Personal background |
Having Graduated from George Mason College of the University of Virginia in 1969, I entered the Naval Air Cadet program in Pensacola,Florida. Prior to and just after release from active duty, I returned to Woodard Res.Corp. as Head of the Animal Toxicology Branch. In 1973 I joined the Medical Neurology Branch at the Nat.Inst.of Neurological Dieases and Stroke .
I went on to complete 35 years as a Staff Scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda,MD. . I believe that someone or something is out there, and I only hope that contact is made in my lifetime. I joined the team NIH many years ago to further the hope that contact could be accomplishes with the help of many curious collaborators, and I attached myself to George Mason University after retiring in 2008. Surely there is life beyond Earth, and I am a true believer that this fact will be proven in the future. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
Seti@home is one of the best ways we, as members of a great society, can participate in a fabulous endeavor to seek out life beyond the confines of our own planet earth. By collectively associating ourselves with the technology that has only been available to the average person over the last decade(s), that we may finally prove that " we are not alone" in the universe. As computers become more powerful and less expensive, everyone of us should avail ourselves with the task of attaching our resources with those of our contemporaries and help the Seti@home project succeed. I am a believer, that life, even life that we can only imagine in our wildest fantasies, is out there, and by out there I mean look to the sky on a clear winters night and gaze at the heavens array of shinning stars , and tell me there is no possibility that we are the only ones in the universe to share in such a gaze. |
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