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Message 1888485 - Posted: 7 Sep 2017, 22:36:50 UTC - in response to Message 1888468.  

Spot on Mr. Kevvy.

Wow what hypocrisy!
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Message 1888494 - Posted: 7 Sep 2017, 23:01:14 UTC - in response to Message 1888462.  
Last modified: 7 Sep 2017, 23:47:03 UTC

Well said Mr. Kevy, well said!

Personally, it spite of the way a reply was made to my questions about right or duty. I would just like to drop one Neutron Bomb on Pyongyang decapitating the NK military of its leaders and be done with it. South Koreans civilians then could literally just walk in and unify both halves and we could withdraw from the country completely and let them choose their own style of living peacefully without any loss of American soldiers.

-Walk softly and carry a great big frackin' stick!

Thank you and the others for the pluses.... however, I do disagree about initiating any first strike.

Right now, I think that the United States strongly has the "moral high ground" in this situation for numerous reasons, some of which I have listed, possibly the highest high ground it has had for any potential conflict since... well, the Korean War. That would all be gone if the United States attacked first. Just as in individual conflicts, it is one of the perils of being a good and decent entity that one has to wait for the other entity to strike the first blow... for example if someone off their rocker threatens you with words and bluster only, and maybe punches a wall, and you punch them in the face laying them out and breaking their jaw, well... they won't be the one getting the assault charge.

There are too many possibilities for things to go horribly and terribly wrong in a first strike. Nick just mentioned a good one: what if we miss just enough generals to launch the counterstrike of those thousands of artillery pieces on Seoul, and maybe lob a nuke at the west coast of the USA in retaliation?

I can think of a few more:

What if Kim is never going to throw anything our way but bluster and balderdash and has no intention of attacking anything? (The aforementioned Epic Trolling... need I mention Iraq again?)
What if his generals were planning all along to assassinate him and install someone less nutty if he ever did anything as nutty as giving the order to strike the United States first?
What if we attack first and accidentally hit or otherwise damage China somehow? Oops... World War III. Didn't plan on that. (Remember that they do share a rather long border and Pyongyang is close enough to it.) Oh and China has already stated it will take North Korea's side if the United States does a first strike, but stay out of it if North Korea attacks first. So there is that.
What if we accidentally kill a few hundred thousand or million innocent civilians accidentally or as "collateral damage" because they were "in the way"?

So how do we prevent Kim's first strike?
By repeating as often as required and in no uncertain terms that any strike on the United States or its allies will result in reprisal in kind until North Korea is completely defeated: a conventional attack will result in a conventional defeat with Kim dead or captured and his military capability destroyed (with as few civilian deaths as possible), a nuclear attack on a civilian population will result in a nuclear defeat with the unfortunate and horrible complete destruction of his government (which would of course take out Pyongyang), military, nuclear arsenal and possibly other cities as required, with possibly millions of dead people...

This is not a balanced conflict; I would wager that the United States has at least a thousand nuclear warheads and/or bombs for every one North Korea has. This would not be Mutually Assured Destruction... it would just be Assured Destruction. Kim knows this well.
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Message 1888503 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 0:21:26 UTC


Let's GET TO IT.



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Message 1888506 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 0:27:47 UTC - in response to Message 1888503.  

The comedy of the absurd, YAP
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1888515 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 1:35:59 UTC

YOU ALLOWED.....[CharpDots].......etc etc etc





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Message 1888524 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 2:51:18 UTC

Trump Orders Military to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles
Darrell may very well get to find out how good our anti ICBM defense is. I ask what could go wrong?
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Message 1888529 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 3:40:20 UTC - in response to Message 1888524.  

Trump Orders Military to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles
Darrell may very well get to find out how good our anti ICBM defense is. I ask what could go wrong?

and moving toward the continental United States, Hawaii, and Guam.

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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1888531 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 4:04:14 UTC - in response to Message 1888529.  

Trump Orders Military to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles
Darrell may very well get to find out how good our anti ICBM defense is. I ask what could go wrong?

and moving toward the continental United States, Hawaii, and Guam.

About Damn Time!

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1888538 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 4:29:41 UTC - in response to Message 1888406.  
Last modified: 8 Sep 2017, 4:30:44 UTC

You are aware the country was unified prior to the Japanese annexation and the USA and USSR artificially divided it after WWII, like Berlin, aren't you?
Korea is for Korean's not the USA, China or Russia.

Yes, I am. I'm also aware that the US and USSR had World War II and the Japanese occupation of Korea to deal with, so had to do something that with our 20/20 hindsight may seem sub-optimal. Both the North and the South objected to the partition. The difference is what they did afterwards.

The government of the South accepted the situation,
Well, they, the puppet government officials did, but their people did not. Remember there was an insurrection that the US had to put down in the south before the war broke out. Also the 5 years to reunification obviously never happened. Around 1/2 the south's people were communist and most of the North's. A unified Korea would be communist. The USA would never allow this.

The government of the North instead became one of the worst tyrannies and human-rights abusers the world has ever seen
After the collapse of the USSR mostly.

We had been discussing the situation as it existed at the time of the war's outbreak.

The USA and Russia decided to use Korea as a prelude to the cold war. However if you look back you will see it was the Soviets who installed Kim into power after their chosen puppet, Cho Man-sik, openly criticized their plans. Stalin is the terror here and deserves a full load of everything that has happened since in Korea. The USA deserves a good measure of it as well as our pig headed insistence upon interfering in the internal affairs of the Korean people's right of self determination.

No, what the Kim's did later can't be excused by western standards. But it isn't the west's job to make that judgement, it is the job of the Korean people.

Again, Korea is for Korean's not the USA, China or Russia.

BTW "sub-optimal" is a strange way of saying "worst imaginable."
ID: 1888538 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1888541 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 4:47:26 UTC - in response to Message 1888524.  

Trump Orders Military to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles
Darrell may very well get to find out how good our anti ICBM defense is. I ask what could go wrong?

Newsmax ... hum ... wrote:
In March 2009, Forbes ran a feature on Newsmax describing it as a "media empire" and the "great right hope" of the Republican Party. Forbes noted that after just a decade of operations it had become a "media powerhouse" and had surpassed such well-known sites as the Drudge Report in Web visitors. According to the magazine, Newsmax draws 3.8 million unique visitors monthly. Political analyst Dick Morris was quoted as saying that Newsmax had become the "most influential Republican-leaning media outlet" in the nation.

Just wonder why BBC, DW, Al Jazeera, AP, AFP, UPI, Reuters, CBS, NBC, ABC, SMH, NHK, even VOA aren't reporting this story?
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Message 1888545 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 5:36:45 UTC - in response to Message 1888541.  

Trump Orders Military to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles
Darrell may very well get to find out how good our anti ICBM defense is. I ask what could go wrong?

Newsmax ... hum ... wrote:
In March 2009, Forbes ran a feature on Newsmax describing it as a "media empire" and the "great right hope" of the Republican Party. Forbes noted that after just a decade of operations it had become a "media powerhouse" and had surpassed such well-known sites as the Drudge Report in Web visitors. According to the magazine, Newsmax draws 3.8 million unique visitors monthly. Political analyst Dick Morris was quoted as saying that Newsmax had become the "most influential Republican-leaning media outlet" in the nation.

Just wonder why BBC, DW, Al Jazeera, AP, AFP, UPI, Reuters, CBS, NBC, ABC, SMH, NHK, even VOA aren't reporting this story?

Probably because they are not the "most influential Republican-leaning media outlet" in the nation. Har!
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Message 1888642 - Posted: 8 Sep 2017, 16:17:54 UTC - in response to Message 1888541.  

What could go wrong? Yes, there are some risks that a missile could miss its target. Don't remember the range of a shipped launched one, so possibly it could make landfall. Back in the 80's onboard the USS South Carolina CGN-37 we had a test missile come off the launcher and one of its stabilizer fins failed to deploy. The missile came down the starboard side of the ship about ten feet off the water and five feet from the ship and crashed into the ocean about a hundred yards ahead of the ship. But like I said, it would give the boys some practice and it would give us and the Chinese and Russians an example of how the system actually works in real time and not just in tests. Considering the problems the 7th Fleet is having in seamanship, I'm sure the weapons crew could use some practice also, and it would be good to know how well the system would actually work if the three big super-powers ever got into a conflict.
... and still I fear, and still I dare not laugh at the Mad Man!

Queen - The Prophet's Song
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Message 1889349 - Posted: 11 Sep 2017, 23:25:00 UTC

UN Security Council has now unanimously voted for new sanctions against North Korea.
A total ban on textile exports and imports of natural gas and crude oil.
The sanctions are the hardest so far. Textile was North Korea's second largest export product 2016, after coal and other minerals. Nearly 80 percent of the textile was exported to China.
North Korea has threatened the United States, if they implement new UN sanctions, that the country will "cause the United States the greatest pain and greatest suffering ever suffered throughout the history."
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Message 1889360 - Posted: 12 Sep 2017, 1:14:09 UTC

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Message 1889385 - Posted: 12 Sep 2017, 5:59:41 UTC - in response to Message 1889360.

A frightening glimpse into the world of a man who would be

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1889430 - Posted: 12 Sep 2017, 22:58:11 UTC - in response to Message 1889385.

A frightening glimpse into the world of a man who is
Fixed it.

Also far too late to stop him. 100% of his subjects are willing to suicide to protect him. Think more like a hive of bees protecting the queen. Now think of it as africanized bees. Now think of dozens of hives in a borg collective. Now you are getting close.

Are you willing to murder all of these human beings to go after one man? Remember the quote, "a few of us, maybe a thousand will survive and we will rebuild and destroy Amerika." You can't win unless you succeed in total genocide. Is that your morals?

Korea is for Korean's, it isn't for the USA, China or Russia.
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Message 1889450 - Posted: 13 Sep 2017, 0:58:12 UTC

Korea is for Korean's, it isn't for the USA, China or Russia.
The Koreans are welcome to Korea, just don't threaten to kill USA Chinese or Russian citizens.

It's gonna end VERY BADLY. For all of Korea and possibly other places. Even if not planned, accidents happen and trolleys go off their tracks...........

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1889453 - Posted: 13 Sep 2017, 1:36:03 UTC - in response to Message 1889430.  

Korea is for Korean's

Impasse, when the unstoppable meets the unmovable.

I am sorry to tell you but those folks are divided on that. You can try to paint that any way you want but...

What you want will suppress half the population in either country by your own words.

That's like LA telling the rest of the US what is or the rest of US telling LA what is.

Not logical or practical... Not going to happen in my life time.

Why do I bother replying...
ID: 1889453 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1889461 - Posted: 13 Sep 2017, 2:55:54 UTC

' 'Special' Weapons' We Haven't Used Elsewhere'

Yeah. dA 'Room' knows ALL About It.

Time fO ACTION. Time Is Now.

Let's Get 'Special' on NOKO. REAL 'SPECIAL'

ROOM Full of 'Yap'

ID: 1889461 · Report as offensive
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Message 1889467 - Posted: 13 Sep 2017, 3:49:03 UTC - in response to Message 1889453.  

Korea is for Korean's

Impasse, when the unstoppable meets the unmovable.

I am sorry to tell you but those folks are divided on that. You can try to paint that any way you want but...

What you want will suppress half the population in either country by your own words.

So sorry to inform you but a majority of the ROK wants to join the DPRK. I realize your western brain can't wrap its brain cells around this.

The USA assumed Iraq wanted to be free of Saddam. How did that assumption work out? The USA assumed South Vietnam wanted to be free. How did that assumption work out? Everywhere the USA goes it assumes the people want to be like the USA and think like the USA. How do those assumptions work out?

Stop assuming for Korean's!

Korea is for Korean's, it isn't for the USA, China or Russia.
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