Posts by momo19

21) Message boards : Politics : what time is it ??? (Message 1067939)
Posted 18 Jan 2011 by Profile momo19
salam it is momo
FR: voila 2 proverbes ou 2 hadith que me disaient ma mère et mon père, lorsque j' étais jeune, et qui me sont restés en mémoire ( c-à-d ) auquel je fais confiance.

ma mère: " On est responsable de la tête qu' on fait, mais on n' est pas responsable de la tête qu' on a ".

mon père: " 1 -> 2: Connais-Tu la distance exacte qui sépare la Vérité de l'Erreur. 2 -> 1: " Non ". 1 -> 2: " La Distance qui sépare la Vérité de l' Erreur équivaut à Celà, et le prophète SAW montra les 4 doigts ( sans le pouce ), il attendit quelques secondes ( pour voir la tete de son partenaire ), et puis mit ses 4 doigt sur sa tempe, qui est l' espace qui sépare généralement l' oreille de l ' oeil. "

donc il y a ce que tu as vu et ce que tu as entendu ( dire ) , et parfois la verite de l' erreur se trouve entre ces 2 la !!!
22) Message boards : Politics : what time is it ??? (Message 1067641)
Posted 17 Jan 2011 by Profile momo19
salam it is momo.
i speak about time because it is difficult to synchronise
with my biologic clock.
The time and the space ( invaders ), which accelerate ??? for me of course.

roughly hadith: " cette distortion temporelle, ou cette accélération temporelle fera que l' année passera comme un mois, le mois comme une semaine et le jour comme......."

C' est peut-etre en rapport avec l' Imam du Temps qui viendra a la fin, précurseur de la Venue de Jesus, fils de Marie".

Ou Roughly Coran:" C' est Dieu qui Vous a soumis Le Soleil et La Lune, pour vous aider au comput des années, mais comme vous ne savez pas bien calculer le temps, nous vous le pardonnons bien volontier".

Ou " le soleil la lune, tous ces astres ont un terme marqué ( dans le temps et l' espace, et le soleil ne dépasse pas la lune, ni la lune le soleil...."

Donc 2 astres a surveiller, je penses, du coin de l' oeil, mais a surveiller quand même. ( LOL )
23) Message boards : Politics : what time is it ??? (Message 1067589)
Posted 17 Jan 2011 by Profile momo19
whaaaaaaat thaaaaaaaaaaaat ?????? this text this stupidity !!!!!
24) Message boards : Politics : what time is it ??? (Message 1067587)
Posted 17 Jan 2011 by Profile momo19
salam, peace all with you

0,017241379310 344827586206 896551724137 931034482758 620689655172 413793103448 275862068965 517241379310 344827586206 896551724137 931
0,017 2413793103 4482758620 6896551724 1379310344 8275862068 9655172413 7931034482 7586206896 5517241379 3103448275 8620689655 1724137931
0,017 241379310 344827586 206896551 724137931 034482758 620689655 172413793 103448275 862068965 517241379 310344827 586206896 551724137
0,017241379 310344827 586206896 551724137 931034482 758620689 655172413 793103448 275862068 965517241 379310344 827586206 896551724 137

for zodiac 12. roughly "Koran: you must know that the number of months are 12

so you can subdivide per 12, 13 14 10 9 and all valid prime numbers also revealed in Thora.

but i give you an image, parabole (fr), the 3 or 4 number like 017 or 931 placed before or behind you

with 4 number we have 0172 or 7931

0,0172 4137931034 4827586206 8965517241 3793103448 2758620689 6551724137 9310344827 5862068965 5172413793 1034482758 6206
0,017 241379310344 827586206896 551724137931 034482758620 689655172413 793103448275 862068965517 241379310344 827586206896 551724137931 034

if you love this puzzle, please applause, applause, applause, stop!!! i say stop!!!!!!!! thank you friends!

thus the number "0__zero" , for wich there is no copyright, or some people would be ruined, is the number we could attribute for God
thus the 3 or 4 others numbers represent the Archangels which are near the Sublime throne Of God
thus the group of 5 or 7 or 9 or 10 or 12 or 19 numbers represent Angels which prostrate front God,

after each prayer Angels move very fast, and a new order come, so the Creation is made again. remaked?

Jesus asked at this time to count the numbers of Angels, but i answer The Lord that i could not ( i was 3 years old)

excuse me but i continue in french, because i am confused with this.

A Quoi sert cela, mystere and pastille ????

donc quand j' ai voulu soulever la grande clef de Dieu qui m' était attribuée, je l' ai soulevée d' un coté, mais c' était trop lourd pour moi.

a vingt ans ou un peu plus, je me voyais la prendre a bout de bras.

UKOG sert a beaucoup, contact, protection, se cacher, lire clairement, etc...

donc, aides-Toi, et le Ciel t'aideras, la porte est toujours ouverte, frappez et on vous ouvrira, ( Jesus, Son Of Mary )

Il vaut mieux que le total des nombres soit de 114, mais l' ordre exact, je ne le connais pas,

donc le 0 + 11 groupes de 10 ? ou 10 groupes de 11 ? ou 10 goupes de 10 ? + 3 ou 4 ?
si je pouvais voir les résultats de ce que je fais je pourrais corriger, mais j' en suis incapable.

donc il y a 114 chapitres dans le Coran, certains disent qu' une sourate est fausse ou plutot altérée, donc le nombre exact est dans ce puzzle 113 ou 114, dont 1 (le zero ) est inconnu ???
les ukog ont été annoncées dans les livres de Dieu précédant le Coran, mais elles ne sont révélées que dans le Coran et sa matrice.
Koran;" L' Original est auprès de Nous ". "sur une table gardée ". si l' original est aux Cieux, près de Dieu, c' est que la version que nous possédons est altérée, ou changée,
ou que la langue des Arabes a changé, je ne sais pas s' il existe un ancient arabe ou un arabe nouveau, je suis arabe d' origine, mais je ne le parles pas !!!!
Donc je suis bien illettré en arabe, parce que je parles francais, anglais, et un peu des autres langues, je connais des petites sourates du Coran par coeur, mais comme un perroquet,
une perruche ou un singe, je ne le comprends pas.
mais normalement le chemin doit etre facilité puisqu' il faut faire correspondre des chiffres a des lettres.

Il y a un moyen de remettre le Coran en Ordre, grace au nombre 19, mais je ne connais pas la formule, elle doit correspondre a une addition, une multiplication, puis une division,
pour trouver le multiple de 19. mais meme si je la trouve, que retirer, que rajouter, qui est le faux qui est le vrai ?????

Une chose est sure, tout se trouve dans le Coran, je vais vous inventer un hadith:

" un tel a dit que un tel a dit que un tel a vu que un tel a entendu dire: il y a 200 ans, j' ai entendu dire de mon oeil que quand tu prends le Coran, tu dois te laver les mains et etre pur,
et que quand tu prends les livres de Hadiths, tu dois les éplucher avec des gand de boxe et des pinces ".

cela veut dire que le Coran Original est sur, mais que les allégories sont à méditer plutot deux fois qu' une, avant de les répéter, de peur de dire quelque chose qui ne vient pas de Dieu.
surtout après les massacres des premiers musulmans, et des rajouts de poésie, que la plupart des hommes aiment a faire, voila pourquoi le prophète a réclamé la tete des poètes et des
hypocrites, mais la base du Livre ne peut etre trouvée que si le livre n' a pas été changé. Et comme je ne suis pas mathématicien pour 2 sous, je vous laisses ce travail.

désolé pour la longueur du texte, mais j' ai ignoré certaines choses pour ne pas ecrire un roman.

Ciao momo19
25) Message boards : Politics : what time is it ??? (Message 1067571)
Posted 17 Jan 2011 by Profile momo19
and this momo??

salam it is momo.

you know perhaps J.S.B => Variation Goldberg, for keyboard,

48_ 11:+0,020833333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333
48_ 11:-0,020833333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333
48_ 11:+0,0208333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 333
48_ 11:+0,020833333 333333333 333333333 333333333 333333333 333333333 333333333 333333333 333333333 333
48_ 11:+0,0208333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333333 333
48_ 11:+0,0208333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 3333333 333

matrix 12+3 positive or negative
matrix 10+3 + or -
matrix 9
matrix 7
matrix 5

but i was always "KO" or "check and mate" with matricial math computing at school, so a mathematician specialist of crypting will always make better than me, sorry

the most powerfull eat others. like fish in the see, be fast because fish will certainly disapair, because of Zaqqoum of course

numbers are valid numbers as prime number, others number are false that you can activate or deactivate.

you can work, like in Koran: " These are the guardians of the Hell, and their numbers are: (momo) 19 "

see also the miracle of Koran "number 19", by Dr House, or another Dr Who or another Dr American which also found correliation with chapter, verses, number of verses, place of it....

" The man with his good and his bad " , or the man which use positive thing (+) and negative thing (-)

26) Message boards : Politics : what time is it ??? (Message 1067565)
Posted 17 Jan 2011 by Profile momo19
25_ 01:0,04
21_ 02:0,047619047619 047619047619 047619047619 047619047619 047619047619 047619047619 047619047619 047619047619 047619047619 047619047619 047
14_ 03:0,071428571428 571428571428 571428571428 571428571428 571428571428 571428571428 571428571428 571428571428 571428571428 571428571428 571
62_ 04:0,016129032258 064516129032 258064516129 032258064516 129032258064 516129032258 064516129032 258064516129 032258064516 129032258064 516
40_ 05:0,025
108 06:0,009259259259 259259259259 259259259259 259259259259 259259259259 259259259259 259259259259 259259259259 259259259259 259259259259 259
42_ 07:0,023809523809 523809523809 523809523809 523809523809 523809523809 523809523809 523809523809 523809523809 523809523809 523809523809 523
52_ 08:0,019230769230 769230769230 769230769230 769230769230 769230769230 769230769230 769230769230 769230769230 769230769230 769230769230 769
15_ 09:0,066666666666 666666666666 666666666666 666666666666 666666666666 666666666666 666666666666 666666666666 666666666666 666666666666 666
34_ 10:0,029411764705 882352941176 470588235294 117647058823 529411764705 882352941176 470588235294 117647058823 529411764705 882352941176 470
48_ 11:0,020833333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333
30_ 12:0,033333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333
81_ 13:0,012345679012 345679012345 679012356790 123456790123 456790123456 790123456790 123456790123 456790123456 790123456790 123456790123 456
58_ 14:0,017241379310 344827586206 896551724137 931034482758 620689655172 413793103448 275862068965 517241379310 344827586206 896551724137 931

zodiac 14 => 12+2
12 month 1,2 or 3 key active
for key launch cmd, make cmd high priority level
set true on
set false on or off
set key01 on or off
remember always VERIFY ON
to see if verify is active launch cmd verify.
it always be inactive !!!
27) Message boards : News : New Thesis (Message 1041100)
Posted 11 Oct 2010 by Profile momo19
it's a good job
28) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1031281)
Posted 6 Sep 2010 by Profile momo19
sorry, but i am sure, the end could begin when the sun and the moon will be
mixed, (gathered(combined), darken). => ECLIPSE!!!! waow!!!!
29) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1031279)
Posted 6 Sep 2010 by Profile momo19
Hey Moon, look at the Moon Today.
I think there is special, for a few days.
The hour comes very fast because of the time.
but when the sun comes from west, this i don't realy know when exactly.
but it approach very fast as i see.
30) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1029642)
Posted 30 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
If you think has " the crisis of nerve ", it ' is not it that, skil
31) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1029184)
Posted 28 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
ok i know i must compress my ideas in the same thread, sorry.
When I say Obama " collect cotton ", it means that he works as all the others, but as the USA president.
I ' worked 21 years in iron factory, i ' worked with my father, has to cultivate the ground.
The Men(People) the biggest, the prophets were all shepherds of sheep(mutton), but God made them the shepherds of the peoples.
Jesus worked 21 years as carpenter with his father.
Many did not dare to shake hands of Jesus, Son Of Mary, because ' he had the rough hands, and carried(wore) clothes of Greek, he considered him as about ' one of mean, a simple cotton collector, but they did not see The Spirit which was in him.

A Syrian monk,Christian, who came to see the prophet Muhammad SAW, it is walked past him several times, and he needed two hours to find him in a quite small market, because the Prophet Muhammad carried(wore) clothes as the others.

I ' changed the pampers of my 4 children during years, and if my mother also made with me, why I shall have to be ashamed.

Jesus did not wash the feet of his followers, and an imbecile, he did not say: " oh not, never, You, Lord, to wash me feet... "

Obama is the biggest president whom the USA have never had and will never have it. It ' the only one is who is in accordance has what he announced during the elections by report(relationship) has what he says and what he do. For me He is Truthfull ( true truth )
Because of it, you have to break the huge statue, of an ancient president American, and to build a statue of Obama there, but ten times as big. Sorry, friendly, if I hurt you, but it' is my idea.

Now, I am not American, you clean the threshold of your door and I also make in the country or I live.

32) Message boards : Politics : HEHEHE (Message 1029181)
Posted 28 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
When I say Obama " collect cotton ", it means that he works as all the others, but as the USA president.
I ' worked 21 years in iron factory, i ' worked with my father, has to cultivate the ground.
The Men(People) the biggest, the prophets were all shepherds of sheep(mutton), but God made them the shepherds of the peoples.
Jesus worked 21 years as carpenter with his father.
Many did not dare to shake hands of Jesus, Son Of Mary, because ' he had the rough hands, and carried(wore) clothes of Greek, he considered him as about ' one of mean, a simple cotton collector, but they did not see The Spirit which was in him.

A Syrian monk,Christian, who came to see the prophet Muhammad SAW, it is walked past him several times, and he needed two hours to find him in a quite small market, because the Prophet Muhammad carried(wore) clothes as the others.

I ' changed the pampers of my 4 children during years, and if my mother also made with me, why I shall have to be ashamed.

Jesus did not wash the feet of his followers, and an imbecile, he did not say: " oh not, never, You, Lord, to wash me feet... "

Obama is the biggest president whom the USA have never had and will never have it. It ' the only one is who is in accordance has what he announced during the elections by report(relationship) has what he says and what he do. For me He is Truthfull ( true truth )
Because of it, you have to break the huge statue, of an ancient president American, and to build a statue of Obama there, but ten times as big. Sorry, friendly, if I hurt you, but it' is my idea.

Now, I am not American, you clean the threshold of your door and I also make in the country or I live.

33) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1029055)
Posted 27 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
salam it is momo

I'll give you a thruth that just a few person knows.

God Said to Abraham, " From this day everything will be of half between You and me "
In boinc, it means that you owe computer is 50 %. ( or 50-1= 49, the part of god
But I ' saw Abraham in spirit, and the poor men whom he welcomed at him,
And in that case, he always gave them half of its food.
At present, what arrives, it ' is the opposite, it is the poor men who are pressed as lemons, I think that it goes soon to have a revolt there, in the kind(genre) of what ' is crossed(spent) in France in 1789.
34) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1029053)
Posted 27 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
salam it is momo

yes i know, there is no crisis for each eat five time a day.
there is no crisis for this has not feet during month in water.
there is no crisis for this made his money 100 times superior than others, so he can live for about centuries in peace, during his brothers die.
there is no crisis, during ice pole are melted, this is preparing something new.

Certainly you want to worm information out of me, in what concerns you, but what arrives has your brothers, most make no case.
And it ' is that is the mystere, because the blow ( Koran), can come has any moment, as the hour, which haunts the reflection of the Angels, because Only God has the knowledge of it, but do you know who can precipitate the hour, a man, a woman or a child?
35) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1029047)
Posted 27 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
but i could have a new life, because god gave a new life to Abraham, when he was very old, and what life, two prophets, Ismael and Isaac.

I believe that you should never despair of the Lord, but the Lord has the Eternity for him, but us, men(people), a son of Adam, we have little time to act, a wink of eye, or maybe two???
Mystere and pasille!!!
36) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1029043)
Posted 27 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
I ' had a woman, during 19 years, her m ' gave four children, the woman left, but the children always stay in my heart.
37) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1029042)
Posted 27 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
the crisis for which obama collect coton, friend.
he collect coton for Irak, he collect coton for Pakistan, he collect coton for Iran. But does he know what he is doing? Or is Obama trying to give this world a peace? I think he will have more enemies than JFK.

The financial crisis, is due that has a word of the Prophet Muhammad.
Muhammad said, roughly: " God will exterminate interest, and will make the charity fruit ".
And also: " the smallest part that you will pull(fire) (profits), will be better for you ".
You understand why everybody course(price,courses) towards China.
38) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1028878)
Posted 27 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
is there for you a solution for the current crisis ???
39) Message boards : Politics : Solution crisis ??? (Message 1028877)
Posted 27 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
is there for you a somution's crisis?
40) Message boards : Number crunching : Limit the usable HDD size for BOINC (Message 1028342)
Posted 25 Aug 2010 by Profile momo19
it is very dangerous to rename gpu tu cpu WU.
the last time i did it, i had an Alien Knocking at my garage door

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