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Message 1912665 - Posted: 12 Jan 2018, 23:41:26 UTC

Ok I connected 3 cables to the Xbox One X, power, hdmi, and ethernet, ethernet was already connected to the router, so next is hdmi, and hopefully I have a spare power socket for the power cord.

I had to get down on My knees, which has been painful to do since I was 12 years old, I grew about 1.5' between age 11yrs and 12, and then I had to force 414 or so lbs up, with 2 dislocated hips and a dislocated right shoulder, all 3 since 2002 and 1978 respectively, lots of falls, but I did get up, a lot of pain there, mainly in My knees, I also injured the knees in 2002, a pre 2002 MRI, post 2002 X-rays, and CT scans say otherwise, plus I have 3 titanium screws in 1 leg, and the scars on one of My ankles to prove it, the surgery ruined both ankles.

The surgery was against My will, as I was made to sign under duress, I wanted to get out of there, but being I had a broken leg, and I strapped into a gurney, as the pain was increasing, did I sign?


Did I pay?

Hell NO!

It was not a legal contract, and therefore unenforceable...

And the SSA also refused to pay in 2003.

Being I had no income in 2002 I could not sue, civil lawsuits take money for lawyers, and except for the admitting Nurse, there were no witnesses... It was a For Profit Hospital, where they honored only what the Hospital sold, My brother said not to take Him there ever, His Tricare would not be honored, nor would His Medicare, I kept My word on Him not going there, He was My brother.

Sure I had income from 2003, but it was not much, as I was living with My brother, so I did not get very much, SSI is need based, I had to move out in 2004, as My brother was dying, He passed in early 2005. My sister in law will be buried with Him one day in a cemetery near the Whittier Narrows, He has such a good location.

I guess I could take a pic on one side of the ankle in question, the other side would need someone else to take a pic of, no sorry they're not gory, the stainless steel staples made some nice marks, and no the staples are long gone, the screws I still have, ironically the other ankle works worse than the one that had to be moved and that ankle was never operated on, go figure...

Oh and the surgery was considered life threatening, and took 2 hours to do, I asked.

Also I did not get any rehab, the rehab I got was what I was able to do Myself, like bending My toes, which at first were really stiff, if Universal Healthcare was in place back then, things might have been different, not so stiff or heavy, I wasn't always heavy and fat shaming people is wrong.

But then prior to 1978 almost like My dad, I had some pretty good upper body strength, though I never got to the level He did, the fall on My shoulder stopped that, He climbed a rope hand over hand, but then His dad made Him do exercises before breakfast, everyday, grandpa I think knew what was coming and made sure My dad was ready.
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Message 1912669 - Posted: 13 Jan 2018, 0:02:03 UTC

That's one cable down, the hdmi cable is connected, the power cable is the last.

One of these days I need to get a nearby friend to put all the power cables and bricks there on the new power strip, which the window a/c unit has been using and then I can put the a/c on the older strip.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1912675 - Posted: 13 Jan 2018, 0:18:35 UTC

Vic, I'm sorry so many things are going wrong right now. I had car trouble this week too - a flat tire and a dead battery. I noticed both on Sunday, but didn't have enough free time to get anything repaired until Wednesday. Thank goodness for Uber!
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Message 1912682 - Posted: 13 Jan 2018, 1:00:52 UTC - in response to Message 1912675.  

Vic, I'm sorry so many things are going wrong right now. I had car trouble this week too - a flat tire and a dead battery. I noticed both on Sunday, but didn't have enough free time to get anything repaired until Wednesday. Thank goodness for Uber!

Ouch, My sister in law is having car trouble too, must be something going around.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1912687 - Posted: 13 Jan 2018, 1:24:27 UTC

I jokingly like to say "Trouble comes in groups of three." har...
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Message 1912689 - Posted: 13 Jan 2018, 1:29:35 UTC - in response to Message 1912687.  

I jokingly like to say "Trouble comes in groups of three." har...

So do deaths in Hollywood, Me I was born in Los Angeles, and I'm not a star.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1912728 - Posted: 13 Jan 2018, 4:30:11 UTC

The pain in My body is going down, I took 2 650mg Tylenol 8hr caplets, My arms were hurting too.

Dinner was good, home made spaghetti, and I have enough for Saturday from what I cooked, I didn't have enough spaghetti sauce, I had 4 cans, and 4 cans of tomato sauce, I used 2 of each, it worked, barely. I have enough ingredients for Sunday and Monday, after that it's back to fish fillets and mixed veggies, I think all the way until February 2nd.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1912946 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 8:49:27 UTC - in response to Message 1912728.  

The pain in My body is going down, I took 2 650mg Tylenol 8hr caplets, My arms were hurting too.

Dinner was good, home made spaghetti, and I have enough for Saturday from what I cooked, I didn't have enough spaghetti sauce, I had 4 cans, and 4 cans of tomato sauce, I used 2 of each, it worked, barely. I have enough ingredients for Sunday and Monday, after that it's back to fish fillets and mixed veggies, I think all the way until February 2nd.

Sounds like you should have sold those extra bottles of Diet MD and Chips on E-bay for some extra cash to buy food.

Old James
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Message 1912951 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 9:13:52 UTC - in response to Message 1912946.  
Last modified: 14 Jan 2018, 9:16:25 UTC

The pain in My body is going down, I took 2 650mg Tylenol 8hr caplets, My arms were hurting too.

Dinner was good, home made spaghetti, and I have enough for Saturday from what I cooked, I didn't have enough spaghetti sauce, I had 4 cans, and 4 cans of tomato sauce, I used 2 of each, it worked, barely. I have enough ingredients for Sunday and Monday, after that it's back to fish fillets and mixed veggies, I think all the way until February 2nd.

Sounds like you should have sold those extra bottles of Diet MD and Chips on E-bay for some extra cash to buy food.


Liquid is expensive to ship, I ate most of the chips, except for the ones with the red coating, and drank the diet soda, I went to the Doctor in November and in December, I weighed 414lbs each time I was weighed.

I weigh as much as some line backers, and I have the height to match...
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Message 1912962 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 11:43:12 UTC
Last modified: 14 Jan 2018, 11:43:36 UTC

I won an Xbox on Nov 20th 2017, in an auction, where 38,150 points got Me the Xbox One X system,
others there had a bit more muscle, the minute I had 38,400 points, I entered the auction in 1st place, which over the next
few hours degraded to 5th place out of 50 entries for Nov 20th, all I had to do was wait.

Latin: Veni, vidi, vici.
English: I came, I saw, I conquered.

Xbox Promo and auctions ended on: Dec 12th 2017.

What codes I had left after December 12th went to a hat, a Mountain Dew cap, all of 4000 points, and except for the hat,
they had nothing there that I wanted really, oh a snow globe would have been ok, but those were gone.

Marketplace for codes from DMD and Doritos ended on: Jan 12th 2018.

What bottles I have left are only worth what any other 2L bottle is for recycling, nothing more, nothing less.

And I haven't had any soda or chips since January 1st 2018.

Why am I up now?

My stomach is a bit upset, I had a bit too much spaghetti for dinner, so I took some ant acids for that,
as My Doctor instructed, which I've done for longer than I can remember...

For any acid indigestion, but then I have a hiatal hernia that I was born with.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1912983 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 14:15:56 UTC - in response to Message 1912728.  

Two cans of tomatoe plus two cans of sauce = barely enough?
That is between four and sixteen "normal" portions, not one. Little wonder you have guts ache and weigh over 400 pounds...
Just how much pasta did you boil up??
A "standard" portion is about 3 to 4 ounces, on the scant evidence you've provided I'd guess betwee 8 and 16 ounces.
Get a set of working kitchen scales and use them for every meal and snack you eat.
Bob Smith
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Message 1912996 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 15:43:30 UTC

Best soap opera on the Net. Tune in same time same channel next week for the continuing saga of Ebay spending & food scrimping.
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Message 1912998 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 15:45:26 UTC - in response to Message 1912996.  

Best soap opera on the Net. Tune in same time same channel next week for the continuing saga of Ebay spending & food scrimping.

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Message 1913006 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 16:40:26 UTC - in response to Message 1912983.  

A "standard" portion is about 3 to 4 ounces,

I you want to survive for a longer period you need portions about 11 oz twice a day.
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Message 1913027 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 18:16:42 UTC - in response to Message 1912983.  

Two cans of tomato plus two cans of sauce = barely enough?
That is between four and sixteen "normal" portions, not one. Little wonder you have guts ache and weigh over 400 pounds...
Just how much pasta did you boil up??
A "standard" portion is about 3 to 4 ounces, on the scant evidence you've provided I'd guess between 8 and 16 ounces.
Get a set of working kitchen scales and use them for every meal and snack you eat.

Not true, you are jumping to conclusions, I didn't say what size, and pasta does soak up sauce, I was trained how to cook by My mom, better than some Men, like My dad, who couldn't cook anything, heck He had to come to Me to ask how to wash dishes...

Oh and dad was 42 years older than I am.

I gained weight cause of joint problems from an accident, surgery, and no rehab, I'd been skinny before that, you weren't here, so you have no right to say that.

That is backed up by Medical records...

No I won't, but then I don't need to, why?

Cause I take in less calories and carbs than I expend, that's why during November and December I'd not gained any weight, and mind you what My sister in law and young niece cook can pile on the weight, but then My not gaining any weight is backed up at My Doctors Office, in their records...
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1913039 - Posted: 14 Jan 2018, 18:52:39 UTC

We don't approve of you having this, or how you eat, or yada, yada, yada...

Well that is for Me to decide, it's My life, not yours, I know My life and body better than anyone else,

but then some apparently have selective reading skills.

My Doctor approves of what I eat, as I held 30lbs off thru Nov and Dec of 2017, I'd like to see any of you do that, oh what's that you can't, look in the mirror...

How much did you guys gain those 2 months?

Do you even know?

It must gave been more than I did, which was nothing...

My relatives use real butter and real cream cheese when they make Thanksgiving and Xmas dinners, they don't skimp, the only other person to not gain weight there was My older niece, She's Vegan, so no weight gain, and She has one fantastic boyfriend, His name I think is Nick, and yes He has friends on an NFL football team, though I can't remember His last name, but then I've only met Him twice, I'll know later on in 2018 if they're both serious or not.

I at least was weighed in a Doctors Office, by an MD's staff, of qualified personnel, people who earned degrees, yes even Nurses have college degrees, My sister in law is a retired RN and that requires a college degree. RN means Registered Nurse...
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