Profile: Keith Myers

Personal background
Computing from beautiful, Northern California.
I have maintained an avid interest in all things astronomical since I was 12 years old and got my first telescope. I just recently built new computers with modern hardware and operating systems. Felt it was finally time after 6 years. Have to say that the processing power of a multi-core CPU and GPU computer is impressive. I also have attached to the MilkyWay@Home and Einstein projects because I feel the projects are relevant to my interests in astrophotography and the need for up-to-date maps of the galaxy. These projects allow me to contribute my unused CPU cycles on my workstations. SETI@Home lets me vicariously 'view' through the Arecibo and Green Bank radiotelescopes and MW puts to good use the datasets coming off the SDSS. The image is of my SBIG STL-11000M CCD camera and a new astrograph, the DSI RC10C to capture a wider image area.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
1. I heard about SETI@Home Classic from my OS/2 user group newsletters and news sources back in 2001.

2. I figured I should use my wasted CPU cycles on my two
OS/2 workstations. The program is also very good for
exercising my workstations in order to test CPU cooling
methodology and monitoring. That got me started. I have converted my five workstations over to Linux now.
Just joined the GPU Users Group
because the most efficient use of your computer is with the latest
GPU technology. I also have made a big improvement in personal
production with the upgrade to a Ryzen 2700x CPU.

I think the project is important because it allows
ordinary citizens make a contribution to science and
hopefully foster a life-long interest in science.

3. As BIG as the universe is, the conditions for life have
to have occurred elsewhere. Benefits-Dangers?.....choose
your favorite 'Hollywood' movie scenario. Transmit our
own signal?...... sure, ....just let me whip out my SOL
sized, louvered, flat screen so I can send out Morse code
light pulses to the rest of the universe. We need MORE
POWER!!! Watch out for that Bulldozer!
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©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.