Donations to Help Keep Seti Alive

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Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 523963 - Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 5:12:15 UTC - in response to Message 523895.  

eh - you still 'ave it set-up so that one can NOT 'ave the STAR showin'? right?

Sorry, Richard, if you asked me, I do not understand your question.


@ Peter - as in 'anonymously' . . .

ID: 523963 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 524327 - Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 0:00:56 UTC - in response to Message 523963.  
Last modified: 28 Feb 2007, 0:01:51 UTC


The Seti PayPal is setup that if you do Not enter your Seti User ID then it would be anonomous... In the Berkeley Seti Donation form, it is setup so that you can make the Donation Anonomous... If you by chance miss that then in your preferences you can turn off the star or put a dot in a circle to effectively make it anonomous...

So there are several ways that should you choose to not display the Star, it would not displayed. Yes, I can understand why some would not want it seen...


eh - you still 'ave it set-up so that one can NOT 'ave the STAR showin'? right?

Sorry, Richard, if you asked me, I do not understand your question.


@ Peter - as in 'anonymously' . . .

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 524327 · Report as offensive
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 524367 - Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 0:36:28 UTC - in response to Message 524327.  

merci Pappa . . .


The Seti PayPal is setup that if you do Not enter your Seti User ID then it would be anonomous... In the Berkeley Seti Donation form, it is setup so that you can make the Donation Anonomous... If you by chance miss that then in your preferences you can turn off the star or put a dot in a circle to effectively make it anonomous...

So there are several ways that should you choose to not display the Star, it would not displayed. Yes, I can understand why some would not want it seen...


eh - you still 'ave it set-up so that one can NOT 'ave the STAR showin'? right?

Sorry, Richard, if you asked me, I do not understand your question.


@ Peter - as in 'anonymously' . . .

ID: 524367 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 524807 - Posted: 1 Mar 2007, 2:06:08 UTC

I Personally, want to Thank Everyone that has found "Something!" Job Well done!

Okay I am overdue, and trying to not push anyone...

As of [1 Mar 2007 1:06:13 UTC] $167891.47 has been raised or 31.2% of the goal... So in three months almost a third of the Goal has been reached... It shows what can be accomplished when everyone works together!

I will not mention names, some people want it to be anonymous I would not presume to embarrass them... I also know of one individual that did not want his name published who purchased Two 2.8Ghz Xeons and a pile of RAM for the kryten replacement (roughly $1800+) because of where the RAM was ordered from it is still in transit... The Motherboard was donated and a Case is on order... The quiet statement was, Eric will start the server build on Monday... Another Individual from a Team purchased a Large amount of RAM that is Helping Seti in other machines... I know that one small machine, a couple of switches and a UPS was delivered to Eric and it will/has been put to use... An individual purchased two compatible fiber channel cards to hook into existing drive arrays... I have no word on the other server or optical cards... My bad...

What I do know is that drives for the various Array's are still needed... Partly it will be required to get the Upload/Download Array's to a bit of a larger capacity as MultBeam Data hits... When I saw Matt dismiss the Red Lights on the NAS graphic... I cringed... Currently I do not have those model numbers (it requires pulling one, pick one and hope it does not cause the array to crash) but "generally" they are 73 Gig Fiberchannel Drives (Seagate)in a NetApp Nas... Yes I know that over the years everyone changes model numbers... I am chasing several items to find the cheapest replacements that a user might be able to afford... I also know that if you wish to donate cash towards just hardware there is was way that it could be identified through UCB...

So to not make this overly long I will close...

Thank You Everyone!


Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Message 525699 - Posted: 3 Mar 2007, 6:25:25 UTC - in response to Message 524807.  

I Personally, want to Thank Everyone that has found "Something!" Job Well done!

Okay I am overdue, and trying to not push anyone...

As of [1 Mar 2007 1:06:13 UTC] $167891.47 has been raised or 31.2% of the goal... So in three months almost a third of the Goal has been reached... It shows what can be accomplished when everyone works together!

I will not mention names, some people want it to be anonymous I would not presume to embarrass them... I also know of one individual that did not want his name published who purchased Two 2.8Ghz Xeons and a pile of RAM for the kryten replacement (roughly $1800+) because of where the RAM was ordered from it is still in transit... The Motherboard was donated and a Case is on order... The quiet statement was, Eric will start the server build on Monday... Another Individual from a Team purchased a Large amount of RAM that is Helping Seti in other machines... I know that one small machine, a couple of switches and a UPS was delivered to Eric and it will/has been put to use... An individual purchased two compatible fiber channel cards to hook into existing drive arrays... I have no word on the other server or optical cards... My bad...

What I do know is that drives for the various Array's are still needed... Partly it will be required to get the Upload/Download Array's to a bit of a larger capacity as MultBeam Data hits... When I saw Matt dismiss the Red Lights on the NAS graphic... I cringed... Currently I do not have those model numbers (it requires pulling one, pick one and hope it does not cause the array to crash) but "generally" they are 73 Gig Fiberchannel Drives (Seagate)in a NetApp Nas... Yes I know that over the years everyone changes model numbers... I am chasing several items to find the cheapest replacements that a user might be able to afford... I also know that if you wish to donate cash towards just hardware there is was way that it could be identified through UCB...

So to not make this overly long I will close...

Thank You Everyone!


Is that case for Kryten?
If It is, Hot Dang the end is near. ;)
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ID: 525699 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 525851 - Posted: 3 Mar 2007, 16:40:55 UTC - in response to Message 525699.  

Yes that is the case for the kryten replacement. There have been quiet Donations from various people that account for about $2800.00. They do not want fame they just want the machine to work...

So if other small parts are needed it will be announced...

Is that case for Kryten?
If It is, Hot Dang the end is near. ;)

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 525851 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 527896 - Posted: 8 Mar 2007, 3:56:42 UTC
Last modified: 8 Mar 2007, 3:57:37 UTC

Okay Folks

Some Very Good News The Replacement Server is a Dual 2.6 Xeon with 12Gig (will be) of RAM is being built. The bulk of the OS Install and the build should be completed on Thursday... There have been many that have donated Motherboard, CPU's, RAM, the case, Fiberchannel cards, Drives and Memory... Some want to recognized and others that want to just be in the background. I Respect that, so no names mentioned! Eric Knows!

So after a bit of testing I presume that it will take a few days to migrate data from kryten... We hope that it will majickly appear by the next weekly outage...

All I can say is that "IF" we put our minds/resources together and a bit of Funds "WE" can Help to insure that Seti Survives...

Thank You, to Everyone that has found a way to Help! I know that some would if they had the resources, Seti Understands...

We still have other drives to get replaced... More on that later... Or watch Donate Hardware II



Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 527896 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 531883 - Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 1:24:18 UTC

I spoke with Eric briefly this morning...

Between Hardware donations that they would have had to turn around and Purchase with the Roughly $6000 in hardware donated... Not to mention your Donation efforts.. We have a small respite. "YOU" have managed to to get Seti almost a 3rd of the way to the goal... Thank YOU! Now other news... Cross post to the Donate Hardware II Thread...

The work to get Bruno ready to move into place is going slow... See Matt's Tech News entry Happy Ides (Mar 15 2007) states that the issue may be solved... Eric also mentioned for the first time in a while, they have been working to make just about all the Red Lights go away... Other resources are coming to a point that while things in most cases are not New... They are becoming more reliable again.

Thanks to "many people" Bruno is a dual 2.8Ghz Xeon the 12 Gig of RAM and the last couple of drives will be in place shortly. So as the file copy, is now working properly... We should see good things during the next Weekly Outage...

A User came up with enough Sata drives to solve that part of the issue... Thank You!

Thank You to Everyone that has found "something," It shows the Spirit of those that Believe in Seti! Many do not want their names displayed...



Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Josef W. Segur
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Message 532233 - Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 16:43:31 UTC

I'm wondering if it might help to change the text on the entry page:
SETI@home is in the midst of our Fall 2006 fundraising drive.

New participants might get the wrong impression, those who have been around longer have become accustomed to it so are not stimulated to think about donating.
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Message 534484 - Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 5:05:09 UTC

Hello Pappa!

First let me say that giving, tireless people like you make all the difference IN the world TO the world. THANK YOU. Keep up all your hard work and extend these thanks to all your peers.

As a recent donor I thought I would let you know that my credit card was charged correctly and the tax receipt came about a week to ten days later. Just today I received correspondance from UC Berkeley with a letter of gratitude from Chancellor Birgeneau, a pamphlet Entitled "Cal Facts" and two nifty "I Feed The Bears" window stickers. No mention of SETI by the way.

Any chance I could trade you two bear stickers for one SETI sticker?
ID: 534484 · Report as offensive
Profile Pappa
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Message 534871 - Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 1:11:59 UTC - in response to Message 534484.  
Last modified: 22 Mar 2007, 1:13:02 UTC


Thank You!

I am not aware of windows stickers that might say something like "Got Seti?" with the Seti Logo...

Hello Pappa!

First let me say that giving, tireless people like you make all the difference IN the world TO the world. THANK YOU. Keep up all your hard work and extend these thanks to all your peers.

As a recent donor I thought I would let you know that my credit card was charged correctly and the tax receipt came about a week to ten days later. Just today I received correspondance from UC Berkeley with a letter of gratitude from Chancellor Birgeneau, a pamphlet Entitled "Cal Facts" and two nifty "I Feed The Bears" window stickers. No mention of SETI by the way.

Any chance I could trade you two bear stickers for one SETI sticker?

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 534871 · Report as offensive
Profile Blurf
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Message 540714 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 3:17:13 UTC

Any updates??? Been a long time since we've had an update on fundraising...

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Wander Saito
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Message 540845 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 12:25:59 UTC - in response to Message 540714.  

Any updates??? Been a long time since we've had an update on fundraising...

Hi Blurf,

To keep track of SAH donations, you can simply access the donation history page. It has all sorts of data regarding money contributions to SAH.

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Profile Pappa
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Message 541006 - Posted: 4 Apr 2007, 22:36:24 UTC
Last modified: 4 Apr 2007, 22:37:13 UTC

I should have said something before now, but have been busy at work and with Astropulse...

I Konw that things also have been quiet lately, moving hardware (Seti) into place has left little time for discussion about what to do next. There are still a Few Hardware Items Needed. I will post that again shortly.

As of [4 Apr 2007 22:17:29 UTC] $171856.24 has been raised so far or 31.9% of the goal...

For those have contributed and those that still trickle in a bit here and there. Thank You

Those that would if they, Thank You for the Thought!

Everyones efforts have gotten Bruno running a few other machines upgraded and Astropulse to Testing in Seti Beta... Well Done!



Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

ID: 541006 · Report as offensive
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 547236 - Posted: 16 Apr 2007, 16:47:54 UTC - in response to Message 541006.  

I should have said something before now, but have been busy at work and with Astropulse...

I Konw that things also have been quiet lately, moving hardware (Seti) into place has left little time for discussion about what to do next. There are still a Few Hardware Items Needed. I will post that again shortly.

As of [4 Apr 2007 22:17:29 UTC] $171856.24 has been raised so far or 31.9% of the goal...

For those have contributed and those that still trickle in a bit here and there. Thank You

Those that would if they, Thank You for the Thought!

Everyones efforts have gotten Bruno running a few other machines upgraded and Astropulse to Testing in Seti Beta... Well Done!



Thanks for the Update Pappa . . . YOUR Many Contributions are Obviously DULY Noted SIR!!! hear, hear for Bruno . . .

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Message 578994 - Posted: 31 May 2007, 6:41:23 UTC

I made a donation on the 24th. May I please have my star back?

I Desire Peace and Justice, Jim Scott (Mod-Ret.)
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Message 579290 - Posted: 31 May 2007, 19:27:22 UTC - in response to Message 578994.  

I made a donation on the 24th. May I please have my star back?

Me too. I'd like confirmation that mine's been received, ta.
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Message 579389 - Posted: 31 May 2007, 23:07:25 UTC - in response to Message 579290.  

Kinhull, Jim S

You have your stars... As Jim mentioned it I sent an email to insure the script got turned back on...

I made a donation on the 24th. May I please have my star back?

Me too. I'd like confirmation that mine's been received, ta.

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Message 579402 - Posted: 31 May 2007, 23:32:59 UTC - in response to Message 579389.  

Kinhull, Jim S

You have your stars... As Jim mentioned it I sent an email to insure the script got turned back on...

I made a donation on the 24th. May I please have my star back?

Me too. I'd like confirmation that mine's been received, ta.

Thanks Pappa. Please don't stop your good works.
Folks like You have kept folks like me cooking computers and sending what we can when we can.

I Desire Peace and Justice, Jim Scott (Mod-Ret.)
ID: 579402 · Report as offensive
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Message 580970 - Posted: 3 Jun 2007, 22:52:21 UTC
Last modified: 3 Jun 2007, 22:53:04 UTC

Jun 03 2007

As You know, I have not been pushing for donations but still see that many of you have still responded.

Thank You!

Total Raised as of 31 May 2007 $181496.52 or roughly 34% of the $538000 goal. One thing that was not counted on in the Budget was several major server failures. In some things the "You the Users" managed to gather hardware that could help to get past that. One individual opened a door into Sun to get a replacement Server. There are some things still pending on the hardware donations side...

A month ago, Eric was supposed to start talking with several individuals to see what ideas could be used to make the next donation push a bit more effective. There have been problems reaching everyone.
That was obviously delayed with the last month of Server Deaths and other Hardware Software issues. This has also delayed getting the Alfa Receiver MultiBeam Data ready for Seti Main. Much progress has been made in that area and many feel that it is getting close to happening.

Some of the first Astropulse testing has started, currently it is in Alpha Tests... Some of this has gotten a bit messy, it is better to happen there than here...

As ever, Your Efforts are appreciated!



Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.