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Message 791824 - Posted: 3 Aug 2008, 3:09:14 UTC

Many have shared experiences from both Seti Beta and Issues in Seti Main.

Currently the starting information can be seen here Astropulse FAQ

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Message 797098 - Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 5:16:07 UTC

The Ability to select applications is now available in your Seti@Home preferences.

The default is both AP and MB.
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Message 797658 - Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 5:26:55 UTC - in response to Message 797098.  

The Ability to select applications is now available in your Seti@Home preferences.

The default is both AP and MB.

I don't have an AstroPulse client yet (I'm gonna wait for am Optimized AP client, I use Alex Kan's awesome AK_V8_SSE41 Windoze optimized client for crunching 'standard' Seti multibeam WUs). I do have BOINC 6.2.16, I don't see any such AP/MB app choices in BOINC's Preferences. Are your announced Seti@Home preferences set in our Web preferences? If not, where do we set app choice(s)?

Sabertooth Z77, i7-3770K@4.2GHz, GTX680, W8.1Pro x64
P5N32-E SLI, C2D E8400@3Ghz, GTX580, Win7SP1Pro x64 & PCLinuxOS2015 x64
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Message 797712 - Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 8:17:53 UTC - in response to Message 797658.  

If not, where do we set app choice(s)?

Project preferences:
Run only the selected applications ---
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Message 797889 - Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 17:42:12 UTC
Last modified: 14 Aug 2008, 17:43:33 UTC

Just tried new seti@home Preference for work setting only received Astropulse.

On sons host not mine.

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Message 802732 - Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 5:05:58 UTC

So, what do I have to modify in app_info.xml if I'm using a optimized app?
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Profile Byron S Goodgame
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Message 802735 - Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 5:24:59 UTC - in response to Message 802732.  

So, what do I have to modify in app_info.xml if I'm using a optimized app?

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Message 804297 - Posted: 2 Sep 2008, 13:58:01 UTC

Hopefully I have chosen the right thread for this question:

For some reason, one of my old P3 machines received an AP WU, and it has been diligently crunching away for a few days. When looking at the estimated time remaining, it looks like it won't finish in time for the deadline. Should I cancel it and just write off the 60% work it has done? Will there be a credit at the end of the road anyway?

I have looked in the preferences of boinc 6.2.18 to see where I can choose the programs to run, but can't see where to tell it I don't want AP for this machine.

Thanks in advabce.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 804313 - Posted: 2 Sep 2008, 15:12:57 UTC - in response to Message 804297.  

Hopefully I have chosen the right thread for this question:

If it isn't a frequently asked question yet, I'm sure it will be soon, so it seems as good a place as any!

For some reason, one of my old P3 machines received an AP WU, and it has been diligently crunching away for a few days. When looking at the estimated time remaining, it looks like it won't finish in time for the deadline. Should I cancel it and just write off the 60% work it has done? Will there be a credit at the end of the road anyway?

Are you talking about host 1950859? If the task has reached 60% in the 14 days since it was issued, I would say you've got a very good chance of finishing off the remaining 40% in the 16 days you've got left before the deadline - Astropulse runs at a very uniform speed throughout the run. Unless you know that the machine will be less active over the next two weeks, I would say that it would be good (both for the SETI project and for your credits) if you let it continue.

I have looked in the preferences of boinc 6.2.18 to see where I can choose the programs to run, but can't see where to tell it I don't want AP for this machine.

Thanks in advance.

There are no controls to select/deselect Astropulse in the BOINC Manager, but there are controls on this website. Go to 'ACCOUNT' (orange navigation bar above), and choose "Resource share and graphics SETI@home preferences". The AP/MB options are towards the end of each section.

You can't select/deselect applications on an individual host basis, but you can set 'venues' (home, school, work) and define choices for each venue. So you could create/modify your "work" venue, for example, and say "no Astropulse" for that venue. Save your changes, then go to the information page for your P3 machine: go to the very bottom of the page, and assign it to the appropriate venue.
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Message 804390 - Posted: 3 Sep 2008, 0:13:28 UTC - in response to Message 804313.  

Thank you for the reply Richard.

I actually got home from work and saw that tI'm only 34% done, but according to the remaining time, I should be done in 2 weeks.

Of course, with bad luck, my system did an update,and I lost 8 hours to a reboot :-(

Keep on crunching.
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Message 804437 - Posted: 3 Sep 2008, 3:03:21 UTC - in response to Message 804390.  

Thank you for the reply Richard.

I actually got home from work and saw that tI'm only 34% done, but according to the remaining time, I should be done in 2 weeks.

Of course, with bad luck, my system did an update,and I lost 8 hours to a reboot :-(

Keep on crunching.

What are you saying... 34% complete after 2 weeks??? Then you are expected 4 weeks more 'til completion?

Do not believe the 'remaining time' shown.. calculate the 'true remaining time' yourself from the %complete and elapsed CPU time.

This will miss deadline and be reissued with the possibility that you will not receive any credit. Your PIII should not have received any AP WUs because your host cannot complete before deadline!!!
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Message 804597 - Posted: 3 Sep 2008, 18:46:21 UTC - in response to Message 804437.  

Thank you.... I'll do the math tonight.... I just quickly looked at the remaining time of 265 hours, which I take to be about 11 days that should get me in under the wire. Perhaps the 2 weeks was only in my mind when I wrote the question. AP units seem to spend quite a bit of time in the computer compared to what we are used to, even for a P4, let alone a PIII.

And yes..... I too thought that this machine should not be receiving AP WUs. I'm very happy with the quick gratification that even this old PIII gives with regular WUs. Accidents happen.
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Message 804670 - Posted: 3 Sep 2008, 23:54:40 UTC

Of course, with bad luck, my system did an update,and I lost 8 hours to a reboot :-(

Are you running BOINC as a service? If you were, it would have started straight after the reboot even without you logging on - you then wouldn't have wasted that 8 hours. Wait until your AP unit has completed and then reinstall ensuring the install option 'Protected application execution' is checked. This will ensure BOINC runs as a service.
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Message 804976 - Posted: 4 Sep 2008, 20:42:20 UTC
Last modified: 4 Sep 2008, 20:49:27 UTC


In addition to the processor/memory/disk requirements for AP, is there any screening for RAC? One of my older pending WUs is with a wingman with a RAC of 66 and I have another wingman with a RAC of 30! That seems to be awfully low given the crunch time necessary for AP.


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Message 804986 - Posted: 4 Sep 2008, 21:05:40 UTC - in response to Message 804976.  


In addition to the processor/memory/disk requirements for AP, is there any screening for RAC? One of my older pending WUs is with a wingman with a RAC of 66 and I have another wingman with a RAC of 30! That seems to be awfully low given the crunch time necessary for AP.


No checks for RAC and so on, the only specific Astropulse-rule is adding 30% "safety"-margin, and not by-passing the check even if no work for project at all... But, Astropulse's estimates is too low, so even with adding 30%, it can be sent to computers that in reality is too slow to finish before deadline. For anyone running optimized seti, the estimates will be even more off reality.

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Josef W. Segur
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Message 805065 - Posted: 4 Sep 2008, 23:27:24 UTC - in response to Message 804976.  


In addition to the processor/memory/disk requirements for AP, is there any screening for RAC? One of my older pending WUs is with a wingman with a RAC of 66 and I have another wingman with a RAC of 30! That seems to be awfully low given the crunch time necessary for AP.


I have a 1.6 GHz. P4 system which takes about 14.5 days to do an AP WU. It would have a RAC of slightly under 100 here running the stock 6.03 setiathome_enhanced. If I were sharing equally with two other projects it's RAC would be a third of that, but BOINC would attempt to get an AP WU done on time using high priority if needed and allowing the other projects' LTD to grow.

OTOH, if I were only crunching S@H but running only 8 hours a day the RAC again would be a third but BOINC wouldn't be able to get the work done within deadline. The time stats for the host would show that it was only crunching a limited number of hours a day and the Scheduler should be able to figure out the host can't do the work within deadline, but the low estimates Ingleside noted might cause a problem there.

A host may also be too new for its RAC to have built up to a reasonable indication, or it has been temporarily depressed by an accident. Finally, if my 1.6 GHz. P4 were crunching an AP WU, toward the end of the second week its RAC would have dropped by about 75% simply because it hasn't finished any work to report. When it did finish the RAC would get a big boost, though.

In short, RAC can be affected by too many other things to be a good indicator. You could probably research those hosts and figure out why the RAC is low, then make a judgement. The project servers don't have all the stats from other projects, though, so it wouldn't make sense for them to use the RAC in feasibility estimation.
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Message 805258 - Posted: 5 Sep 2008, 13:23:21 UTC - in response to Message 805065.  


In addition to the processor/memory/disk requirements for AP, is there any screening for RAC? One of my older pending WUs is with a wingman with a RAC of 66 and I have another wingman with a RAC of 30! That seems to be awfully low given the crunch time necessary for AP.


I have a 1.6 GHz. P4 system which takes about 14.5 days to do an AP WU. It would have a RAC of slightly under 100 here running the stock 6.03 setiathome_enhanced. If I were sharing equally with two other projects it's RAC would be a third of that, but BOINC would attempt to get an AP WU done on time using high priority if needed and allowing the other projects' LTD to grow.

OTOH, if I were only crunching S@H but running only 8 hours a day the RAC again would be a third but BOINC wouldn't be able to get the work done within deadline. The time stats for the host would show that it was only crunching a limited number of hours a day and the Scheduler should be able to figure out the host can't do the work within deadline, but the low estimates Ingleside noted might cause a problem there.

A host may also be too new for its RAC to have built up to a reasonable indication, or it has been temporarily depressed by an accident. Finally, if my 1.6 GHz. P4 were crunching an AP WU, toward the end of the second week its RAC would have dropped by about 75% simply because it hasn't finished any work to report. When it did finish the RAC would get a big boost, though.

In short, RAC can be affected by too many other things to be a good indicator. You could probably research those hosts and figure out why the RAC is low, then make a judgement. The project servers don't have all the stats from other projects, though, so it wouldn't make sense for them to use the RAC in feasibility estimation.

Thanks for the replies!

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Message 805286 - Posted: 5 Sep 2008, 16:30:17 UTC

I'm shutting down SETI until I get a clear indication of how to run the original SETI program rather than Asstropulse.
If I have a system failure on my computer at 100+ hours during a 114 hour run and all is lost I'm not going to be happy.
I do not want analysis units that take more than a few hours to complete.
I tried going to preferences but found no option to run AP or MB.
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Message 805287 - Posted: 5 Sep 2008, 16:37:19 UTC - in response to Message 805286.  

I'm shutting down SETI until I get a clear indication of how to run the original SETI program rather than Asstropulse.
If I have a system failure on my computer at 100+ hours during a 114 hour run and all is lost I'm not going to be happy.
I do not want analysis units that take more than a few hours to complete.
I tried going to preferences but found no option to run AP or MB.

The preferences are here, under SETI@home preferences. It's possible to have upto 4 different "venues", in case some users wants to enable Astropulse on some computers, while disable on others and so on.

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Message 805362 - Posted: 5 Sep 2008, 23:43:55 UTC - in response to Message 805287.  

I'm shutting down SETI until I get a clear indication of how to run the original SETI program rather than Asstropulse.
If I have a system failure on my computer at 100+ hours during a 114 hour run and all is lost I'm not going to be happy.
I do not want analysis units that take more than a few hours to complete.
I tried going to preferences but found no option to run AP or MB.

The preferences are here, under SETI@home preferences. It's possible to have upto 4 different "venues", in case some users wants to enable Astropulse on some computers, while disable on others and so on.

Thanks, I found it.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Astropulse FAQ

©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.