Posts by ANNIECE

1) Message boards : News : SETI@home hibernation (Message 2036819)
Posted 8 Mar 2020 by Profile ANNIECE
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in SETI activities. I may not sign up for other projects because no one has inspired me as much as Carl. My focus is on the youth of the US. I want them to be as enthused as I about our Space Program. If you ever generate a youth program (pre-k through undergrad) that provides activities, scholarships and high school through undergrad internships, please contact me. I am retired and I would love to use my time sharing my love of the cosmos. Thank you, Danke, merci beaucoup, molte grazie, muito obrigado/muita obrigada, and muchas gracias SETI deserves all of this and more.
2) Message boards : News : Slow network connection to Green Bank (Message 1915882)
Posted 30 Jan 2018 by Profile ANNIECE
Thanks Eric. We can always count on you to let us know what is happening. Have a happy day.
3) Questions and Answers : Windows : SETI @ home screen saver (Message 1890694)
Posted 19 Sep 2017 by Profile ANNIECE
Jord, you are absolutely wonderful. I wish you were on all of my websites so I could ask you questions. Thank you. sincerely
Anniece Isler, Retiree Extraordinaire, Pres. Brains For the Future (BF2)
4) Questions and Answers : Windows : SETI @ home screen saver (Message 1890638)
Posted 18 Sep 2017 by Profile ANNIECE
I am running VISTA operating system. I had deactivated the screen saver of the previous version. After updating the BOINC software, the screen saver was reactivated. The screen saver is not compatible with my current operating system. I require instructions to delete the screen saver. I do not plan on updating my operating system because I only use my laptop for BOINC, AMAZON shopping, and solitaire.
Anniece Isler, Retiree Extraordinaire, Pres. Brains For the Future (BF2)

©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.