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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2081564 - Posted: 4 Aug 2021, 5:32:57 UTC

Well the last reporting period saw the world's total case tally pass 200.2 million as deaths passed 4,258,400 and the U.S. exceeded 104,000 new cases even with 3 states' stats still missing. :-O

Anyhow the only change at the top end of the death list was Bolivia replacing the Netherlands in 33rd while down the other end Vietnam has jumped from 109th position up to 96th and now it's time for the case list changes.

Mauritius displaced Comoros from 182nd place, the Isle of Man passed Chad to become the 178th member of the 5K+ club just after Gibraltar became the 177th while Laos jumped over Sierra Leone and Eritrea to claim 170th, Burundi took the C.A.R. out of 167th as Timor-Leste nudged South Sudan from 159th, Aruba took 157th from Djibouti and Lesotho jumped over Congo and Burkina Faso into 153rd just after Curaçao moved past Burkina Faso into 152nd.

The Bahamas knocked Andorra out of 148th spot, Togo replaced Taiwan in 144th as French Polynesia became the 138th country to enter the 20K+ clubhouse before removing Haiti from 137th, Suriname bumped Gabon from 134th while Eswatini and Mauritania jumped over Guinea and Syria to claim 130th & 131st places, Fiji closed the 5K gap to French Guiana to take over 128th and Australia reclaimed 125th spot back from that cheeky little Malta.

Réunion's weekly report had them move past Trinidad/Tobago to become the 122nd member of the 40K+ club, Angola rolled over Madagascar into 120th while the D.R.C. replaced the Ivory Coast in 118th, Cambodia displaced the Maldives from 110th as Cyprus slipped past Montenegro into 104th, Botswana removed Zimbabwe from 100th and Vietnam took flight again to pass over Norway, Latvia, Afghanistan, North Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia to make a refueling stop in 88th place.

South Korea became the 84th member of the 200K+ club, Honduras slipped past Oman to become the 71st member of the 300K+ club as Ireland became the 69th member of that same club before Myanmar became the 70th country to enter it flying over Oman, Honduras, Ireland and Venezuela in the process to land in 68th place as Denmark displaced Palestine from 65th, Kuwait became the 58th member of the 400K+ club after Cuba became the 57th as well as passing Costa Rica to grab 56th while Georgia kicked Bulgaria out of 54th, Greece became the 48th country to enter the 500K+ clubhouse and Thailand threw Tunisia out of its way to become the 43rd member of the 600K+ club before taking 42nd spot from Morocco.

Nepal became the 39th member of the 700K+ club while Malaysia leapt over both Sweden as Belgium to land in 27th spot and in only fortnight after the grand opening of the 35 million clubhouse the U.S. has just had the grand opening of their brand new 36 million clubhouse.

So that ends this update even though these days it's getting harder to get days with sufficient data from most countries to do these updates otherwise I'd go back to a 2 day update with all that's going on across the world with this Delta variant doing great damage.
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Message 2081575 - Posted: 4 Aug 2021, 12:00:25 UTC - in response to Message 2081558.  
Last modified: 4 Aug 2021, 12:05:58 UTC

China responds quickly for good health.
YET!!! In deadly stark contrast, we have this:

In China a gun barrel is applied to your skull if you don't allow the government to put shot into your arm.
Yes, it is quite a contrast.

That sounds more like the USA for just walking down the sidewalk, or Russia or Belarus for even just being seen on the street...

More seriously:

China does indeed have a desperately dire reputation for their authoritarian despot styled imprisonment and 're-education/indoctrination' 'camps'...

However, the notable aspects of those quotes for such a stark contrast are:

"three delta cases" and that immediately prompts the "testing for all 12 million or so of the city's residents" for coronavirus;


"delta-fueled surge in COVID-19 cases among unvaccinated Americans continues to overwhelm states and health care systems" prompting despair and denial and the incredibly stupid response of "Ron DeSantis, took the opposite approach and signed an executive order Friday that barred ... wearing masks"!

Is there an alternate agenda of trashing Florida and dead voters be damned for the sake of political points scoring?

Or is DeSantis somehow working for the benefit of China or Russia or both even?

(Or is DeSantis in the pay of USA Pharma to reap untold profits from the pain of all the long-term COVID victims? The Delta variant is claiming a highly profitable 50-50 chance of causing long term 'medical complications' damages... Ignore medical misery. Follow the money?)

Stay safe folks!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2081583 - Posted: 4 Aug 2021, 13:45:40 UTC - in response to Message 2081575.  
Last modified: 4 Aug 2021, 13:48:44 UTC

China responds quickly for good health.
YET!!! In deadly stark contrast, we have this:

In China a gun barrel is applied to your skull if you don't allow the government to put shot into your arm.
Yes, it is quite a contrast.

More seriously:
China does indeed have a desperately dire reputation for their authoritarian despot styled imprisonment and 're-education/indoctrination' 'camps'...

"three delta cases" and that immediately prompts the "testing for all 12 million or so of the city's residents" for coronavirus;

testing at gunpoint something easy to do in a police state
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Profile ML1
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Message 2081586 - Posted: 4 Aug 2021, 13:58:43 UTC - in response to Message 2081583.  
Last modified: 4 Aug 2021, 13:59:06 UTC

Thanks for those.

Well, that seems to have worked and for far less costs of life and disruption.

Most likely there were far fewer guns involved than are used daily on the streets in the USA.

The quarantines and sharp (short) lockdowns look to have worked well to minimize overall disruption.

Can we learn positively from that?...

There has to be a better way than the present ongoing muddled messy politics costly deadly mess.

Stay safe folks!
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Profile Mr. Kevvy Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 2081637 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 1:27:43 UTC - in response to Message 2081552.  

China responds quickly for good health.

Was this copied verbatim off of one of their posters? :^p
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2081639 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 1:41:44 UTC

Believe CHINA?

Believe CHINA Synchophants?

People As Believers in SCIENCE say This?:

Well, that seems to have worked and for far less costs of life and disruption.

Most likely there were far fewer guns involved than are used daily on the streets in the USA.

The quarantines and sharp (short) lockdowns look to have worked well to minimize overall disruption.

Can we learn positively from that?...

People Believe in Science? Believe CHINA?

Do No Harm. Believe CHINA Believes in Doing No Harm?


CHINA says What Believers in SCIENCE will Believe.



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Message 2081645 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 2:23:43 UTC - in response to Message 2081639.  

I love jiberish.
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2081656 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 4:55:41 UTC - in response to Message 2081645.  

I love jiberish.
So do anti-vaxes, far right extremists, right wing politicians, crooks and your general outright idiots. ;-)
ID: 2081656 · Report as offensive
Profile Wiggo

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Message 2081659 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 8:13:58 UTC

Even with the state of Michigan again missing from the latest data the U.S. has come in 1st again on new daily case count with over 112,000 being reported as India came in 2nd with just over 42,800 and Brazil in 3rd with 40,460. Daily deaths are also increasing over there fast, though they have a way to go yet before they get back into 1st place on that list, but they are back up to 5th (Indonesia holds 1st).

Meanwhile here down under Gladys' continuing bungled " Sydney Softdown" now accounts for 4375 cases along with 22 deaths and it's still leaking like a sieve. A case in point being a Sydney covidiot who recently boarded a plane from Sydney to Melbourne before transferring to a flight to Tasmania while infected and without the 2 required border passes, thankfully he was picked up straight away on touching down in Tasmania and shoved into quarantine under guard, but there's 2 planes of passengers as well as anyone who crossed paths with him down at Melbourne's domestic airport terminal for the 2hr wait that he had between flights (I hope that he gets the book thrown at him by all 3 states). Between that incident and an unconnected new outbreak has Melbourne back into another 7 day lockdown (they do real lockdowns down there unlike here) after just coming out of a 3 week job to crush an earlier outbreak.

Brisbane's 7 day lockdown stemming from a so far untraceable quarantine leak out to a Brisbane high school last week which then flowed onto another 3 local schools may also get extended for another 7 days if numbers don't improve over the next 2 days (Queensland also does real lockdowns like Victoria).

Anyhow the person in hospital that had 1 jab turns out to have been an 84yr old man who's condition suddenly took a turn for the worst on the weekend and was put into ICU straight onto a ventilator, but sadly he lost his life on Tuesday along with a very fit 37yr old man (no jabs) who on his 13th day of isolation suddenly died while taking a shower after complaining of a sudden headache.

Then there's us seniors out in the bush who can't get the jabs for love nor money while the Sydney outbreak creeps ever closer. I was suppose to get my 1st jab back at the end of May through the chemist here, but that has been postpone 3 times now, though hopefully our P.M. and state Premier wern't just talking more B.S. when they said that us country folk should get supplies next week (though I won't hold my breath waiting on that).

At least 1 good thing is that the N.S.W./Qld. border just north of here is closed so other than freight it's just us locals out on the highway these days and I even dropped into the local for the 1st time in weeks after a wander about the village today.
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Profile Sarge
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Message 2081672 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 13:47:29 UTC - in response to Message 2081656.  

I love jiberish.
So do anti-vaxes, far right extremists, right wing politicians, crooks and your general outright idiots. ;-)

W3 anNi3v4X3rs r 'n' R no+ pRo-jibb3r jaBb3r!
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Message 2081674 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 13:56:51 UTC

Take note the anti-vaxers.
Texas GOP Official Mocked COVID Five Days Before He Died of Virus
A GOP official from Texas who regularly espoused anti-vaccine and anti-mask views online has died from COVID-19, five days after posting a meme on Facebook questioning the wisdom of getting inoculated against COVID.

Dickinson City Council member and State Republican Executive Committee member H. Scott Apley, 45, died in a local hospital around 3 a.m. Wednesday morning, according to a GoFundMe page set up to help Apley’s family with expenses. He was admitted to the facility in Galveston on Sunday with “pneumonia-like symptoms,” and was hooked up to a ventilator as his condition worsened. His wife was also infected, the family said.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2081678 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 14:32:14 UTC - in response to Message 2081674.  

A British follow-up.
'Les was highly educated... so if he told me something, I tended to believe it.'
I hope I've got it. I hope it is Covid. I'd rather the antibodies than the jabs.'
ID: 2081678 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2081704 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 20:09:42 UTC

Ah Yes Jibberish.

'cept My Jibberish has More Truth than Any BS Spewed by Pols; Butt Covering Scientists; Profs; Celebs; and Any Other Biased Agenda Driven Elitist.

My Jibberish is a SUPERScaled Down MasterWork Dissertation.

So Sad, So Few can Comprehend True Excellence.


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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 2081708 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 21:17:59 UTC

I finally heard an explanation for why everyone should wear a mask in public. It appears that people who have been vaccinated and those who have had the disease and recovered can be carriers and still spread the virus.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile Sarge
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Message 2081711 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 21:35:23 UTC - in response to Message 2081708.  

I finally heard an explanation for why everyone should wear a mask in public. It appears that people who have been vaccinated and those who have had the disease and recovered can be carriers and still spread the virus.

Precisely why I've continued to wear a mask 3+ months.
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2081717 - Posted: 5 Aug 2021, 22:55:03 UTC

I've got to wonder what some people use as brains these days.

Wollongong tradie allegedly faked having Covid via text to get off work.

A NSW tradie has been charged and faces up to five years behind bars after allegedly pretending to have Covid so he didn’t have to go to work.

The 23-year-old Illawarra man was charged with fraud after sending a text message to his boss just after 4am on Monday stating he had tested positive and could not go to work, police will allege.

“His co-workers were stood down and self-isolated while awaiting their test results, and several locations near his place of employment required deep cleaning,” NSW Police said in a statement.

Later that day the man allegedly sent another text to his employer claiming that he returned a negative result after having a second test.

But police allege the man had never tested positive in the first place.
Chaos descends on Melbourne CBD as anti-lockdown protest erupt.

Though I must say that they were pretty mild compared to other 1's going on around the world ATM, but they certainly don't help and they peed off plenty more by causing transport chaos for those just wanting to get home.

But at least that young fellow Barack had the sense to cancel his up coming 60th birthday party.
ID: 2081717 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2081733 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 1:30:36 UTC

I finally heard an explanation for why everyone should wear a mask in public. It appears that people who have been vaccinated and those who have had the disease and recovered can be carriers and still spread the virus.

Known since beginning. Known Before.


Media CONtrol. Political CONtro. CANCEL Culture CONtrol. Information CONtrol.

Post Truth NOT ALIGNING with Their CONtrol Regime and INFO Disappears Along with YourJob; Reputation; Life Once Led.

You Might - thou Doubt It - Could Find a Dusty Book Somewhere Not Destroyed, Giving One Much True Info on Viruses; Vaccines; which would OPEN your Eves and Mind to Real Info which would DESTROY Their CONTROL Regime.

GOoD Luck.


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Profile ML1
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Message 2081738 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 2:54:32 UTC - in response to Message 2081733.  
Last modified: 6 Aug 2021, 3:02:31 UTC

Conspiracies! Illuminati!! Aliens!!! Confederates!!!!

All just some silly deadly game?!!!

Get some sense and get real?

Just look around you?

My faith is with Profs Whitty and Fauci and the good sense of such as the CDC.

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2081760 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 12:58:49 UTC

Stated this many times & will continue to do so. We see many especially on social media labelling people conspiracy theorists, whacko's & anti-vaxxers, yet those that call out the authorities & media are ridiculed. Hmm...
...all that is wrong with Covid handling & reporting.
Fake or real?
If real:
1: Why isn't our MSM reporting it (BBC too busy surfing Facebook for stories. i.e Sheepshead fish found in U.S.)?
2: Why has PHE released this now?

Nice cashcow for the government - must get it back somehow.
Nearly 124,000 people had been through the system by mid-July
The cost is £1,750 for a single adult, rising to £2,285 on 12 August, and includes Covid tests on days two and eight
Security companies are hired by the government - the maximum value of Mitie's contract from February to October is £19.6m, the maximum value of G4s's is £66.5m.
Another BP at work.
Lorna Farmer was called on Tuesday by an official who told her that West Midlands Police were looking for her, and that she could be arrested and fined £10,000 if she didn't return to quarantine.
She had already informed police about the issues & been okayed to return home.
I've also stated this in the past. It is about time we got rid of regional police forces & combine into a national force. Not possible? Really? Then what is BTP(British Transport Police)?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2081761 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 13:19:56 UTC - in response to Message 2081760.  

Stated this many times & will continue to do so. We see many especially on social media labelling people conspiracy theorists, whacko's & anti-vaxxers, yet those that call out the authorities & media are ridiculed. Hmm...
...all that is wrong with Covid handling & reporting.
Fake or real?
If real:
1: Why isn't our MSM reporting it (BBC too busy surfing Facebook for stories. i.e Sheepshead fish found in U.S.)?
2: Why has PHE released this now?

Well, it is close to what one would expect. If the vax works you don't get delta and no load. If the vax didn't work (for you) you're nearly the same as un-vax and a hefty load.
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