inspiration, joys, sorrows and stories of our lives

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Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1977551 - Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 19:33:50 UTC

So i thought i would like to start a new thread,
this thread is for us to post about the inspiration, joys, sorrows and stories of our lives,
and of peoples lives on our little planet Earth.
Last week when I was at the hospital Cardio rehab center I saw this poster at the nurses station,
so i copied the words down long hand on a piece 0f paper,
that I wanted to share with all you Good people,

dose the following photo show up in your browsers ?

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon,
They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.”

Rule # 1 - try to be nice.
Rule # 2 - see rule # 1.
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Message 1977580 - Posted: 28 Jan 2019, 22:27:04 UTC - in response to Message 1977551.  

Yes the image show up for me. Thank you Byron for sharing!
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Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1977620 - Posted: 29 Jan 2019, 5:09:24 UTC

Thank you, Byron, for just over two months time I'm going to marry one such person. I have had a few ups and downs over the last couple of years...and then out of the blue she made the stars brighter, the sun 'eck...
I often don't talk about what's going on ...but this just about sums it up..

hi Keith,
Congratulation, and I wish you both happiness and good health in the years to come,
God bless you both,

Yes the image show up for me. Thank you Byron for sharing!

hi Dr Who Fan,
thank you,
God bless,
best wishes,
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Message 1977839 - Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 18:42:41 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jan 2019, 18:44:50 UTC

What a lovely thread :) Thank you, Byron, for conceiving it for us. We don't always acknowledge how precious some one is until they've gone, or have slipped away to leave just those few precious footprints behind for us to cherish. Even if we know all the while we share a timeline with them, just how fortunate and rich they make our life, it's no guarantee there'll always be more ahead for us to add. It's only each moment in itself, that we can count on and say, this is secure.

A pause to cherish what we've been blessed with is time well spent, whether it's in the past or our present. Definitely :)

Gnu... your news is wonderful :) And so is the poem. My heartfelt congratulations to you both. I'm so happy you've found someone who makes the stars brighter :)
ID: 1977839 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1977853 - Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 19:11:53 UTC - in response to Message 1977839.  

What a lovely thread :) Thank you, Byron, for conceiving it for us. We don't always acknowledge how precious some one is until they've gone, or have slipped away to leave just those few precious footprints behind for us to cherish. Even if we know all the while we share a timeline with them, just how fortunate and rich they make our life, it's no guarantee there'll always be more ahead for us to add. It's only each moment in itself, that we can count on and say, this is secure.

A pause to cherish what we've been blessed with is time well spent, whether it's in the past or our present. Definitely :)

Gnu... your news is wonderful :) And so is the poem. My heartfelt congratulations to you both. I'm so happy you've found someone who makes the stars brighter :)

thank you, anniet . . . Love and best wishes, to you for the beautiful human being that you are,

God bless,
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Message 1978024 - Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 20:17:05 UTC - in response to Message 1977880.  
Last modified: 31 Jan 2019, 20:17:47 UTC

Thanks, anniet and Byron...we getting married in a 16th century half- cruck barn and decided we'd organise ourselves, so we're putting the final touches may be the only day you won't see me in shorts and t-shirt....that's my usual attire 365 days of the year... :o)

So recognition issues might crop up...?
It'll be fiiiine... I'm sure it will ;) I had to remind myself what a cruck barn was, but even before I did, I thought it sounded quite possibly the best venue for a wedding, possible, and then proved myself to have been right to! :)

@Byron: Awwwwwwww thank you :) And to you too. For the self-same reason :)

I managed to visit my mum today. It's been difficult of late to do but I was pleased I managed to. She didn't know who I was but she was happy to get a cuddle from me nevertheless. She can't colour-in, people. Not even for toffee, but I think she enjoyed digging a hole in the paper with the felt tip the activity planner had given her to use :) It was kind of sad, but in being that it also reminded me of a day, many years ago, when my sister and I were ill with rubella and she sat with one of us either side of her, and drew us the most beautiful pictures of birds. I'd almost forgotten - but now I never will again :)
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Message 1978071 - Posted: 1 Feb 2019, 4:10:17 UTC

Yes I can see the pic Byron, thanks.

@ Abbie, alzheimers?

One of My cousins has a wife with that, last I heard it went from mild to don't bother Me, as He was having to arrange for better care for Grace his wife, I have not heard from Him since then, He has all the needed details on how to contact Me, if I ever move My phone and email won't change, just for Him and just in case, Hr said He had something for Me but did not say what that was, one day I might find out, right now that's all I know and I have My life and so does He.
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Message 1978108 - Posted: 1 Feb 2019, 13:17:02 UTC

Thank you for your inspiring thraed, Byron :)

I find every joy and inspiration in my daughters and my music. Lisa and Yoko mean the world to me!
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Profile Angela Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1978190 - Posted: 2 Feb 2019, 1:29:39 UTC

When I was studying to be a speech pathologist I had one particularly amazing clinical supervisor, Robbie J. She was so good at helping me learn. She knew intuitively when to gently point me in the right direction vs when to jump in and directly assist. She taught me that mistakes are not mistakes if you learn from them and she always managed to make all of her students laugh.

Now, after a long career in direct service provision, I currently work in clinical supervision. I am about to begin clinic with my seventh group of graduate students. I hope to be even half the supervisor that Robbie was to me.

I wrote Robbie a letter a few years ago to let her know how much I appreciated her as a supervisor all those decades ago, and to tell her that I was attempting to follow in her footsteps. I have heard through the grapevine that she is retiring from her university position this year. Those will be some hard shoes to fill!
ID: 1978190 · Report as offensive
Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1978192 - Posted: 2 Feb 2019, 1:43:40 UTC - in response to Message 1978190.  

thank you . . . Angel, very Beautil and inspiring ...
Love and best wishes,
to you and Eric . . . for the beautiful humans being that you are,

Some people come into our lives and quickly go,
Some people move our souls to dance
They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom,
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon,
They stay in our lives for awhile,
leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same .....

God bless you Both,
... byron.
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Message 1980178 - Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 22:32:51 UTC

I bumped into a neighbour of mine today that I haven't seen for awhile. She's one of those people who, without you having to say a word, and despite greeting her with a smile, seems to instinctively know that, that day, you really need such a big hug, one that even your closest family and friends haven't picked up on.

She's really lovely :) She's been caring for her very ill husband for many years, barely gets any sleep, is constantly exhausted, and yet always finds a moment to spare for others. But she unexpectedly lost her sister just before Christmas :( and I've not been out and about the neighbourhood much since then either, so we'd not come across one another until this evening. I think she just needed someone to talk to about stuff she'd not really been able to voice to her nearest and dearest. And do you know what most of that was? Taking in and caring for her sister's budgie :) She knew I'd taken Tinks under my wing, and how completely rotten I'd felt after she'd gone-and-got-noshed (and even knew a little of why it had knocked me down so badly) and hadn't once looked at me like I was a lot-more-than-ever-so-slightly, completely out of my tree, like say, my other half had f'r'instance ... *elevate nose teensily woundedly* yes...


Well Presley, in the first few weeks without her sister, had stopped eating, refused to come out of his cage and had plucked himself bald, poor love, but her perseverance and determination to let him know that he was still loved has now paid off :) and he's even started to talk, something he'd never done before. Okay, he says good morning when it gets dark outside, and not when it gets light, but she doesn't mind at all. And he rides about on her shoulders and sometimes her head as she potters about the flat, and has made her days less lonely than they were before. And I'm glad :)
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Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1980420 - Posted: 15 Feb 2019, 2:24:37 UTC
Last modified: 15 Feb 2019, 3:05:31 UTC

I will post latter I'm soo tired I 'm going to rest now.

. . . byron.
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Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 1980573 - Posted: 15 Feb 2019, 21:07:39 UTC - in response to Message 1980178.  

Dear anniet,

Thank you for sharing your life experience,
I'm overwhelmed by your kindness, generosity and understanding.

Big hug from,
... byron.
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