Donald Trump for President?

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Profile JumpinJohnny

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Message 1822158 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 9:42:48 UTC - in response to Message 1822139.  
Last modified: 6 Oct 2016, 10:12:12 UTC

Well now, it looks like the inquiry into the Trump Foundation has found several donations to officials when his companies had decisions pending.

An "Inquiry" ??? ... by the newly elected DEMOCRAT New York Attorneys General... who accepted his particular campaign contribution, "seeing no conflict". Hmmmm?
State Attorneys General is an elected political position that solicit donations to run campaigns.
The political donations were made by Trump, the Trump Foundation and associates of Trump over a 12 year period.

"In total, Mr Trump has given about $140,000 to a dozen people who either were state attorneys general or running for the post from 2001 to 2014, according to donation records," the Wall Street Journal said. "Some of the recipients returned the contributions."

It is up to the receiver of the campaign contribution to decide whether they will have a conflict of interest by accepting the money they have solicited.
They found that these were given almost all to political campaigns of people that may or may not, at some point, make a decision on any number of
Trumps businesses because of their capacity as State Attorney General. NOT to "officials with decisions pending".
Bill Clinton was one of those State Attorney Generals before he became Governor in Arkansas.

Your rag, the Telegraph, assumes it's readers will fill in the facts with their emotions rather than knowledge.
I found the Telegraph article, "Kim Kardashian West's bodyguard filed for bankruptcy for his German security company ten weeks ago." to be really interesting and equally as informative.

Gawd save us.
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Message 1822166 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 10:48:53 UTC - in response to Message 1822158.  
Last modified: 6 Oct 2016, 10:59:54 UTC

Is it legal for charities to make political donations. The IRS penalised the Trump Foundation $2,500 for its contribution to Pam Bondi, a Republican running for re-election as Florida’s attorney general. Shortly after the donation she decided NOT to investigate the Trump University.

edit] Just throw this one in as well Trump Gave 10 Times The Personal Max To Florida Attorney General
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Message 1822181 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 12:20:34 UTC - in response to Message 1822177.  

Is it legal for charities to make political donations. The IRS penalised the Trump Foundation $2,500 for its contribution to Pam Bondi


Many Non, or Not for Profit Foundations, have Legal Problems (presently assisting in a Federal Investigation of a supposed 'Charity' and 'Support' Group). If found to be true, they are Fined.

BTW: I don't believe any Anti-Trump person would care to have a Detailed and Systematic Legal Investigation regarding the Clinton Foundation.

Then compare it to Trump's.

The People, smarter and imbued with more common sense than their attacker's. Understand this.

Why case closed, on that one case yes, maybe. But what about all the others. Or is it just a case of you not reading the post fully, and following the link. Probably not following the link because it is about another case entirely.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1822199 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 13:39:35 UTC - in response to Message 1822101.  

Well, we know with 100% certainty it wasn't a tax agency that leaked. Two of the three copies weren't signed. A tax agency would never have an unsigned copy! These are Trump's copies!
Riiiiight....and no one knows how to 'photoshop' a document to remove signatures....and the IRS employees and supervisors are totally honest and above board........and the tooth fairy will leave us all a million dollars....

Not to mention that tax records maintained by the IRS have been computerized for decades now. A form printed from old computerized data likely would not have the signature on it.

Not bloody likely when the accountant has said publicly he had to drag a typewriter out to put two digits on the loss as his software wouldn't print them.

Also an IRS copy has a big file stamp on it indicating which IRS office received it and what day and time.

I know you all hate the government, but this copy is from DJT.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1822200 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 13:40:00 UTC - in response to Message 1822088.  

That'll be fun to watch....until we inevitably get sucked in.

Yep it is fun to watch America try and drag us into your crap , but alas the country's that complained about China are now doing backflips .

And your Allies are now telling you to go to hell .

So if America is fine on it's own why did you Blockade the Japanese ports again back in the 1853 you know the Perry Expedition

So much for you being able to have isolationist attitudes then

And then there was your civil war where you sent ships to Australia to recruit our young men to fight in your war just like you had to import so many Irishmen .

Good luck with the isolationist thing in such a connected world
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1822203 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 13:47:28 UTC

Don't you just love Hollywood .

Making Films like the Last Samurai as that is based on the Perry expedition

And then there The Gangs of New York as they tell the real truth about your country .
ID: 1822203 · Report as offensive
Profile JumpinJohnny

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Message 1822222 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 15:04:33 UTC - in response to Message 1822200.  

Wow. You are so far OFF TOPIC that I should not respond.
Others will forgive me.

Educate yourself, if possible.

Australia's minor but appreciated involvement in every military action engauged by Britan is quantified and known.
140 Australians and New Zealanders were veterans of the American Civil War, 100 of whom were native-born. Some of these were originally Americans who came to Australia during the Victorian gold rush of the 1850s.

If Trump wins the US Presidential election, (I predict he will not), then you get your wish to once again play war games with your British brothers.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1822263 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 18:20:43 UTC - in response to Message 1822200.  

And then there was your civil war where you sent ships to Australia to recruit our young men to fight in your war just like you had to import so many Irishmen.

If you're going to comment on history, then it's best to get your facts correct.

The US had no need to import the Irish for the simple fact is that due to British stupidity in 1845 which continued until 1852, America had a large Irish population which had built up in the 16 years leading up to the start of the civil war.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1822341 - Posted: 6 Oct 2016, 23:39:47 UTC - in response to Message 1822222.  
Last modified: 6 Oct 2016, 23:41:01 UTC

Educate yourself, if possible

Right I don't know about the food problems Ireland had ,

if you say so and of course the inducement of being a American citizen if they fought had no bearing

pity you didn't tell them they would be sent straight to the front line as soon as they got off the ships and be dead within a few days or hours

Next time you Quote wiki don't be so selective .

So I say again good luck with the isolationist attitude

Oh by the way who was it again that got us involved in Vietnam and Iraq as it was not England mate and now you wish for us to join you in your crap in the south China sea .

It's about time you septics understand we are getting very very angry with our so called friend so if I was America I would be very careful and start respecting our opinion and advise when it comes to our part of the world as you lot have no F-ing idea about how the south East Asian country's work , think or operate
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Profile JumpinJohnny

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Message 1822349 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 0:19:00 UTC - in response to Message 1822341.  
Last modified: 7 Oct 2016, 0:20:23 UTC

YOU are completely mistaken about almost everything, including the topic of the thread.

The Irish were NEVER recruited for the American Civil War.
There were a half dozen Brigades formed from the Irish population that were aleready here that had migrated in the 20 years leading up to the war.
(That's why I gave you the first link, to educate yourself on that FACT.)

The second link I gave to show you how often Australia had joined Britan in a variety of war efforts.

I suppose you didn't quite understand that either.

So, I'm going to give up. I hope someone can continue the subject of the thread.
I assure everyone that I won't respond to this person again.
I don't like saying things twice and doing work, (posting thoughtfull links), that are ignored and subsequently slandered.
I wish you better health, Glen. I hope you get the help you need.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1822352 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 0:38:54 UTC - in response to Message 1822349.  
Last modified: 7 Oct 2016, 0:40:27 UTC

JumpinJohnny I just read the wiki post and it appears the Movie The gangs of New York was very accurate .

Yes there was already a large population of Irishmen that emigrated to your country before the war started but did you tell the new emigrants after it started that they would have to fight as soon as they got off the boat you didn't

And it still doesn't get you out of what some of you say about being Isolationist . You can and won't be able to survive as you have always interfered and even threatened other country's ergo : If our allies don't join the coalition of the willing there will be consequences and who said that would not have been J.W.B would it .

So who is the threat here seeing as China has not threatened us over anything .And trump is doing the same thing threatening us so excuse me when I say F-off septic tanks
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1822354 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 0:48:55 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2016, 0:50:42 UTC

And Jumpinjohnny England did ask us to join them in ww1 and ww2 but it was our chose they did not threaten us like J.W.B or Trump and if England asked us to join them now days that is not automatically a given thing ergoi: the Falklands War and we where not asked to join that one .

And also before 1900 we where still part of England under there control since then that is not the case so only ww1 and ww2 did England ask us to join them how many times now have you lot asked us , ops demanded and even threatened us .

getting the mood of Australians now we are getting sick of your crap and will tell you to bugger off if you don't stop your B/s
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1822363 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 1:29:53 UTC - in response to Message 1822352.  

Yes there was already a large population of Irishmen that emigrated to your country before the war started but did you tell the new emigrants after it started that they would have to fight as soon as they got off the boat you didn't.

There you go again. Please check facts 1st.

Between the years 1861 & 1865, there were very few ships carrying Immigrants to the USA. Of the few that left Ireland, several took the Immigrants to Canada, mainly Quebec.

As for getting the Immigrants to fight as soon as they stepped of the ships, find it hard to believe that the authorities were that brutal.

However, if true, please provide the evidence.
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Profile j mercer

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Message 1822365 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 1:36:46 UTC

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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1822478 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 13:53:08 UTC

You can educate the ignorant, if they are willing to learn. Stupidity is a whole other world. Donald is like a Doctor with no 'bedside manner'. He says you need to lose 100 pounds and quit smoking. It pisses you off, but you know he's just telling you the truth(a concept unknown to ANYONE named Clinton).

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 1822528 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 18:50:30 UTC - in response to Message 1822478.  

You can educate the ignorant, if they are willing to learn. Stupidity is a whole other world. Donald is like a Doctor with no 'bedside manner'. He says you need to lose 100 pounds and quit smoking. It pisses you off, but you know he's just telling you the truth(a concept unknown to ANYONE named Clinton).

Now that would depend on who's version of the truth you believe.

You could believe that Alicia Machado was pushed through the immigration and citizenship channels by Hillary so she could use her against Donald.
Except even pushing it takes months to get through those channels and in that period Carson, Bush, Cruz and Rubio were all ahead of Trump in the polls to win the Republican nomination.
Or you could use a bit of logic and say Trump is fantasizing again.
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 1822530 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 19:00:14 UTC - in response to Message 1822529.  

I believe it cherry picks the data it shows.
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Profile JumpinJohnny

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Message 1822544 - Posted: 7 Oct 2016, 19:40:14 UTC - in response to Message 1822530.  
Last modified: 7 Oct 2016, 19:46:32 UTC

I believe it cherry picks the data it shows.

I don't see any sources listed that can be "cherry picked". The numbers they report and the methods used to derive those numbers are pretty clear.

I guess what I really don't get is how quadrupling the size of our military and the susbequent long term costs while destroying segments of our world-interdependant economy will decrease the overall government spending and increased debt any more than the continuation of massive "entitlement" spending while continuing irresponsible social policies and governmental mandates will lessen our debt.

Trump = We loose
Clinton = We loose
It's a loose-loose situation.
Maybe it's time for a rethink without the partisan 2-party blinders on.
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