Prez is Good, Real Good. You've Won. Time to Get 'er Done.

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1301805 - Posted: 3 Nov 2012, 20:08:39 UTC - in response to Message 1301794.  

IIRC, the "Global financial Crisis" started in 2007.

No. That is when people noticed it. It started when Bill Clinton put his pen to the revision of the Community Reinvestment Act.

No, it started when "The Fed" left interest rates at record low levels after the 2000/2001 recession. Interest rates should have been increasing from around 2003 on. Speculators were able to borrow "cheap" money and that fueled a speculative bubble. Money was created out of thin air. Too much money, accompanied by false "Triple A" ratings on CDO's, Debt Swaps etc. is what did it. The punters would not have borrowed large amounts to buy these creations if they had been rated as the junk they actually were.

Homes were sold to "Sub Prime" borrowers, not because of Clinton, but so that more CDO's could be created to fill an insatiable market fueled by borrowed money. Afterall, these things had the maximum rating, the investors thought they couldn't lose.

And then Atlas Shrugged. :-)


CDO's became a requirement to be able to lend because of the CRA. It has a dollar to the ghetto for a dollar to AAA rated lending provision. So if you lend $1B to an AAA loan suddenly CRA says you have to dump $1B into the ghetto. The entire ghetto isn't worth $1B. Now that is a government mandated bubble! Without the CDO you couldn't get Fannie and Freddie buy the bad paper in the ghetto. If you couldn't get the ghetto paper off your books you couldn't lend more even to AAA rated loans. A bank that can't lend is in big trouble. The fed setting low rates may have made the crash come sooner, but it would have happened no matter the rates the fed set.

Sorry that you still see the symptom as the cause.

BTW it is still on the books. The same places are back on the radio and TV pitching liars loans again. How soon before the bubble bursts again?

ID: 1301805 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1301847 - Posted: 3 Nov 2012, 22:51:46 UTC

Prez is Good(LOVES Ayn Rand), Real Good(Really LOVES Ayn Rand), You've Won(And Ayn Rand is Beaming In Heaven). Time to Get 'er Done(The 47% are DONE-Yay!)

Sweet. Fo Sho.

The DEMON...ella

ID: 1301847 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1301868 - Posted: 3 Nov 2012, 23:49:10 UTC

Revenge? Voting is the Best Revenge. VOTING FOR REVENGE.

In 2008, when Pitiful was Elaborating on HOPE and CHANGE for America, is REVENGE what Americans thought of when OBlahBlahBlah sent Chills and Thrills up and down respective body parts?

Did Peace Prize Pitiful get TEN MILLION VOTES from people who otherwise would not have voted for The HOPE and CHANGE Agent aka The Messiah, because of such VITRIOLIC VENOM?

Well, In Ohio recently, Your Leader Spewed Out of his HOPE and CHANGE mouth, The VENOM of REVENGE.

The REVENGE VOTE. I guess it is Music To The Ears of The HUGELY DISAPPOINTED Libbers who have Witnessed The EPIC FAIL of the Last Four Years, and CRINGE at another 4 Years of This Oh So Pitiful Peace Prize Winning Lover Of Humanity.

The DEMON...ella

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1301870 - Posted: 3 Nov 2012, 23:58:31 UTC - in response to Message 1301737.  

Is it Friday again?

Yeppo, plus it's only a couple of days past the full moon. :-)


You have NO idea.
I know y'all are not Twihards........

But, humor me.
It's coming soon.

Breaking Dawn, part II.
Yes, this is an event for us.....

Oh, what was that election thingy you were mumbling about?
Like, yeah, wow, it makes a difference? Like, OK.
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

ID: 1301870 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1301876 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 0:05:57 UTC

Revenge? Voting is the Best Revenge. VOTING FOR REVENGE.

In 2008, when Pitiful was Elaborating on HOPE and CHANGE for America, is REVENGE what Americans thought of when OBlahBlahBlah sent Chills and Thrills up and down respective body parts?

Did Peace Prize Pitiful get TEN MILLION VOTES from people who otherwise would not have voted for The HOPE and CHANGE Agent aka The Messiah, because of such VITRIOLIC VENOM?

Well, In Ohio recently, Your Leader Spewed Out of his HOPE and CHANGE mouth, The VENOM of REVENGE.

The REVENGE VOTE. I guess it is Music To The Ears of The HUGELY DISAPPOINTED Libbers who have Witnessed The EPIC FAIL of the Last Four Years, and CRINGE at another 4 Years of This Oh So Pitiful Peace Prize Winning Lover Of Humanity.

The DEMON...ella

Nice post DEMON. Pretty good for a Dull Worm.

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Message 1301883 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 0:22:51 UTC - in response to Message 1301876.  

Demon, actually the country has done fairly well considering the bags of rocks it has had to deal with. Auto production is up. were out of one of two wars, housing is finally leveling off and employment has stabilized in spite of massive state a local govt. layoffs. This in spite of John Boehner stating his goal was to obstruct everything the Demos. would try to do.
I know you think you could do better, but I have not heard a suggestion from you, only derision and mockery. It must be lonely in that dark hole where said you live.
ID: 1301883 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1301908 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 1:31:10 UTC

Revenge? Voting is the Best Revenge. VOTING FOR REVENGE.

In 2008, when Pitiful was Elaborating on HOPE and CHANGE for America, is REVENGE what Americans thought of when OBlahBlahBlah sent Chills and Thrills up and down respective body parts?

Did Peace Prize Pitiful get TEN MILLION VOTES from people who otherwise would not have voted for The HOPE and CHANGE Agent aka The Messiah, because of such VITRIOLIC VENOM?

Well, In Ohio recently, Your Leader Spewed Out of his HOPE and CHANGE mouth, The VENOM of REVENGE.

The REVENGE VOTE. I guess it is Music To The Ears of The HUGELY DISAPPOINTED Libbers who have Witnessed The EPIC FAIL of the Last Four Years, and CRINGE at another 4 Years of This Oh So Pitiful Peace Prize Winning Lover Of Humanity.

The DEMON...ella

R. Daneel Olivaw and I recently came Back From The Future. And, President Romney and VP Ryan are GOOD. President Romney and VP Ryan are REAL GOOD. R & R Won The 2012 Election Big Time. President Romney and VP Ryan are GETTING IT DONE.

I visited The SETI MB in The Future, and, well, The Libbers are VERY HAPPY with President Romney and VP Paul Ryan.

By the By, Repeating Pitiful's Election Rally Mantras is not a way to post more than one sentence. In The Future there is No Change For You, posting wise. hehehe.

The DEMON...ella

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Message 1301909 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 1:36:14 UTC - in response to Message 1301908.  

Demon, the truth bothers you, doesn't it?
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Profile Dimly Lit Lightbulb 😀
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Message 1301928 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 2:10:31 UTC - in response to Message 1301581.  

Meet Daneel and Giskard's Head. We have some Great Holos, if you'd like to spend a little extra time.

The DEMON...ella

Then you must be aware of the forth rule :)

Member of the People Encouraging Niceness In Society club.

ID: 1301928 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1301951 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 4:41:22 UTC

Time to announce the Halloween poll.

Walked the hood on Halloween night.
Houses with Obama signs out front with lights on to give out candy - ZERO!
Houses with Romney signs out front with lights on - 25%
Houses without signs with lights on 20%

Results very interesting.

Obama supporters are either broke or jerks.
Romney supporters have more cash and are charitable.
There is a lot of people hurting.

This is a non-scientific poll.

Back to your regularly scheduled worming ...

ID: 1301951 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1301959 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 4:54:22 UTC

Many said Romney is A Robot. Well, A Robot is A Pretty Darn Good Servant to Humanity. Or A Great Servant to The American People.

Romney, therefore will be Our Next President. He is Robot.

R. Mitt Romney and R. Paul Ryan will Win The Election this Tuesday.

0. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws

Sorry Libbers, R. Mitt Romney and R. Paul Ryan are your Servant Robots for The Next 16 years.


R. Daneel Olivaw and I recently came Back From The Future. And, President Romney and VP Ryan are GOOD. President Romney and VP Ryan are REAL GOOD. R & R Won The 2012 Election Big Time. President Romney and VP Ryan are GETTING IT DONE.

I visited The SETI MB in The Future, and, well, The Libbers are VERY HAPPY with President Romney and VP Paul Ryan.

The DEMON...ella

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Message 1302068 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 13:50:13 UTC - in response to Message 1301951.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2012, 13:56:26 UTC

Time to announce the Halloween poll.

Walked the hood on Halloween night.
Houses with Obama signs out front with lights on to give out candy - ZERO!
Houses with Romney signs out front with lights on - 25%
Houses without signs with lights on 20%

Results very interesting.

Obama supporters are either broke or jerks.
Romney supporters have more cash and are charitable.
There is a lot of people hurting.

This is a non-scientific poll.

Back to your regularly scheduled worming ...

That's insulting.

I could go on and on about demographics here...

In two days we will know who wins, and who won California.

Here's an unscientific observation to counter yours.
I live in a state where Obama will win: Number of Obama signs I've noticed in my neighborhood or any; 0.

In my experience, signs around here tend to focus on local races and/or current issues up for vote (i.e. "For clean energy" or "Against 500ft eyesores.")
ID: 1302068 · Report as offensive
Terror Australis
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Message 1302076 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 14:12:19 UTC - in response to Message 1302043.  

And fighting two long term wars on credit plus an ineffective fiscal policy had nothing to do with the deficit ?

I won't say that didn't cost much,

That statement would have to be a frontrunner for the "Understatement of 2012" :-)

but I blame paying for things like art work entitled "P*SS CHRIST." This is not only a waste of taxpayer money, but it also insults the tax payer.

That is something we CAN agree on, but as far as the financial side of things goes, the "artist" received an award of only $15,000 for his efforts. This would pay for maybe a couple of milliseconds of the war in Afghanistan.

You make ONE BIG MISTAKE !! "P*ss Christ" was first exhibited and the "artist" received his money in 1989 when Bush Senior was president. Is he not revered as an "arch conservative" or is he now counted as a liberal too ??


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Terror Australis
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Message 1302089 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 14:36:37 UTC - in response to Message 1302079.  

And fighting two long term wars on credit plus an ineffective fiscal policy had nothing to do with the deficit ?

I won't say that didn't cost much,

That statement would have to be a frontrunner for the "Understatement of 2012" :-)

but I blame paying for things like art work entitled "P*SS CHRIST." This is not only a waste of taxpayer money, but it also insults the tax payer.

That is something we CAN agree on, but as far as the financial side of things goes, the "artist" received an award of only $15,000 for his efforts. This would pay for maybe a couple of milliseconds of the war in Afghanistan.

You make ONE BIG MISTAKE !! "P*ss Christ" was first exhibited and the "artist" received his money in 1989 when Bush Senior was president. Is he not revered as an "arch conservative" or is he now counted as a liberal too ??



Do you think he could have stopped it with an executive order?

Maybe not. But the point was that this happened 23 years ago in a time when US politics was run by conservatives. Even by the wildest stretch of the point or the imagination, there is no way you can blame Obama or liberals in general for this "artwork" or the money received for it.

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1302116 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 15:24:51 UTC - in response to Message 1302068.  

Time to announce the Halloween poll.

Walked the hood on Halloween night.
Houses with Obama signs out front with lights on to give out candy - ZERO!
Houses with Romney signs out front with lights on - 25%
Houses without signs with lights on 20%

Results very interesting.

Obama supporters are either broke or jerks.
Romney supporters have more cash and are charitable.
There is a lot of people hurting.

This is a non-scientific poll.

Back to your regularly scheduled worming ...

That's insulting.

It is an observation and as valid as any political survey.

I could go on and on about demographics here...

Perhaps you should ask the demographics of the hood

In two days we will know who wins, and who won California.


Here's an unscientific observation to counter yours.
I live in a state where Obama will win: Number of Obama signs I've noticed in my neighborhood or any; 0.

In my experience, signs around here tend to focus on local races and/or current issues up for vote (i.e. "For clean energy" or "Against 500ft eyesores.")

There were far more signs up for local congressional and state representatives than presidents, many for city council. There were zero signs up for the US senate race. Only one for any of the state propositions.

You didn't ask how many signs were up for either candidate. I wasn't attempting to predict the election results, just an observation on who the people voting are in this hood.

If it was a scientific poll the sample size is so small as to have a 50% error bar.

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Message 1302203 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 18:21:24 UTC - in response to Message 1302068.  

Time to announce the Halloween poll.

Walked the hood on Halloween night.
Houses with Obama signs out front with lights on to give out candy - ZERO!
Houses with Romney signs out front with lights on - 25%
Houses without signs with lights on 20%

Results very interesting.

Obama supporters are either broke or jerks.
Romney supporters have more cash and are charitable.
There is a lot of people hurting.

This is a non-scientific poll.

Back to your regularly scheduled worming ...

That's insulting.

I could go on and on about demographics here...

In two days we will know who wins, and who won California.

Here's an unscientific observation to counter yours.
I live in a state where Obama will win: Number of Obama signs I've noticed in my neighborhood or any; 0.

In my experience, signs around here tend to focus on local races and/or current issues up for vote (i.e. "For clean energy" or "Against 500ft eyesores.")

He's also ignored the obvious one, that most people with children will be out trick-or-treating and not at home handing out candy.
Reality Internet Personality
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Message 1302293 - Posted: 4 Nov 2012, 22:06:52 UTC - in response to Message 1301951.  

Time to announce the Halloween poll.

Walked the hood on Halloween night.
Houses with Obama signs out front with lights on to give out candy - ZERO!
Houses with Romney signs out front with lights on - 25%
Houses without signs with lights on 20%

Results very interesting.

Obama supporters are either broke or jerks.
Romney supporters have more cash and are charitable.
There is a lot of people hurting.

This is a non-scientific poll.

Back to your regularly scheduled worming ...

So, was it from your observations? Anecdotal?
Just curious.
Because my own anecdote is that I noticed a guy 1/2 way between home and work (i.e., campus( had taken his five Romney/Ryan signs down. At first, I thought he might have withdrawn his support. (Very early this year, his signs were "Santorum: Game On!" Apparently, that's the name of a song played on modern evangelical radio stations.) Then it occurred to me: did he take the signs down so as not to scare the kids too much?
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