Profile: Jw

Personal background

I have always been very interested in Astronomy - Growing up as a Youth I loved Telescopes and anything that had to do with space, stars, galaxies, nebula's, black holes, time travel, Etc, Etc.

I was instantly a fan of Sagan and the Nova television series he hosted, "Cosmos". Along with many other Science related shows and specials that were astronomy related.


Growing Up in a small Georgia town, located in the southeastern part of the US, I as a youth seemed astounded by Sagan's ability to convey the actual size of our Milky Way, in relationship to "Us" and the entire Universe!


Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home

Being a Fan of Sagan, when I first herd mention of the Seti Program, back in the Day when 500MHz computers were "Top of the Line", I instantly became hooked on the Seti Project. After a while, not being very tech savy and the whole family always using the PC, somehow I lost the Seti Bug.

Well now with Computers being a small hobby of mine and 3GHz CPU's with Dual Cores being the Norm these Days, Figured with my most Recent Build I could really contribute to the Program.


Although I believe an Actual Signal from Intelligent Life other than our Own, seems Highly Unlikely, I do Very much Believe that there is more LIFE in this Universe, than Anyone has ever Dreamed Possible!

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