.txt (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/parameters-15-3s-sim-fast.txt to slots/0/astronomy_parameters.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] setup_file: projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/stars-15-sim-1Jun1.txt (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/stars-15-sim-1Jun1.txt to slots/0/stars.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/boinc_temporary_exit
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] Starting task de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8825659_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:17 [Milkyway@Home] [cpu_sched] Starting task de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8825659_0 using milkyway_separation__modified_fit version 136 (opencl_nvidia_101) in slot 0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] Message from task: 0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] [slot] renamed slots/6/result.log to projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/6: handle_exited_app()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/boinc_finish_called
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/conf
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/ligand
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/receptor
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/stderr.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/vina_1.2_windows_intelx86.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] Computation for task vina_372528_86197_14pre_0 finished
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/6: get_free_slot()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] [slot] assigning slot 6 to vina_372528_86215_14pre_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/6/vina_1.2_windows_intelx86.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [---] [slot] removed file slots/6/boinc_temporary_exit
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] Starting task vina_372528_86215_14pre_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:38 [FiND@Home] [cpu_sched] Starting task vina_372528_86215_14pre_0 using vina version 102 in slot 6
11-Jul-2015 17:06:40 [FiND@Home] Started upload of vina_372528_86197_14pre_0_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:42 [FiND@Home] Finished upload of vina_372528_86197_14pre_0_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:42 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:42 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:42 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] Message from task: 0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] [slot] renamed slots/5/result.log to projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/5: handle_exited_app()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/boinc_finish_called
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/conf
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/ligand
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/receptor
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/stderr.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/vina_1.2_windows_intelx86.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] Computation for task vina_372528_86090_14pre_0 finished
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/5: get_free_slot()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] [slot] assigning slot 5 to vina_372528_86203_14pre_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/5/vina_1.2_windows_intelx86.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [---] [slot] removed file slots/5/boinc_temporary_exit
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] Starting task vina_372528_86203_14pre_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:46 [FiND@Home] [cpu_sched] Starting task vina_372528_86203_14pre_0 using vina version 102 in slot 5
11-Jul-2015 17:06:48 [FiND@Home] Started upload of vina_372528_86090_14pre_0_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:49 [FiND@Home] Finished upload of vina_372528_86090_14pre_0_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:49 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:49 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:49 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] Message from task: 0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] [slot] renamed slots/2/result.log to projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/2: handle_exited_app()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/boinc_finish_called
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/conf
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/ligand
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/receptor
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/stderr.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/vina_1.2_windows_intelx86.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] Computation for task vina_372528_86233_14pre_0 finished
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/2: get_free_slot()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] [slot] assigning slot 2 to vina_372528_86155_14pre_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/ to slots/2/vina_1.2_windows_intelx86.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] setup_file: projects/ (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [---] [slot] removed file slots/2/boinc_temporary_exit
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] Starting task vina_372528_86155_14pre_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [FiND@Home] [cpu_sched] Starting task vina_372528_86155_14pre_0 using vina version 102 in slot 2
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] Starting scheduler request
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [Milkyway@Home] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [Milkyway@Home] Reporting 1 completed tasks
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [Milkyway@Home] Requesting new tasks for NVIDIA GPU
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] CPU work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] NVIDIA GPU work request: 14429.28 seconds; 0.00 devices
11-Jul-2015 17:06:51 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] Intel GPU work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] Server version 705
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] Project requested delay of 61 seconds
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] estimated total CPU task duration: 0 seconds
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] estimated total NVIDIA GPU task duration: 98 seconds
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] estimated total Intel GPU task duration: 0 seconds
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] handle_scheduler_reply(): got ack for task ps_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_1_1434554402_8825093_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] Deferring communication for 00:01:01
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [Milkyway@Home] [sched_op] Reason: requested by project
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [---] [slot] removed file projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/ps_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_1_1434554402_8834654_0_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [---] [slot] removed file projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/ps_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_1_1434554402_8834654_0_0.gz
11-Jul-2015 17:06:52 [---] [slot] removed file projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/ps_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_1_1434554402_8834654_0_0.gzt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:53 [FiND@Home] Started upload of vina_372528_86233_14pre_0_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/1: handle_exited_app()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/astronomy_parameters.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/boinc_finish_called
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/boinc_task_state.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/separation_checkpoint
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/stars.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/stderr.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [FiND@Home] Finished upload of vina_372528_86233_14pre_0_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file projects/
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] Computation for task de_sum_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_4_1434554402_8825393_0 finished
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/1: get_free_slot()
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] assigning slot 1 to de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8825668_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] setup_file: projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe to slots/1/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] setup_file: projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/parameters-15-3s-sim-fast.txt (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/parameters-15-3s-sim-fast.txt to slots/1/astronomy_parameters.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] setup_file: projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/stars-15-sim-1Jun1.txt (input)
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] linked ../../projects/milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway/stars-15-sim-1Jun1.txt to slots/1/stars.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/boinc_temporary_exit
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] Starting task de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8825668_0
11-Jul-2015 17:06:54 [Milkyway@Home] [cpu_sched] Starting task de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8825668_0 using milkyway_separation__modified_fit version 136 (opencl_nvidia_101) in slot 1
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/0: handle_exited_app()
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/astronomy_parameters.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/boinc_finish_called
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/boinc_task_state.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/separation_checkpoint
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/stars.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] removed file slots/0/stderr.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [Milkyway@Home] Computation for task de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8825659_0 finished
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/0: get_free_slot()
11-Jul-2015 17:07:55 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] assigning slot 0 to de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8826214_0

I make that slots 1, 2, 5 and 6 being recycled during the first third of that 96-second run, but nothing at all happened in the final minute. Where does that leave our timing theories?
ID: 1700529 · Report as offensive
Profile jason_gee
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Message 1700530 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:36:11 UTC - in response to Message 1700529.  
Last modified: 11 Jul 2015, 16:36:42 UTC

I make that slots 1, 2, 5 and 6 being recycled during the first third of that 96-second run, but nothing at all happened in the final minute. Where does that leave our timing theories?

Does any of that indicate the stderr disk file ever had content ?
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1700531 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:37:21 UTC - in response to Message 1700503.  
Last modified: 11 Jul 2015, 16:56:41 UTC

If the question is kernel size, then the answer becomes choosing a development platform that suits the granularity of the problem under consideration.

It's granularity of algorithm and device used to run it, not "granularity of platform". I'm not sure that suggestion aspecially wrong one can become an "answer".
ID: 1700531 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1700536 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:39:56 UTC - in response to Message 1700531.  

If the question is kernel size, then the answer becomes choosing a development platform that suits the granularity of the problem under consideration.

It's granularity of algorithm and device used to run it, not "granularity of platform". I'm not sure that suggestion aspecially wrong one can become an "answer".

I accept the semantic correction. Granularity of algorithm, device, implementation, and runtime support libraries.
ID: 1700536 · Report as offensive
Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1700538 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:46:08 UTC

Richard, you also produced an invalid via the truncation mechanism Task 1184514362
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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1700539 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:46:29 UTC

One thing to consider is that the event log might not be in the exact order of events happening, since there is always a group of events with the same timestamp.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1700541 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:50:31 UTC - in response to Message 1700530.  

I make that slots 1, 2, 5 and 6 being recycled during the first third of that 96-second run, but nothing at all happened in the final minute. Where does that leave our timing theories?

Does any of that indicate the stderr disk file ever had content ?

No, no indication that I know of either way. We're probably having to head towards

int ACTIVE_TASK::copy_output_files()
(app_start.cpp, line 469)

(app_control.cpp, line 591)

(client_state.cpp, line 1845 - but that's in an error handler)

None of them point to any extra debug logging that might be available and helpful. And only the middle one might help identify how stderr.txt gets into the state structure ready for the report - I haven't fully unravelled that yet.
ID: 1700541 · Report as offensive
Profile jason_gee
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Message 1700542 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:52:22 UTC - in response to Message 1700538.  
Last modified: 11 Jul 2015, 16:53:23 UTC

Richard, you also produced an invalid via the truncation mechanism Task 1184514362

hmmm, could be winning.

that *possibly* would place the truncated with content version as terminated between the stderr buffer flush and it reaching disk, and the entirely blank one the time it would take to write that much data, earlier. To my mind the race still lies, after the flush, between the hard terminateprocess cancelleation, and the precedding flush (before which would have created the empty file, or cleared existing content, because that's what happens with a memory mapped file, it empties it on open for write)
"Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions.
ID: 1700542 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1700544 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:54:36 UTC - in response to Message 1700538.  
Last modified: 11 Jul 2015, 17:00:46 UTC

Richard, you also produced an invalid via the truncation mechanism Task 1184514362

So I have - that happened while I was working on the previous one.

11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/1: handle_exited_app()
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/astronomy_parameters.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/boinc_finish_called
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/boinc_task_state.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/init_data.xml
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/milkyway_separation__modified_fit_1.36_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_101.exe
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/separation_checkpoint
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/stars.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] removed file slots/1/stderr.txt
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [Milkyway@Home] Computation for task ps_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_1_1434554402_8831369_0 finished
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [---] [slot] cleaning out slots/1: get_free_slot()
11-Jul-2015 17:26:40 [Milkyway@Home] [slot] assigning slot 1 to de_modfit_fast_15_3s_136_sim1Jun1_2_1434554402_8831651_0

Nothing much to go on there, either.

Edit - the first one (totally blank stderr) happened while I was out of the house for a walk. The second one happened while I was at the console, opening and searching a 38 MB stdoutdae.txt file, and loading about 40 source code files into Notepad++. I'm not very good at cleaning out my working environment after use...
ID: 1700544 · Report as offensive
Profile jason_gee
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Message 1700545 - Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 16:56:27 UTC - in response to Message 1700541.  
Last modified: 11 Jul 2015, 16:59:26 UTC

Looking if I see any visual studio looking settings in the milkyway CMake files (not sure yet). Joe *might* have a tool on hand capable of ramming commode.obj into the existing exe as a brutal anon platform test....

[Edit:] I see hints in there that visual studio is supported in the makefiles, though that doesn''t dictate it was used for the stock build there.
"Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions.
ID: 1700545 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : Number crunching : Stderr Truncations

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