I hope that this cop gets to feel the full force of the law. #2

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1702889 - Posted: 18 Jul 2015, 19:15:46 UTC - in response to Message 1702877.  

This thread has gone way off topic. I would clean it up, but I don't have the time right now. How about we get back on topic?

Been two days since the last post, perhaps we are just waiting for the inevitable news story of an official abusing his power?

Black Women Speak Out About Experiences With Police Brutality
One of my friends became really hostile.

And there is surprise at what follows?

Not when you are living in a police state.

I thought we were human, and could expect humans to react like humans. I must be mistaken.
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Message 1703107 - Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 16:56:00 UTC - in response to Message 1703049.  

Not when you are living in a police state.

Yes I agree this may be happening.

But for different reasons.

The Left and Right, have criminalized misbehavior, in both the Democrat/Liberal Controlled Schools, and Conservative Police Forces.

Normal Childish, and Adolescent misbehavior, now has the School Administrators calling the Police, for the Administrator's Legal Protection from The Parents accusation. The Police can only arrest the student, for the Police Officer's Legal Protection from The Parents.

Conservative Police Forces cannot now, take a miscreant child/adolescent back to the parents, for proper 'Parental Justice', as in the past. The Police must protected themselves from Legal Action and Accusations from the Parents, and ARREST The Children/Adolescents.

See a pattern?

As always. The Liberal/Left Wing Solutions to Real Problems . Is worse than The Problems.

Can you try to rephrase your post? I am not getting how your conclusions follow from anything you have said.

It might seem obvious to you how Liberal/Left Wing solutions have led to the criminalisation of children, but what solutions would those be? Please clarify what you think is going on and who you think is responsible.

Perhaps some actual examples of what you are talking about would help.
Reality Internet Personality
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1703116 - Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 17:34:44 UTC - in response to Message 1703107.  

Not when you are living in a police state.

Yes I agree this may be happening.

But for different reasons.

The Left and Right, have criminalized misbehavior, in both the Democrat/Liberal Controlled Schools, and Conservative Police Forces.

Normal Childish, and Adolescent misbehavior, now has the School Administrators calling the Police, for the Administrator's Legal Protection from The Parents accusation. The Police can only arrest the student, for the Police Officer's Legal Protection from The Parents.

Conservative Police Forces cannot now, take a miscreant child/adolescent back to the parents, for proper 'Parental Justice', as in the past. The Police must protected themselves from Legal Action and Accusations from the Parents, and ARREST The Children/Adolescents.

See a pattern?

As always. The Liberal/Left Wing Solutions to Real Problems . Is worse than The Problems.

Can you try to rephrase your post? I am not getting how your conclusions follow from anything you have said.

It might seem obvious to you how Liberal/Left Wing solutions have led to the criminalisation of children, but what solutions would those be? Please clarify what you think is going on and who you think is responsible.

Perhaps some actual examples of what you are talking about would help.

Putting words in his mouth, he is spouting the ultra-right position that liberals see an issue and the only tool that have is government so they use government to solve the issue. Same as the old saw that if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. The idea behind his words is a vile insult. Of course he uses an example with children in it, so as to make it beyond being obvious. Also for you in Canada, the rules are likely a bit different than in the USA and he plays on the subtle nuances of the rules and how they have changed over time.

He might be playing on an example of a zero tolerance policy, a failure of the ultra-right war on drugs, as applied in a school and attempting to shift blame from the ultra-right onto liberals, by conflating it with the left's prohibitions on schools being able to use parental tools of old such as corporal punishment. The example he might give is of a child in class launching a spitwad with a straw and striking another student. In his fantasy world in the old days the child would have been sent to the dean's office for application of a paddle. In his fantasy world of today with zero tolerance the police will be called to arrest the child for assault, family services will investigate the parents for raising such a delinquent child, the arrest confirming they are unfit and terminate parental rights, ... Left unsaid is that his example would not happen to a white child in a white school, but will happen to a black child in a black school, due to the rampant racism of the ultra-right, his guilt by association buddies, the ones who dreamed up zero tolerance.
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Message 1703131 - Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 19:05:33 UTC

Maybe a courtroom won't be needed ...
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Message 1704411 - Posted: 23 Jul 2015, 22:35:06 UTC

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Message 1704459 - Posted: 24 Jul 2015, 0:04:19 UTC

I thought we were human, and could expect humans to react like humans. I must be mistaken.

It is something in the water?

'It' 'is' 'Something' 'in' 'the' Putrid Trash on The Street 'they' 'deal' with Everyday.

Nothing More, Nothing Less...


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Message 1706338 - Posted: 29 Jul 2015, 17:45:54 UTC
Last modified: 29 Jul 2015, 17:47:41 UTC

I got home from the bar and fell into bed soon after Saturday night bled into Sunday morning. I didn’t wake up until three police officers barged into my apartment, barking their presence at my door. They sped down the hallway to my bedroom, their service pistols drawn and leveled at me.

It was just past 9 a.m., and I was still under the covers. The only visible target was my head.

In the shouting and commotion, I felt an instant familiarity. I’d been here before. This was a raid.

I had done this a few dozen times myself, 6,000 miles away from my Alexandria, Va., apartment. As an Army infantryman in Iraq, I’d always been on the trigger side of the weapon. Now that I was on the barrel side, I recalled basic training’s most important firearm rule: Aim only at something you intend to kill.
When I later visited the Fairfax County police station to gather details about what went wrong, I met the shift commander, Lt. Erik Rhoads. I asked why his officers hadn’t contacted management before they raided the apartment. Why did they classify the incident as a forced entry, when the information they had suggested something innocuous? Why not evaluate the situation before escalating it?

Rhoads defended the procedure, calling the officers’ actions “on point.” It’s not standard to conduct investigations beforehand because that delays the apprehension of suspects, he told me.

I noted that the officers could have sought information from the apartment complex’s security guard that would have resolved the matter without violence. But he played down the importance of such information: “It doesn’t matter whatsoever what was said or not said at the security booth.”

This is where Rhoads is wrong. We’ve seen this troubling approach to law enforcement nationwide, in militarized police responses to nonviolent protesters and in fatal police shootings of unarmed citizens. The culture that encourages police officers to engage their weapons before gathering information promotes the mind-set that nothing, including citizen safety, is more important than officers’ personal security. That approach has caused public trust in law enforcement to deteriorate.

It’s the same culture that characterized the early phases of the Iraq war, in which I served a 15-month tour in 2006 and 2007. Soldiers left their sprawling bases in armored vehicles, leveling buildings with missile strikes and shooting up entire blocks during gun battles with insurgents, only to return to their protected bases and do it all again hours later.

The short-sighted notion that we should always protect ourselves endangered us more in the long term. It was a flawed strategy that could often create more insurgents than it stopped and inspired some Iraqis to hate us rather than help us.
We didn’t find any insurgents. There weren’t any. But it was easy to imagine that we forged some in that fire. Similarly, when U.S. police officers use excessive force to control nonviolent citizens or respond to minor incidents, they lose supporters and public trust.

That’s a problem, because law enforcement officers need the cooperation of the communities they patrol in order to do their jobs effectively. In the early stages of the war, the U.S. military overlooked that reality as well. Leaders defined success as increasing military hold on geographic terrain, while the human terrain was the real battle. For example, when our platoon entered Iraq’s volatile Diyala province in early 2007, children at a school plugged their ears just before an IED exploded beneath one of our vehicles. The kids knew what was coming, but they saw no reason to warn us. Instead, they watched us drive right into the ambush. One of our men died, and in the subsequent crossfire, several insurgents and children were killed. We saw Iraqis cheering and dancing at the blast crater as we left the area hours later.
I understood the risks of war when I enlisted as an infantryman. Police officers should understand the risks in their jobs when they enroll in the academy, as well. That means knowing that personal safety can’t always come first. That is why it’s service. That’s why it’s sacrifice.

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Message 1706377 - Posted: 29 Jul 2015, 18:54:11 UTC

Officer Ray Tensing a University of Cincinnati officer has been indicated for murder after shooting a black man in the head. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ray-tensing-indicted_55b90dade4b0074ba5a72099?

I don't buy computers, I build them!!
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1706418 - Posted: 29 Jul 2015, 20:09:23 UTC

Ummm. Let Me See.

From Early Age, I was Taught to Obey Parents, Teachers, Police and 'Others' of Proper Authorities. Into My Forties, I carried this knowledge, and Certainly into My Seventh Decade of Life.

If I am Legally Stopped; Asked to Produce Documents, Asked to roll down Window-I Do Not During this Interaction, Not Comply, Not Sass and Talk Back, Not Roll Down My Window.

If I Did Do Stupid as Described above, I Would Ask Anyone Nearby, with a Gun, to Shoot my Stupid Ass in The Head.

Why? Obviously I Never Learned Anything as A Child, and As An Adult, still Stupid, more than Likely till the Day I Die,
I would Deserve A Bullet In The Head.

But, Dat's Me. Others have A Right to Stupidity. Da Cure 'is' Worse than Da Disease.

Practice Stupidity Well My Friends and Stay Thirsty, Till You Thirst No More.


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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1706428 - Posted: 29 Jul 2015, 20:39:46 UTC

Yet another death caused by the occupation forces of the failed war on drugs.
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Message 1708641 - Posted: 4 Aug 2015, 23:03:45 UTC

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1710533 - Posted: 9 Aug 2015, 19:08:04 UTC - in response to Message 1710483.  

This User ID 239521—73943 character—or double character—indeed makes no sense whatsoever.

To make sense, use this link http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/edit_forum_preferences_form.php
Scroll down to the section "Message Filtering", there is an empty box next to "user ID." Type in the first number and press the button right below it "Add user to filter." Do that process again with the next number.

Magically the next time you read the forums they will make sense! The BOINC server software is very very smart and makes this happen.
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Message 1712959 - Posted: 14 Aug 2015, 18:35:37 UTC

A Birmingham, Alabama, police detective who was pistol-whipped unconscious said Friday that he hesitated to use force because he didn't want to be accused of needlessly killing an unarmed man.
Police Chief A.C. Roper sees the episode -- as well as the reaction, including celebratory and vitriolic comments posted online alongside images of the wounded officer -- as symptomatic of a larger problem, in which some don't respect law enforcement.

Well Chief, you are surprised? I suggest you watch Ken Burns' film "Prohibition." Perhaps you will understand what the war on drugs is and perhaps why there is no respect for the law. History repeats itself.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1713596 - Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 21:09:02 UTC

Not cop killer, but Killer Cops.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A long and largely forgotten death investigation in California's Central Valley has led to a vast and unexpected set of arrests that included three current and former Highway Patrol officers and a prominent defense attorney.

They were among nine people arrested in the 2012 disappearance and killing of Korey Kauffman, stemming from the belief that he was stealing antiques, car parts and other objects from Modesto attorney Frank Carson's home, law enforcement officials said at a news conference Friday in Modesto, California.
Former CHP Officer Walter Wells is suspected of murder.

Flat out, cold blooded, planned in advance murder.
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Message 1716173 - Posted: 20 Aug 2015, 22:37:49 UTC

A retired Los Angeles County sheriff’s captain charged with obstructing a federal probe into corruption in the county jails pleaded guilty Wednesday to a lesser charge.
Carey was head of the department’s Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau, tasked to “root out the very corruption” charged in the federal probe, then-acting U.S. Attorney Stephanie Yonekura said in May.

It must be the California Sun.
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Message 1716178 - Posted: 20 Aug 2015, 22:50:18 UTC - in response to Message 1716173.  

The smell emanating from that corrupt system has been getting stronger over the years. It does not give one the warm fuzzies.
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Message 1718205 - Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 15:12:24 UTC

There are mean police officers and there is mean police officers.
Meet Ã…ke.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1718217 - Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 15:30:03 UTC - in response to Message 1716178.  

The smell emanating from that corrupt system has been getting stronger over the years. It does not give one the warm fuzzies.

Most recent crap is intolerable. The Los Angeles Perjury Protection League just bought a huge stake in a newspaper. They they demanded changes in the editorial policy because they didn't like that they reported on police misconduct. Now that is a real stinking mess. One that proves the system has rotted all the way to the core.
Before I called the LAPD for an expanded “no comment,” Palast said he had already talked with a police official who couldn’t say whether the LAPD provided the paper with Rall’s records, as the LAPPL said it did. But if not the LAPD, then who would have access to this otherwise non-public information? Rall suspects none other than his arch-nemesis the LAPPL, a onetime major stockholder in the Times’ newly acquired publishing partner, the San Diego Union-Tribune, which was bought by the Times’ parent company in May.

As reported by City News Service in May 2009, then-LAPPL President Paul Weber wrote a letter to Platinum Equity Chief Executive Tom Gores, saying the Los Angeles Police and Fire Pension System was now part owner of the Union-Tribune because of its $30 million investment in Beverly Hills-based Platinum, which had just purchased the paper that month for an undisclosed amount. Virtually the first thing Weber wanted as a new shareholder was to have the editorial writers who criticized public employees and their pensions fired.

The Union-Tribune’s editorial page “is one of the most virulently anti-public safety employee pages of any newspapers in California, if not the country,” wrote Weber, whose union represents 9,900 Los Angeles police officers. The paper, he wrote, “was certainly free to express its hatred of public employees when it was under different ownership. However, since the very public employees they continually criticize are now their owners, we strongly believe that those who currently run the editorial pages should be replaced.”

In November 2011, Platinum Equity sold the paper to MLIM Holdings, a company led by Doug Manchester, a San Diego real estate developer. The purchase price was reportedly in excess of $110 million.

The following August, the Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension System committed $110 million to eight private equity funds, according to a story appearing at Pensions & Investments, pionline.com, citing a quarterly report on the $15 billion pension fund’s non-discretionary investment program. Oaktree Opportunities Fund IX was one of those funds, with a $20 million investment from LA police and firefighter pensioners.

Last April, Tribune Publishing’s three largest shareholders — Los Angeles-based Oaktree Capital Management (which offers the low-risk, high-yield Opportunities Fund IX), Angelo, Gordon & Co., and JPMorgan Chase — sought buyers for 25 percent of their combined stake through a secondary offering, according to a story in the Chicago Tribune. At the time, the three firms owned about 39 percent of Tribune Publishing’s 94.5 million outstanding shares of Class A stock, according to the Tribune.

A few weeks after that notice appeared, the Times announced that Tribune Publishing paid $85 million in cash and stock for the Union-Tribune, eight community weeklies and related websites. As part of the deal, the two papers are to share content and other resources, according to the story. Times Publisher Austin Beutner was named publisher of the Union-Tribune and chief executive of the newly formed California News Group.

“I hope people see the big picture here. This isn’t about whether you like my comics or if you like my politics. That’s irrelevant. This is about a police state; the nation as a police state,” Rall said. “In a democracy, cops can’t be allowed to hire and fire journalists.”

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Message 1720964 - Posted: 1 Sep 2015, 14:58:29 UTC
Last modified: 1 Sep 2015, 14:58:47 UTC

A man shirtless comes running up in front of a house, while two police officers approaching him. A police car is parked next door. Short latter extends the man up both hands. Shots heard fired and the man collapses down.
The scene from the last Friday in a residential area in the outskirts of San Antonio in the US state of Texas is a video that a private person filmed from his position in a car a few hundred meters from the site.
What is happening seems, judging by the video that the two police shoot the man to death. Authorities have confirmed the video's existence and that there is an identified man, a 41 year old, who collapses to the ground. The man is confirmed dead.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1721026 - Posted: 1 Sep 2015, 22:00:14 UTC

Three San Bernardino County sheriff's deputies have been charged for the horseback chase beating in April.

The deputies -- Nicholas Downey of Victor Valley, Michael Phelps of Twin Peaks and Charles Foster of Hesperia -- were each charged with one count of assault by a public officer.

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