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Kryten woes (Jan 31 2007)
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![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 5 Sep 04 Posts: 189 Credit: 1,016,797 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Thanks for responding Eric. I understand your concerns much more clearly now. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Send message Joined: 2 Sep 06 Posts: 8964 Credit: 12,678,685 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Eric--Thank you VERY MUCH for straightening out the confusion some of us had over at SetiUSA. I (and I speak for myself here) have a better understanding now. ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 8 Mar 01 Posts: 213 Credit: 14,594,579 RAC: 0 ![]() |
@ERIC and the SETI Team: I am a DBA just like you. We have been fighting over the issue of a compatible donated server for two days now. Let's discuss something new. You were 101% open to the idea of a donated piece of hardware that has a market value of less than $3,000 (no offense Dr.). So this means you are open to ANY suggestion required to get a server. Also, your biggest requirement appears to be RAM. At least 12Gb is needed to host the database. Server: My company orders quality Servers from Supermicro on a daily basis. Their Intel based servers are stable and have support for most Unix based OS's. A Core 2 based Xeon system can easily hold 16Gb and costs much less than a Sun or Dell based system. Supermicro Deal Time Link For Barebones Server @ $1700 New Egg Memory Link For Server @ $550 Per 4Gb Solution: Would you consider a SETI community donated box? Eric could you manage a side fund raiser for a new 16Gb Server. Or maybe call back the generous Dr. and see if he could administer the fund (outside fund raising, so you are not implicated by Berkley for fund raising as an employee). I know this seems like a very easy solution... but it really is. You wanted a server, let us buy it! I am actually using a similar motherboard from Supermicro in a desktop case right now. 4 way SETI processing is very fast. Overclock with the MSI G31M3-L and Intel E8600 3.33Ghz Intel D865GLC Socket 478 Motherboard ~How To Overclock The Eee ASUS 1005HA Netbook To 1.9Ghz~ |
kevint Send message Joined: 17 May 99 Posts: 414 Credit: 11,680,240 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I will pay for shipping to, and if needed back to my place :), or back to Dr Dan if needed. OR - send me the invoice for the electrician to install the 220 if the machine would work and the only problem is the power. I understand power is not the only concern and there are several issues to consider here. There are solutions to these problems, one only needs to present the problems. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jan 00 Posts: 2562 Credit: 12,301,681 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Reuben You are welcome to contact me and I will put you in touch with Eric... If there is a way... The More Minds are better than one... You can reach me al.setiboinc (at) So that you know discussion with Eric and Dan are not an end... But how to get a quote "modern" server or two under Seti... It is tough at the least... Pappa @ERIC and the SETI Team: I am a DBA just like you. We have been fighting over the issue of a compatible donated server for two days now. Let's discuss something new. Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jan 00 Posts: 2562 Credit: 12,301,681 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Kevin email me I will share some of that which can be shared... Actually this goes to any Team Captain/Founder... This goes to that "we" can help... al.setiboinc (at) I know about my conversation with Dan prior to the phone call that Eric referenced... But then again... The need to to prevent something from showing up on the Seti Loading dock that can not be used (everyone)... One need is for Server RAM (ECC Reg) that is very expensive for even newer machines... It gets tough as the specific manufacturer may do something that would make harder... So a consolidated effort to get reasonable hardware to solve the Kryten woes is important... That is important to all of us... So while I am not perfect, I have a Star, I have RAC, I have motives and I want to Make Sure Seti Survives... I am only Human...
Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project. |
![]() Send message Joined: 2 Sep 06 Posts: 8964 Credit: 12,678,685 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Pappa-- I am sorry to say this and I am not trying to rip on you, but we (myself and some others who have not posted here--from different teams not only SETI USA) are extremely put-off by some of your recent comments and would like a way to email Eric directly. For some reason they're emailing me. While we appreciate your willingness to help your recent comments have made this issue more convoluted. With financial (ie cash) donations, you and Fuzzynoodle are terrific and I don't doubt your sincere wish to help SETI....but to expedite the process of donating hardware some of us would prefer to engage in discussions directly with Eric only (or whoever else he designates in the office). Eric-if this is not possible please post here so we're all on the same track. Thanks... ![]() ![]() |
PhonAcq Send message Joined: 14 Apr 01 Posts: 1656 Credit: 30,658,217 RAC: 1 ![]() |
I have no immediately useful comment to add to this thread. But reading everyone's perspective, even the anti-American ones, I would hope that someday, not too far from now, this project could distribute its servers to partner sites, other than Berkeley. There must be a structure that could work, maintain the integrity of the project, resolve some of the bottlenecks and embrace the larger volunteer computing community. May this Farce be with You |
kevint Send message Joined: 17 May 99 Posts: 414 Credit: 11,680,240 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Kevin Sorry Pappa, but this is not for you. I will not email you. That post was not to you, nor in response to you. Matt knows how to contact me. And I have his email address as well, Nothing personal, but I don't need a middle man. |
Dark Angel ![]() Send message Joined: 26 Aug 01 Posts: 432 Credit: 2,673,754 RAC: 0 ![]() |
say that's a bit narcissistic, and quite offensive. I absolutely agree with you...there is a place where it belongs and many places where it doesn't. I do believe I touched on the whole issue of coporate pandering too with my post. I would point out that my post was in reference to and directed at an individual who is a member of team SETI.USA...from another citizen of the while it does not necessarily apply to the world it was directed at the short sighted argument directed at me. Now as to large corporations I work for one that has their name on a ball park...renamed several times since it was built, and still referred to by is original name at least by the locals. However I don't necessarily agree with the practice. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dark Angel ![]() Send message Joined: 26 Aug 01 Posts: 432 Credit: 2,673,754 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Well, that would be a way of raising money. Have companies bid for the right to name one of the computers. You know I have a green star just like you but neither one of us had the audacity to ask that part of the network be named after us. If a team wants to donate fine donate I will recognize that the computer came from them I don't need daily reminder every-time I look at the server board though. In regard to the green star I don't consider it a status symbol though I have wasn't the reason that I donated in the first place. I saw a need and I dug in a filled it. I didn't seek anything more...and was quite surprised to get a nice gift which I was not seeking in the first place. It should be enough to have the thanks of everyone who crunches that the computer if it is accepted makes our experience that much better and makes the network stable again. Some of the members of SETI.USA need to learn humility. I say if they want to ask for recognition give them a blip on the corporate page or create a team donations page where they can have it posted. Again no daily reminders needed. You stated that it is no different then the credits or the green stars or the number of posts a person had made but that's all stuff in common practice...what was asked for is not common practice. So I think you are missing the point no one has cried it's not fair...we have however stated that we find it offensive to have a daily reminder from SETI.USA that they donated a computer. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
kevint Send message Joined: 17 May 99 Posts: 414 Credit: 11,680,240 RAC: 0 ![]() |
< SNIP > |
Josef W. Segur Send message Joined: 30 Oct 99 Posts: 4504 Credit: 1,414,761 RAC: 0 ![]() |
... we (myself and some others who have not posted here--from different teams not only SETI USA) are extremely put-off by some of your recent comments and would like a way to email Eric directly... On Eric's Homepage you'll find his email address at the bottom. He has a challenge type spam trap; your first message will get an automated reply which you'll have to read and use to send again to actually get through. Joe |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 21 Jun 01 Posts: 21804 Credit: 2,815,091 RAC: 0 ![]() |
A donation is a gift that is freely given without anything expected in return. Well, that would be a way of raising money. Have companies bid for the right to name one of the computers. And if they want to do that fine. But let's not hide what that really is - a business transaction. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 Aug 04 Posts: 7472 Credit: 94,252 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I don't care if it's seti.usa, kryten, krytenII....or pepsi, doritos, mcdonalds.....or larry. Whatever the machine's called at least it's a working server. If the project team find that they can use it, what diffference does it make as to its name? If they hadn't thought of it first, and some other team suggested it, they would be the first ones screaming about how wrong it would be to attatch a string like that to a donation. I have nothing against the offer of the server itself. I just don't think that demanding that a team name be attatched to that server is a good idea. I mean, if our team got together and donated some drives for the server, does that mean that we could demand that it be named SetiUSA/Calm Chaos? |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 21 Jun 01 Posts: 21804 Credit: 2,815,091 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I mean, if our team got together and donated some drives for the server, does that mean that we could demand that it be named SetiUSA/Calm Chaos? I'll throw a few pennies their way and combine the name to Calm Synergy.USA |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 Aug 04 Posts: 7472 Credit: 94,252 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I mean, if our team got together and donated some drives for the server, does that mean that we could demand that it be named SetiUSA/Calm Chaos? Only problem I can see with that... Calm Chaos and Boinc Synergy are both listed as International teams.... Air Cold, the blade stops; from silent stone, Death is preordained ![]() Calm Chaos Forums : Everyone Welcome |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 7 May 01 Posts: 54 Credit: 1,275,043 RAC: 0 ![]() |
If they hadn't thought of it first, and some other team suggested it, they would be the first ones screaming about how wrong it would be to attatch a string like that to a donation. I guess that you have no clue what's going on here. Simply amazing... :/ 1. When you can authoritatively speak for our team and it's members your opinions will be asked for so please until that happens refrain in the future from making misleading statements like "If they hadn't thought of it first, and some other team suggested it, they would be the first ones screaming about how wrong it would be to attatch a string like that to a donation". Do you have ANY proof other then your 'personally prejudicial opinions' that we've acted that way in the past? Where is it? what thread? what post? which message board?? I thought not. 2. No one is "demanding" anything and for you to try and say otherwise is at best misleading and at worst....well lets not go there ok? especially when you apparently cannot tell a suggestion from a demand. A "requirement" is hardly a demand, it is a suggestion Matt is free to ignore if he chooses to which BTW, he did not. Since Matt does not have a problem with anything we've suggested and he does not care what the server would be named, only the people who think like you do will have a problem with it so I guess in the big picture it doesn't really matter all that much what you think about what we do now does it....? 3. If you or your Calm Chaos or BS or anyone from any other team were to somehow offer some extra hardware or drives for the server why should we give a flying 'f' what you or anyone else calls the thing as long as you are helping the project..? Again, as Matt said he doesn't care what the servers are named as long as they work reliably so why get your panties in a bunch over something that no one else but you and a few others like you seem to care about. At least we're prepared to do something tangible as a team to help that would have an IMMEDIATE and POSITIVE impact on the project, so what are YOU as well as the rest of the thread participants here who think like you doing other then spending a great amount of energy worrying about what SETI.USA is doing, going to do or thinking about doing?? Worry more about the future of S@H BOINC instead of SETI.USA and you will do this project a greater service then what you are doing now. ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 21 Jun 01 Posts: 21804 Credit: 2,815,091 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I mean, if our team got together and donated some drives for the server, does that mean that we could demand that it be named SetiUSA/Calm Chaos? How about the International States of America. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Mar 06 Posts: 21140 Credit: 33,933,039 RAC: 23 ![]() ![]() |
Ok....with all due respect to Eric & Matt and the crew at UB. Let me summarize the relevant concern...and someone other than Poppa (no offense)-preferably Eric or Matt-please respond... Well, I for one hope that things with the server that Dr. Dan has offered do work out... Combined with the offer I had made prior to Dr. Dan's; together, we could hammer out many issues that Eric, Matt, et. al. have within the Server Closet that keep this project from peak efficiency at the moment. My offer still stands; I plan on coming up this month, driving up from Southern California, (Riverside County, CA), to Northern California, (Danville, Fremont, and then Berkeley, CA), just to get the hardware from a Bankrupt company to the home of SETI@Home. I have not asked, (nor did or do I), expect anything special in return for my efforts other than a polite "thank you"... However, in Dr. Dan's original post of offer pertaining to the powerful Server in question; the exact word used that has sparked this rant session on all sides is "required" instead of "requested" pertaining to the name of the Server to replace Kryten. Had Dr. Dan chosen in his original post to use the word "requested" instead of "required" I do not believe we would be having this battle about naming conventions in the first place. However; naming conventions aside, and "requests/requirements" also aside, the fact remains, (as stated here by Eric, Matt, et. al.), that the Server Closet at Berkeley for SETI@home is not set up, (and may not be able to be set up), to accommodate the Server offered by Dr. Dan. I sincerely hope that accommodations can be made, this offered Server does sound like it would truly answer many prayers for this Project. However; it still remains an issue of physical limitations, electrical load limitations, bringing up fire code limitations and building permit issues... Has anyone, (after reading the many posts here and elsewhere in the Forums), besides the Berkeley Team, (Eric, Matt, et. al.), considered these issues??? Or, are we just after recognition for petty reasons? Fact: The cost to update the closet for proper air conditioning, electrical load, etc. means obtaining building permits, hiring a General Contractor, (licensed), Electrical Contractor, (licensed), and more... Also, for those whom are unaware of city and county red tape; Berkeley is one of the HARDEST, (if not the hardest), cities to deal with in obtaining Building Permits for anything. (I know this because my Father is a licensed General Contractor in the commercial field. He has done jobs in Berkeley.) UCB, (who most likely owns the space where this Server Closet resides), would be the one(s) to hire said contractors, agree to a time table for construction modifications to take place, and more... All for one donated Server??? Is this reasonable??? Do you think that, (even if UCB agrees to the proposal of upgrades for one piece of donated equipment), UCB will make this set of updates an easy/simple task; that they will make sure that the job is done on an efficient time table? I say no... They would hire the cheapest General Contractor, abide by the Contractor's schedule, and this means shutting down the whole SETI@Home Project during the construction upgrades. (Anyone give this any thought whatsoever???) In close, let's give Eric, Matt, et. al. a break here. They have stated many times that they "would look into" the easiest way to implement the proposed donation made by Dr. Dan. Let's all hope for the best here, and if it is reasonable and feasible, they will find a way to make things work to accept the proposed donation by Dr. Dan. If the answer turns out to be "no" then we have to let it rest. If the answer turns out to be "yes", then we let Eric, Matt, et. al. get the Server Closet prepared for the arrival of Dr. Dan's Server. Once in place, then Eric, Matt, Pappa, et. al. can discuss the name/naming convention with Dr. Dan. In the meantime, I would like to confirm my update on my ETA. I will be leaving SoCAL the morning of the 12Th to arrive in the Bay Area in the late afternoon on the 12Th. I will then be going to Fremont where the equipment still resides waiting for me to inspect it. Once inspected, I will then call Eric with the details of what I find pertaining to the hardware within the three available Servers in Fremont. One Server will go to Berkeley with the APC Rack Mount Backup Battery, the other two Servers go with me back to SoCAL to update my own outdated farm and put two more crunchers into service for this Project. Eric, if you have any questions for me in the meantime, call me at home. If the long distance call is a factor; just call me for a minute stating you would like to talk, I will then call you back. I have Vonage; thus a call for me from SoCAL to NorCAL is free. I look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to seeing you and Matt during the week of the 12Th. Sincerely, TimeLord04 Have TARDIS, will travel... Come along K-9! Join Calm Chaos |
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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.