Personal background |
Salam it is momo19
this is the famous wrestler momo19, a great champ,68Kg but at 51, ya some fat.
child i was thin, so my manager would like me make body building, so i worked with a plan training in endurance semi endurance/resistance and a full week resistance,before championship and also sauna to not take up category 74/82 Kg.
but at 26 year i lift as a crucifix the bell of the crusher, wich made 1500Kg.
To in the day or the coke which served me as supports, ' is smashed in pieces, the bell fell over but did not fall. it was on two gross sleeper of wood ( oak )
i never do it again
ciao momo |
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aucune vue, je suis le mouvement, j' essaie de donner des idées dans les forums.
je crois que c' est bien parti.
L' idée de base est bonne, hydrogene.
Koran: " Dieu a juré par les étoiles, et c' est un grand serment , si vous saviez". |
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