Posts by Jw

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Does Seti support (Quad Core) Yet? (Message 514018)
Posted 6 Feb 2007 by Profile Jw
A look at top computers will satisfy your question.

Hi WinterKnight, I noticed some of the Listed Computers show 8 CPU's? Are these 8 cpu's running on one machine?

I experimented with seti when I built this X2 rig and I remember when setting up Preferences,

Your Account / Preferences / General Preferences / Processor Usage / On Multi Processors, use at most ___ ?

I had option to choose How many Cores.


From that list of Top Computers it looks like Boinc CAN run 8 cores if your system has (2) "Quad Core" CPU's on a Dual CPU Mobo?
Is this Correct?
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Does Seti support (Quad Core) Yet? (Message 513913)
Posted 6 Feb 2007 by Profile Jw
Hi Just wondering if running the QX6700 or the Q6600 could you get 100% cpu usage running seti?

Would boinc recognize the QX6700 as a dual or quad core processor?

3) Message boards : Cafe SETI : a weird photo (Message 496625)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by Profile Jw
Here is another! Real or Fake?


Your Link is Much better than The one I had Saved.
4) Message boards : Cafe SETI : a weird photo (Message 496600)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by Profile Jw
Here is another! Real or Fake?
5) Message boards : Cafe SETI : POST a COMMENT CLOSED (Message 496494)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by Profile Jw
"We are Borg."

I'd like to comment on your profile Jw; the last half of your last sentence to be precise.

"I do Very much Believe that there is more LIFE in this Universe, than Anyone has ever Dreamed Possible!"

That's a good comment.

Thanks ICE,

I tried to give a Proper Prospective of my View on life other than our own in my Pro, I just wish intergalactic travel was Possible for "US", at the present time!

I've been slackin on seti for a While, kinda into other things right now, Maybe I'll fire the old Overclocked X2 up again and get back to some serious Crunchin!

Thanks for the Comment,

Regards, Jw

6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : POST a COMMENT CLOSED (Message 496486)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by Profile Jw
"Resistance is futile."
7) Message boards : Cafe SETI : POST a COMMENT CLOSED (Message 496485)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by Profile Jw
"You will be assimilated."
8) Message boards : Cafe SETI : POST a COMMENT CLOSED (Message 496483)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by Profile Jw
"We are Borg."
9) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Last Person to post Wins #14 - CLOSED (Message 489974)
Posted 25 Dec 2006 by Profile Jw
Merry Christmas All
10) Message boards : Cafe SETI : banned CLOSED (Message 454882)
Posted 11 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw





11) Message boards : Cafe SETI : banned CLOSED (Message 454816)
Posted 10 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw


12) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Thought These Boards had Bad . . . CLOSED (Message 454806)
Posted 10 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw

'Thought These Boards had Bad . . .' Arguements

'Ever 'eard of a . . .' CRIB

That was awesome, what video game was bones playin in the background?

13) Message boards : Cafe SETI : ? (Message 454790)
Posted 10 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw

Just try it, you might like it!

Regards Hans

P.S: Trust me :o)

Hey, don't get me goin again, i'm the one who got that whole mess started in the first place
14) Message boards : Cafe SETI : ? (Message 454784)
Posted 10 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw

You'll have to pick on others, not on yourself if you want to get banned :o)

Regards Hans

OHhhhhh, i don't want to, and didn't mean to offend.

shouldn't it be called suspension

banned seems more permanent

15) Message boards : Cafe SETI : ? (Message 454762)
Posted 10 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw
Howcome i never got banned, and everyone else did?

seems like it should of been the other way around!
16) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Galaxy Bound, or Planet Trapped? (Message 452554)
Posted 7 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw

Explanation: What does our Milky Way Galaxy look like from afar?
Since we are stuck inside, and since opaque dust truncates our view in visible light, nobody knows for sure.

Cool Link Misfit,,,

Oh, Yea. I Herd You got stuck with the Blame!

17) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Also closed (Message 451199)
Posted 5 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw
That said: Would someone, such as CA, tell me how to change the title of the thread to closed, until the mods can get to it? TY.

Hit "reply to thread". make a post. Edit that post. Change the title.

ty, and same to others who provided the same info in the other thread (Jeremy & Hans).

Edit: Strange, the title showed up as editable for the other thread, but it does not for this one.

Do not click "reply to post". Click "reply to thread".


Hey Misfit tried Both PhotoBucket and ClipShack!

Got this With ClipShack: After about 40%
Upload Results
You did not successfully upload any files. Click here to try again.

What the Heck is Going on with the UpLoad???

Is file To Large???

[EDIT] Never Mind, Thread CLOSED!!!!!!!!

18) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Closed (and I really mean closed)! (Message 451193)
Posted 5 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw
First, we called her "Sammie." Now her screen name is ... well, you know what it is. "She," or anyone else that could have been broken into her account since she stupidly posted her account info to allow access, has been using her sig to rant. At one point, a non-kid friendly photo was posted as her avatar by her or someone else. First, "she" blamed it on mods or admins. Now, we see this in her sig:

Misfit thanx for posting porn with my account, keep doing it sweetie, i am sure once the Admin know that my account is corrupted, they will delete the account. but keep posting porn pics, thanx Misfit. you're a star, not a very bright one,

So, who did it?
Furthermore, I say let the admins figure it out. I am sure it is easy for them to track the ISPs that have accessed her account. In the meantime, stop the stuff with the sigs. Send your complaints to the mods or admins and stop throwing doubt on people in here. Otherwise, who will be next?


Wait a Minute,,,,

Jw DunIt!!!!



Now Closed!!
19) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Closed (and I really mean closed)! (Message 451184)
Posted 5 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw
Is the soap opera over yet?

Hope SO! Sorry Jeremy

I know I was Kinda Rude,

Please Accept My Apologize!
20) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Closed (and I really mean closed)! (Message 451181)
Posted 5 Nov 2006 by Profile Jw
Hey Misfit, what kinda Vid Crd Ya GOT?

The HIS ATI 850 XT (clockable as the PE)
You got a Retail System???

Nope, built it myself.

I got the XFX 6800XT 256MB PCI x16 Vid Crd

Kinda Budget Vid Crd, But Does Great SO FAR on F.E.A.R. all settings Maxed!

I Got 939 (SKT) Asus-A8N5X mobo, w/ AMD 64 X2 3800+, OCed to 2.6GHz and 2 GB Corsair XMS....

So Far, So Good on all the Games I've Playeed!!!

Can't wait for UT07!

Next 20

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