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Message 1625174 - Posted: 7 Jan 2015, 22:47:05 UTC - in response to Message 1625100.  
Last modified: 7 Jan 2015, 22:49:51 UTC

Now as for me thinking terrorism isn't something that is such a big deal. Well face it, it isn't. In 2013 in France 3250 people died in traffic accidents. Thats a little less than 10 people per day. In the UK, 2175 people died in traffic accidents (in 2012). How many people died that year of terrorism in each of those countries? Right, not even a fraction of that number. In fact, bees and wasps are just as deadly as terrorists in the UK. But do we spend billions of Euros on traffic controls? Do we give almost unlimited authority to traffic police to combat traffic accidents? Do we spend billions of Euros on bee and wasp containment policies? No, we don't.

So yeah, I'm really sorry for the families of the people that died, I truly am, and I think its horrible that this attack happened. But get some goddamn perspective people.

It's not the fact that a "small" number of people have been killed in Paris thats matter.
It's when actions against free speech are being done when it's becoming nasty.
Many journalists and even artists are now concerned to what happened.
Will they now self-censorship? If so the terrorists have won!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1625207 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 0:16:33 UTC - in response to Message 1624899.  

That would mean that terrorists and other can silence free speech with threats of violence.

Sony showed them it works when Kim in North Korea did his thing.
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Message 1625245 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 2:49:40 UTC

I will never, because of your entire lack of ethics, morality, possible sanity, and excusing this atrocity, as nothing more than a bee sting: Never acknowledge, nor reply any of your Posts.

You disgust me, and should disgust anyone else.

I Agree With Most Everything Netherlands Poster Says. Especially Recent Postings.

Don't think World would Change For Better if This Poster and Others of Same Ilk were Running Things. Nor Much Worse. Maybe Slightly Better, 'cept fO The Lessers, Who Always Get The Shaft of Meaningful Progressive Change.


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Message 1625324 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 7:55:35 UTC - in response to Message 1625232.  
Last modified: 8 Jan 2015, 8:23:17 UTC


I repeated your entire Post.

You have said enough.

I will never, because of your entire lack of ethics, morality, possible sanity, and excusing this atrocity, as nothing more than a bee sting: Never acknowledge, nor reply any of your Posts.

You disgust me, and should disgust anyone else.

To anyone agreeing with you: HAVE YOU NO SHAME!

EDIT: Anyone attempting to classify my response a Flame/Hate. Should understand that Мишель Post IS Flame/Hate against those that were murdered.


I believe his Post should not be censored.

Wow, aren't you a piece of work. So let me get this straight, pointing out a FACT equals me excusing terrorism and flaming/hating directly on the victims of this attack. Worse even, I'm a person devoid of morality, ethics and sanity. Right, that clearly is a sane, rational, level headed response.

Well, I guess it really doesn't matter. In the end, I'm still right. Terrorism hardly kills people in Europe. Obviously its horrible when terrorists attack us (do I even need to point that out?). Its horribly when they kill people. But again, PERSPECTIVE. The fact is simply that we got far more deadly problems that kill a lot more people.
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Message 1625334 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 8:21:23 UTC - in response to Message 1624905.  

An attack similar to the one in Paris could happen in the UK, according to Mohammed Shafiq from the Ramadhan Foundation, which works with young British Muslims. He said "the thing that keeps me up at night is the fact that we have these lone wolves".

Why the bloody hell do think we raised the terror threat level from 3 to 2 ???

All a lot of fuss about nothing according to some ars**oles around here. Ok tell that to the families of the twelve murdered people in Paris.

Terrorism succeeds when people are terrorized.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Message 1625386 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 12:52:21 UTC

Reading conservative UK Prime Minister David Cameron's statements sound more like reading Michek's "BHL" posts here than Clyde's. So, let us declare Cameron's views reprehensible and, yet, ask that his speech not be censored.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Message 1625388 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 12:59:52 UTC - in response to Message 1625386.  

Reading conservative UK Prime Minister David Cameron's statements sound more like reading Michek's "BHL" posts here than Clyde's. So, let us declare Cameron's views reprehensible and, yet, ask that his speech not be censored.

The guy is sadly out of touch with reality. Those preachers of hate are not such a major influence anymore, definitely not within Europe/US. The Internet is a far more potent recruiting tool for Jihadists. And censoring the internet sounds like a terrible idea.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1625441 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 16:06:12 UTC - in response to Message 1625432.  

This International Jihadist War is NOT a Police Matter.

At last, we finally getting to the core of the problem.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1625450 - Posted: 8 Jan 2015, 17:12:52 UTC - in response to Message 1625448.  
Last modified: 8 Jan 2015, 17:48:35 UTC

This International Jihadist War is NOT a Police Matter.

You are correct in that the reason for it is not a police matter. But it becomes one when these terrorism acts take place, and the police have to clear up the aftermath.

The post above yours stated that in one third of the words. Also, the police here are undermanned due to budget restraints/cuts which also applies to our armed forces, so expect much more to occur...

...and the politicians will continue with their soundbites & wringing of hands, wasting more taxpayers money on unnecessary committees instead of providing a dedicated task force to combat terrorism, as it's here to stay - As history shows.


Even the US is suffering budget restraints/cuts...

Goodbye Mildenhall

...often did deliveries to both Mildenhall & Alconbury. Loved the air shows at Alconbury & still miss the A10's training in the area.

Thanks Yanks, you're going to be missed.
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Message 1625721 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 8:50:11 UTC - in response to Message 1625432.  

International Jihadist Terrorism (AKA War) succeeds, when people don't acknowledge it is a War.

International Jihadist Terrorism succeeds, when people don't acknowledged that the Jihadists are attempting to overthrow Their Cultures, and Subjugate Them to the Jihadists Will.

This International Jihadist War is NOT a Police Matter.

It is not a military matter either. Nowhere in the history of ever have traditional armies been able to root out and destroy terrorist organizations. They might have rolled up a cell or two every now and then (though usually its the police) but that has never stopped the movement as a whole. I mean, do you really think that even if France nukes Syria and parts of Iraq into oblivion tomorrow and completely eradicates ISIS, Islamic extremism stops? No, it wont, because these terrorists are now loyal to an idea, and you can't nuke ideas.

"But it has destroyed their capacity to make war!" Oh you really think that? All they need are some home made explosives or one of the most common, easy to get assault rifles in the world. No army in the world is capable of destroying that. Hell, if anything, Israel should show you exactly how ineffective the use of the military is against terrorism. For decades they have been fighting terrorism with brutal force, every time supposedly destroying Hamas capacity to conduct war. And each time, after a few years, the whole thing starts all over again.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1625735 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 9:33:15 UTC - in response to Message 1625721.  

Мишель so let's do it your way pull all the troops out now and let ISS establish there state country or wat ever
And what do you think will happen then ....war against Isreal ? Iran ? Lebanon ? Kuwait ? U.A.E ? Jordon ?

It's getting out of hand with this latest attack in France . When one of theses nutters puts a gun to your head or injur's you , you might change your mind
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1625766 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 12:11:03 UTC
Last modified: 9 Jan 2015, 12:30:36 UTC

In case you are confused from Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Russia has some absurd ideas about the tragedy.
US CIA is behind the terrorist attack in Paris, and America's objectives is to push France to support sanctions against Russia.
- The so-called Islamic terrorism has been in the hands of America's secret for years. I'm sure that behind these Islamists who carried out the attack in Paris stands on one way or another as US clients, says Alexei Martynov, founder of the Kremlinfaithful think tank in Moscow.

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1625769 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 12:37:04 UTC - in response to Message 1625766.  

Jan just huff and puff from Putin . France has more to worry about than Russia at the moment .
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Message 1625800 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 14:25:20 UTC - in response to Message 1625735.  

Мишель so let's do it your way pull all the troops out now and let ISS establish there state country or wat ever
And what do you think will happen then ....war against Isreal ? Iran ? Lebanon ? Kuwait ? U.A.E ? Jordon ?

I never said that we should have no military response at all. Clearly things in the Middle East have gotten to the point where some degree of military intervention is simply unavoidable. I'm simply arguing against the arguments put forth by CLYDE that this is just a matter of dropping enough bombs on their heads and then it will just go away by itself and that terrorism can be solved through having superior firepower.

It's getting out of hand with this latest attack in France . When one of theses nutters puts a gun to your head or injur's you , you might change your mind

No, it won't. Look, it be great if this was just a matter of getting our armies involved and have them shoot up the place. That would be nice and simple and it would assure us that we would win. But thats just not how reality works. This is a complex problem, there is no easy solution to it. Having a gun put against my head won't change that FACT.

Also, its kinda worrying that according to you a prerequisite of understanding and agreeing with your point of view is having being threatened with physical and psychological violence.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1625837 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 16:33:05 UTC - in response to Message 1625804.  

Clyde what you talking about mate the terrorists in France and who is this newspaper i presume your talking about ?... jewish then ?
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Message 1625843 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 16:56:33 UTC - in response to Message 1625837.  

Clyde what you talking about mate the terrorists in France and who is this newspaper i presume your talking about ?... jewish then ?

There were 2 hostage situations in France today. One in a Jewish supermarket, the other by the same people responsible for the attacks on Wednesday.

French police has ended the hostage situation now though. Hostage takers have been killed during the police raid.
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 1625853 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 17:24:28 UTC
Last modified: 9 Jan 2015, 17:32:10 UTC

A comment about the Charlie Hebdo terrorists that I found to be unexpected from the leader of the Shi'ite Muslim group Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Hezbollah chief says terrorists damage Islam more than cartoons

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said what he called "takfiri terrorist groups" had insulted Islam more than "even those who have attacked the messenger of God through books depicting the Prophet or making films depicting the Prophet or drawing cartoons of the Prophet."

Apparently after the massacre at Charlie Hebdo the terrorists shouted "We have killed Charlie Hebdo. We have avenged the Prophet Mohammad."

Well news for them and their supports, they were wrong Charlie Hebdo has grown stronger and will print a million copies next week.

Attacked satirical French weekly to print a million copies next week
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Profile Igor Kostyaev
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Message 1625870 - Posted: 9 Jan 2015, 19:27:25 UTC - in response to Message 1625794.  
Last modified: 9 Jan 2015, 19:45:13 UTC

France, Western Europe, the former Colonies of Russia, have multiple problems.

What is "the former Colonies of Russia"? If you say about the ex-USSR and ex-Warsaw Pact, it was very strange "colonies" because their life level was approximately equal to life level in Russia. Satellites is not colonies.

About the France (and Western Europe) and emigrants... There are two options only, I think. A toughening of laws or the Western Europe will trampled down by the African and other Muslim emigrants. It was clear many years ago.

P.S. In 2006 I read "The Mosque of Notre-Dame de Paris, Year 2048", the political fiction novel of Russian woman writer. :)
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Message 1626119 - Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 14:17:51 UTC - in response to Message 1626000.  

What the Western Newspapers need to do now is:

Re-print these cartoons, on their Front Pages, in the near future, on the same day.


Those cartoons where for the most part little more than crude, racist jokes made at the expense of cultural and religious minorities within France, under the guise of 'satire'. Sure, that paper had every right to print that stuff, and it does in no way excuse what these terrorists did. But to proudly start reprinting everything they wrote down would send a pretty warped message.
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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1626138 - Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 15:29:46 UTC - in response to Message 1626133.  

What the Western Newspapers need to do now is:

Re-print these cartoons, on their Front Pages, in the near future, on the same day.

Guess Europe - Is just being Europe.

Ok, and stir up even more trouble?

I guess that you are just being you, never happy unless you are causing controversy somewhere.

I was taught at school in a r.e lesson Muslims don't have representations like Christians have god as a man on a big white cloud . To re print them would cause offence to some people and stir the shite up even more than it is already and I don't just mean in France .
Chris hes a Coffee shop poster mate look at his rac says it all to me . Some college kid thinking he knows it all and knows better than people who live in the "real world"
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