Migration Period now?

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Profile Es99
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Message 1721713 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 15:25:25 UTC

Refugee crisis: what can you do to help?
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Message 1721756 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 16:48:26 UTC - in response to Message 1721652.  
Last modified: 3 Sep 2015, 16:53:33 UTC

One possible way forward is to get an elite force of SAS and Navy seals together and wipe out all the human traffickers.

Wipe out those we enabled with our destabilising of the entire region? I would rather see our forces used for humanitarian evacuation of the victims that we have helped create.

If there was no way to get to Europe or to the UK, then that will help stop these needless deaths.

No it wouldn't, it would merely stop "spoiling" the view from Europe's holiday resorts, and messing with your train timetables.

Then we help these people go back home and improve their countries so they actually want to stay there.

And then present them with the bill for our services, enslaving them to the IMF and ECB for generations.

If that means a couple of regimes get overthrown then so be it.

Seriously? Whilst we do this "so be it" thing you advocate Mr S, do we order the people we cage there, to "stand still while we shoot"?

We're looking at the result of our regime change handiwork right now. The result is 13 million utterly traumatised children receiving no education whatsoever, already. Translate the lost dreams of growing up to be anything other than easy to radicalise in under a decade - whilst heaping new grievances on top of old - and then hand that mess on to the next generation to "solve".

You would be a very dangerous man if you had any power.

I bought a Mail today, sorry I will wash my mouth out later, the pictures and reports in that were very bad reading, two little boys drowned together with their mother. Yes of course the paper was capitalising upon human suffering, what the Mail does, but in this case there is some justification for it.


And when it was covered by the Guardian, Posted here: 2 Sep 2015, 14:59:08 UTC it left you unmoved?

edit: @Es99
Thank you. Good links therein.

Current UK policy is making compassion an act of civil disobedience. So be it.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1721781 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 18:11:28 UTC - in response to Message 1721776.  
Last modified: 3 Sep 2015, 18:11:49 UTC

You would be a very dangerous man if you had any power.

Oh really, well I suggest that you should be a little bit worried then. And yes, I have seen your profile. I will say no more.

Chris. The OP says that you are VERY off topic!!!!
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Message 1721801 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 19:34:45 UTC - in response to Message 1721713.  

Refugee crisis: what can you do to help?

How to help refugees if you live in Sweden.
I think it's also apply to all EU countries.
Or all Europian countries for that matter.
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Message 1721820 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 21:01:52 UTC - in response to Message 1721812.  
Last modified: 3 Sep 2015, 21:19:27 UTC

I'll be in London for the 12th. Fancy a solidarity march for refugees and a night sleeping rough in front of parliament?

Hopefully London has removed all the spikes in the pavements by then.
The tactics to eliminate EU migrants that have the right to move and work in all EU countries sucks!

Yes US. We both have Europian migration within EU and migration from other countries that choose to come to Europe.
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Message 1721838 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 22:05:46 UTC - in response to Message 1721820.  

Hopefully London has removed all the spikes in the pavements by then.

They are using punji sticks?!! Oh, vey.
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Profile Es99
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Message 1721843 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 22:16:36 UTC

Written today by children's author Michael Rosen:

People run

"People run away from war:
my father’s uncle and his wife
ran away from war.
They ran from one side of France to another.
But the authorities divided people up:
some who ran away were good;
some, like my father’s uncle and his wife,
were not so good:
they were not born in France.
So they were put on a list
and had everything taken away from them.
They heard that people like them were
being put on trains and sent away to the east.
So they escaped and ran across France
This was a good move,
they were safe now,
all they had to do was wait.
While they were waiting
the authorities in this place got defeated,
they were seized, put on a train
put in a transit camp, then on another train
to another camp,
where they were killed.
People run away from war.
Sometimes we get away.
Sometimes we don’t.
Sometimes we’re helped.
Sometimes we aren’t.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1721844 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 22:18:24 UTC - in response to Message 1721838.  
Last modified: 3 Sep 2015, 22:18:42 UTC

Hopefully London has removed all the spikes in the pavements by then.

They are using punji sticks?!! Oh, vey.

Here it's what it looks like in London.

Way to go Nigel Farange!
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1721858 - Posted: 3 Sep 2015, 22:57:16 UTC - in response to Message 1721843.  

Written today by children's author Michael Rosen:
"People run away from war:
my father’s uncle and his wife
ran away from war.
They ran from one side of France to another.
But the authorities divided people up:
some who ran away were good;
some, like my father’s uncle and his wife,
were not so good:
they were not born in France.
So they were put on a list
and had everything taken away from them.
They heard that people like them were
being put on trains and sent away to the east.
So they escaped and ran across France
This was a good move,
they were safe now,
all they had to do was wait.
While they were waiting
the authorities in this place got defeated,
they were seized, put on a train
put in a transit camp, then on another train
to another camp,
where they were killed.
People run away from war.
Sometimes we get away.
Sometimes we don’t.
Sometimes we’re helped.
Sometimes we aren’t.

Thanks for sharing this poem to us Es99.
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Message 1722010 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 10:32:26 UTC - in response to Message 1721995.  

p.p.s I assume the ES99's poem is all about the Nazis, the Jews, and the gas ovens in WWII? Whilst relevant about them, is it that applicable to Europe today?

Of course it is. Those people are fleeing war and a group of people that easily rivals the Nazis in their barbarity. Do we want to deny those people a safe place to stay?
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1722013 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 10:41:53 UTC - in response to Message 1721995.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2015, 10:44:41 UTC

Hopefully London has removed all the spikes in the pavements by then.
The tactics to eliminate EU migrants that have the right to move and work in all EU countries sucks!

Janne has got it completely wrong as usual. There a few shop and business doorways and alcoves that have had spikes installed, but not many, I have only ever seen one. And in any case it has nothing to do with migrants or freedom of movement in the EU. Where installed they are there to deter the homeless sleeping rough, which is a separate issue and actually deserves it's own thread. And it has nothing to do with UKIP either.

Public opinion is mounting about this refugee crisis, and it can't be much longer before a full debate happens in Parliament about it, and so it should do. I have been to Parliament many times with tickets to the public gallery, and every time there is a demo of some sort outside by parliament Sq. I admire Tami's resolve to demonstrate outside parliament, but certain things have to be realised. Firstly not all MP's will see demos there first hand, by walking past them. Some get there by car, others by other means. But they WILL see them in the press and the TV reports, so they are not a complete waste of time.

Want a small piece of advice, get people to attend their MP's surgeries, complain that the government isn't doing what the people want. You are our elected representative up there, we want you to pass on our concerns. MP's talk to each other, "I had 6 people turn up last week complaining about this!", "That's nothing, I had a dozen yesterday!". Word spreads, when that debate happens MP's will have things to say. If your MP gives you short thrift, write to the papers saying why you won't be voting for them next time.

Start a petition or sign a current one here Petitions 100,000 signatures and they HAVE to consider a debate, 10,000 signatures and they HAVE to respond. Use military tactics, attack from the side and the rear, as well as head on.

p.s. Centre point London's homeless do have support, but many choose not to take advantage of it.

p.p.s I assume the ES99's poem is all about the Nazis, the Jews, and the gas ovens in WWII? Whilst relevant about them, is it that applicable to Europe today?

Maybe the poem is too intellectual to you Chris since it written to children!
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1722014 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 10:47:08 UTC

- I'm right and you're wrong. You are straight up and down wrong, said Hans Rosling when the Danish TV host for the channel DR2 described the situation in the world as unsettled and chaotic, referring to the war and refugees.

Hans Rosling believes that the media's view of the world does not reflect reality as it actually is. To describe the refugee catastrophe is to display a picture - but it needed while set against a reality where more girls are in school, more vaccinations and child mortality decreases. The difference is that the positive development is so slow that the media fails to report it, says Rosling.

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Message 1722049 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 12:36:00 UTC - in response to Message 1721995.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2015, 12:42:37 UTC

Hopefully London has removed all the spikes in the pavements by then.
The tactics to eliminate EU migrants that have the right to move and work in all EU countries sucks!

Janne has got it completely wrong as usual. There a few shop and business doorways and alcoves that have had spikes installed, but not many, I have only ever seen one. And in any case it has nothing to do with migrants or freedom of movement in the EU. Where installed they are there to deter the homeless sleeping rough, which is a separate issue and actually deserves it's own thread. And it has nothing to do with UKIP either.

Chris. Are you blind!
Only about a month ago we could read this.

He missed out responsible parents fit to breed that back up their childrens education.

Hans Rosling didn't missed out anything!
In the video (In swedish and danish) he says a lot more.
Here is Hans's website http://www.gapminder.org/
Read it Chris!!!!
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Profile Smoke me a kipper
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Message 1722065 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 13:23:02 UTC - in response to Message 1721812.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2015, 13:30:12 UTC

Current UK policy is making compassion an act of civil disobedience. So be it.

I'll be in London for the 12th. Fancy a solidarity march for refugees and a night sleeping rough in front of parliament?

I do. Should we use smartphones to locate each other with? ;))

100 people a minute signing online petition

Already signed - via link provided in Es99's Guardian link. Not sure why Mr S thought another was needed.

edit4Mr S:
He missed out responsible parents fit to breed that back up their childrens education.

You had a chance to define parameters in another thread and you chose not to. To do so here disgraces you.
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Message 1722069 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 13:33:27 UTC

Sister Tima Kurdistan helped both his brothers with money. She assumed that Abdullah Kurdi would try to get to Canada.

In an interview with CNN describes Abdullah Kurdistan the disastrous attempt to take a small boat out on the Mediterranean Sea to first get to Greece.
The goal was to get to Sweden, says Abdullah Kurdi father of Aylan.

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Message 1722070 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 13:35:52 UTC - in response to Message 1722067.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2015, 13:47:39 UTC

I and some others are getting really fed up with you. This is an American hosted website not unnaturally populated by mainly English speakers. Everyone is welcome here, but it doesn't help when you continuously post links in Swedish. The world does not revolve around Sweden just because you happen to live there.

Chris. Are you blind!
Only about a month ago we could read this.

Well bully for Sweden, I am very happy for you.

I do not read the Grauniad because it is far too left wing for me, and in my view is biased. So how would I have seen that article?

Hans Rosling didn't missed out anything!
In the video (In swedish and danish) he says a lot more.
Here is Hans's website http://www.gapminder.org/
Read it Chris!!!!

I reiterate - The world does not revolve around Sweden just because you happen to live there.

Read that Janne!!!!!!!!!!

Go and walk your dog and annoy somebody else. Do they have ASBO's in Sweden?

I'm the OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well your spelling is very bad for an Englishman.
Grauniad is spelled Guardian!!!!

I and some others are getting really fed up with you

Really? I bet you have a list of the others as well.

you continuously post links in Swedish

I do not!

The world does not revolve around Sweden just because you happen to live there.

That goes for every country.
Read that Chris!!!!!!!!!
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1722072 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 13:49:07 UTC
Last modified: 4 Sep 2015, 13:49:50 UTC

Lets stop the personal insults (yes I realise it is the politics forum).

Whatever your personal feelings about a fellow poster it should not spill over into the discussion.

I and others really think that perhaps it is time for certain people to read the advice below.

If you do not wish to read another persons posts then don't, if you do not wish to even see the other person post please put them on filter, as I keep saying that is what it is for!!
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1722075 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 13:54:30 UTC - in response to Message 1722073.  
Last modified: 4 Sep 2015, 13:54:43 UTC

Well your spelling is very bad for an Englishman.
Grauniad is spelled Guardian!!!!

Oh Good grief!!!

For someone that professes to be so in touch with English newspapers, you don't have a clue do you?

The Guardian has an unfortunate history over many years of having simple spelling mistakes in its editions. That is why to all and sundry it is still nicknamed the Grauniad to this day. It was initiated by the Private Eye magazine.

Read Bernie Vine's last post!
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Profile Es99
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Message 1722079 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 14:04:00 UTC - in response to Message 1722010.  

p.p.s I assume the ES99's poem is all about the Nazis, the Jews, and the gas ovens in WWII? Whilst relevant about them, is it that applicable to Europe today?

Of course it is. Those people are fleeing war and a group of people that easily rivals the Nazis in their barbarity. Do we want to deny those people a safe place to stay?

Its not my poem, and the author has stated that he wrote the poem to draw parallels to the refugee crisis that affected his great uncle and the current crisis.

If Chris thinks it is not relevant then he should probably take it up with the poet.
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Message 1722082 - Posted: 4 Sep 2015, 14:04:44 UTC
Last modified: 4 Sep 2015, 14:06:20 UTC

The City of Stockholm has in recent days received thousands of applications from people who want to help unaccompanied refugee children.
- We're very, very pleased that so many have heard of now. It is so many people are interested in helping out, says Ulrika Hällgren at the Social Services in Stockholm.
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