New outage schedule....

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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1008617 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 14:18:40 UTC - in response to Message 1008612.  

I know what you are saying on that note. I have read more information than I knew existed. I am even learning the code, and how the systems works and ties together. In the Science forums, there is a ton of good information as well. I think I have said goodby to those years of set it and forget it. Now I'm ready to dive right in. By my learning the code both for SETI and for my job, I'll come out of it much more sellable and knowledgeable. Plus, I'm really having a lot of just plain fun!


I really have no desire to learn to code(well). I am unemployed/retired..
so I do have time. I am no scientist, nor programmer, nor.. well it is almost as long as the "stuff I do not know" list.

But there are times a different angle on the same old problems can unlock things.

Much like the truck stuck under the bridge that the engineers are trying to figure out how to extract without ruining the bridge.. little kid comes by and says "why don't you let the air out of the tires?"

The best thing about having time on my hands.. I can waste the time of telemarketers. Push the buttons to talk to a live body, and waste their time.

The new outtage schedule.. is the new outtage schedule. If we are crunching our way to a dead end.. someone needs to put in another section of road. Or we stop.

seti@home2.0 time maybe?

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Message 1008624 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:05:35 UTC - in response to Message 1008617.  

Yep, Seti@Home2.0. Great idea.

You just come up with the money for all the new equipment needed, the wages to pay staff to do extra work..those are just for starters.

What i find really sad, is after everything people have posted recently, you still have not got a single clue about what goes on.

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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1008625 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:08:57 UTC - in response to Message 1008624.  

Yep, Seti@Home2.0. Great idea.

You just come up with the money for all the new equipment needed, the wages to pay staff to do extra work..those are just for starters.

What i find really sad, is after everything people have posted recently, you still have not got a single clue about what goes on.

I know I can always count on you for a jab for anything I say.

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Message 1008629 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:17:35 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jun 2010, 15:20:06 UTC

Well, if anything you said was favourable, i wouldn't have to type a thing, would i?

What i suggest is you get some air in the tyres of your truck, and get up to speed with what is actually happening at Seti@Home. Not what you THINK is happening.

And if there was a Seti2.0, would you alpha or beta test? No, of course not. You've already stated your objections to that.

You simply expect everyone else to do the hard work so you can sit back and whine when it doesn't meet your approval.

'Nuff said.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1008630 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:19:23 UTC

All right folks...........cut the jabs. NOW.
This is my thread, and I intend it for constructive discussion ONLY.

I have tried to keep my comments either optimistic or at least realistic.

Meanwhile, my most productive host, 5025084, my i7 920 rig, is down to 42 MB tasks and 40 Cuda tasks.

Anybody wanna try to tell me how the current system is working when the #21 rig on the project cannot build a respectable cache to get through these new outages?
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1008634 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:23:21 UTC - in response to Message 1008629.  

Well, if anything you said was favourable, i wouldn't have to type a thing, would i?

What i suggest is you get some air in the tyres of your truck, and get up to speed with what is actually happening at Seti@Home. Not what you THIINK is happening.

And if that was a Seti2.0 would you alpha or beta test? No, of course not. You've already stated your objections to that.

You simply expect everyone else to do the hard work so you can sit back and whine when it doesn't meet your approval.

'Nuff said.

Of course you would alpha and beta test anything. Common sense. I am trying to be constructive. Are you?

1: alpha 2: beta: 3 implement live. Is something confusing/revolutionary/incendiary in that concept?

If the current model is grinding to a halt.. developing 2.0 (in what EVER time frame) should not be an offensive idea.

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Message 1008636 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:26:43 UTC - in response to Message 1008630.  

I really have no idea why my rig started feeding. All I did was to reboot, and off it went. If I knew I would gladly share the information. I am not using any flops count, but others have tried that as well. I actually have a full tank at the moment, but I don't know why............ :)

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Message 1008637 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:27:33 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jun 2010, 15:28:49 UTC

Well Mark, the way i see it the Seti team is trying to get the system stable, and to do what it's supposed to do.

Whether people have wu's or not is not really that relevant to getting the system working properly. The wu's not done aren't going anywhere, and will be caught up in no time once the whole thing is running smoothly. Especially when the Fermi apps are working properly. And then you have the ATI apps being worked on also.

So, when those are running properly, i forsee there being literally about 3-4 days of work per week. An awefull lot of ATI cards out there i'm sure, waiting for a crack at Seti.

And currently, when things were all running smoothly, there was lack of work. Back to my main point. Whether rigs are idle for 2 days, or 2 weeks, it's not going to affect the overall ET search at all. Backlog of work will go very quickly.

My 2 cents.
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Message 1008638 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:27:50 UTC - in response to Message 1008630.  

Maybe this will give you an idea Mark..;view=Octets;ranges=d Looks like we might have broken something again. :-(

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Message 1008639 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 15:30:26 UTC - in response to Message 1008636.  

I really have no idea why my rig started feeding. All I did was to reboot, and off it went. If I knew I would gladly share the information. I am not using any flops count, but others have tried that as well. I actually have a full tank at the moment, but I don't know why............ :)


Ahh, that explains it, Steve broke it!! :-)

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Profile Geek@Play
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Message 1008663 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 16:59:13 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jun 2010, 17:21:22 UTC

With Berkeley's announcement that they intend to do an extended shutdown during the week coupled with the normal unscheduled downtime on the weekend, it's obvious that very little uptime remains for Seti. This was to be expected since more man-hours were being spent on keeping Seti up than were being spent on the development of Boinc. The development of Boinc is fully funded by grants, etc. Seti is NOT funded but used for the development project for Boinc development.

The decision to extend the weekly shutdown of Seti is logical, if for nothing else, but to devote more man-hours to Boinc development.

If more modern servers were available, more personnel available to run the Seti side of the operation perhaps Seti could remain up 24/7 but this is just my opinion. This would require financial donations that the vast majority of the Seti crunchers have thus far refused to participate in.

It is a shame that the original distributed computing project, the most popular project, by far, has to reduce it's uptime in this way. Not due to lack of crunchers but to lack of resources to keep it up 24/7. This is not Berkeley's fault, this is our fault!

[edit] Yes....I'm seeing red on this issue.
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Robert Ribbeck

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Message 1008667 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 17:36:17 UTC - in response to Message 1008663.  

I guess there is some confusion here

Boinc & Seti@home are two separate projects with different staff (according to each ones website) both with David Anderson as project manager

Seti@home uses the Boinc platform kinda like boinc is the operating system
and seti@home is the application being run

Berkley did not announce extended shutdown time SETI@HOME did

What is the connection between Seti@home's current problems and BOINC?

Was it the addition of gpu computing capabilities ?
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Profile jason_gee
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Message 1008670 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 17:42:43 UTC - in response to Message 1008667.  

...What is the connection between Seti@home's current problems and BOINC?

Was it the addition of gpu computing capabilities ?

Almost: At Lunatics we've received information, since partially retracted, that the 'Anonymous Platform' mechanism is not supported by Boinc. We are examining alternate avenues through modified Boinc clients to continue the use of third party applications.

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Profile Geek@Play
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Message 1008672 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 17:45:24 UTC - in response to Message 1008667.  

Was it the addition of gpu computing capabilities ?

Yes....Seti has always been a victim of it's own popularity but the addition of GPU's have greatly increased the server side loading.

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Message 1008675 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 18:04:19 UTC - in response to Message 1008670.  

...What is the connection between Seti@home's current problems and BOINC?

Was it the addition of gpu computing capabilities ?

Almost: At Lunatics we've received information, since partially retracted, that the 'Anonymous Platform' mechanism is not supported by Boinc. We are examining alternate avenues through modified Boinc clients to continue the use of third party applications.


Could you elaborate some? I'm currently using an anonymous platform (lunatics optimized apps). Is this going to be rejected by SETI and stop working at some point?
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Message 1008676 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 18:04:33 UTC - in response to Message 1008670.  

Almost: At Lunatics we've received information, since partially retracted, that the 'Anonymous Platform' mechanism is not supported by Boinc. We are examining alternate avenues through modified Boinc clients to continue the use of third party applications.


Ummm...for all the reading, analyzing, guessing, speculating, etc. etc. that has been going on in these forums for the last month or so, this statement by Jason seems to be the FIRST indication of just how massive the apparent "new direction" may actually be.

Now it's possible that I'm missing something, but if I read that correctly, it's going to be stock apps or nothing? Or, like Collatz, SAH would have to make an opti-app the "stock" distribution?
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Profile jason_gee
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Message 1008678 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 18:13:34 UTC

Well, that was my first reaction too. It seems that the 'Anonymous Platform' mechanism is not included as part of the Boinc development timeline, and as such was not included as part of the new credit system development, but to be left to 'the projects'. Some stroke of wisdom decided to install this incomplete work on the project with the most vocal & numerous Anonymous platform users.

I personally don't see it as a problem, since I can readily modify Boinc code to treat any third party application as stock ... but why should I have to ?
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Profile perryjay
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Message 1008681 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 18:29:44 UTC - in response to Message 1008678.  

I personally don't see it as a problem, since I can readily modify Boinc code to treat any third party application as stock ... but why should I have to ?

That's easy for you to say Jason, but what about us computer dummies out here? I've barely mastered running the installer! Another thing I've seen mentioned and I know it's not your problem, but what about running the rescheduler? I saw at least one post where the rescheduled WUs were resulting in -177 errors.

Is someone at Berkeley deliberately trying to run us out of here? If so, they better bring a prybar cause I'm not leaving on my own!!

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Profile jason_gee
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Message 1008682 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 18:32:28 UTC - in response to Message 1008681.  

I personally don't see it as a problem, since I can readily modify Boinc code to treat any third party application as stock ... but why should I have to ?

That's easy for you to say Jason, but what about us computer dummies out here? I've barely mastered running the installer! Another thing I've seen mentioned and I know it's not your problem, but what about running the rescheduler? I saw at least one post where the rescheduled WUs were resulting in -177 errors.

Is someone at Berkeley deliberately trying to run us out of here? If so, they better bring a prybar cause I'm not leaving on my own!!

LoL, I would of course release binaries & sources (with installer) if necessary. I'm hoping it won't come to that though. Third party applications are here to stay, whether factored into the Boinc development timeline or not! That much I can assure you ;)
"Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions.
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Profile perryjay
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Message 1008685 - Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 18:42:14 UTC - in response to Message 1008682.  

That's great Jason. I can't afford the top of the line equipment many are running so I need all the help I can get to at least keep me in the running. I've been running optimized almost as long as I've been running SETI. I guess I've tried every little (legal) shortcut we've had to get my speed up. Let me know if you need a dummy to test any new installer stuff. If it can be broken, I'll break it. Problem I have is not knowing enough to be able to explain how I did it!!

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