So, what do we, as a nation, do about Obama?

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Message 1283899 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 4:03:56 UTC - in response to Message 1283852.  

So Guy the not great, it doesn't matter who is elected president, but rather who control congress. Fair enough -- but you do realize that the 'Democrat' majorities in the House and Senate when they had them (which wasn't all the time at all) was dependent on 'Southern Democrats' -- now those folks are Teapublicans today -- and back then were really not that much different than the Southern Teapublicans today -- a collection of angry white men who harbored shall we say, less that friendly feelings toward non-whites.

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Message 1283904 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 4:22:01 UTC - in response to Message 1283891.  

'Nothing stopped you from being A Mitt."
Two things stopped me from being a Mitt.
My father was not named George, and my moral values would be very stressed by that kind of self serving behavior.
There are only 2 things someone can't take from you. Your education and your integrity.
OBW, Fourth you are ....................................!
How Dull. Where is the worm of Darwin?
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1283908 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 4:36:51 UTC

I am gone.......
For some R and R........
I dunno........maabe time for some hope and change. Not Quite LOL.

Not even close. Hope for change, hell, yes.
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1283915 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 5:03:45 UTC

My father was not named George, and my moral values would be very stressed by that kind of self serving behavior.

DuhEEEeeeee. Wha? Self-Serving? As A SUPER RICH MO FO, you could SERVE YOUR FELLOW HUMAN with all Dat Dough BROheim. You would need to only Make The Choice.

Be The Mitt YOU WANT TO BE. So Much Dough. To Help So Many. Man 'O Live. I see no Wrong Morality there.

When you are In The Game, you don't take from The PO to become RICH, you Take From The Rich To Become Rich and Richer.

And Then Give Give Give to your Heart's Content. For Frakking Ever.

All those people, YOU COULD HAVE HELPED.

But instead, You COMMIE Complain on An Obscure Message Board 'bout Morality and Wrong Heritage. Geez 'O Flip.

Be OLD And BOLD, not OLD and B'tchin.

Worm On.


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Message 1283916 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 5:06:31 UTC - in response to Message 1283698.  
Last modified: 15 Sep 2012, 5:07:44 UTC

Now, I'm off to work for hours 51-63 today

While doing this Work, do your muscles bulge, your brow sweat, get cut, scraped and bleed, dirt and grime get under your nails, on your clothes and face? When you plop down for a few minutes rest are you aching and groaning?

No sweat, no muscles bulging, no filth, no blood.

Then you are not Working.

No one(me) who has Worked as described above and still do maintaining a home, do not consider what you do work.

Get a grip. A Strong, sweaty, dirty, bloody grip.



Um, actually Dull, much of my job is just that. Hot, hard work where you bust your knuckles bloody, stand on your feet the whole time, and work six hour stretches without a single break, lifting up to 100 lbs repeatedly, and moving things that weigh as much as 2000lbs without motorized equipment... No AC, hotter than outside, I can go on and on. Don't you go running your mouth about what you don't know about, especially to a guy who hasn't had a day off in 20 days. =P
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Message 1283918 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 5:12:20 UTC - in response to Message 1283719.  

Humor by being backwards! Ha ha ha ha!

His policies are very middle of the road or even slightly to the right of centre.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Most Muslims in the west are pretty moderate and just want a quiet life like most Christians. I try not to judge all Christians by the crazy far right Christians who want to control women, who spew hate at anyone who's not a Christian and go around bombing people they don't agree with. It's hard, but I try.

Ha ha ha ha! you're killing me sister! Ha ha ha ha ha!

the decline you describe started in Reagan era.

Stop it! I'm peeing in my pants! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Love you guys/gals!

Guy the Great!

Guy, show us where Es99 was mistaken please?

ID: 1283918 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1283919 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 5:13:36 UTC

Don't you go running your mouth about what you don't know about. =P

Yeah, them Pallet Jacks are hard to maneuver. In tight places you might scrap a knuckle or get a finger pinched. OUCH!

Hotter than outside. Sweaty. Real Sweaty.

Congrats then. On doing REAL WORK. Commies did REAL WORK in The Gulags.

Wanna arm wrestle, You Big Bulging Muscle Man You?


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Message 1283966 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 8:27:18 UTC

No ones carrying on. :-) believe the last question on topic posted was asking for facts to disprove Es99's statements...
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1284122 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 16:18:11 UTC - in response to Message 1283791.  

Are you really that ignorant? Tell me more about life in your bubble. Please.

He is.
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Message 1284125 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 16:26:49 UTC - in response to Message 1283718.  

GODless/Atheist Libbers are HYPOCRITES and Do Not Deserve anyone's vote.

Watched Ceremony at Andrews, and Your Libber Leaders Spake GOD and quoted Scripture over and over and over. PITIFUL. SICKENING.

Puting GOD back in The Democrat's Platform gives them The Right to Spake GOD and Scripture? ROTFLMAO.

You either Believe or Do Not Believe and Speak Accordingly, NO MATTER THE SITUATION, Grave or Not. To GOD this, and GOD That, and Scripture This and That is Why The DEM/Libs Got To Go.

When Libbers need The Extra Vote to WIN, they Puke Out GOD and Scripture. PITIFUL. Peace Prize JOKE Pitiful.

Vote Leaders who Believe and when they Speak, you know it is not A LIE.


As you are an atheist, you're being hypocritical as you point out what you PERCEIVE as hypocrisy.
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Message 1284128 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 16:32:41 UTC - in response to Message 1283698.  

Now, I'm off to work for hours 51-63 today

While doing this Work, do your muscles bulge, your brow sweat, get cut, scraped and bleed, dirt and grime get under your nails, on your clothes and face? When you plop down for a few minutes rest are you aching and groaning?

No sweat, no muscles bulging, no filth, no blood.

Then you are not Working.

No one(me) who has Worked as described above and still do maintaining a home, do not consider what you do work.

Get a grip. A Strong, sweaty, dirty, bloody grip.



Which SETIzens have you met? Smelled their sweat, or lack thereof? Ever walk in cow dung? I have, smart guy. Ever walk 4 hours to get home after work, through deep lake-effect snow, wearing out your shoes, your feet wet and bleeding? I have, smart guy. Ever step on a stray nail when tearing out old parts of a house in order to reconstruct? I have, Mr. Prof. Dull Hard Working Smart Guy.
Your brain has been working too hard, trying to assume what the rest of us have and have not experienced. Quit slacking and get back to REAL Work. ;-)
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Message 1284136 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 16:52:22 UTC - in response to Message 1284037.  


Look at the Greeks. They still have their ouzo and grilled lamb. They're happy!


Yes, let's look at the Greeks. Who are far from happy because of the austerity measures that have driven the country into a deep recession. People are committing suicide over there and a lot of them are just giving up on the Capitalist system altogether and going back to bartering and farming.

I guess there is a shining example of why extreme cutting back on government spending makes things worse, not better. Same for the UK. The government cuts have deepened the recession and have been a disaster for the country.

Those who wish to learn from history, so that they do not repeat it, are calling for more government spending such as Roosevelt did to get America out of the Great depression. This is the policy that Obama wishes to follow and as it worked last time it seems to make sense to do it this time.

I am afraid I do not understand why the Republican party is against something that has been shown to work and I do understand why they are calling for a solution that has been shown not to work.

This seems highly illogical to me.
Reality Internet Personality
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1284154 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 17:19:14 UTC

Those who wish to learn from history, so that they do not repeat it, are calling for more government spending such as Roosevelt did to get America out of the Great depression. This is the policy that Obama wishes to follow and as it worked last time it seems to make sense to do it this time.

Doing what is quoted above IS EXACTLY WHAT THE RICH WANT. Do YOU NOT GET THAT?

It will make The Rich RICHER and the poor Poorer. As Government Spending has increased, the INEQUALITY between People has INCREASED.

Your Libber Way is making the RICH RICHER. Not seeing that is beyond being blind.

R & R, Bless Them, want to Reverse The Trend, not Compound It.

Please Please Please Libbers, Make US RICHER Zeitgeist: Addendum


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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1284198 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 18:49:56 UTC
Last modified: 15 Sep 2012, 18:52:02 UTC

I think I should do that with my credit cards......

Like, hey....can't make the payment this month, baby.
Jest raise the limit to cover, eh?
They calls me Uncle Sam.

See ya on the flip flop.
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Message 1284211 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 19:23:08 UTC - in response to Message 1284198.  

Mark when you become a sovereign country you can do that.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1284213 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 19:26:17 UTC - in response to Message 1284211.  

Mark when you become a sovereign country you can do that.

I AM a sovereign country.
United Kitties of America.

"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Message 1284281 - Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 22:15:10 UTC

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Message 1284365 - Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 3:11:00 UTC

I'll make a prediction here.

No matter who gets in, things will not change much.

There will be some tinkering around the edges to make it look like something is being done but neither side has the gumption to do what HAS to be done.

Romney is well aware of the civil unrest that will occur if he implements all his proposed welfare cuts. Obama knows that Congress will never pass the legislation needed to give the banking regulators the teeth they need to pull the banks back into line and reform the tax rates.

In a high cost of living society such as the US, you can't have people working long hours at third world wages just to survive (that's if they can find a job in the first place). If nearly 50% of the population have an income so low they are below the minimum tax rate, things are getting pretty desperate.

It gets to the stage where people have to indulge in illegal activities just to keep a roof over their heads and send their kids to school. Or they take to the streets. Having seen the extreme response of the authorities to the peaceful "Occupy" movement, I worry what will happen if the riots get serious. It has happened before in other countries and nearly happened in the US during the Great Depression.

It's not there yet, but America is approaching the conditions of England in the 1700's. When the jails are full and you have prison hulks floating in the Hudson river look out.

As shown on these boards difficult times result in a widening polarisation of society with each side blaming the other for the problems. What the US needs at this time is a "Great Leader". Unfortunately, neither of the current candidates seems to fit that description.

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