When are Christians going to start standing up for God.........

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Message 1336957 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 5:31:51 UTC - in response to Message 1336953.  


The ACLU says it speaks for the Constitution. I find that laughable.

I don't find it very amusing at all..........

Rather laugh the cry about it. I'm done crying.
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Message 1336958 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 5:33:00 UTC - in response to Message 1336956.  

The only separation of Church and state is the one that forbids one Church to fit all at the federal level. As I have said here before Jefferson held Anglican Service in the Halls of congress. FULL SERVICE, not just prayer.

So he rented the building BFD.

No, it was allowed by Congress---willingly.

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1336959 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 5:34:12 UTC - in response to Message 1336957.  


The ACLU says it speaks for the Constitution. I find that laughable.

I don't find it very amusing at all..........

Rather laugh the cry about it. I'm done crying.

I suppose.
It's either that or run off screaming into the dark of night.
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1336960 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 5:36:36 UTC - in response to Message 1336835.  

Really don't give a damn what you think.

Well, the troll admits the truth. Go back under your bridge until you love and care about people.

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Message 1336963 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 5:46:09 UTC - in response to Message 1336960.  

Really don't give a damn what you think.

Well, the troll admits the truth. Go back under your bridge until you love and care about people.

It's your ethics I don't give a damn about. Show some morals troll....
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1336966 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 5:59:44 UTC
Last modified: 11 Feb 2013, 6:00:06 UTC

OK, I admit it.
Some days I am just not a nice guy.
I say words some do not wish to hear, and I state truths that some do not wish to admit.
And so they call me names and try to put words into my mouth and thoughts into my meaning that I did not intend.

You call me a racist because I have a very clear dislike for illegal aliens.
You call me a bigot because I tried once to explain the origins of the 'n' word.
You call me a homophobe because I don't happen to accept the gay lifestyle as something that should be the norm.

Well. You can go on calling me anything you wish to.......
If that puts us on different pages and you can't deal with it, just know that I can.
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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John McLeod VII
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Message 1336969 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 6:15:18 UTC

Suppose that the school is in an area that is 51% muslim. Now the majority prays 5 times per day to Allah in school by the vote of the majority. I am certain that the christians parents would sue to prevent the kids from being force fed a different religion.

Religious education does not belong in public schools at all during the normal school day as there are children of many faiths in most schools in this country. It does belong in Sunday School as that is run by a church and the family has the choice of which if any to go to. Prayers of any particular religion also do not belong in public school. Please note that private schools are different as this is again a choice that the family makes.

Also note that religion != morality. It is possible to be religious and amoral or immoral. It is also possible to be atheist and be moral. Teaching of morality can and should be done in public schools - but religion needs to be left out of it.

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Message 1337042 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 14:20:59 UTC - in response to Message 1336969.  

Suppose that the school is in an area that is 51% muslim. Now the majority prays 5 times per day to Allah in school by the vote of the majority. I am certain that the christians parents would sue to prevent the kids from being force fed a different religion.

Religious education does not belong in public schools at all during the normal school day as there are children of many faiths in most schools in this country. It does belong in Sunday School as that is run by a church and the family has the choice of which if any to go to. Prayers of any particular religion also do not belong in public school. Please note that private schools are different as this is again a choice that the family makes.

Also note that religion != morality. It is possible to be religious and amoral or immoral. It is also possible to be atheist and be moral. Teaching of morality can and should be done in public schools - but religion needs to be left out of it.

Morality cannot be taught without God. Without God it's called ethics.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1337063 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 15:51:17 UTC

Oh dear, another little glooper - morality and ethics are different words for the same thing. Which one is used is very much a cultural choice, morality being the preferred word in "non-academic" circles, while ethics is the preferred word in academic circles.

Neither replies on the acceptance or rejection of a "god" entity.
This was recently demonstrated to me at work in one of our regular "corporate standards" sessions - "We within <company name> will be seen as people who live by the highest moral and ethical codes in what ever country we are working" It then went on for three hours about what do do in so many circumstance ranging from the obvious like how to react when offered a bribe to what to do when faced with a prostitute "Do not while working away from home seek the services, either by payment, or as a gift the services of a prostitute (male or female) because it is neither moral nor ethical". I work for a large International company based in Switzerland, not a Christian organisation, and they use both words interchangeably. I do however have to ponder on how some of those I work with cope with some of the situations described, I know I'd be praying quite hard to see the escape route....
Bob Smith
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Message 1337070 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 16:10:40 UTC - in response to Message 1337063.  

Oh dear, another little glooper - morality and ethics are different words for the same thing. Which one is used is very much a cultural choice, morality being the preferred word in "non-academic" circles, while ethics is the preferred word in academic circles.

He has already stated, about a month ago, how he differs with you (or others) on the usage of these two words.
Do you hope to learn something from him or he from you? If not, you are responding ... why?
ID: 1337070 · Report as offensive
Profile Intelligent Design

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Message 1337081 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 16:51:55 UTC

All law comes from God in some way, shape or form. In my Country we are a Christian Nation. As Christians we follow Christ. We do not step on another's Faith. Even if that Faith is not of Christ. Also if that person has no Faith at all. As Christians we know that we cannot change a person, they do that themselves.

It is by example that we put--thoughts into someone. What that person does with that thinking is all up to them. Some see it as it is, love. Others see it as it isn't, force. The truth is that one cannot force another to accept anything. Such force is just one saying that accept, it isn't true acceptance of God. Such a thing is a personal choice.

God's morals are something that He has passed down over time to all of us. I'm of the belief that we are born with the basics. A child knows evil when faced with it at a very, very early age. Proof of this has been shown. You believing this proof is not of my concern. I do believe it. I find it proof of God.

Ethics would be man made. They do follow the lines of Gods morals. But they are gray lines, wishy-washy. One example is love. We find in love, least I do, that it is made for one man and one woman. This is for procreation. The stable place for children. This would be morals. Mans ethics say that love can be between one man and more then one woman. And or two men or two ladies. Or any combination there in other then one man and one woman.

What this boils down to is what a society is willing to accept in general. Just because a majority accept ethics does not make it right morally or ethically. A simple look a Darwin tells us the such relationships as being gay yield nothing for the society in the short term of long term. It is born of self-gratification and gives nothing of use to the whole of society.
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Message 1337100 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 17:11:41 UTC - in response to Message 1337081.  

All law comes from God in some way, shape or form my Country we are a Christian Nation. As Christians we follow Christ. We do not step on another's Faith. Even if that Faith not of Christ. if that person has no Faith at all. As Christians we know that we cannot change a person, they do that themselves.

What country are you from? I don't recognise it from your description.

It is by example that we put--thoughts into someone. What that person does with that thinking is all up to them. Some see it as it is, love. Others see it as it isn't, force. The truth is that one cannot force another to accept anything. Such force is just one saying that accept, it isn't true acceptance of God. Such a thing is a personal choice.

God's morals are something that He has passed down over time to all of us. I'm of the belief that we are born with the basics. A child knows evil when faced with it at a very, very early age. Proof of this has been shown. You believing this proof is not of my concern. I do believe it. I find it proof of God.

If being Christian makes you so moral, why have so many Christians done so many evil things?

Ethics would be man made. They do follow the lines of Gods morals. But they are gray lines, wishy-washy. One example is love. We find in love, least I do, that it is made for one man and one woman. This is for procreation. The stable place for children. This would be morals. Mans ethics say that love can be between one man and more then one woman. And or two men or two ladies. Or any combination there in other then one man and one woman.

Christ had absolutely nothing to say on this issue, so where are you you getting your information from. Please quote the source.

What this boils down to is what a society is willing to accept in general. Just because a majority accept ethics does not make it right morally or ethically. A simple look a Darwin tells us the such relationships as being gay yield nothing for the society in the short term of long term. It is born of self-gratification and gives nothing of use to the whole of society.

Not true. There is a whole lot more that can be done to benefiting society that just breeding. A lot of great advancements have been made by gays, possibly because they are not distractracted and burdened with childrearing. Besides, homosexuality is found in other species.

Reality Internet Personality
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Message 1337128 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 18:40:40 UTC - in response to Message 1337100.  

All law comes from God in some way, shape or form my Country we are a Christian Nation. As Christians we follow Christ. We do not step on another's Faith. Even if that Faith not of Christ. if that person has no Faith at all. As Christians we know that we cannot change a person, they do that themselves.

What country are you from? I don't recognise it from your description.

It is by example that we put--thoughts into someone. What that person does with that thinking is all up to them. Some see it as it is, love. Others see it as it isn't, force. The truth is that one cannot force another to accept anything. Such force is just one saying that accept, it isn't true acceptance of God. Such a thing is a personal choice.

God's morals are something that He has passed down over time to all of us. I'm of the belief that we are born with the basics. A child knows evil when faced with it at a very, very early age. Proof of this has been shown. You believing this proof is not of my concern. I do believe it. I find it proof of God.

If being Christian makes you so moral, why have so many Christians done so many evil things?

Ethics would be man made. They do follow the lines of Gods morals. But they are gray lines, wishy-washy. One example is love. We find in love, least I do, that it is made for one man and one woman. This is for procreation. The stable place for children. This would be morals. Mans ethics say that love can be between one man and more then one woman. And or two men or two ladies. Or any combination there in other then one man and one woman.

Christ had absolutely nothing to say on this issue, so where are you you getting your information from. Please quote the source.

What this boils down to is what a society is willing to accept in general. Just because a majority accept ethics does not make it right morally or ethically. A simple look a Darwin tells us the such relationships as being gay yield nothing for the society in the short term of long term. It is born of self-gratification and gives nothing of use to the whole of society.

Not true. There is a whole lot more that can be done to benefiting society that just breeding. A lot of great advancements have been made by gays, possibly because they are not distractracted and burdened with childrearing. Besides, homosexuality is found in other species.

The obvious answer is God is three in One. So, every quote in the Bible is of Christ.

One of many....

1 Cor 6:9 "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals"

People have freewill TO sin.

My Country has changed due to human secularism. You really need to read this, this time around.

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Message 1337148 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 19:40:33 UTC - in response to Message 1337128.  

your country was based on secularism. They didn't want religion interfering in Gov't. This is something that the socalled southern bible thumping representatives conveniently forget when they spew their dreck about a christian country.

The fact is the Constitution not the Declaration of Independence makes no reference to Christianity. Only that gov't shall not establish a national religion nor enforce one. It seems odd that they'd intetionally keep out religion from gov't while crazy @$$ evangelical are hell bent to get it in gov't. Seems the US has its own source of terrorists.

Terrorists leaders rely on uneducated ignorant people to do the bidding of the terrorist organizations without question. Evangelicals feed on the same pool of victims. Poor under or uneducated Christians are easily manipulated into believing anything their leaders tell them, all in defense of Christianity in their own image

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 1337152 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 19:43:55 UTC

GOD/Religion has been A Net Benefit To HumanKind/HumanUnKind since GOD/Religion has First Appeared-by A Huge Margin over The Destruction In The Name Of. And Will Continue So For Many Epochs and Eons.

I am Glad For GOD/Religion. I am Not Glad For Atheism. Atheism Is A Scourge which Rears Its Ugly Head Often and is A Net Detriment To HumanKind/UnKind.

I Say This as An Atheist. An Atheist Glad For My GOD/Religion Believing Broheims.

IGNORE Say: Thank You Believers. I Do Not IGNORE You. I Applaud You. Net BennieWise Dat Is.

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Message 1337157 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 19:59:49 UTC - in response to Message 1337152.  

GOD/Religion has been A Net Benefit To HumanKind/HumanUnKind since GOD/Religion has First Appeared-by A Huge Margin over The Destruction In The Name Of. And Will Continue So For Many Epochs and Eons.

I am Glad For GOD/Religion. I am Not Glad For Atheism. Atheism Is A Scourge which Rears Its Ugly Head Often and is A Net Detriment To HumanKind/UnKind.

I Say This as An Atheist. An Atheist Glad For My GOD/Religion Believing Broheims.

IGNORE Say: Thank You Believers. I Do Not IGNORE You. I Applaud You. Net BennieWise Dat Is.

Told ya.
Now he knows who P Diddy is.
Yeehaw, babee boo, all about da Benjamins, yo?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1337208 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 22:13:21 UTC - in response to Message 1337070.  

Oh dear, another little glooper - morality and ethics are different words for the same thing. Which one is used is very much a cultural choice, morality being the preferred word in "non-academic" circles, while ethics is the preferred word in academic circles.

He has already stated, about a month ago, how he differs with you (or others) on the usage of these two words.
Do you hope to learn something from him or he from you? If not, you are responding ... why?

Not just others, but everyone else. Just another tactic of a troll, use their own inflammatory definitions of words, e.g. socialist.

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Message 1337209 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 22:13:45 UTC - in response to Message 1337148.  
Last modified: 11 Feb 2013, 22:17:07 UTC

your country was based on secularism. They didn't want religion interfering in Gov't. This is something that the socalled southern bible thumping representatives conveniently forget when they spew their dreck about a christian country.

The fact is the Constitution not the Declaration of Independence makes no reference to Christianity. Only that gov't shall not establish a national religion nor enforce one. It seems odd that they'd intetionally keep out religion from gov't while crazy @$$ evangelical are hell bent to get it in gov't. Seems the US has its own source of terrorists.

Terrorists leaders rely on uneducated ignorant people to do the bidding of the terrorist organizations without question. Evangelicals feed on the same pool of victims. Poor under or uneducated Christians are easily manipulated into believing anything their leaders tell them, all in defense of Christianity in their own image

Your ignorance of our founding is astounding! I have given quote after quote, after quote of our founders.

The seperation so called clause is NOT a clause it was set so NO Church would be a one size fits all at the federal level. Such states as MARYland had at one time a state Faith. Others also had such state Faiths.

The fact is the Constitution does make reference to Christianity....
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independance of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

The above document taken with the INTENT document called The Declaration of Independence gives the TOTAL and whole picture.

Secularists Leaders rely on uneducated ignorant people to do the bidding of secularists organizations without question. Ignorant Elected Secularists Leaders feed on the same pool of victims. Poor or uneducated Christians who have been indoctrinated IN Secularists state schools are easily manipulated into believing anything their Secularists leaders tell them, all in defense of Secularism in their own image, man made image.
Must not conflict resolve by suggesting that someone should go sit on an ice pick...
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1337216 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 22:27:13 UTC

Well the first underlined section looks very much like one of the current humanist blessings, shifted back a couple of hundred years in its language, rather than which a then contemporary Christian writer would use which would be something along the lines "under the guidance and protection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The second is what was then the normal manner of describing the date in all legal documents, and so proves nothing apart from the fact we are looking at a legal document.
Bob Smith
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Message 1337221 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 22:32:11 UTC - in response to Message 1337216.  

Well the first underlined section looks very much like one of the current humanist blessings, shifted back a couple of hundred years in its language, rather than which a then contemporary Christian writer would use which would be something along the lines "under the guidance and protection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

LOL, you don't take into account Jefferson or James Madison.

The second is what was then the normal manner of describing the date in all legal documents, and so proves nothing apart from the fact we are looking at a legal document.

No longer done...
Once again, you don't take into account Jefferson or James Madison.

Must not conflict resolve by suggesting that someone should go sit on an ice pick...
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