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Profile Qui-Gon
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Message 952395 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 18:35:59 UTC

There is a legal concept called "laches". NEZ may argue that since he was allowed all this time to do what he did, he can not now be punished.
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Message 952406 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 19:13:49 UTC - in response to Message 952382.  

Seems several people here are ready to hang Nez on the nearest tree.

I think that people are bashing NEZ, because they are a bit jealous of NEZ getting 579,205,702 cobblestones. ;)

Who let one guy to operate hundreds of machines for 10 years? So, no one didn't monitor the bandwidth, power consumption or CPU usage of those hundreds of computers for 10 years? Whoa! I think the whole school district should be fired, not just NEZ.

Stop being so jealous, people!

And if NEZ was in it for the credits he could easily have purchased thousand of ATI cards and crunched MW. Yes I think the jealousy bug has bit many farmers.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952409 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 19:22:50 UTC - in response to Message 952395.  

There is a legal concept called "laches". NEZ may argue that since he was allowed all this time to do what he did, he can not now be punished.

Funny.......I though God and the Devil did not have such an arrangement........
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 952423 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 19:46:17 UTC

Has no-one noticed that the Seti Institute that some news organizations bring along into this story, such as Fox5 Las Vegas is a totally different entity which has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with Seti@Home?

You can't even walk into the wrong building by accident. :-)
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Message 952429 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 20:17:11 UTC

Let me post a variation of a proverb:
For idle CPUs and hearts and minds
The Devil finds a SETI@home to do
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Profile Qui-Gon
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Message 952453 - Posted: 4 Dec 2009, 21:37:18 UTC - in response to Message 952409.  

There is a legal concept called "laches". NEZ may argue that since he was allowed all this time to do what he did, he can not now be punished.

Funny.......I though God and the Devil did not have such an arrangement........

The law allows for fair treatment of people. There are lots of examples of this: if you live on someone else's land long enough, and the owner doesn't do anything to evict you, you may claim ownership under certain circumstances. The Statute of Limitations prevents criminal charges even if the evidence is sufficient to convict. Then there's the 5th Amendment that says you can't be forced to give evidence against your self in a criminal trial.

Here, the School District is claiming $1.2 - 1.6M in damages over 10 years, but they did nothing to stop him after six months or a year or two. Should the District be allowed to let the claimed damages build to such huge proportions before taking action? This is where laches may come into play.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952515 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 0:26:26 UTC - in response to Message 952453.  

There is a legal concept called "laches". NEZ may argue that since he was allowed all this time to do what he did, he can not now be punished.

Funny.......I though God and the Devil did not have such an arrangement........

The law allows for fair treatment of people. There are lots of examples of this: if you live on someone else's land long enough, and the owner doesn't do anything to evict you, you may claim ownership under certain circumstances. The Statute of Limitations prevents criminal charges even if the evidence is sufficient to convict. Then there's the 5th Amendment that says you can't be forced to give evidence against your self in a criminal trial.

Here, the School District is claiming $1.2 - 1.6M in damages over 10 years, but they did nothing to stop him after six months or a year or two. Should the District be allowed to let the claimed damages build to such huge proportions before taking action? This is where laches may come into play.

Fair enough.....
They should have been able to figure out something was afoot, even if he was in charge of the henhouse.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 952526 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 0:41:01 UTC - in response to Message 951894.  

Doesn't matter if it's a sleeve bearing or a ball bearing -- it's the seals that count.

A sleeve bearing has no seal.

Sleeve bearings have two smooth surfaces with a film of oil or grease. It is even more important to have the friction-reducing lubrication, compared to a ball bearing.

If there is no seal, what keeps the lubrication in place for months or years?

The bearing sleeve that the fan shaft is supported by is usually made of sintered bronze or a similar material....which is somewhat porous and holds the lubricant like a sponge, releasing it to the load bearing surface over time.

Ah, now something I'm a real expert in! Yes, sleeve bearings for this type of application are typically of a graphite/lead loaded sintered bronze material, although some may use a very thin polymer based sleeve over the 'loaded' sintered bronze. I'm not sure if there are web references to it, but Glacier DU and Glacier DX are such materials. Materials of this type are found in surprising applications, upto Wind Turbines.

Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952558 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 2:10:48 UTC

And....duping a post I made in the Cafe thread on NEZ........

Now I am afraid that his own statements are somewhat incredulous.......

"The computer software program that aids in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and was downloaded throughout the Higley Unified School District was not Niesluchowski's fault, he maintains. He said "another employee inadvertently copied that program onto an image that was then copied onto other district computers."

He said he "disabled" the SETI@home program "long ago." However, "unbeknownst" to him, SETI@home "once again began to run on the computers" at four district schools.

The district has 4,947 computers, and the program was downloaded on most student and teacher computers, including new teacher laptops, Birdwell said.

Niesluchowski had been told previously by former Superintendent Joyce Lutrey to remove the software, but he never did, Birdwell said."

The head of IT did not know that a rogue program was running 24/7 on almost 5,000 computers under his watch????

Come on now, Brad.....who are you trying to kid here?
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 952623 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 7:42:29 UTC - in response to Message 952558.  

And....duping a post I made in the Cafe thread on NEZ........

Now I am afraid that his own statements are somewhat incredulous.......

"The computer software program that aids in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and was downloaded throughout the Higley Unified School District was not Niesluchowski's fault, he maintains. He said "another employee inadvertently copied that program onto an image that was then copied onto other district computers."

He said he "disabled" the SETI@home program "long ago." However, "unbeknownst" to him, SETI@home "once again began to run on the computers" at four district schools.

The district has 4,947 computers, and the program was downloaded on most student and teacher computers, including new teacher laptops, Birdwell said.

Niesluchowski had been told previously by former Superintendent Joyce Lutrey to remove the software, but he never did, Birdwell said."

The head of IT did not know that a rogue program was running 24/7 on almost 5,000 computers under his watch????

Come on now, Brad.....who are you trying to kid here?

wonderin' regarding THIS statement - from same article

Niesluchowski also said he was not active in the SETI online community.

"I never even posted on the online journal for SETI," he said. "The whole SETI concept is a smoke screen."

< what's wrong with this picture?

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Message 952641 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 9:47:57 UTC - in response to Message 952453.  

Here, the School District is claiming $1.2 - 1.6M in damages over 10 years, but they did nothing to stop him after six months or a year or two. Should the District be allowed to let the claimed damages build to such huge proportions before taking action? This is where laches may come into play.

And most likely the statue of limitations on civil suits will be much less than criminal charges.
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Message 952642 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 9:51:20 UTC - in response to Message 952558.  
Last modified: 5 Dec 2009, 9:51:36 UTC

He said he "disabled" the SETI@home program "long ago." However, "unbeknownst" to him, SETI@home "once again began to run on the computers" at four district schools.

The district has 4,947 computers, and the program was downloaded on most student and teacher computers, including new teacher laptops, Birdwell said.

Niesluchowski had been told previously by former Superintendent Joyce Lutrey to remove the software, but he never did, Birdwell said."

Again where is the proof. Neither side has provided any written documentation. It's a he-said she-said argument right now.

The head of IT did not know that a rogue program was running 24/7 on almost 5,000 computers under his watch????

Come on now, Brad.....who are you trying to kid here?

With his #1 BOINC standing of course he knew. How could he not know?
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Message 952643 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 9:53:21 UTC - in response to Message 952623.  

Niesluchowski also said he was not active in the SETI online community.

"I never even posted on the online journal for SETI," he said. "The whole SETI concept is a smoke screen."

< what's wrong with this picture?

No proof of posting either. I guess at the very least he owes me lunch.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952644 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 9:54:09 UTC - in response to Message 952642.  

He said he "disabled" the SETI@home program "long ago." However, "unbeknownst" to him, SETI@home "once again began to run on the computers" at four district schools.

The district has 4,947 computers, and the program was downloaded on most student and teacher computers, including new teacher laptops, Birdwell said.

Niesluchowski had been told previously by former Superintendent Joyce Lutrey to remove the software, but he never did, Birdwell said."

Again where is the proof. Neither side has provided any written documentation. It's a he-said she-said argument right now.

The head of IT did not know that a rogue program was running 24/7 on almost 5,000 computers under his watch????

Come on now, Brad.....who are you trying to kid here?

With his #1 BOINC standing of course he knew. How could he not know?


So this statement by him is a bunch of bunk...

He said he "disabled" the SETI@home program "long ago." However, "unbeknownst" to him, SETI@home "once again began to run on the computers" at four district schools.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 952648 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 10:09:39 UTC - in response to Message 952644.  

So this statement by him is a bunch of bunk...

Not if the post by "donttrustnews" (page 2, cnet article, comments) is correct.

Yes, we did have SETI on the majority of the computers in the district. I can't say whether or not he had permission to install it because I don't know. What I do know is that it was removed from the images that were used for deployment, however, there was a summer where not all computers were imaged. So, some computers still had SETI on them. A GPO was created to disable the service which stopped it from running on the computers that still had it. Consultants were hired this last summer to assist with the huge amount of work we had. After Brad left, these consultants were given full access to the network, they removed the GPO that disabled SETI, thus it began working again on the computers that still had it. Those computers weren't imaged for the second straight summer due to a shortage of man power and too many higher priority projects.

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Message 952650 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 10:22:40 UTC - in response to Message 952648.  

So this statement by him is a bunch of bunk...

Not if the post by "donttrustnews" (page 2, cnet article, comments) is correct.

Yes, we did have SETI on the majority of the computers in the district. I can't say whether or not he had permission to install it because I don't know. What I do know is that it was removed from the images that were used for deployment, however, there was a summer where not all computers were imaged. So, some computers still had SETI on them. A GPO was created to disable the service which stopped it from running on the computers that still had it. Consultants were hired this last summer to assist with the huge amount of work we had. After Brad left, these consultants were given full access to the network, they removed the GPO that disabled SETI, thus it began working again on the computers that still had it. Those computers weren't imaged for the second straight summer due to a shortage of man power and too many higher priority projects.

Well that would explain why his RAC plummeted the last two summers then started back up. And here I was thinking it was due to summer vacation and the computers being turned off.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 952653 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 10:53:49 UTC

I wonder whether the Second NEZ account, #1 at SETI Beta since 2007-07-26, is the same person or a copycat? (different CPID from the one we're discussing here).

The Beta server configuration was deliberately modified by David Anderson, in or before March this year, to accommodate the NEZ-clone: Beta message 36895.
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Message 952678 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 14:34:25 UTC - in response to Message 951266.  

I could find no comments on the site related to this, tho they are keeping "ETC copy of the "NEZ" account" online, as well as listing Brad Niesluchowski as Director of IT - sans contact info, except for user@ - slush pool account it looks like - maybe left both open as part of the investigation?

It seems nobody's talking via, at any rate.

If they make a connection to someone in official capacity at UC-B, or SETI@home - that had knowledge this was being flown under the radar (if it was) - could that possibly make SETI@home and/or UC-B liable for - not sure how to say this legally - "possession of stolen services" (or accessory, as it is a criminal case).

If they were in fact determined to be stolen services, even without untoward activities on behalf of anyone UC/SETI@home/BOINC-related over the timespan of this case - how does that get addressed?

Does SETI@home Knowingly keep the stolen work as valid research (if it's legally determined that way), delete it all, or ?

I can't think of any easy way to address that last question - but it will likely be brought up more directly, if it isn't already being considered.

What a distraction, to say the least! For everyone...
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 952680 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 14:38:51 UTC - in response to Message 952648.  

So this statement by him is a bunch of bunk...

Not if the post by "donttrustnews" (page 2, cnet article, comments) is correct.

Yes, we did have SETI on the majority of the computers in the district. I can't say whether or not he had permission to install it because I don't know. What I do know is that it was removed from the images that were used for deployment, however, there was a summer where not all computers were imaged. So, some computers still had SETI on them. A GPO was created to disable the service which stopped it from running on the computers that still had it. Consultants were hired this last summer to assist with the huge amount of work we had. After Brad left, these consultants were given full access to the network, they removed the GPO that disabled SETI, thus it began working again on the computers that still had it. Those computers weren't imaged for the second straight summer due to a shortage of man power and too many higher priority projects.

OK...I can accept that.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 952719 - Posted: 5 Dec 2009, 16:35:42 UTC - in response to Message 952643.  

Niesluchowski also said he was not active in the SETI online community.

"I never even posted on the online journal for SETI," he said.

"The whole SETI concept is a smoke screen."

< what's wrong with this picture?

No proof of posting either. I guess at the very least he owes me lunch.

. . . the actual reference i am making - in terms of NEZ's quote is referred to [in the BOLDED sentence above]

it's rather 'Obvious' that he never Posted . . .

< back to what i am querying: what's a smoke screen . . . ?

Disclaimer: 'Media' says 'They' are "quoting" [see this NEWS link]

- so did he actually say this and what's he 'mean by that which he is quoted as stating?

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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