Not getting any work?

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Message 1392618 - Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 23:16:07 UTC

Hey guys,

So I've been running SETI and other projects simultaneously. But being that I started with SETI it gets the bulk of my PC's processing power. I think I remember reading something about SETI using lots of resources to complete its projects, then not getting anything for a while, but I'm not sure. I used to be crunching everything, even the new V7 and I'm set to receive all types of work (Astropulse, etc)

2013-07-19 7:05:30 PM | SETI@home | update requested by user
2013-07-19 7:05:33 PM | SETI@home | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
2013-07-19 7:05:33 PM | SETI@home | Not requesting tasks: project is not highest priority
2013-07-19 7:05:36 PM | SETI@home | Scheduler request completed

So that's the message I get when I update to try and get more work. Right now its crunching work from my other projects happily, but no SETI. I have turned off my GPU crunching due to it slowing my gaming somewhat. Any ideas what's up? Just miss crunching my SETI work is all.

My PC is an HP running AMD A10-5700 processors with 10Gigs of RAM.
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Message 1394075 - Posted: 24 Jul 2013, 3:49:51 UTC

Hello again fellow SETI crunchers :)

Ok, been a while and still nothing. Every time I try to get more work units, it tells me that "Not requesting tasks: project is not highest priority". Which is BS. I have it set so that SETI should be working on my PC 52% of the time, followed by my other two at 35% and 11% (ish). Is there something else I can do to make BOINC realize what my primary project is?

Getting kinda worried that since my SETI average credit has nosedived while my other "supporting" projects are rocketing ahead?

Any ideas or tips would be welcome

Thanks and happy crunching!
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Message 1394089 - Posted: 24 Jul 2013, 5:06:41 UTC

Some projects are not very good at obeying the rules of BOINC - they will flood you with lots of work even when set to a very low share. One cure is to have the other projects total less than 10%. It will however take time for BOINC to get back on top of things and get S@H back where it belongs, especially if you have a load of short deadline tasks from other projects.
Bob Smith
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Message 1394380 - Posted: 24 Jul 2013, 21:19:03 UTC - in response to Message 1394089.  

Just dropped the other projects to under 10%, hope it doesn't take too long for BOINC to get picture and commence mass SETI crunching! MWAHAHAHA! Thanks for the help Rob!
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Message 1394605 - Posted: 25 Jul 2013, 7:19:06 UTC - in response to Message 1394380.  

There are no 'other projects' on your user page:

Probably you used different email?

In my page you can see 'Projects in which BilBg is participating':

Or here 'Projects in which Eric Korpela is participating':


- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Message 1395562 - Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 12:30:08 UTC

I'm getting the message: Processing suspended, User Active. Nothing is happening.
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Message 1396032 - Posted: 29 Jul 2013, 3:34:53 UTC - in response to Message 1395562.  

You probably have your BOINC manager set to do work only when the CPU is idle. On your BOINC manager go to Tools/ Computer Preferences. On the Processor Usage tab make sure the "while computer is in use" is check. If you game or do CPU intensive activities on the PC just snooze the Boinc Manager or close it altogether. A big ALSO, make sure you set the "while processing is less than" is set to 0 if you don't want the CPU processing interupted

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Message 1397003 - Posted: 31 Jul 2013, 15:33:40 UTC
Last modified: 31 Jul 2013, 15:34:51 UTC

having a somewhat related Problem right now:
After I started using SETI@HOME in BOINC yesterday, it didn't fetch any work when I klicked update for quite a while. Then, out of nowhere, it did, like 15 tasks or so. 5 of them are now complete and have been uploaded/reported (Side question: Although there is no credit yet, shouldn't they at least show up as "work done" or in the statistics?) but the other 10 were aborted for some reason. And now, again, I can't get new tasks (other Projects working fine).

Thanks in advance,

EDIT: Forgot this:
31/07/2013 16:55:28 | SETI@home | update requested by user
31/07/2013 16:55:32 | SETI@home | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
31/07/2013 16:55:32 | SETI@home | Reporting 5 completed tasks
31/07/2013 16:55:32 | SETI@home | Requesting new tasks for CPU and ATI
31/07/2013 16:55:39 | SETI@home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
31/07/2013 16:55:39 | SETI@home | No tasks sent
31/07/2013 17:22:21 | SETI@home | update requested by user
31/07/2013 17:22:25 | SETI@home | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
31/07/2013 17:22:25 | SETI@home | Requesting new tasks for CPU and ATI
31/07/2013 17:22:27 | SETI@home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
31/07/2013 17:22:27 | SETI@home | No tasks sent
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1397010 - Posted: 31 Jul 2013, 15:51:37 UTC - in response to Message 1397003.  

After I started using SETI@HOME in BOINC yesterday, it didn't fetch any work when I klicked update for quite a while. Then, out of nowhere, it did, like 15 tasks or so.

BOINC bases work fetch off of several different factors including resource share between projects and the amount of uptime you allow your system to crunch. The system has been designed to avoid abuse by not handing out work if BOINC doesn't think your system can handle it.

5 of them are now complete and have been uploaded/reported (Side question: Although there is no credit yet, shouldn't they at least show up as "work done" or in the statistics?)

Each workunit is sent out to at least two users so that the results can be compared. Credit isn't granted until all copies of the workunit are returned and the results match closely. Until then, they hang in sort of a limbo state of "pending".

but the other 10 were aborted for some reason. And now, again, I can't get new tasks (other Projects working fine).

The only status I see for those 10 are "Aborted by user", which suggests you may have hit the Project Reset button trying to get more work. I can only recommend that you leave BOINC alone and let it manage its work fetch on its own.
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Message 1397016 - Posted: 31 Jul 2013, 16:08:25 UTC - in response to Message 1397010.  
Last modified: 31 Jul 2013, 16:14:10 UTC

BOINC bases work fetch off of several different factors including resource share between projects and the amount of uptime you allow your system to crunch. The system has been designed to avoid abuse by not handing out work if BOINC doesn't think your system can handle it.

Well, it handled those 5 tasks alright... and I was monitoring temps the whole time. Also I have allowed 100% usage for the project with no time limitations. So there shouldn't be a problem with new tasks.

The only status I see for those 10 are "Aborted by user", which suggests you may have hit the Project Reset button trying to get more work. I can only recommend that you leave BOINC alone and let it manage its work fetch on its own.

I don't think I did. Not now, anyway, and if I did tonight, wouldn't that have aborted those 5 tasks that are now completed? It said aborted at the other 10 when the now successful tasks were still in progress... That's what confuses me...
Also when trying to get to the bottom of this just now, in the details of one aborted task I read something about a Computation error. Could that be the problem?

EDIT: Never mind, I just suddenly got credit (Wasn't that supposed to take longer than an hour?) and it fetched new tasks when I pressed update. Still wondering about that Computation error though...
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Message 1397020 - Posted: 31 Jul 2013, 16:21:24 UTC - in response to Message 1397016.  
Last modified: 31 Jul 2013, 16:43:25 UTC

BOINC bases work fetch off of several different factors including resource share between projects and the amount of uptime you allow your system to crunch. The system has been designed to avoid abuse by not handing out work if BOINC doesn't think your system can handle it.

Well, it handled those 5 tasks alright... and I was monitoring temps the whole time. Also I have allowed 100% usage for the project with no time limitations. So there shouldn't be a problem with new tasks.

Temps are not one of the factors taken into account by BOINC. If resource shares between projects aren't a factor, there are still other factors such as the amount of uptime your computer is on, of that is work suspended while in use, of that, is BOINC ever turned off.

Note that if this is a fresh installation of BOINC on a new machine, it can take a week while these factors balance out.

If you believe none of these factors are at issue, then it comes down to: right now the SETI servers believe you have four workunits to process right now. Why do you believe you need more? Are they not actually on your machine and is your machine going idle?

The only status I see for those 10 are "Aborted by user", which suggests you may have hit the Project Reset button trying to get more work. I can only recommend that you leave BOINC alone and let it manage its work fetch on its own.

I don't think I did. Not now, anyway, and if I did tonight, wouldn't that have aborted those 5 tasks that are now completed? It said aborted at the other 10 when the now successful tasks were still in progress... That's what confuses me...

No, resetting a project aborts all currently downloaded work (or work the SETI server thinks it sent to your computer but never made it). It doesn't have an affect on work already completed and returned.

Also when trying to get to the bottom of this just now, in the details of one aborted task I read something about a Computation error. Could that be the problem?

The outcome is listed as Computation error for all of them. This can be a generic error message that can mean many different things. Without a returned error log, any speculation is just a guess.

[Edit] I do see that the exit status on each shows "203 (0xcb) EXIT_ABORTED_VIA_GUI" further suggesting it was a user-related action that aborted the workunits.

[Edit #2]
Never mind, I just suddenly got credit (Wasn't that supposed to take longer than an hour?)

Not necessarily. If the other user returns their copy before you do, it can be as little as seconds before credit is granted. It all really depends on how soon the results are returned and if they match closely enough.
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Message 1397037 - Posted: 31 Jul 2013, 16:43:56 UTC - in response to Message 1397020.  

If you believe none of these factors are at issue, then it comes down to: right now the SETI servers believe you have four workunits to process right now. Why do you believe you need more? Are they not actually on your machine and is your machine going idle?

I think those 4 are probably the tasks it just fetched. My system wasn't idle, it just didn't fetch any tasks from SETI. But that's of course resolved now.

Thanks for the explanation regarding the time it needs for the factors used by BOINC to balance out. That makes sense.

Thanks very much for your time. :)
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Message 1397897 - Posted: 2 Aug 2013, 12:36:17 UTC

So, if I understand this correctly, once I download SETI software, it is some time before I start crunching numbers?

I have an old account which I havnt used for some time.
But the server recognized my email, so I just wait for work?

Thanks, Dave
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Message 1397904 - Posted: 2 Aug 2013, 13:23:08 UTC - in response to Message 1397897.  

So, if I understand this correctly, once I download SETI software, it is some time before I start crunching numbers?

I have an old account which I havnt used for some time.
But the server recognized my email, so I just wait for work?

Thanks, Dave

No, you crunch numbers right away. The amount of work that you receive for your computer is what balances out over time.

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Message 1403239 - Posted: 14 Aug 2013, 22:29:17 UTC

guys im a bit out of my league here, ive just installed setihome and i thought i would be looking at the skies for them? can you tell me what im actually doing here ?

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Message 1403247 - Posted: 14 Aug 2013, 23:13:26 UTC - in response to Message 1403239.  

How SETI@home works. Although that was written for Seti Classic, it's essentially still the same stuff for Seti@Home.
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Message 1403249 - Posted: 14 Aug 2013, 23:22:32 UTC - in response to Message 1403239.  

May I ask why you thought you'd be looking at the skies for them?

SETI@home uses your spare CPU cycles to process data recorded from space. The BOINC client downloads packets known as "workunits" (technically should be called "tasks") so they can be processed by your computer and the results returned to the server. Each task is sent to more than one computer so that the results can be compared, and if they match closely enough they get entered into the Master Science Database and you are given Cobblestones ("credit") for your work.

Ultimately, the goal is to find a repeatable signal over a period of time. So while each task may have some interesting results, it doesn't really mean much unless the source is repeated. That's why each result is recorded into the Master Science Database so that if a potential repeated signal is found, the project can then focus and "re-observe" the point in space where the signal came from to see if there's more that could indicate a sign from an intelligent race.

There is no manual involvement at all. All of the work is done by your computer's CPU and GPU (if applicable). That is the crux of what we're doing here.
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Message 1404093 - Posted: 17 Aug 2013, 1:11:17 UTC
Last modified: 17 Aug 2013, 1:19:52 UTC


I am trying to run in this challenge thing, and Seti (BOINC?) refuse to give me cpu wu. WTF?! Sorry, it is getting very frustrating.


105	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:29	Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.	
106	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:29	Requesting new tasks for CPU	
107	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks	
108	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	No tasks sent	
109	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	No tasks are available for SETI@home Enhanced	
110	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	No tasks are available for SETI@home v7	
111	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	No tasks are available for AstroPulse v6	
112	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	Tasks for AMD/ATI GPU are available, but your preferences are set to not accept them	

CPU and NVIDIA wu are selected in Seti project settings as well as BOINC/BAM! Group Settings. Of course I did not select to accept AMD/ATI GPU's, I DON'T HAVE ANY!!!!

Thank you in advance for any assistance.


PS - At this point, I have gone so far as to detach all other projects, less the 3 nci projects. Still no cpu work.
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Message 1404101 - Posted: 17 Aug 2013, 2:01:21 UTC - in response to Message 1404093.  
Last modified: 17 Aug 2013, 2:05:35 UTC


I am trying to run in this challenge thing, and Seti (BOINC?) refuse to give me cpu wu. WTF?! Sorry, it is getting very frustrating.


105	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:29	Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.	
106	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:29	Requesting new tasks for CPU	
107	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks	
108	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	No tasks sent	
109	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	No tasks are available for SETI@home Enhanced	
110	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	No tasks are available for SETI@home v7	
111	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	No tasks are available for AstroPulse v6	
112	SETI@home	08/16/2013 18:04:30	Tasks for AMD/ATI GPU are available, but your preferences are set to not accept them	

CPU and NVIDIA wu are selected in Seti project settings as well as BOINC/BAM! Group Settings. Of course I did not select to accept AMD/ATI GPU's, I DON'T HAVE ANY!!!!

Thank you in advance for any assistance.


PS - At this point, I have gone so far as to detach all other projects, less the 3 nci projects. Still no cpu work.

I'm guessing you're referring to this machine. What's interesting is that, AFAICT, there's only been 1 WU processed on the rig since it was connected to the project at the end of May.(see here) So, I'd first check usage preferences for the rig (the project ones, not the BOINC ones) and make sure they show to accept all work for both CPU and GPU (though, you can leave v6 unchecked as there is virtually no work left for it.) If that doesn't get work flowing, take a look at your BOINC preferences regarding use of the system, etc.[/url]
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Message 1404309 - Posted: 17 Aug 2013, 14:43:47 UTC
Last modified: 17 Aug 2013, 14:44:22 UTC

Just downloaded some BOINC software, wasnt obvious what you do with it other than wonder what to do next, Tell me is there any way to get the graphics box to stop moving about , just annoying. Is there anyway I can tell if I do actually pick up anything other than just watch a bar graph. It seems like a lot of work has gone into this project but the actual user at the end is left wondering whether he is taking part in anything, is there a simple graphic or something which would show a spike or signal coming in from anything, the txt is small and moving about so you cant really tell what you supposed to be doing or watching... Not Very Impressed.
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