PlanetQuest BOINC Project

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Profile Jason Safoutin
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Message 222043 - Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 18:37:26 UTC

I check the site almost everyday. Any word on its release?
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible". Hebrews 11.3

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Profile Al
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Message 222047 - Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 18:47:37 UTC - in response to Message 222043.  
Last modified: 27 Dec 2005, 19:04:45 UTC

I check the site almost everyday. Any word on its release?

No nothig new:(

From Q&A

When can I download the Collaboratory?
We are currently working hard to develop the Collaboratory and have begun internal alpha testing. We plan to release a limited beta by the end of 2005. We hope to go live in the spring of 2006.
So it should be on it's way:)
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
ID: 222047 · Report as offensive
Profile Jason Safoutin
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Message 222060 - Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 19:15:49 UTC - in response to Message 222047.  

I check the site almost everyday. Any word on its release?

No nothig new:(

From Q&A

When can I download the Collaboratory?
We are currently working hard to develop the Collaboratory and have begun internal alpha testing. We plan to release a limited beta by the end of 2005. We hope to go live in the spring of 2006.
So it should be on it's way:)

Yeah, they have had that up there for months :)
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible". Hebrews 11.3

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Message 222066 - Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 19:22:29 UTC
Last modified: 27 Dec 2005, 19:23:01 UTC

Yeah well...
Il putt here the Q&A so that ya'l can read it(in hope that you shal finde this project interesting:)

When can I download the Collaboratory?
We are currently working hard to develop the Collaboratory and have begun internal alpha testing. We plan to release a limited beta by the end of 2005. We hope to go live in the spring of 2006. You can help us launch by making a donation!

How does PlanetQuest find planets?
When the orbit of a planet is aligned with our line-of-sight toward the star, we can detect the "transit" of the planet as it crosses the star’s disc. Thus we are actually detecting the shadow the planet casts onto Earth, which causes a slight drop in the brightness of the star. We then need to make sure it is a planet and not any of the other things (Earth’s atmosphere, starspots, noise from the electronic cameras, etc.) that can cause drops in brightness also, and this statistical check we call the "transit detection algorithm" or TDA for short.

How many stars have planets around them?
A little less than 1% of the stable sunlike stars in the solar neighborhood have giant inner planets orbiting them. This statistic is the result primarily of the survey done by the radial velocity method of detecting extrasolar planets. The statistics of outer giant planets (like Jupiter) around other stars have yet to be constrained, and no-one has found a terrestrial-sized planet around another sunlike (dwarf) star yet (although large-terrestrial-mass planets have been found around pulsars, which are exploded giant stars). So about one in 100 stars have giant inner planets, and about 7% of these will be orbiting edge-on (in the line-of-sight between the star and Earth) so that we can detect a transit. The smaller the star, the larger the transit, so if smaller planets exist, we should be able to detect them as well around the smallest stars. And it looks like there could be many more smaller than larger planets around other stars.

What makes a habitable planet?
A planet is considered habitable (note that this does not mean inhabited, but that it has the potential of being inhabited) when liquid water can persist for long periods of time on the surface, organic material is readily available, and there is a dependable source of energy. Dwarf stars have good circumstellar habitable zones (CHZs) or places where water can exist for a long time because they are pretty stable stars. Giant and supergiant stars change brightness too quickly to have good CHZs. A planet also has to have an orbit the right distance from the star (together with atmospheric blanket warming—known as the "greenhouse effect") to be large enough to recycle its atmosphere (otherwise the gases in the atmosphere wind up as chemicals in the rocks), and small enough not to have amassed a huge atmosphere (like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune in our solar system). There are many other factors but these three—a good star, a planet of the right size and distance from the star, and an atmosphere of the right composition—are the major considerations.

Can I discover a planet?

Yes. This is the main point of PlanetQuest, to bring the thrill of actual discovery to as many people as possible. This is quite different from your helping us to do science—we want you to be the scientist-astronomer!

Can I name a planet if I discover it?

The International Astronomical Union assigns official names to stars and planets; however, your name will be entered into the PlanetQuest Discoveries Catalog available on the Web as a classifier of the star and/or codiscoverer of a new planet.

Can PlanetQuest detect other "Earths"?

This depends on what one means by "other Earths." An Earth-sized planet around a Sunlike star is (at present) only detectable from space, and the transit method is the way that the upcoming NASA Kepler spacecraft mission will detect such planets. However, the PlanetQuest telescopes (2.0-meters) will be large enough to detect the light from many faint stars. (These faint stars are small—about 1/100th the brightness of our Sun—and are called "red-dwarfs" or "M-dwarfs.") These faint stars are smaller than the Sun—some less than 1/20th the size-area of the solar disc. If a moth flies in front of a searchlight, the relative dimming is quite small. But if it flies in front of a flashlight, the relative dimming is much larger. So, when a planet of a given size (moth) transits (flies in front of) a solar-sized star (searchlight), it takes much more precision to see a change than if it transits (flies in front of) an M-dwarf star (flashlight). So, we will be able to detect the larger of the terrestrial-sized planets around the smallest stars we can see. If these planets are discovered within the circumstellar habitable zone (which is much closer than the Earth-Sun distance), then we—actually you, the discoverer—will have an exciting prospect indeed: a potentially habitable planet!

Where do the star pictures come from?
We use a large electronic camera (a CCD—similar to the ones in digital cameras except with more precise ability to record light) at the focus of our telescopes to record incoming light that has traveled from between 4 and 30,000 light years so that we can record a change in the brightness due to any planetary transits. We must correct each star image for Earth’s atmospheric effects, and electronic effects caused by our equipment, and convert the time the image was taken to the time in the center of the Sun (this is called the heliocentric julian time or HJD) so that we can compare the times of transits taken at different points in Earth’s orbit around the Sun (without this correction, one could be almost 17 minutes off).

What is a light curve?
The light curve of a star is a plot of its brightness against the time it has that brightness. Most of the time this is given in "differential magnitudes" or the brightness variation of a given star compared with other stable (or "standard") stars in the same star field and so imaged (electronically photographed) at the same time. The light curve is corrected for star color differences, precise time, and all instrumental effects so that any remaining brightness variations are intrinsic to the star itself—or to a planet orbiting that star.

What is optical SETI?
Radio SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is the effort to detect narrow-band radio signals. Nothing known other than technology (i.e., a radio station) can make narrow-band signals—that is, signals that you can tune into and out of with just a turn or two of the radio dial. Optical SETI uses the same reasoning, but here again apparently only technology can produce light pulses that last a billionth (nano) of a second (although stars can collapse to make a millisecond pulsar that can pulse a thousand times per second). Since PlanetQuest will be using only the red part of the star’s light to detect the transits of planets across their stars, we plan to "beam-split" (divide off) the blue light and send it to our nano-second diode detectors to see at the same time if any of those stars are sending billionth-of-a-second pulses toward us, as well. Thus you, the PlanetQuester, will be looking for planets and extraterrestrial technology at the same time!

What is a variable star?
About 15–20% of the stars in the sky vary significantly in brightness, and there are about 200 classes of these types of stars. Some can be used to measure distances across the Galaxy, some to directly measure the size of stars, some to study the stability of stars, some to study the birth of stars, and there are many other uses. Any discovery of a particular type of star by a PlanetQuester will be a great help to the astronomical community. What if your star is stable? Then it is also of interest, as stable (that is, nonsignificantly variable) stars will have potentially stable circumstellar habitable zones (CHZs), which is also great!
What is the transit detection algorithm?
The transit detection algorithm (or TDA) is a statistical test of the presence of a planet in the light curve of a star (the light curve is a plot of the brightness of the star with time). It uses models of variable star types and compares them with the light curve of the unclassified star to see which one matches the best. It then proceeds to compare models of possible planet transits (varying the planet size, orbital period, and orbital phase—where it started in its orbit compared with when we started to observe it, sometimes called the orbital "epoch") to see which one of these matches the best, if any. Thus, when we have a candidate planet we can say with what dependability we know it is a planet (called the "confidence" level). The complementary way of looking at this is that we will also know what is called the "false alarm" rate—that is, at what level we are being fooled into thinking it is a planet when it is not. This number should be as small as possible and the confidence limit should be as high as possible. This is what takes so much computational time.

What is the PlanetQuest star catalog?
The PlanetQuest star catalog is where you go down in history as a true astronomical discoverer. Astronomers, astrophysicists, astrobiologists, and historians of science will know that you were the first to explore and classify a particular star. Also, that some of you will be discoverers of whole new worlds yourself. The Star Catalog will record all discoveries so that not just the professional astronomical community will know who made these discoveries but also you will find out how your friends are doing with their discoveries. Many many of the discoveries will be most important to the scientific community for centuries to come.

Where is PlanetQuest headquarters?
PlanetQuest is headquartered in Silicon Valley between San Francisco and San Jose, California. Our growing telescope network at present includes two 2-meter telescopes (the Faulkes telescopes in Hawaii and at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia), the oldest professional reflecting telescope in the world (the Crossley 0.9-meter at Lick Observatory), a 1-meter at Siding Spring Australia (summer 2005), the PASS array in the Canary Islands, and the Vulcan South telescope at the South Pole. We have also been invited to join an observing consortium at the Calar Alto Observatory in southern Spain and the SMARTS consortium at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.

Who are the people of PlanetQuest?
See the "People" section. The main people are astronomers whose expertise is extrasolar planet detection, engineers whose expertise is signal detection statistics, computer scientists whose expertise is distributed computing, educators whose expertise is fun in science learning, and business people whose expertise is creative support of a worldwide observatory and educational system.

How can I send questions in to PlanetQuest?
Just send your questions to and we will answer them in our Frequently Asked Questions section. They will be listed here and searchable by keyword.

How can I stay infomed about progress at PlanetQuest?
Sign up for our Friends of PlanetQuest newsletter! We send the latest news and up-to-date information to our supporters in this way, as well as on our News page right on this website.

Will PlanetQuest run out of stars?
PlanetQuest will only run out of stars if we run out of enthusiasm for looking at the heavens—not likely! We plan to add as many telescopes as needed to keep PlanetQuest going for everyone on Earth who would like to participate in this exploration of the heavens. And there are enough stars to vastly outdistance even the growing population of Earth; we will just need the telescopes to reach enough of them to continue the adventure. Email us at for more information and see our Missions in Need page under Donate.

Scorpions - Wind Of Change
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Message 222809 - Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 16:06:50 UTC

I read somewhere that there is going to be PlanetQuest. Finding planets. Do you know when it`s starting?
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Profile Jord
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Message 222812 - Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 16:10:58 UTC

Bookmark it. But your guess as to when it starts is as good as anyone else's.
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Message 223391 - Posted: 30 Dec 2005, 18:25:00 UTC - in response to Message 222812.

Bookmark it. But your guess as to when it starts is as good as anyone else's.

Thanks for the info. Do you know if BOINC will be the distributed computing platform (I hope) which it will use? The website does not indicate this from what I read.


Wayne L. Jennings
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Wander Saito
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Message 223474 - Posted: 30 Dec 2005, 22:24:36 UTC - in response to Message 223391.  

Thanks for the info. Do you know if BOINC will be the distributed computing platform (I hope) which it will use? The website does not indicate this from what I read.

They have "affiliations" with both SETI institute and Berkeley, so one can only speculate.
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Profile MJKelleher
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Message 223581 - Posted: 31 Dec 2005, 1:51:04 UTC - in response to Message 223391.  

Do you know if BOINC will be the distributed computing platform (I hope) which it will use? The website does not indicate this from what I read.

From their website:
PlanetQuest implements the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) as our basic distributed computing platform. BOINC is open source, robust, secure, fault-tolerant, and well-designed. We actively contribute to the BOINC project. For those interested in additional information, see the main BOINC pages.


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Profile Misfit
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Message 223935 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 0:24:26 UTC

Info on PQ? You overlook the obvious.
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Profile Al
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Message 223944 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 0:28:55 UTC

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Profile Misfit
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Message 223948 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 0:32:30 UTC - in response to Message 223944.  


profile, sig, acct. u name it.
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Profile Daniel Michel
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Message 223951 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 0:35:01 UTC - in response to Message 223944.  


just click the half of Misfit's'll get there.

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Profile Al
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Message 223961 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 0:42:56 UTC

sory a didn't get it at first:)
So anyhow what do you think about the prject?
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
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Message 223963 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 0:45:12 UTC - in response to Message 223961.  

So anyhow what do you think about the project?

Like California stem cell research it's being held up by project beaurocrats.
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Profile Daniel Michel
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Message 223964 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 0:45:42 UTC - in response to Message 223961.  

sory a didn't get it at first:)
So anyhow what do you think about the prject?

i'm going to join it as soon as i am able to...sounds like a great project.

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Message 223967 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 0:49:02 UTC
Last modified: 1 Jan 2006, 0:51:16 UTC

Yeah i cant vait to joine:)
To bad that the software is not released yet:(
In time.........
Im not wari iformed about stem cell research but it sound interesting.

Scorpions - Wind Of Change
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Message 223980 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 1:05:31 UTC - in response to Message 223951.  
Last modified: 1 Jan 2006, 2:01:10 UTC

just click the half of Misfit's'll get there.

I was wondering what you were talking about.. now I see. Looks like a problem with Mundayweb. I'll put up the non-stats one for now.

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
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Profile Jason Safoutin
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Message 224002 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 1:57:01 UTC - in response to Message 223980.  


just click the half of Misfit's'll get there.

I was wondering what you were talking about.. now I see. Looks like a problem with Mundayweb. I'll put up the non-stats one for now.

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

Account where? Do you mean an account for google or an account for PQ?
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible". Hebrews 11.3

ID: 224002 · Report as offensive
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Message 224005 - Posted: 1 Jan 2006, 1:59:50 UTC - in response to Message 224002.  
Last modified: 1 Jan 2006, 2:01:57 UTC

just click the half of Misfit's'll get there.

I was wondering what you were talking about.. now I see. Looks like a problem with Mundayweb. I'll put up the non-stats one for now.

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

Account where? Do you mean an account for google or an account for PQ?

Look at your own sig and you'll see.
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