First Scientific Proof Of God Found

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Message 1539118 - Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 14:34:09 UTC - in response to Message 1539114.  

Ummm, 4,000 yrs, wouldn't that really mean that wheat DNA turned up in your Jesus?
Got question for you on that, which came first, the egg or the chicken?

I don't know PJ,
I give up! Tell me.


Only God knows... ;)
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1539132 - Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 15:00:21 UTC - in response to Message 1539118.  

As I have often said: The egg came first. You can't expect a whole chicken to just pop up spontaneously.

What's that ? Where did the egg come from? Why it came from a chicken of course silly.
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Message 1539139 - Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 15:19:35 UTC

It's like the story of Adam and Eve, who gave birth to them? Which mother carried them for nine months?
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Message 1539171 - Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 16:04:21 UTC - in response to Message 1539096.  
Last modified: 10 Jul 2014, 16:04:37 UTC

I'm here writing out the results of a science investigation I carried out over the last 6 or 7 years. It has nothing to do with belief in anything. Its just the results of my investigation. If you believe it, great, super, i'm really thrilled. If you don't believe it, then I couldn't care less.

Sorry, but no Science seen anywhere here.

As mentioned years ago, you could market your ideas and put together an excellent book to further confuse the masses!

Should be worth a lot of beer!!!


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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1539178 - Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 16:12:42 UTC - in response to Message 1539139.  

It's like the story of Adam and Eve, who gave birth to them? Which mother carried them for nine months?

If my version of the story turns out to be correct in the end, then there really was a real Adam and a real Eve. And the "God" people "created" them, from their own genes. And as I said earlier in this thread, Adam and Eve were born, about 4000 BC roughly, into a world that was already fully populated by "The God People", human beings just like you and me. Those people were scientists, and one of them, a woman, had to carry the Adam foetus in her womb for 9 months and give birth to the child. And the same thing for Eve, a woman would have had to carry Eve for 9 months in her womb and give birth to Eve.

No, I don't know who the lucky woman was that carried the children to full term and gave birth to them. I just don't have that answer.

That is my current best guess.

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Message 1539195 - Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 16:48:46 UTC

So much for genetic diversity.
I guess we are all in-breeds.
No wonder there are so many people that are blind, deaf, autistic, or physically deformed......

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Profile Johnney Guinness
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Message 1539199 - Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 16:58:52 UTC - in response to Message 1539195.  

So much for genetic diversity.
I guess we are all in-breeds.
No wonder there are so many people that are blind, deaf, autistic, or physically deformed......


That is actually quite interesting Steve. And I have done some research on that exact topic, in-breeding with your cousins!. The topic has lots of detail, so I will actually start a completely new thread for discussing it.

I will post the new thread here in the politics forum.
The thread will be called; "Great Grand Patents Maths!"

Do join in when I start the new thread.

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Message 1539531 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 4:58:27 UTC

Many of the super rich families have always bred with cousins or close relatives, I believe some still do just to maintain family fortunes
It's well documented the Egyptians did it between brother and sister, etc.
4,000BC (or BCE if you prefer) to present day is still way after Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were genetically modified by the 'space alien' you choose to call 'God'
Of course, your also basing that belief on faulty calculations
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Message 1544697 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 1:47:11 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jul 2014, 2:38:05 UTC

This message is specifically for "Science Man Steve". I did say earlier in this thread that I would come back and respond to your question, Steve, about why there are so many different text versions of the Christian Bible. I never addressed the answer properly, but now I have the time to write this out.

This answer is long and complex Steve, so try to stay with me here! You might have to read this a few times to understand, depending on your knowledge of human biology and genetics.

Steve, as you have already pointed out in this thread, at this stage in history, there are possibly hundreds of different English language versions of the text in the Christian Bible, and as you mentioned Steve, they are all different. The popular Bible website has roughly about 40 versions on their website alone, but there are far more than that in existence today. And let me add to the confusion Steve, you could throw in on top of that all the versions of the Christian Bible that are written in languages other than English. So in reality Steve, there are, quite literally, thousands of versions of the Christian Bible out there, and they are all just a little bit different to each other!! But its intentional!! Its NOT an accident!!

Steve - This is my explanation;

As I have said several times in this thread, the Christian Bible is a written copy of "part" of the human genome. It isn't the "whole" human genome, its just part of it.

Steve, When two people have sexual intercourse, the male sperm fertilises the female egg in the fallopian tube of a woman. The Christian Bible calls the male sperm "Adam" and it calls the female egg "Eve", and this is the truth of what the Book of Genesis really is. The Book of Genesis is a description of what scientists today call "Embryogenesis", the growth of a Human Baby in the womb of a Woman;

Human embryogenesis;

When you read the Christian Bible Book of Genesis, and the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, you are reading about Adam the sperm, and Eve the egg, in the Garden of Eden, which all takes place inside the womb of a woman. The Garden of Eden is inside a woman's womb, that is why nobody is able to find the Garden of Eden today down in Iraq. Why?? Answer - The Garden of Eden is inside you!!!! And the whole and entire content of the Christian Bible takes place inside the womb of a Woman!! Quite literally, starting with Adam and Eve, the sperm and the egg, the Christian Bible tells the story of the "growth" of a human body starting with a single cell and it follows the story the whole way through to Jesus Christ about 70 generations later. Its the growth of "The Body of Jesus Christ", the son of God!

If you read the Wikipedia page about fertilization and Embryogenesis (Link provided above), which is the start of the growth of a Human Baby inside a woman, today it will tell you that after fertilisation, it starts with one single cell, that splits into 2 cells, and they split into 4 cells, and they split into 8 cells, and they split into 16 cells, and so on, and so on. But this is NOT true!! That is not what happens!! That is todays best educated guess by our human scientists as to what happens. But the truth is, they still don't actually know what the exact sequence is? Why??? Answer - Because they haven't yet cracked the code that allows you to read the human genome!! They are ALMOST there, but not yet!

So if our scientists have Embryogenesis wrong, then what is actually happening?? Answer - Read the Christian Bible, the Book of Genesis, and follow the story and it tells you!!

Adam and Eve have 3 children, Seth, Cain and Abel. As everyone knows, Cain kills Abel. And the Bible goes on to follow the genetic line of Seth, like this;

Adam and Eve, have a son, (Generation 1)
Seth, has a son,
Enos, has a son,
Cainan, has a son,
Mahalaleel, has a son,
Jared, has a son,
Enoch, has a son,
Methuselah, has a son,
Lamech, has a son,
Noah. (Generation 10)

Now Noah has 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and God tells them to build an Ark, and they build the Ark, and they enter the Ark of God, and they bring the animals with them into the Ark of God, and God brings the flood-waters upon the Earth.

Then you have the Biblical Flood, for 40 Biblical days and 40 Biblical nights. (These are not 40, 24 hour days!!, its Gods timeline, its much shorter.)

Then the waters recede upon the Earth and Noah and his 3 sons leave the Ark of God.

All of this, and all the stuff I left out, which you can read yourself in the Bible, is a description of the first few days of the growth of an embryo inside the womb of a woman. It is described in much more detail in the Bible. As the single celled embryo starts to divide and grow, each cell has a name, starting with Adam, and his son Seth, and his son Enos, and so on, and so on, through to Noah, when you have a small ball of cells. All of this happens in the fallopian tube of the woman. Every single cell has a name, and its written in DNA code, that is converted to amino acid code as it is read off to build each single cell.

So 10 generations from Adam to Noah all happen in a woman's fallopian tube. So what is the Biblical Flood?? Answer - the growing Embryo must get from the fallopian tube down into the lining of the womb. So, quite literally, the embryo, which is now a small ball of cells, gets "washed" down the fallopian tube into the woman's womb. And that is what the Biblical Flood really is. Its this process of "washing" or "flushing" the embryo down into the woman's womb out of the fallopian tube.

Just like the Book of Genesis says, then Noah and his 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth get out of the Ark of God and start to multiply on the Earth. And you can read the Bible yourself to follow the story from there. All this is a small growing ball of cells that can be called a Human Embryo.

Steve, let me return to the question of why there are so many different copies of the Bible, and why they are all different from each other. Let me explain!

As the Embryo is growing inside the womb of a woman, the ball of cells must start to segregate into their different cell types to form and grow the different types of flesh and bone. So in basic terms that won't confuse you, the cells split into heart cells, and liver cells, and brain cells, and muscle cells, and hair cells, and toe-nail cells, and blood vesicles, and nerve cells, and bone cells. Everything happens in perfect sequence, in perfect order, like clock-work, every single part of the body forms in the right place at the right time.

Next each cell type then starts to divide to build any particular human body part. But Steve, this is a type of copying process, this cell division to build a specific organ or body part. Its this copying process that constantly repeats itself over and over again.

As an example Steve, when the cells in one single muscle in your piggy toe start to multiply as the Embryo is growing, the DNA uses the same code over and over again. It just keeps copying itself, again and again. But every time it copies itself, it MUST be just a little bit different to the last time. So every new block of cells that grow in the piggy-toe muscle MUST be slightly different from the last. This is one of the little quirks of DNA and cellular biology, and the growth of living flesh. You MUST keep changing the spelling to read off each of the next sequence of code from the DNA, to build that next bit of flesh.

So Steve, that is why there are so many different copies of the Christian Bible today, and every single one of them is just slightly different to the other. No two of them are the same. Its because each of those hand-written copies of the Christian Bible are copies of individual bits of the DNA code as it is read off, in sequence, as it builds the bits of the Human Body, that is, the Body of Christ. And YOU ARE THAT BODY - THE BODY OF CHRIST. Gods people are the Body of Christ!

The different hand-written copies of the Bible, in biology, would be called "Transposable elements" or "Retrotransposons".
Quote Wikipedia;
"Around 42% of the human genome is made up of retrotransposons, while DNA transposons account for about 2-3%"

Please also be aware that this is a very, very simplified version of the full story. And I have used very simple language to make it easy to read. It will take you 10 years, full time, in university to learn this stuff.

1. Christian Bible -

(Faithful Servant and Soldier of Jesus Christ).
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Message 1544872 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 14:00:45 UTC

I think the actual answer is much more simple for a change.
Did you watch the second video I posted?

This describes the process that the scribes changed the texts. There were both accidental and deliberate changes. When a certain manuscript went to one section of the region, future copies from that region were changed based on what they were given, and didn't have the changes that went to other regions.

There were numerous meetings between theologians arguing about the different versions. Which ever version won out became Orthodox, and the versions that did not win out became Heretic.

Jesus was not originally though of as God or even the Son of God. That came later as rulers attempted to unify their subjects.

This link describes that process, once again in video, so you don't have to read. It is about 37 minutes long.

Finally, this is as a more direct explanation of who changed the Bible and why.
It is quite revealing.

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Message 1544960 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 16:51:08 UTC - in response to Message 1544697.  

This message is specifically for "Science Man Steve". I did say earlier in this thread that I would come back and respond to your question, Steve, about why there are so many different text versions of the Christian Bible. I never addressed the answer properly, but now I have the time to write this out.

This answer is long and complex Steve, so try to stay with me here! You might have to read this a few times to understand, depending on your knowledge of human biology and genetics.

Steve, as you have already pointed out in this thread, at this stage in history, there are possibly hundreds of different English language versions of the text in the Christian Bible, and as you mentioned Steve, they are all different. The popular Bible website has roughly about 40 versions on their website alone, but there are far more than that in existence today. And let me add to the confusion Steve, you could throw in on top of that all the versions of the Christian Bible that are written in languages other than English. So in reality Steve, there are, quite literally, thousands of versions of the Christian Bible out there, and they are all just a little bit different to each other!! But its intentional!! Its NOT an accident!!

Steve - This is my explanation;

As I have said several times in this thread, the Christian Bible is a written copy of "part" of the human genome. It isn't the "whole" human genome, its just part of it.

Steve, When two people have sexual intercourse, the male sperm fertilises the female egg in the fallopian tube of a woman. The Christian Bible calls the male sperm "Adam" and it calls the female egg "Eve", and this is the truth of what the Book of Genesis really is. The Book of Genesis is a description of what scientists today call "Embryogenesis", the growth of a Human Baby in the womb of a Woman;

Human embryogenesis;

When you read the Christian Bible Book of Genesis, and the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, you are reading about Adam the sperm, and Eve the egg, in the Garden of Eden, which all takes place inside the womb of a woman. The Garden of Eden is inside a woman's womb, that is why nobody is able to find the Garden of Eden today down in Iraq. Why?? Answer - The Garden of Eden is inside you!!!! And the whole and entire content of the Christian Bible takes place inside the womb of a Woman!! Quite literally, starting with Adam and Eve, the sperm and the egg, the Christian Bible tells the story of the "growth" of a human body starting with a single cell and it follows the story the whole way through to Jesus Christ about 70 generations later. Its the growth of "The Body of Jesus Christ", the son of God!

If you read the Wikipedia page about fertilization and Embryogenesis (Link provided above), which is the start of the growth of a Human Baby inside a woman, today it will tell you that after fertilisation, it starts with one single cell, that splits into 2 cells, and they split into 4 cells, and they split into 8 cells, and they split into 16 cells, and so on, and so on. But this is NOT true!! That is not what happens!! That is todays best educated guess by our human scientists as to what happens. But the truth is, they still don't actually know what the exact sequence is? Why??? Answer - Because they haven't yet cracked the code that allows you to read the human genome!! They are ALMOST there, but not yet!

So if our scientists have Embryogenesis wrong, then what is actually happening?? Answer - Read the Christian Bible, the Book of Genesis, and follow the story and it tells you!!

Adam and Eve have 3 children, Seth, Cain and Abel. As everyone knows, Cain kills Abel. And the Bible goes on to follow the genetic line of Seth, like this;

Adam and Eve, have a son, (Generation 1)
Seth, has a son,
Enos, has a son,
Cainan, has a son,
Mahalaleel, has a son,
Jared, has a son,
Enoch, has a son,
Methuselah, has a son,
Lamech, has a son,
Noah. (Generation 10)

Now Noah has 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and God tells them to build an Ark, and they build the Ark, and they enter the Ark of God, and they bring the animals with them into the Ark of God, and God brings the flood-waters upon the Earth.

Then you have the Biblical Flood, for 40 Biblical days and 40 Biblical nights. (These are not 40, 24 hour days!!, its Gods timeline, its much shorter.)

Then the waters recede upon the Earth and Noah and his 3 sons leave the Ark of God.

All of this, and all the stuff I left out, which you can read yourself in the Bible, is a description of the first few days of the growth of an embryo inside the womb of a woman. It is described in much more detail in the Bible. As the single celled embryo starts to divide and grow, each cell has a name, starting with Adam, and his son Seth, and his son Enos, and so on, and so on, through to Noah, when you have a small ball of cells. All of this happens in the fallopian tube of the woman. Every single cell has a name, and its written in DNA code, that is converted to amino acid code as it is read off to build each single cell.

So 10 generations from Adam to Noah all happen in a woman's fallopian tube. So what is the Biblical Flood?? Answer - the growing Embryo must get from the fallopian tube down into the lining of the womb. So, quite literally, the embryo, which is now a small ball of cells, gets "washed" down the fallopian tube into the woman's womb. And that is what the Biblical Flood really is. Its this process of "washing" or "flushing" the embryo down into the woman's womb out of the fallopian tube.

Just like the Book of Genesis says, then Noah and his 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth get out of the Ark of God and start to multiply on the Earth. And you can read the Bible yourself to follow the story from there. All this is a small growing ball of cells that can be called a Human Embryo.

Steve, let me return to the question of why there are so many different copies of the Bible, and why they are all different from each other. Let me explain!

As the Embryo is growing inside the womb of a woman, the ball of cells must start to segregate into their different cell types to form and grow the different types of flesh and bone. So in basic terms that won't confuse you, the cells split into heart cells, and liver cells, and brain cells, and muscle cells, and hair cells, and toe-nail cells, and blood vesicles, and nerve cells, and bone cells. Everything happens in perfect sequence, in perfect order, like clock-work, every single part of the body forms in the right place at the right time.

Next each cell type then starts to divide to build any particular human body part. But Steve, this is a type of copying process, this cell division to build a specific organ or body part. Its this copying process that constantly repeats itself over and over again.

As an example Steve, when the cells in one single muscle in your piggy toe start to multiply as the Embryo is growing, the DNA uses the same code over and over again. It just keeps copying itself, again and again. But every time it copies itself, it MUST be just a little bit different to the last time. So every new block of cells that grow in the piggy-toe muscle MUST be slightly different from the last. This is one of the little quirks of DNA and cellular biology, and the growth of living flesh. You MUST keep changing the spelling to read off each of the next sequence of code from the DNA, to build that next bit of flesh.

So Steve, that is why there are so many different copies of the Christian Bible today, and every single one of them is just slightly different to the other. No two of them are the same. Its because each of those hand-written copies of the Christian Bible are copies of individual bits of the DNA code as it is read off, in sequence, as it builds the bits of the Human Body, that is, the Body of Christ. And YOU ARE THAT BODY - THE BODY OF CHRIST. Gods people are the Body of Christ!

The different hand-written copies of the Bible, in biology, would be called "Transposable elements" or "Retrotransposons".
Quote Wikipedia;
"Around 42% of the human genome is made up of retrotransposons, while DNA transposons account for about 2-3%"

Please also be aware that this is a very, very simplified version of the full story. And I have used very simple language to make it easy to read. It will take you 10 years, full time, in university to learn this stuff.

1. Christian Bible -

(Faithful Servant and Soldier of Jesus Christ).

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Message 1545057 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 21:52:55 UTC - in response to Message 1544872.  

I think the actual answer is much more simple for a change.
Did you watch the second video I posted?

This describes the process that the scribes changed the texts. There were both accidental and deliberate changes. When a certain manuscript went to one section of the region, future copies from that region were changed based on what they were given, and didn't have the changes that went to other regions.

There were numerous meetings between theologians arguing about the different versions. Which ever version won out became Orthodox, and the versions that did not win out became Heretic.

Jesus was not originally though of as God or even the Son of God. That came later as rulers attempted to unify their subjects.

This link describes that process, once again in video, so you don't have to read. It is about 37 minutes long.

Finally, this is as a more direct explanation of who changed the Bible and why.
It is quite revealing.


I watched about 5 minutes of the first video. (In your other message)
I watched about 5 minutes of the second video. (Vid 1 In this message)
I watched about 2 minutes of the third video.(Vid 2 In this message)
And I watched about 2 minutes of the forth video.(Vid 3 In this message)

Steve, i'm not impressed with Bart Ehrman. But I can understand why you might be interested in his books. He seems to have done some very good work in tracking down how the text in the books kept changing over the years. Well I congratulate the man on his hard work.

Steve, I just spent 7 years investigating the exact same thing as Bart Ehrman and I came back with a completely different result. My results are in complete conflict with Bart Ehrman. So one of us is wrong. Either Bart Ehrman is wrong, or i'm wrong. And here is the funny thing - I know that my results are 100% correct, and that means that Bart Ehrman has been wasting his time for years.

Steve, what did you think of what I wrote out in my last message. It took me about an hour to write that out. I would like some feedback if you have time.

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Message 1545059 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 21:57:29 UTC - in response to Message 1544960.  
Last modified: 20 Jul 2014, 21:59:48 UTC

I give up? So what did you just read? Tell me what you thought? Its hard to decode the Ernie and Bart cartoon.

Good? Bad?, You loved it? Your hated it? You hate me? You think i'm a lunatic?

Tell me what you think of what I wrote Esme? I value your opinion more than others.

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Message 1545063 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 22:04:07 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jul 2014, 22:04:28 UTC

I have my money on Bart Ehrman. He has done the research, and isn't teaching theology, but history.

What you claim as your research is the biggest pile of nonsense I have ever read.

That is my opinion.

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Message 1545064 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 22:15:19 UTC - in response to Message 1545063.  
Last modified: 20 Jul 2014, 22:17:42 UTC

I have my money on Bart Ehrman. He has done the research, and isn't teaching theology, but history.

What you claim as your research is the biggest pile of nonsense I have ever read.

That is my opinion.


Thank you Steve,
I actually appreciate your honesty. I'm glad you were straight up and honest with your opinion. It gives me more respect for you Steve.

I understand Steve. I agree, my research results do sound like a pile of science fiction nonsense. Buts its funny Steve, that rubbish I just spent an hour writing out for you is the revelation of God to mankind. They wrote it as science fiction, in your DNA code, and that is why no rational person believes it today. But they will in just a few years time. When its on the front cover of Nature magazine.

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Message 1545075 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 22:58:20 UTC - in response to Message 1545059.  

I give up? So what did you just read? Tell me what you thought? Its hard to decode the Ernie and Bart cartoon.

Good? Bad?, You loved it? Your hated it? You hate me? You think i'm a lunatic?

Tell me what you think of what I wrote Esme? I value your opinion more than others.


It makes me concerned for your mental well being, Johnney.

Its a load of nonsense, to be honest. How it reads to me is that there are people who are not ready to let the bible go for the fiction that it is and who are now trying to make excuses for it.

The simplest explanation is often the correct one.

The bible is made up by people.
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Message 1545078 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 23:18:13 UTC - in response to Message 1545075.  

It makes me concerned for your mental well being, Johnney.

Interesting you should say that. People get a pass from mental health professionals if their delusions are based on religion. They can be filled with an unseen spirit that makes them speak in a language that makes no sense. This spirit can also tell them what will happen in the future and they will not be diagnosed with a mental illness.
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Message 1545080 - Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 23:43:09 UTC - in response to Message 1545075.  

It makes me concerned for your mental well being, Johnney.

I wouldn't be too concerned about Johnney's sanity, he' been doing this stuff for years. He's Irish and claims the gift of gab or as others would say a lot of BS. He's just pulling your string and laughing.
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Message 1545095 - Posted: 21 Jul 2014, 1:07:20 UTC - in response to Message 1545080.  

It makes me concerned for your mental well being, Johnney.

I wouldn't be too concerned about Johnney's sanity, he' been doing this stuff for years. He's Irish and claims the gift of gab or as others would say a lot of BS. He's just pulling your string and laughing.
I don't know he appears to get upset when he is ignored or we go off topic. I read the reason banns are not permanent is because many on this board have mental problems. That's why Allie form Vancouver still has an active account.

This is one of the most eccentric boards I'm ever been on. I fit right in.
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United States
Message 1545110 - Posted: 21 Jul 2014, 1:53:13 UTC - in response to Message 1545095.  

I don't know he appears to get upset when he is ignored or we go off topic.

Batter you are quite good at that, going off topic.
ID: 1545110 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : Politics : First Scientific Proof Of God Found

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