Is the US heading towards being a secular society?

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Message 1293376 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 4:12:16 UTC - in response to Message 1293282.  

tea idiots want to throw that away and invite sharia to rule the USA.



Ya know, people like me are starting to get tired of trying to discuss the real issues of our nation and of the world with the likes of some of you folks in here. Whenever I start pointing out facts, the responses I get are absolutely ridiculous. It’s almost as if some of you in here are actively working to destroy the state of society. Why? I don’t know. You must think that a destroyed nation is better than the one we’re living in right now. You must think, somehow, that you will be better off in a destroyed nation. This game of politics is borderline childish. It’s almost as if you are making sure the other side doesn’t get what they want if you don’t get what you want. It’s almost as if there are childish temper tantrums in here and from the liberals across the nation. Look at what’s happening in Greece and Spain right now. You don’t know what a trillion is, do you? You don’t know the difference between deficit and debt, do you? Continuing to print more and more fiat currency is a sure path to destruction. Is that what you want here in the U.S.? Some of you still don’t understand the reality of the situations across the world. Here in the U.S. we’ve already gone over the fiscal cliff in that no matter how high you raise taxes, we will still be running a deficit. You want to raise taxes on the rich! Well well well... do you realize the current distribution of taxpayers and tax takers? Do you realize what raising taxes further on the rich will do? You don’t believe that will destroy upward mobility even further, cause even more middle class to drop down into the poor class, ruin more rich people and concentrate wealth in even fewer people chosen by the likes of Obama, Reid and Pelosi. Is that what you want? Again, do you know the difference between the deficit and the national debt? The national debt is so big now, tax payers 3 or 4 or 5 generations away, yet to be born, will be paying for the debt created from the absolute lack of responsibility out of Washington DC today. And the people who created this massive debt will not be held accountable. It started in the Reagan years. Everybody blames Reagan. But did you even take notice of what the democrats in the house and senate did while Reagan was in office? NO! You refuse to look at the facts. Because the facts don’t align with what you want to believe. Those responsible are now either dead or are now living a comfortable life in an exclusive area of the country, completely insulated from liability or threats. Don’t some of you realize some of the things that have occurred lately? What do you think the Dodd-Frank bill did? Don’t you realize it forced banks to loan mortgage money to folks who could in no way shape or form ever have a chance at paying back their loan? And the bank bail out... don’t you realize that was a way to cover up the disastrous effects of the Dodd-Frank bill? And now, don’t you realize the $40B/month being printed and used to buy “mortgage backed securities” is another attempt to keep the housing market bubble from collapsing for a few more months? Don’t you realize what inflation is? Don’t you realize inflation, which devalues the dollar, which lowers the buying power of the individual American and enables the irresponsible politicians in DC to use freshly printed money at the current rate before it gets devalued shifts more and more power to the irresponsible politicians in DC? Don’t you realize the principles which made this country great are being ignored more and more and the liberal press is working to keep people misinformed because the only way for the liberal press to make money is to focus on the short-term and ignore the future? Don’t you realize that we are on a path of destruction and we’ve gone so far down this spiral that there is no other course but to start suffering now because of it? Don’t you realize the only hope we have at easing the suffering is to return to the principles which made this country great? Don’t you realize that freedom works? And that socialism/Marxism/communism fails every time it’s tried? What would you have done after some Muslim extremists stole our planes and drove them into our buildings killing almost 3,000 people from 80 different countries in world trade center? What would you have done differently? Say, “I’m sorry?” Do you want Al Queda and the Muslim brotherhood to continue to grow in strength and numbers? Do you actually believe the religion of peace is a religion of peace? Do you women in here really want to implement Sharia law? Do you even know what Sharia law is? You think women don’t have equal rights right now? You think the Equal Rights Amendment failed because of angry white Anglo-Saxon protestant males? Don’t you realize ERA was never about equal rights, it was about special privileges and when NOW realized what the ERA was going to do THEY were the ones who killed it? We already live in a society of gender-neutral laws. We treat women like women (except for the women who don’t want to be treated like ladies) and the ERA would have force us to treat all women like men. Is that what you wanted? Back to Al Queda and the Muslim brotherhood... Did you realize what was going on in Iraq shortly after that with Hussein and his two evil sons? No, you kept on repeating the mantra, “Bush lied, people died” and there were no WMDs. What would you have done if the general consensus from NATO countries was that there were WMDs as president of the U.S.? HUH? What would you have done? Said, sorry, that’s not my business—neither Iraq nor Afghanistan. Let Hussein and his two absolutely evil sons continue terrorizing its citizens. Let Hussein keep working towards creating WMDs. Let those tribes in Afghanistan continue training its children to become terrorists because when the time comes, all they have to do is press the button, have the bombs explode on their chests and they’d be rewarded with 72 virgins. That would have been OK for you as president of the U.S. or even as a reasonable human being? Now we have U.S. citizens being killed in Benghazi, Syria is mortaring Turkey, and Iran is months away from nuking Israel. Are you OK with this? You think the U.S. should just stand back and let them do it? Are you thinking in some sort of sick twisted way that maybe that would be a good thing because it would be a way to thin the heard a bit on this planet, thus reducing global warming and saving the planet? At the cost of WWIII? You think this would be a good thing? You think we are consuming too much of the earths resources even though we are a minority on the planet so anything that lowers our standard of living is a good thing? There are still people dying to cross our borders because we still have more freedom here than in most other places on this planet and you think that’s a bad thing? You thing the U.S. is a bad decision from the very beginning because some of our founding fathers honestly thought there was divine intervention at the beginning of the great nation? You think the revolutionary war should have been lost? You think Canada should be facing a 75% tax on the rich to fix Frances problems now? You think Queen Elizabeth should still be taxing us without representation to solve the problems in East London? You think everything south of the Big River should be under control of Spain? Well, get over your hard feelings, that’s all water under the bridge and some of us are getting tired of you liberals continuing to screw things up and then complain about it. You keep working to destroy the institutions of this great nation such as the Boy Scouts of America because they are a private organization that frowns upon homosexuality but teaches self-reliance, personal responsibility and a positive work ethic towards society. You liberals keep working to destroy the basic unit of this the country, the family by taxing married man/woman more in taxes than the single dog who goes around impregnating the whores of society. You encourage single parents and gay adoption and think this is good for society. You encourage the behavior demonstrated on the Jerry Springer show. You cheer and congratulate 16-year-old teenagers in high school when they get pregnant and the father is gone. You cheer and congratulate anyone who comes out of the closet and say that’s a good thing. You want to force the producers of society who believe in God to pay for things that go against their beliefs. You keep saying their beliefs are outdated and racists/bigoted/homophobic. You fail to realize the reason for some of those beliefs because time has passed you by, you refuse to look at history, and you can’t see for yourself the results of those beliefs. You refuse to look at the facts and keep distorting the truth in order to do what? Just what is it you are trying to do? Whether you realize it or not, you are reducing the capacity of this nation to remain a guiding light to the dreams of many the world over. You are destroying a nation that was created like no other time in history. You are destroying the only nation left who can reach out and actually help others in dire straights. But you don’t want that anymore. You want it all yourself. You refuse to admit the fact that you are a leech on society and you want more. You’ve been trained from generation to generation and made to believe you can’t do anything for yourself and you have a right to take from others who can do for themselves. You are working to create a world of over 200 political entities, all going to war with each other to become the next leader of the world. Is that what you want? Hugo Chavez just won re-election. Do you actually want someone like him telling you how to live and how much to give him? Do you really want another Stalin/Hitler/Pol Pot/etc to rise to power over the world? I’m telling you, there are still people out there that will bring back the statement, “give me liberty or give me death!” and mean it. Is that what it’s going to take to get some of you to realize what you’re bringing to the nation/world? You want it to be too late before you admit what you’re doing is destroying a nation? What’s going to happen when you can no longer afford gasoline and the solar panel on your roof only gives one luke warm shower in the summer per day? What are you going to do when it takes you an hour to walk to the grocery store to spend a week’s wages on a loaf of bread, a bottle of milk (if they have any) and there are no more trees in your back yard to cut down for a fire? Is that what it’s going to take? Well, we’re well on our way to a world dictator. This health care debacle is a giant step to moving towards destroying this nation and giving more credence to the uninformed about how we need one world dictator. The health care bill was passed purely by democrats (and only after bribing 5 democrat senators with money they can use for their own personal pet project and for their own grab towards more power in thier own districts) and has now been deemed the largest tax hike in history. What did it bring us? We now have an unwritten right to free health care. Free health care which includes free abortions, free sex change operations and million dollar operations to extend the lives of some specially selected people by a few months because they played a part in the total take over of the big pile of money created by our fathers and grandfathers. Since Obama takes the place for God for some of you liberals in here, he (or his dictator replacement) will now first decide if you are allowed to live through the use of a death panel as long as you are still inside your mother, but that will soon be extended to up to two years old or some arbitrary number to account for the burocratic blunders of another totally inefficient government agency and then decide if you are to be taken away from your mother to be raised by the government (hitler and a few other gems in world history did this) and then when you are no longer able to pick enough rice to meet your daily quota out in the fields you will be deems a burden to society and will be allowed to die from the first ailment that hits you while those in charge will sit in their castles, smoking thier cigars, drinking their whiskey and what ever other chemically induced euphoria they are doing will get all the medical attention available when the lung cancer or what ever ails them starts to make an appearance. Why do some of you want this? Have you no shame? Freedom works. Socialism/Marxism/communism doesn’t.

You may or may not realize this but the more you tear down the conservative, the more the conservative is going to prepare for what’s coming and guess what? The conservative will still have more to eat, more heat in the winter and a more comfortable place to live. And when the temper tantrums start, the conservative will still have unregistered automatic and semi-automatic weapons, black powder rifles and defensive perimeters while you starving grasshoppers will still be outside complaining about the ant having more.


I'll be plenty warm since I'm a northeasterner (over 1/2 my life spent there, still) and not in the northeast. Moreover, I use less gas than a lot of you. ;)
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1293440 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 11:16:40 UTC - in response to Message 1293366.  

Indeed, and what's the crime committed by this act under Sharia law? Sirius suggested Sharia brings the "punishment", if true, then there must be a criminal activity under Sharia. Alternatively, the Taliban and its violent supporters are a bunch of thugs that care not a jot about Sharia, though, for reasons that are not clear, many news articles mention Sharia when reporting on the thugs.

Islam is not the only religion thugs use to justify outrageous behavior, there are Christian thugs too.

My favoutire saying comes to mind here Bobby....

The more one specialises the narrower one's mind gets. & another is: -

Those that can do - those that can't teach!
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1293468 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 14:28:06 UTC - in response to Message 1293440.  

Indeed, and what's the crime committed by this act under Sharia law? Sirius suggested Sharia brings the "punishment", if true, then there must be a criminal activity under Sharia. Alternatively, the Taliban and its violent supporters are a bunch of thugs that care not a jot about Sharia, though, for reasons that are not clear, many news articles mention Sharia when reporting on the thugs.

Islam is not the only religion thugs use to justify outrageous behavior, there are Christian thugs too.

My favoutire saying comes to mind here Bobby....

The more one specialises the narrower one's mind gets. & another is: -

Those that can do - those that can't teach!

Bobby's not the teacher. I am.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1293470 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 14:47:16 UTC - in response to Message 1293468.  
Last modified: 10 Oct 2012, 14:47:25 UTC

Bobby's not the teacher. I am.

If I recall correctly, I believe Bobby stated that he teaches Computer Science.
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Message 1293474 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 14:57:26 UTC - in response to Message 1293470.  
Last modified: 10 Oct 2012, 14:58:03 UTC

Bobby's not the teacher. I am.

If I recall correctly, I believe Bobby stated that he teaches Computer Science.

Not sure where you read that, don't believe it's from anything I've posted or PMed. Maybe you're mistaking me for some other Guy?
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1293477 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 15:11:34 UTC

Apologies for mixing you up.
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Profile Ex: "Socialist"
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Message 1293478 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 15:14:03 UTC - in response to Message 1293282.  

Guy, you seem to overlook that we have very different opinions on what is "destroying" the nation.

We do not want the nation destroyed, quite the opposite. And some of us feel that it's the ideas of the far right that will destroy it. You of course think anything that is provided by or managed by the government is BAD. Some of us of course feel that the government MUST provide/manage some of these things to protect it's people.

I do not feel religion is the answer. People are free to partake in any religion of their choice, but it should never interfere with politics or the government.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1293507 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 16:33:48 UTC - in response to Message 1293293.  

AND this is what Sharia Law brings: -

Outcry over attack on 14 year old girl
Bounty offered in Pakistan activist shooting

Provincial government offers over $100,000 for capture of Pakistani Taliban attackers who shot teenage activist in Swat.

The Pakistani government has offered a Rs10 million ($105,000) bounty for the capture of the Pakistani Taliban assailants who shot Malala Yousafzai, a teenage rights and education activist in the northwestern Swat Valley, officials say.

Yousafzai, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, was shot in the head and neck on Tuesday, and has since undergone surgery to remove a bullet lodged in her skull.

She was attacked on her way home from school in Mingora, the main town of Swat Valley, and is being treated at Peshawar's Combined Military Hospital.

Mian Iftikhar Hussain, information minister of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, told Al Jazeera on Wednesday that Yousafzai had been sedated following her surgery, and that doctors would reassess her condition in 48 hours.

He said that she was in stable condition, but was not out of danger.

"The government has decided to award Rs10 million rupees to whoever helps us identify the attackers and their names will be kept secret," he said.

Prayers are being offered across the country for Yousafzai's recovery.

Pakistan's national airline has placed an air ambulance on standby to take Yousafzai abroad for treatment if needed, government sources said, but medics are wary of lengthy travel times given her unstable condition, while officials have rushed to issue her a passport.

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Message 1293512 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 16:53:15 UTC

I was wondering where Guy was for the last week. I see now he was composing his manifesto/diatribe. Sadly, like GW Bush's book it too shall go unread. I don't have time to read a revised history of modern America nor do I believe its beyond hope. I prefer the idea that working together we can solve problems.
Clearly, others have decided that working separately and with a manifesto is the only way. Who wins in this situation. Nobody

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Message 1293556 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 18:49:52 UTC

Watching from outside I see the USA not becoming a secular society, but being a secular society. One that tolerates religion, so long as the religion concerned is that of the individual, any other religion is considered by that individual as being a heinous crime, a blasphemy, and to be put down with the utmost vigour, venom and vitriol possible.
Bob Smith
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Message 1293576 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 19:50:33 UTC - in response to Message 1293556.  

Watching from outside I see the USA not becoming a secular society, but being a secular society. One that tolerates religion, so long as the religion concerned is that of the individual, any other religion is considered by that individual as being a heinous crime, a blasphemy, and to be put down with the utmost vigour, venom and vitriol possible.

welcome to America. Don't forget most of the original settlers were religious zealots. THis helps explain a few things about the current society

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
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Message 1293578 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 19:51:48 UTC - in response to Message 1293576.  

Shame you couldn't have sunk the "Mayflower".
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Message 1293615 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 21:22:05 UTC - in response to Message 1293605.  
Last modified: 10 Oct 2012, 21:23:04 UTC

Guy, you seem to overlook that we have very different opinions on what is "destroying" the nation.

We do not want the nation destroyed, quite the opposite. And some of us feel that it's the ideas of the far right that will destroy it. You of course think anything that is provided by or managed by the government is BAD. Some of us of course feel that the government MUST provide/manage some of these things to protect it's people.

I do not feel religion is the answer. People are free to partake in any religion of their choice, but it should never interfere with politics or the government.

When have I said zero out safety nets? How much is enough? Show me the math that is sustainable.

Sustainable? You want sustainable?
NOTHING about capitalism because of it's nature, is sustainable. Capitalism relies on continuous growth. If an economy is not growing then capitalism cannot deliver.
Growth requires resources. Unlimited (sustainable) growth requires unlimited resources.
We live on on small finite planet with finite resources. Growth cannot be indefinite. There for capitalism cannot be sustainable. The Boom-Bust cycle will increase in frequency (as we are seeing) until the whole thing topples over. Which we are seeing.

If you want sustainable you are going to have to come up with another way of doing things. You clearly don't like the idea of Communism (although from your posts you don't actually know what it is in the first place) so you are going to have to think of something else if you want sustainable.

We are waiting for you suggestions.
Reality Internet Personality
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Message 1293638 - Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 22:51:28 UTC - in response to Message 1293605.  

Guy you know that you don't want to zero out safety nets, isn't much simpler to zero out those who need safety nets...

When have I said zero out safety nets? How much is enough? Show me the math that is sustainable.

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Message 1293674 - Posted: 11 Oct 2012, 1:29:55 UTC - in response to Message 1293638.  

Guy you know that you don't want to zero out safety nets, isn't much simpler to zero out those who need safety nets...

When have I said zero out safety nets? How much is enough? Show me the math that is sustainable.

Barry, I posit that if the safety nets are gone, the supply of people available to do the yard work will be reduced.
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Message 1293723 - Posted: 11 Oct 2012, 5:59:56 UTC - in response to Message 1293651.  

Capitalism relies on continuous growth.


That is a very strange article. They argue that capitalism has improved wages because of unions? Really? That is a supposed to be an argument for capitalism?

That's even ignoring the fact that the places in the world where the things are actually being made DO NOT have shorter hours and working weeks. America is no longer in a bubble and as so many of their industries have been "outsourced" you need to look at global data on wages to get a true idea of the cost of Capitalism. This brings us more in line with the ideas of Joseph Schumpeter who is proving to be more correct in his assessment of Capitalism and destructive growth.

Are you also aware that Keynes (who is cited in the article) is a believer of the government having a role in steadying the market? In fact it is his policies that Obama is following.

Keynes is aware that unemployment is a natural consequences of capitalism and that these people are not freeloaders.

I am not sure how your tea party reduction in government fits in with your Keynesian idea of economics. The two are mutually exclusive. Your views are very self conflicted.
Reality Internet Personality
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Message 1293741 - Posted: 11 Oct 2012, 8:01:47 UTC - in response to Message 1293723.  

Capitalism relies on continuous growth.


That is a very strange article. They argue that capitalism has improved wages because of unions? Really? That is a supposed to be an argument for capitalism?

That's even ignoring the fact that the places in the world where the things are actually being made DO NOT have shorter hours and working weeks. America is no longer in a bubble and as so many of their industries have been "outsourced" you need to look at global data on wages to get a true idea of the cost of Capitalism. This brings us more in line with the ideas of Joseph Schumpeter who is proving to be more correct in his assessment of Capitalism and destructive growth.

Are you also aware that Keynes (who is cited in the article) is a believer of the government having a role in steadying the market? In fact it is his policies that Obama is following.

Keynes is aware that unemployment is a natural consequences of capitalism and that these people are not freeloaders.

I am not sure how your tea party reduction in government fits in with your Keynesian idea of economics. The two are mutually exclusive. Your views are very self conflicted.

I would have thought the teaparty views on economy would be more in line with Friedrich Hayek - wiki

or Friedrich Hayek - Stanford Papers

Who basically says remove ALL government controls on the economy. inculding shutting down the Fed etc.
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