Canada offers to bring water to 3rd world!

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Message 1539832 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:43:08 UTC - in response to Message 1539831.  

There you go again; the "first nation" didn't have written laws. They didn't have anything written.
Why don't you people become the Commonwealth of Nunavut? Do the right thing.

What on Earth does having written laws got to do with it?
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Message 1539851 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 16:24:00 UTC - in response to Message 1539832.  

There you go again; the "first nation" didn't have written laws. They didn't have anything written.
Why don't you people become the Commonwealth of Nunavut? Do the right thing.

What on Earth does having written laws got to do with it?
You said that the Europeans are in the Americas illegally. How can it be illegal if there are no written laws?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1539856 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 16:28:09 UTC - in response to Message 1539832.  

There you go again; the "first nation" didn't have written laws. They didn't have anything written.
Why don't you people become the Commonwealth of Nunavut? Do the right thing.

What on Earth does having written laws got to do with it?
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1539863 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 16:49:07 UTC - in response to Message 1539828.  

So this is your poster child for the summer. They don't look like the usual community activists. How many actually live in Detroit?

This was planned for some time I can see. If they are foreigners they must be immediately deported. Instead of the Tea Party the IRS should investigate them.

So we can expect to see a quiet tidy US then as 99.5% of you are immigrants or descendants of immigrants...

...and as we know, immigrants are foreigners are they not?


I said 'illegals', not immigrants.
You apparently don't understand the difference between the two, so you make fun of me.
When somebody does not understand something the first thing they usually do is make a joke of it.
You are clear now.
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Message 1539901 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 18:27:15 UTC - in response to Message 1539856.  

There you go again; the "first nation" didn't have written laws. They didn't have anything written.
Why don't you people become the Commonwealth of Nunavut? Do the right thing.

What on Earth does having written laws got to do with it?

Very interesting, you learn something new everyday.

Rights of Foreign Nations

73. The soil of the earth from one end of the land to the other is the property of the people who inhabit it. By birthright the Ongwehonweh (Original beings) are the owners of the soil which they own and occupy and none other may hold it. The same law has been held from the oldest times.

The Great Creator has made us of the one blood and of the same soil he made us and as only different tongues constitute different nations he established different hunting grounds and territories and made boundary lines between them.

74. When any alien nation or individual is admitted into the Five Nations the admission shall be understood only to be a temporary one. Should the person or nation create loss, do wrong or cause suffering of any kind to endanger the peace of the Confederacy, the Confederate Lords shall order one of their war chiefs to reprimand him or them and if a similar offence is again committed the offending party or parties shall be expelled from the territory of the Five United Nations.

75. When a member of an alien nation comes to the territory of the Five Nations and seeks refuge and permanent residence, the Lords of the Nation to which he comes shall extend hospitality and make him a member of the nation. Then shall he be accorded equal rights and privileges in all matters except as after mentioned.

76. No body of alien people who have been adopted temporarily shall have a vote in the council of the Lords of the Confederacy, for only they who have been invested with Lordship titles may vote in the Council. Aliens have nothing by blood to make claim to a vote and should they have it, not knowing all the traditions of the Confederacy, might go against its Great Peace. In this manner the Great Peace would be endangered and perhaps be destroyed.

77. When the Lords of the Confederacy decide to admit a foreign nation and an adoption is made, the Lords shall inform the adopted nation that its admission is only temporary. They shall also say to the nation that it must never try to control, to interfere with or to injure the Five Nations nor disregard the Great Peace or any of its rules or customs. That in no way should they cause disturbance or injury. Then should the adopted nation disregard these injunctions, their adoption shall be annuled and they shall be expelled.

The expulsion shall be in the following manner: The council shall appoint one of their War Chiefs to convey the message of annulment and he shall say, "You (naming the nation) listen to me while I speak. I am here to inform you again of the will of the Five Nations' Council. It was clearly made known to you at a former time. Now the Lords of the Five Nations have decided to expel you and cast you out. We disown you now and annul your adoption. Therefore you must look for a path in which to go and lead away all your people. It was you, not we, who committed wrong and caused this sentence of annulment. So then go your way and depart from the territory of the Five Nations and from the Confederacy."

78. Whenever a foreign nation enters the Confederacy or accepts the Great Peace, the Five Nations and the foreign nation shall enter into an agreement and compact by which the foreign nation shall endeavor to pursuade other nations to accept the Great Peace.

It does look like those of European descent are occupying the lands illegally. It is written down, so it must be true.
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Message 1539939 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 20:09:09 UTC - in response to Message 1539901.  

It does look like those of European descent are occupying the lands illegally. It is written down, so it must be true.
Do you have that in the original language? You know how things are lost in translation.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1539960 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 20:41:55 UTC

I guess I just don't get it.

A bunch of people hop into their cars in the suburbs and drive into Detroit to block city employees from doing their jobs and to get arrested. They think this helps.

They spent money on gas to get there and added to the CO2 issue.
They will spend money on a bail bondsman.
They will spend money on the parking ticket.
They caused several city employees to be paid to sit on their butt while Detroit is bankrupt.
They caused Detroit Police officers to stop patrolling for real crime.
They caused Detroit to feed and house them for the day again while Detroit is bankrupt.

How is this helping?

Wouldn't help have been them getting out their checkbook and sending some money to the non-profit that is helping the poor pay their water bills? Are publicity stunts meant to lambaste and cause hurt and hate more important than real help?

I simply can't fathom the brain of a do-gooder. It is all about their own personal 15 minutes of fame? I just don't get it. I doubt I ever will.
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Message 1539977 - Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 21:03:47 UTC - in response to Message 1539960.  

I guess I just don't get it.

A bunch of people hop into their cars in the suburbs and drive into Detroit to block city employees from doing their jobs and to get arrested. They think this helps.

They spent money on gas to get there and added to the CO2 issue.
They will spend money on a bail bondsman.
They will spend money on the parking ticket.
They caused several city employees to be paid to sit on their butt while Detroit is bankrupt.
They caused Detroit Police officers to stop patrolling for real crime.
They caused Detroit to feed and house them for the day again while Detroit is bankrupt.

How is this helping?

Wouldn't help have been them getting out their checkbook and sending some money to the non-profit that is helping the poor pay their water bills? Are publicity stunts meant to lambaste and cause hurt and hate more important than real help?

I simply can't fathom the brain of a do-gooder. It is all about their own personal 15 minutes of fame? I just don't get it. I doubt I ever will.

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Profile Es99
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Message 1540100 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 0:30:09 UTC - in response to Message 1539960.  

.. I just don't get it. I doubt I ever will.

People do it because it works. Sometimes it is the only thing that works.

Women did not get the vote by donating money to non-profit organisations.
Black people did not get equal rights because Rosa Parks got off the bus and donated money to non-profit organisations.
The British did not get out of India because Ghandi donated to non-profit organisations.

I am sorry you don't get that the problem isn't simply a lack of money, its a lack of voice for the people of Detroit. Its a problem with capitalism.

Hopefully one day you will get it and when they finally do something to you that donating to a non-profit organisation won't fix, you'll get out there and get arrested standing up for people's rights..and I will salute you, Gary Charpentier.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1540155 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 5:48:09 UTC - in response to Message 1540100.  

.. I just don't get it. I doubt I ever will.

People do it because it works. Sometimes it is the only thing that works.

Women did not get the vote by donating money to non-profit organisations.
Black people did not get equal rights because Rosa Parks got off the bus and donated money to non-profit organisations.
The British did not get out of India because Ghandi donated to non-profit organisations.

I am sorry you don't get that the problem isn't simply a lack of money, its a lack of voice for the people of Detroit. Its a problem with capitalism.

Hopefully one day you will get it and when they finally do something to you that donating to a non-profit organisation won't fix, you'll get out there and get arrested standing up for people's rights..and I will salute you, Gary Charpentier.

The problem with the vote never was bills not being paid.
The problem with segregated establishments never was bills not being paid.
The problem of the empire not getting out of India never was bills not being paid.

The people of Detroit have 100% voice and vote. They elected the government. They control the tax rate. They control the water bill rate.

Oh those bad bad capitalists. Must use then as a universal hate card. Well guess what. This time they are not part of the equation. When you can answer why you will have gained understanding.

Do you even have a foggy idea of how we got here?

Years ago there were lots of high pay union jobs in Detroit. The city needed to expand its vital services such as water to is burgeoning population driven there by the high pay union jobs. The city needed the money for these new water pipes and pumps instantly. The city could not wait for a rate increase to build capital. The city made a calculation that the jobs would last for 50 years. The city sold bonds, secured by the water revenue, to finance the water projects. For many years the water customers paid their bills on time and there were lots of customers. Life was good. Unfortunately the union jobs didn't last 50 years. The city couldn't pay on the bonds. Insolvency. Now the bill is due to a lawyer and you know their ethic. They never met a rock they couldn't squeeze blood from.

As you well know all of this was done by the people. Whatever they did, they did for themselves and to themselves.

If you want to know where to place the fault, it is on the politicians who decided to sell those bonds. There is another way. Many cities in California, parched California, force the developers of new tracts to pay the infrastructure cost. Special outrageous connection fees. Requirements to actually build the city infrastructure. IIRC there is even one city demanding the developer purchase water rights and grant them to the city. Of course such a path results in the houses being far more expensive compared to an area without such fees, the builder has to pass it on. But it does mean that the city gets the money right away and doesn't need to sell bonds.

So now you know what happened. Go to you history book and look the party in charge of Detroit city hall for the last many decades. Was it the capitalist party? Was it a party controlled by labor unions?

Yes, access to water is a right. That is why the city built the water system. But they did it on borrowed money! Now the piper is demanding payment. [pun intentional] DO you stage a sit in because Starbucks coffee is to expensive after you order a cup?

Was reading about the history of Los Angeles recently. Back in the day you paid the zanjero for the delivery of your 10 buckets of water. The water was free, the delivery was not. You could go get your own buckets any time you wanted. Today we have pipes and pumps doing the work of a person with a wagon delivering buckets. But you still have to pay for the delivery.

Maybe Detroit should petition the Obama administration for a bailout on those water bonds. Have a sit in at the White House. Now that might get the bonds paid and get the lawyers off the back of the poor. Oh, I see a problem, the anti-capitalist party has decided bailouts are bad bad things to be avoided at all costs.

If you deal with reality, not utopia, you might be able to find a solution. Adding bills to an unpaid bill stack isn't a solution! Paying bills however is a solution.
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Message 1540176 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 6:24:27 UTC - in response to Message 1540155.  

Back in the day you paid the zanjero for the delivery of your 10 buckets of water. The water was free, the delivery was not.
That's right, no one is denying them water they just will no longer deliver it for free.

I'll bet there are thousands of public water fountains where they can fill a bottle. The reason these people won't take water to the dying children in the desert south west is because it will embarrass Obama. What a crock. This has nothing to do with compassion, they should be ashamed.
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1540212 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 8:09:02 UTC

Well said Gary. Its about time that all governmets from town right up to the states and the US government lived within their budget. If you aint got the cash you aint got the cow.

Old James
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Message 1540226 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 8:46:09 UTC

The sum total of all laws written the ten commandment and a fair chunk of philosophy boil down to play nice with others.

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Message 1540228 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 8:52:51 UTC - in response to Message 1540212.  

Well said Gary. Its about time that all governmets from town right up to the states and the US government lived within their budget. If you aint got the cash you aint got the cow.

When the founding fathers formed our government it was assumed that at least

enough would take responsibility to govern locally to keep the freedom that they

gave us. Most would be horrified to see our current government.
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Message 1540248 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 9:28:10 UTC - in response to Message 1539960.  

I guess I just don't get it.

Indeed, if you got it you would understand that what the city of Detroit does is...well...dangerous and possibly a violation of human rights.

As stated before, water is one of the primary needs for any human being for a variety of reasons. Without access to water dehydration is an immediate danger as it can set in within days and can result in death within a week. Entire neighborhoods (about 40% of the people living in Detroit) are now at risk of dehydration and all the possible health effects that come with dehydration. People will die.

And without water, how are people to properly sanitize themselves and their environment? Without flushing toilets, without a sink to wash your hands, without a shower to clean yourself and without water to cook your food. Thats a fricking huge health risk. That is going to increase the chance of outbreaks of diseases. Either because people can't cook their food or can't flush their waste, that is going to be a massive health risk. So, Detroit has caused 40% of the city to be a health risk.

So in short, the situation the City of Detroit has created is both extremely dangerous for itself and for its citizens. It willingly put a huge group of people at the very real risk of dying of dehydration or disease. That is as you might understand, extremely unethical and immoral. But I guess people don't care about that.

The other thing you might want to ask yourself is whether you want to allow it to happen in one of the richest countries in the world to see a huge group of people living in conditions that you normally only see on TV in parts of Africa. You might want to ask yourself if the situation in the United States has really deteriorated to the point that your slums now begin to resemble third world slums where people dont have access to running water and where diseases are rife because of the unsanitary conditions.
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Message 1540319 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 13:19:41 UTC - in response to Message 1540248.  
Last modified: 12 Jul 2014, 13:26:59 UTC

The sum total of all laws written the ten commandment and a fair chunk of philosophy boil down to play nice with others.

You shall not covet your neighbor's water. Get your own.

As stated before, water is one of the primary needs for any human being for a variety of reasons. Without access to water dehydration
That's preciousness. Go to a public water fountain and drink all you want. Children are dying in the south west desert. Where are you people when they are REALLY needed? Oh you don't really care about people, it's all about the agenda. You are so transparent.
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Message 1540321 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 13:23:42 UTC - in response to Message 1540319.  

That's preciousness. Go to a public water foundation and drink all you want.

That is not a viable option.
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Message 1540322 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 13:29:17 UTC - in response to Message 1540321.  
Last modified: 12 Jul 2014, 13:30:13 UTC

That is not a viable option.
Public water fountains are all over Detroit. The children dying in the desert on the south west board don't have water fountains, that where you should be bringing water.
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Message 1540330 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 13:54:17 UTC - in response to Message 1540322.  

That is not a viable option.
Public water fountains are all over Detroit. The children dying in the desert on the south west board don't have water fountains, that where you should be bringing water.

Water fountains are not usable to shower or flush your toilet. And even if you use to get water to drink, don't you think its a bit ridiculous that in an advanced industrialized rich nation, people have to go look for water fountains to prevent dehydration?
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Message 1540342 - Posted: 12 Jul 2014, 14:29:38 UTC - in response to Message 1540330.  

That is not a viable option.
Public water fountains are all over Detroit. The children dying in the desert on the south west board don't have water fountains, that where you should be bringing water.

Water fountains are not usable to shower or flush your toilet. And even if you use to get water to drink, don't you think its a bit ridiculous that in an advanced industrialized rich nation, people have to go look for water fountains to prevent dehydration?

Easy fix pay your bill or go live in a shelter. The real water problem is in the desert south west where children are dying after being abandoned by smugglers. Obama was just there hustling a buck and he didn't bring them one drop. I truly doubt your sensearity.

Am I the only that can think for himself on this supposed forum. All others toe a party line.
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