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New SETI Perspectives: "Is ET in Our Solar System?"
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Eric Korpela ![]() Send message Joined: 3 Apr 99 Posts: 1382 Credit: 54,506,847 RAC: 60 ![]() ![]() |
Richard Lawn has posted a new SETI Perspectives entitled "Is ET in Our Solar System?" |
Alex777 Send message Joined: 8 Oct 19 Posts: 1 Credit: 49,754 RAC: 1 |
Only if too camouflaged :) |
Morgorath Send message Joined: 17 Nov 08 Posts: 2 Credit: 1,120,368 RAC: 1 ![]() |
Anything is possible. Have we accidentally misinterpreted an alien life form to be a celestial body of some kind? (In case any of you were wondering, I got the idea from The Expanse by James S. A. Corey) |
lizi liu Send message Joined: 20 Nov 19 Posts: 1 Credit: 33,665 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I don't think so |
Henrik Sparvath Send message Joined: 16 Apr 15 Posts: 1 Credit: 6,036,853 RAC: 2 ![]() |
Richard Lawn has posted a new SETI Perspectives entitled "Is ET in Our Solar System?" aka The Missing Link :) |
Kristian Andreasson Send message Joined: 19 Nov 19 Posts: 1 Credit: 55,100 RAC: 0 ![]() |
They could be here, but maybe we are too primitive to know it. I think, if they have the technology to roam the galactic space length, they also know how to bend light around objects "invisibility". But I have many theories, because I constantly think about questions like this. Let's say that they are one million years ahead of us in technological development, and WE, we just entered this era. Our civilization, just one hundred years ago had never heard the word: computer. Imagine a civilization one million years ahead of us. I strongly believe that they are able to travel faster than the speed of light and they don't have to worry about relativity either, I think that they solved that problem as well, a long time ago. I believe that their civilization is so stable that they don't have to worry about time and space. When they return to their civilization it may have been 400 years since they left, but everything is the same and their family (if it is important for them at all) -will be there waiting for them after a 400 years hibernation. Or maybe they modified their genes so they can live for thousands of years. My point is, that we have to think in this way in order to understand them, if they are here. When it comes to communication, we do not have to invent a language, they already know how to communicate with us. Our verbal language should be very easy for them to decode. |
![]() Send message Joined: 12 Dec 18 Posts: 6 Credit: 5,601 RAC: 0 |
Ci sono eccome problema è trovarli .[/b] |
![]() Send message Joined: 21 Aug 19 Posts: 39 Credit: 681,916 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Why come all the way here without trying to make contact? |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
They might want to study us as we are, and so avoid seriously interfering with us by making open contact. |
Ez Boorman Send message Joined: 7 May 19 Posts: 1 Credit: 10,336 RAC: 0 |
Ask any biologist "What is life?" and most of them will umm and ahhh a bit before coming out with the signs of life (respiration, reproduction etc.). There is still debate about whether viruses are alive (seeing as they only reproduce by geting the host to do it). The law of infinate probabilities states that anything that can happen will happen. How do we know we have found life if we can't really define it? |
![]() Send message Joined: 27 Dec 07 Posts: 1 Credit: 1,217,088 RAC: 3 ![]() |
I think we've known since Viking however we just weren't ready to accept it. With such a profound discovery being incongruent with social and political ideologies of the time we just couldn't accept the data given to us. It wasn't even compelling enough to send a mission to search for life until 2020, almost 50 years later! I think that now we've come to accept that statistically, life is probable in the universe and the current zeitgeist is ready to know that we aren't special, we weren't created by a god, and there is no heaven other than what we see when we look up, and that's O.K. That's even more special to me personally. That by some chance interactions, this pile of chemical and biological mess can communicate (arguable) semi-intelligent thoughts and ideas :) |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 14 Oct 13 Posts: 14 Credit: 386,618 RAC: 0 ![]() |
The Expanse, Probably the best Sci-Fi show of all time for the story and effects while sticking to true-to-life science in warfare and space travel. How can we introduce an Alien Race to the people of Earth, Without the power-hungry Governments of this Planet fighting for control & Technology? all because people Fear what they do NOT Understand! |
Maneco Send message Joined: 25 Oct 19 Posts: 7 Credit: 177,758 RAC: 3 ![]() |
Hi The issue should be "in our solar system".. |
Maneco Send message Joined: 25 Oct 19 Posts: 7 Credit: 177,758 RAC: 3 ![]() |
The answer is the Fermi's Paradox. So easy. And also so difficult. But.. And if its about ET it would not mean necessarily "life". Lets imagine.. That the ET-civilisation (that one supposed by INTJ_Viking to be a million years ahead of us) had self destroyed but the machines became autonomous and could replicate themselves, then they could be ETs but not life as we know.. The our gene or genetic technologies could be so developed by them that those machines could "make" a kind of life or even "slaves". Why not? Why not to think for example that the Gravity can be a Force "pressing" from outside in a global way instead of being a Force of attraction? And although the question is "in our Solar System" other commentators stated about potential civilisations outside it. |
wierdfoot Send message Joined: 25 Nov 19 Posts: 1 Credit: 79,970 RAC: 0 |
Why not just watch. Why interfere in the progress of a "new civilization or life form". Why not just let it progress at it's own pace and hopefully it goes in what others or maybe ourselves deem to be in the right direction. We could destroy ourselves or we could progress maybe into a civilization that is worth existing. For those of us that are religious. It does not say we are the only creation only that we were made in gods image. Maybe someone/something that we would call "ET" was also created in the same image. Does not mean we would look exactly the same. Image can mean multiple things. Looks, thought process, ideology, ect. Only time will tell. I just hope we are worthy and sensible enough to accept the differences what ever that may be and react in a sensible manner. Not automatically be confrontational, that is IF they are out there. The human race as we know it has a trait of acting superior. Face it we might be the pipsqueak on the block. IF a time should come. Accept it. Acknowledge that we are not the top dog in the neighborhood. Again, only time will tell. IF and only IF ET is out there. |
turgutguler Send message Joined: 17 Oct 10 Posts: 4 Credit: 831,320 RAC: 4 ![]() |
Merhaba. Bugün, bir varlığa canlı diyebilmemiz için gereken şartlar bellidir. Herhangi bir şekilde soluyabilir olması gerekmektedir. Beslenmesi gerekmektedir. Dünyanın varoluş hikâyesini aşağı yukarı kesinliğe yakın bir şekilde tahmin edebiliyoruz. Kâinatı düşünürsek, benzer şartlarda meydana gelen dünyalar pek fazla olmalıdır. Bu sebeple de o dünyaların şartlarına göre canlıların olmaması garip karşılanmalıdır. Cevaplanması gereken soru henüz cevaplanamamıştır. Ne zaman var oldular? : Cevabı gelişmişliklerinin bir göstergesi olacaktır. Bu sorunun içinde aslında yüzlerce soru mevcuttur. İletişim kurmak istiyorlar mı, işgalden korkuyorlar mı, çok farklı iletişimleri mi var, bizim bildiğimiz bantların dışında bir bant mı kullanıyorlar, yaşama özellikleri nasıl…? Onlardan seti projesiyle bir iletişim kaydı yakalasak bile bugünkü durumlarını göstermeyecek fakat bugünkü durumlarının bir göstergesi olacaktır. Aynı zamanda ilim adamlarının gezegenlerin oluşları ile ilgili düşünceleri doğrulanmış olacaktır. Kendi güneş sistemimizde ET var mıdır sorusunun cevabı, mikroskobik boyutlarda olması gerektiğidir diye düşünüyorum. Gezegenlerimizde bizi ziyaret edebilecek, bizimle iletişime geçebilecek boyutlarda ET olmasına müsait gezegenlerimiz bugün yok. |
Filip De Schepper Send message Joined: 21 Jul 15 Posts: 1 Credit: 2,072,991 RAC: 3 ![]() |
it is possible, maybe we should look for nano sized drones ;) |
rob smith ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 7 Mar 03 Posts: 22665 Credit: 416,307,556 RAC: 380 ![]() ![]() |
After a quick Google Translation: Hi. Today, there are certain conditions for us to call an entity alive. It should be breathable in any way. It needs to be fed. We can predict the world's existence story more or less precisely. Considering the universe, the worlds that occur under similar conditions should be many. Therefore, according to the conditions of those worlds, the fact that there are no living things should be considered strange. I do recall a Sci-Fi story about contact between ET and Earth - in short, When ET landed it became apparent that the contact had lasted several of their generations and that they were now stuck in the mud by a scientist's feet... Bob Smith Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society) Somewhere in the (un)known Universe? |
Maneco Send message Joined: 25 Oct 19 Posts: 7 Credit: 177,758 RAC: 3 ![]() |
The humans do not accept each other (race, religion, origin, finantial power, etc) then imagine dealing with others outside our earth.. If "the others" 'll be less civilised then we, we will accept them (and it means that we had discover them) but if they are in advantage, probably or surely we will fight, unless they teach us new things, forced or friendly. So I think.. |
Maneco Send message Joined: 25 Oct 19 Posts: 7 Credit: 177,758 RAC: 3 ![]() |
Look at the Fermi Paradox.. |
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