Last updated 29 Dec 2020, 19:05:05 UTC

Vittorio Bobba ("I am from Vercelli, Italy, and Iwas born in 1957. I got my graduate in chemistry in 1983,...")
Valissystem A ("I'm a 33-year-old married businessman in Toronto, Canada. Wow, it's really scary when you...")
Vailgeek ("Just a kid from Kansas... now in Colorado.")
Vlietinho ("Hi, I'm Vlietinho from The Netherlands, and love to find ET! (What's new with...")
vinnie ("Name: Vinnie Age: 40 Country: UK Hobbies: Computers, the Internet, Gardening, My Local...")
VoidWraith ("I'm a high school student, interesting in computers and electronics, running a webserver...")
Vic Stammers ("I am English by birth,arriving in Australia as a 14 year old in 1964.I joined the...")
Viled ("xxx")
virus57 ("I am a porn store clerk who enjoys throwing rocks at passing trains and 1978 Buick station...")
Vinbono ("I'm from Taipei, Taiwan. I'm an IT Tutor, specialize in SE/SA/SEC. I love Jazz music &...")

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