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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1404728 - Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 15:39:36 UTC

No I wouldn't, because I wouldn't trust the average person to be able to judge what would be right and sensible.

Why not tear the lot up, and start again with a clean sheet of paper and produce something more relevant to the 21C? The USA is supposed to be the most powerful country in the world, about time it got it's house in order.

YOu Be Funny.

The Politics Section of Da Forum is Mostly Inhabited by UKers Bashing the US.

ThAt Be Funny.

Little Islands Go Away.

ThIs Big Disorganized, Fiefdom Ridden Country is Here To Stay.

But, ifN Youse Gots Nuttin' Betta Ta Do, Bash Away.

Bound FO "IT" IT. "There" There Always. Hey Hey.

ID: 1404728 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1404757 - Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 17:22:28 UTC - in response to Message 1404681.  

Gary, yes, each state IS a nation state.

So you understand statism can and does occur at the state government level as well as the federal level. Just as it can at the county, city or neighborhood council level.

It appears you're not *reading* what I'm writing.

I do, 100%. I think you are having a hard time understanding all the consequences of what you are saying.

Now think about the extreme statement you just made. "tea statists multiplying by 50"

Now you didn't quote the entire thing. That means you didn't understand what was said, or didn't want to.

Do you actually think Hawaii will be taken over by the tea party? Do you actually think Illinois will be taken over by the tea party? Massachussettes? New York?

It doesn't matter what statist party controls a state. What matters is that a statist party controls a state. Be that democrat, republican, green, whig ...

Now you might get the multiply part. Take the federal supremacy away and ... Instead of blocking one government from statism, 51 need to be blocked!

Wouldn't you like to allow the states (or the people, respectively) the freedom to choose how they want to be governed?

Looks like you need an example. Any long haul trucker, think roads which you said should be federal, can tell you there is a nice eastern state that has a law on the books requiring truckers to purchase fuel in that state. There is a nice federal interstate highway that clips a corner of that state. Runs about 3 miles in the state. Their highway patrol dedicates a lot of time to enforcing this law on that segment of highway. The single fuel station and the only turnoff makes a lot of money from this law. This is what the Tea advocates, and it is happening today on a federal interstate highway.

I can see another coming down the pike if the tea statists get their way. Missouri, home of legitimate rape Todd Akin, member of the Tea Party Caucus, will pass their law defining life starting at conception and their won't be any Roe v Wade federal supremacy to block it. Miss Virgin Victim will get legitimately raped and somehow Todd Akin's theory won't work and she will be pregnant. Fortunately she has money, so she will go to liberal California and have a legal safe abortion. The moment she returns to Missouri she will be arrested for capital murder. You will claim it is far fetched. It already has legal precedent.

The legal theory is that a citizen is bound by the laws of their nation state no matter what soil they are on. So they must comport themselves in accordance with their citizen states laws at all times, in addition to the laws of the soil they are on. Have a friend, a retired law enforcement officer, who has made arrests under this theory. Cases have gone to SCOTUS under this theory. SOCTUS says it is a legitimate law. This is what the Tea advocates!

What happened to that full faith and credit clause ...

...Allow states to lean left or right, laissez-faire or dictatorial, zero government or communist, and see which states become successful and which ones fail?

You want states to fail?! Who pays for it? How do they declare bankruptcy? Is the Tea really that daft?

Just how does the supremacy clause (s)quash all political/economic control at the state level?

When all or any portion of political/economic control is outlawed it acts with this outlawing to spread the outlawing 50 times!

Yes, the supremacy clause is a vital part of the constitution. Without it, we might as well be living under the articles of confederation. However, the original intent was to give the federal government the authority to arbitrate conflicts THAT ARISE FROM STATE CONSTIUTIONS/LAWS.

Right, like the conflict that one state allows a medical procedure that another state outlaws, say abortion.

Today, the supremacy clause is now interpreted to justify things like obamacare.

Funny, the PPACA is a tax. Therefore it does not need to rely on the supremacy clause. Or is the Tea saying the federal government will not be able to have any taxes after they get their way?

BTW, the PPACA is actually a tax credit. If you have a special situation, own a qualifying medical care policy, you get a credit of the "penalty" amount. Just like having an oil well being depleted gets you a credit.

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Message 1404767 - Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 18:45:27 UTC - in response to Message 1404738.  

No I wouldn't, because I wouldn't trust the average person to be able to judge what would be right and sensible.

Chris, well you've just emphasized the main premise that left wingers and right wingers argue about in all the social issues of the day. The right-winger asserts the average person DOES know what is right and sensible.

Then why the right-wing opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage, &c.?

Seems Chris has a poor opinion of what the average person can accomplish, though your characterization of the difference between left and right does not appear to me to be balanced. From the libertarian site Gary linked the right-winger maintains that the average person should be constrained in their personal habits, while the left-winger maintains that the average person should be constrained in the economic habits, the statist believes that the average person should be constrained in both their economic and personal habits, and the libertarian in neither.

Based on this description it's clear that the tea party is a right-wing movement, that Gary is not a statist, and neither are liberals.

I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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Message 1404782 - Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 19:15:47 UTC

This whole discussion reminds me of the scene in Oliver Twist where the pickpockets shout "stop thief"

The constitution isn't the problem, Amercia got hi-jacked and is now run by the rich for the rich. Congress is just a puppet theatre run for corporate interests. The "lamestream" media is run by a few rich guys who keep pointing that finger everywhere but where you really should be looking. The Tea Party was originally funded by those same people to promote their agenda.

Guy needs to take a look at who's pulling his strings and stop drinking the KoolAid.
Reality Internet Personality
ID: 1404782 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1404795 - Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 20:02:16 UTC - in response to Message 1404769.  

And I think you are having a hard time understanding the consequences of what we are in the process of *doing* to ourselves right now even though it's in full view for everyone to see.

Oh, I see it. I just don't think the tea solution is the only answer or anywhere near the best answer.

Your long haul trucker example is a perfect example of why the supremacy clause (and the commerce clause) was put in the constitution. If that little 3 mile section is being used to extort money from people passing through, then I would fully support the federal government stepping in and telling the state to stop doing it because it's violating the commerce clause. I don't see how the tea party can support this literal highway robbery from a state.

States build roads too and can rob, er... tax for them too. And how can the feds do this proposal of yours without another power grab from the states sovereign ability to levy taxes? You want to have your cake and eat it too.

Centralizing power in the hands of a few in Washington DC will only make this ENTIRE NATION FAIL.

Why does the tea still insist on allowing any government to have power? Is it not because they disagree with government having those powers, but because they disagree with how those powers are being used?

Right now all those powers you want the states to have so they supposedly won't use them are presently denied to them. Leave it that way and take those powers away from the federal government as well. This is the easiest way to get the issue solved. Take the easy road.

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Message 1405196 - Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 19:32:43 UTC - in response to Message 1404094.  

Well apparently you three don't like the U.S. Constitution and have become totally intolerant of other people who disagree with you. From your perspective, it's either your way or the highway. Not very open minded, are we?

Let me give you a little history lesson.

The rebellion of the Boston Tea Party has many similarities with the political movement established in 2009 known as the Tea Party. I'll refer to them as the "old tea party" and the "new tea party."

In the days of the old tea party, the British government and the American Loyalists attempted to establish and maintain control of the colonies. When the Patriots first began to resist such efforts, those in power tended to deny that there was any real resistance from anyone except EXTREMIST, FRINGE INDIVIDUALS. Let's call this the "DENIAL PHASE."

But as there were more and more protests, denial was no longer an option, and they tried to ignore the movement. Their hope was that if they paid no attention to the protesters, it would be less likely that others would join them and the movement would simply fade away. Let's call this the "IGNORE PHASE."

Unfortunately, ignoring the movement did nothing to lessen its intensity and, in fact, gave it time to grow even more powerful. The colonists ended up inflicting significant damage on those in power, forcing them to fight back, in many cases, with more force than necessary. Many of the regulations subsequently imposed were a part of this punitive "RESISTANCE PHASE."

The more the established powers resisted, however, the more determined the colonists were to overcome that resistance. At some point in the struggle to regain power, it becomes easier for a ruler to exempt an unruly but powerful subject from punishment than to suffer defeat. During this "EXEMPTION PHASE," it became increasingly easy for the Loyalists to desert the throne and align themselves with the Patriots, who were gaining power and the admiration of the populace.

Many of those formerly in power--the American Loyalists, dedicated to the British crown, for example--began to believe and act on the very things they once railed against, conforming to the ideology and actions of their previous enemies. This we shall call the "CONFORMING PHASE."

The final phase is the "TRANSFORMATION PHASE," in which the ideology of the resistance movement becomes the mainstream philosophy governing a now changed society. And in the case of the American Revolution, the ideas of the old tea party--less central government, more local rule, and more personal responsibility--became the basis for a new society that rapidly rose to the pinnacle of the world.

The old tea party came to be because large segments of the population had felt increasing oppression and betrayal by the very government that was supposed to be taking care of their needs.

In late 2008, early 2009, there were a couple of things that happened that caused great concern. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the bailout of several major banks, and talk of obamacare. There were scattered protests but those in power in Washington DC and those in the lamestream media denied their significance. DENIAL PHASE

Shortly after, these protest became known as "tea parties" but the political establishment and the media ignored how fast they were growing. IGNORE PHASE

Then the media began making fun of the protesters in hopes that it would discourage others from joining in. The passage of Obamacare in December 2009 was like pouring gas on a fire. The new tea party cannot be ignored any longer. We are now in the RESISTANCE PHASE as demonstrated by some of you in here by doing things like denying me the ability to send you private messages, saying I am only ONE, claiming I have multiple personality disorder, requires mass hypnosis, claiming I (we) need psychoactive medications and attacking me at every chance.

The new tea party is not part of the republican party. The new tea party hold democrats AND republicans responsible for excessive spending, incessant pork barrel projects to benefit special constituent groups, and intrusion into the private lives of citizens.

We are also now in the EXEMPTION PHASE. Exemptions here, waivers there, here exemption there a waiver, everywhere exemptions and waivers. Several large companies who contributed to the obama campaign, congressional employees, federal workers, IRS, etc etc etc don't have to follow the law in Obamacare.

Soon some of you in here will realize the errors of your ways and many other statists will realize the promises of the current regime were all lies. More and more of you will realize there was never such a thing as free health care. More and more of you will realize that YOU are the rich he wanted to raise taxes on. More and more of you will realize the government has spent more money than the next several generations can pay for. And we'll transition through the CONFORMING PHASE.

And maybe, JUST MAYBE, within the next couple of election cycles, we can start the long, arduous process of digging our way out (TRANSFORMATION PHASE) from the damage done to this country by liberals in the past 40/50/60 years in time for our grandchildren to experience real prosperity once again.

Since we are still in the RESISTANCE/EXEMPTION PHASE, I expect to be further insulted. Which will tell me I've won in the arena of ideas.

Centralizing power in the hands of a dictator is no way to live.

someone forgot his history again. the boston Tea party was a minor event. The revolution representative of about 1/6 of the population. Hardly a majority thing. Among those directly opposed to a revolution were the brits, american loyalists and Hessians. the remaining 1/3 either didn't care or didn't want to get involved. again hardly a mass movement.

I seem to be in unison with the others in thinking that you and the Faux new folk are the only keepers and knowers of the constitution. This is hardly true. I'll go back to the strict constructionism that most if not all conservatives slather over and disagree with you again that this is a living document using your round tip scissors and elmers glue to cut, gut and remake the constitution in your own light is a hugely ignorant thing to do.

You may want to follow the Supreme Court and read up on its trevails through the centuries. They are the actual Deciders on what is and isn't constitutional. And until recent court decisions never overturn solid and valid judgements.
the country has evolved, the people and their thinking has, and the gov't has as well.

funny you mention tea partiers as if they were a separate party. They are republicans and libertarians in the republican party. That is all it is. the big tent keeps getting emptier and emptier so they just have to scream that much louder to make themselves heard no matter how irrelevant they really are.

Liberal damage to the country? like the modest national debt before reagan and the ever increasing debt since. Seems we may be locked into a viscious cycle of ignorant fools demanding less gov't but still wanting the gov't to take care of everything they used to take care of. this is unreasonable.

The other hand has a reasonable request that the ever increasing wealthy folk pay back what they have taken from the people. I personally consider what the wealth have done as wealth redistribution only in a manner that hurts everyone but the few.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 1405219 - Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 20:05:38 UTC

Your long haul trucker example is a perfect example of why the supremacy clause (and the commerce clause) was put in the constitution. If that little 3 mile section is being used to extort money from people passing through, then I would fully support the federal government stepping in and telling the state to stop doing it because it's violating the commerce clause. I don't see how the tea party can support this literal highway robbery from a state.

States build roads too and can rob, er... tax for them too. And how can the feds do this proposal of yours without another power grab from the states sovereign ability to levy taxes? You want to have your cake and eat it too.

I don't think any Interstate should be hijacked by a state and used as a tollway. If a state wants a toll way build it yourself and disassociate your road from the federally funded interstate road system. Consider Oklahoma, it has toll ways and non toll freeways. the Tollways are constantly under repair. why? because the roads were bought and paid for long ago. they need to justify their tolls in rebuilding and repairing roads that aren't old or broken.

Take Texas and the North Texas Tollway system(NTTS), It has had a toll way in north Dallas for the better part of 25 years. This road again has been bought and paid for many times over. So why doesn't it revert back to a non toll road? because the NTTS creates more projects and needs the additional money to pay for the roads. Currently, the NTTS is constantly losing money because of poor project management, massive paychecks for its executives and above all poor planning. The roads they built after the North dallas tollway have been bad ideas and have few users. I'd think the people of texas would get fed up with the nonsense but governor good hair wants more of this privatization.

So, you see its always a good thing to through good oney after bad.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 1405227 - Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 20:22:29 UTC - in response to Message 1404775.  

I can't agree. When you have a world of sheeple they need to be managed. Unfortunately we have a bad breed of sheepdogs.

Good God, where's me damned pills?

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Message 1405243 - Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 20:50:19 UTC

thank you for the diagnosis. from a 12 step program point of view please do your own 4th step and I'll keep to mine.

Denial seems to run deep here. Seems that the king would like things his way because people are to stupid to know what's good for them. Seems someone was sputting this off about Dems lately. How sad that one does exactly what one accuses the other of then just blah blah blah did not DENIAL yours not mine BLAH BLAH blather and you are wrong I'm better than you because I like pain and suffering of the poor.

As little as I like religion I still think its every good persons responsibility to take care of the poor, indigent, and disabled. That might seem political but its not.

Churchs cannot take care of all the needs of the people. they just don't have the money. Gov'ts step in and subsidize the churches efforts. Sadly, our Gubment allows just about anyone to be a nonprofit which takes away from a non profit that does good and gives it to a nonprofit that either has high paid golfers winning its prizes or are linked to a political agenda.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
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Message 1405263 - Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 21:27:26 UTC - in response to Message 1405219.  

Your long haul trucker example is a perfect example of why the supremacy clause (and the commerce clause) was put in the constitution. If that little 3 mile section is being used to extort money from people passing through, then I would fully support the federal government stepping in and telling the state to stop doing it because it's violating the commerce clause. I don't see how the tea party can support this literal highway robbery from a state.

States build roads too and can rob, er... tax for them too. And how can the feds do this proposal of yours without another power grab from the states sovereign ability to levy taxes? You want to have your cake and eat it too.

I don't think any Interstate should be hijacked by a state and used as a tollway. If a state wants a toll way build it yourself and disassociate your road from the federally funded interstate road system.

If the Feds paid 100%,, then you might have a point, but the states do pay part of their construction. I have yet to see a Federal Government road crew repairing and interstate highway. I see the local state crews doing that.

However this is getting off the point. The point being that states already have huge powers to do underhanded government money grabs. Tea kool aid wants to give them even more.

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Message 1405391 - Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 5:34:32 UTC - in response to Message 1405317.  

One interesting thing about Grant Wood -- there is a fair amount of chatter regarding him being gay. To think this iconic image was created by him....
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Message 1405490 - Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 10:56:25 UTC

Be afraid, very afraid

"The military coup... was carried out under CIA direction as an act of US foreign policy," says one excerpt".

Where in the Constitution does it say that the US can dictate to the rest of the world?
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Message 1405507 - Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 11:58:26 UTC - in response to Message 1405503.  

Now now GF, you must not upset Seti's "unofficial Ombudsman". Posts must meet his criteria or else.....

...saying that, we all know what Welshmen are famous for.......
ID: 1405507 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1405535 - Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 12:58:06 UTC

The Declaration was bold
And the Constitution remains gold.
Human nature is unchanging
and times may be changing,
but it's exactly the way the founders foretold!



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