BOINC add-on -SETIspirit v2.0.0- released

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Profile dschwarting

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Message 1482175 - Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 3:31:42 UTC - in response to Message 1480127.  

Autodetection is the best choice, 30 is not enought in some cases (24 cores processor + few Gpu´s for example - not common of course).

Autodetection isn't a problem but it doesn't solve the active slot limitation of SETIspirit. The source code must be able to handle the number of slots without impacting the performance as well as the GUI must be prepared for this extension. Did you currently have a maschine which crunches more than 30 workunits a time?
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ID: 1482175 · Report as offensive
Profile BilBg
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Message 1482186 - Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 5:15:48 UTC - in response to Message 1482175.  

1) You can show e.g. 8 slots and switch to the next 8 after user selectable period (e.g. 5 sec by default)

2) Button to show another window [slots] with much more (user selectable?), e.g. 64 slots

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
ID: 1482186 · Report as offensive
Profile dschwarting

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Message 1484429 - Posted: 4 Mar 2014, 16:27:02 UTC

SETIspirit v.2.1.2 is released

SETIspirit v2.1.2 includes 3 new features and more improvements.

N E W   F E A T U R E S

Workunit Log
The Analysis Results window has a new option to show all log entries of the selected workunit in the new Workunit Log form. The entries shown in this window displays a complete workunit history: from downloading, starting, restarting and finishing to the final upload of the workunit.

The SETIspirit GUI shows the current SETI@home BOINC Stats for your own user account. You can track your country and world position as well as the world position delta since the last daily update in the BOINC Stats SETI@home statistic.

Total Workunits completed yesterday
The SETIspirit user interface now also displays the number of the workunits completed yesterday. This gives you the possibilty for a relative comparison with the workunits completed today without calling the workunit statistics.


· the help menu includes a new "release notes" menu entry
· the update check settings form is reworked
· the SETIspirit FAQ and History links and documents were converted to html
· update notifications now shows the latest release notes and a download button
· minor gui enhancements


· none

I hope you like this new SETIspirit version.

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ID: 1484429 · Report as offensive
Profile BilBg
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Message 1484675 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 3:33:04 UTC - in response to Message 1484429.  

Updated from v1.2.5 to v2.1.2 which shows some strange big numbers.

From SETIspirit.ini

v1.2.5 (values look plausible)

[Project Status]
FirstStart=13-Nov-2009 17:13:39
LastStart=04-Mar-2014 17:44:49
ProgramStarts= 728
ProjectRuntime=1572 days

v2.1.2 (values look impossible)

[Project Status]
FirstStart=13-Nov-2009 17:13:39
LastStart=04-Mar-2014 17:44:49
ProgramStarts= 4006918
ProjectRuntime=1572 days

v2.1.2 - values become normal (in GUI and in SETIspirit.ini) only for a few seconds after starting SETIspirit

[Project Status]
FirstStart=13-Nov-2009 17:13:39
LastStart=04-Mar-2014 17:44:49
ProgramStarts= 728
ProjectRuntime=1573 days

Compare with 'Number of tasks completed' (which are 20-30% lower than the real total but not to this magnitude of 100 or 1000 times different)

On the GUI some of these big values are truncated (biggest digit not shown)

Also the numbers 0/0 (at bottom-left) for SETI@home cpl./avl. are not true.
(by the way: you can remove text "cpl./avl." from every line and put it as column headers over the numbers (or show only as tooltip))

Compare with online count for SETI@home vs Non SETI@home

Do you need my stdoutdae.archiv file?

From debug.log (I removed empty lines)

debugging logfile created at 31.10.2013 05:53:39

31.10.2013 05:53:39 [1.2.5] - modBOINC.InstallBOINCSkin(): 76 Pfad nicht gefunden SETIspirit
31.10.2013 05:58:16 [1.2.5] - frmWUReports.Form_Load(): 380 Ungultiger Eigenschaftswert SETIspirit
31.10.2013 05:59:54 [1.2.5] - frmWUReports.Form_Load(): 380 Ungultiger Eigenschaftswert SETIspirit
31.10.2013 06:00:25 [1.2.5] - frmWUReports.Form_Load(): 380 Ungultiger Eigenschaftswert SETIspirit
31.10.2013 06:04:14 [1.2.5] - modBOINC.InstallBOINCSkin(): 76 Pfad nicht gefunden SETIspirit
31.10.2013 06:07:21 [1.2.5] - frmMain.cmdSkyMap_Click(): 438 Objekt unterstutzt diese Eigenschaft oder Methode nicht SETIspirit
18.12.2013 07:16:12 [1.2.5] - modBOINC.InstallBOINCSkin(): 76 Pfad nicht gefunden SETIspirit
07.01.2014 18:52:57 [1.2.5] - modBOINC.InstallBOINCSkin(): 76 Pfad nicht gefunden SETIspirit
04.03.2014 18:41:23 [1.2.5] - modBOINC.InstallBOINCSkin(): 76 Pfad nicht gefunden SETIspirit
04.03.2014 20:03:11 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.InstallBOINCSkin(): 76 Pfad nicht gefunden SETIspirit
04.03.2014 20:04:16 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.ReplaceBin(): 14 Nicht genugend Zeichenfolgenspeicher SETIspirit
04.03.2014 20:04:17 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.ReplaceBin(): 14 Nicht genugend Zeichenfolgenspeicher SETIspirit
04.03.2014 20:04:17 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.ReplaceBin(): 14 Nicht genugend Zeichenfolgenspeicher SETIspirit
..... (the last lines appear >100 more times)

("Nicht genugend Zeichenfolgenspeicher" Google Translate to "Not sufficiently string memory")

Features (if possible):
- user to change colors (e.g. the blue text is too dark for me (on CRT monitor 21" Philips 201B4))
- user to choose:
ShowToolTipsDelay (ms or s to wait before ToolTip appears)
ShowToolTipsTime (ms or s ToolTip is shown (now is ~5 s))


- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
ID: 1484675 · Report as offensive
Profile dschwarting

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Message 1484704 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 5:36:02 UTC - in response to Message 1484675.  

Thanks for your feedback, BilBg.

Please terminate SETIspirit and delete the SETIspirit.ini file. This file will be automatically recreated at the next application startup.

As I see you have added archived stdoutdae.txt logs to the SETIspirit stdoutdae.archiv file (from Nov 2009). This can maybe the cause for the difference of various workunit counters (in 2009 SETIspirit wasn't available, maybe the previous BOINC client log entries have had a different format or syntax, are incomplete or part of them haven't had set the needed log flags).

I suppose that the stdoutdae.archiv file is very large. The Database Maintenance Tool is able to downsize this SETIspirit log, which will result in a faster application startup time and a lower memory usage (usefull after a long time of operating). This tool is not published yet, but I will release it soon.

Please send me your compressed stdoutdae.archiv file. I will return it, after I've downsized it with the Database Maintenance Tool.

The debug.log entries...

[2.1.2] - modBOINC.ReplaceBin(): 14 Nicht genugend Zeichenfolgenspeicher SETIspirit

can be caused by a very big stdoutdae.archiv file under Windows XP. Therefore the SETIspirit support for Windows XP is limited. Please see the system requirements in the SETIspirit FAQ...

Due to memory management disadvantages of WinXP SETIspirit has only a limited support for WinXP SP3.

This can maybe solved by downsizing of the stdoutdae.archiv file.

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ID: 1484704 · Report as offensive
Profile BilBg
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Message 1484773 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 8:35:29 UTC - in response to Message 1484704.  

Please send me your compressed stdoutdae.archiv file. I will return it, after I've downsized it with the Database Maintenance Tool.

OK, in PM

Please see the system requirements in the SETIspirit FAQ...

These 2 files are different:

In the second there is addition:
I'm just wondering if there is a way to listen to the audio of the SETI@home workunit file while it is processing on my computer? The actual audio would make it feel more real!

I agree, it would be interesting to hear the space sounds but I don't have an idea, if this is possible. Also the SETI@home workunits are very small files (less than 400 kb) which have only a very short time of audio signals.

My info about that (newest first):

My mod of the next script + MB v6 WUs (so you can listen to their sound/noise) (for MB v7 WUs will need new mod):

Seti BOINC workunit to sound convert script (not my, extracts bytes from MB v6 WUs to convert to Classic WU format then uses wu2wav.exe)

Classic SETI in action (by me) (+ "Classic" sound by using wu2wav.exe which I found at

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
ID: 1484773 · Report as offensive
Profile BilBg
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Message 1484813 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 12:08:51 UTC - in response to Message 1484704.  

stdoutdae.txt and stdoutdae.old are 'big' files if you accumulate all of them.

I wonder why you don't use (also) the job_log_*.txt files:
- they do not vanish
(even if user detach project - I have 11.12.2010 - I detached at that time and only re-attached a few days ago (but did not do any tasks), file still is here)
- they are smaller
- they contain tasks per project (easier to count tasks for that projects)

First column is date/time in Unix format:

E.g. 1394003154 = Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:05:54 GMT

For the meaning of next columns:

The last Column 'et XXXX.YYY' (which may not exist on some lines if old enough BOINC was used) is (I think) 'elapsed time' = 'Run time'

I have 5 job_log_*.txt files (total 3.73 MB)
The earliest time is:
1190226325.146484 ue 61321.533732 ct 14319.625000 fe 136996235900014.000000 nm 03mr07ac.6191.8661.7.6.86_1

1190226325.146484 = Wed, 19 Sep 2007 18:25:25 GMT

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
ID: 1484813 · Report as offensive
Profile dschwarting

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Message 1484869 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 16:58:33 UTC

BilBg, thanks for your suggestion about the job_log_*.txt files, I will check this out. Also your information about the workunit sounds is very interesting, maybe a new feature for later releases.

By the way, the SETIspirit FAQ's are now identical, I forgot to upload one file.

I have received your stdoutdae.archiv file (79,04 MB) and found an "invalid character" error in row 645556 (05-Aug-2013 17:15:49). This could be the cause for the workunit counter differences. I've fixed that issue and have successfully shrinked this file with the Database Maintenance Tool:

702.475 database entries purged, file size reduced by 58,83 MB

The Database Maintenance Tool is currently not published, but I will release it soon (hopefully in March 2014).

I send you a private message with the download link for the fixed stdoutdae.archiv file.

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ID: 1484869 · Report as offensive
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Message 1484890 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 17:33:28 UTC - in response to Message 1484429.  

Thanks Dirk for this v.2.1.2 :)
ID: 1484890 · Report as offensive
Profile BilBg
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Message 1485639 - Posted: 7 Mar 2014, 6:55:39 UTC - in response to Message 1484869.  
Last modified: 7 Mar 2014, 7:16:21 UTC

With the new 20 MB stdoutdae.archiv file the numbers are OK (after hours of running):

(for me it's still unclear why with the original big file the first 10-20 s after start SETIspirit shows correct numbers and only later switches to big numbers)

The problem with 0 / 0 tasks (bottom-left) for SETI@home (and no 'user id') may be because I use BOINC 6.10.58 (still popular version)
(AstroPulse is OK - now that they become available I see correct number for AstroPulse GPU WUs, the picture was taken before that)

You seem to use boinccmd.exe --get_state and analyze the output.
In the .7z file I sent you there is 'getstate 1.txt' which you may inspect to see the difference from BOINC 7.x
(I created it by manually running getprojects.cmd)

* Other tests I did:

1) Edited my 'big file' and removed the "invalid character" (new size is 1 byte less: 79.0 MB (82 882 912 bytes))
(the byte was 1A hex (EOF) - obviously happened when I merged 14 .old files from backups by using COPY (don't remember if I used switches)

- this does not make difference - the fixed 'big file' (with no "invalid character") causes again bad numbers in SETIspirit

2) Installed again SETIspirit-setup v1.2.5 which also shows bad numbers (so it's not some new code)
(after this test I installed SETIspirit-setup v2.1.2 again)

3) I may try to split the original big file in smaller parts to see at which point the big is really big ;)

debug.log (only the part at the end of file - from the last run when the picture was taken):

06.03.2014 13:49:53 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.InstallBOINCSkin(): 76 Pfad nicht gefunden SETIspirit
06.03.2014 14:20:56 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=wu_v4_1393357776_179795
06.03.2014 14:20:56 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 14:20:56 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 14:20:56 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
06.03.2014 17:12:34 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68771_13
06.03.2014 17:12:34 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 17:12:34 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 17:12:34 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
06.03.2014 17:20:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68772_10
06.03.2014 17:20:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 17:20:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 17:20:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
06.03.2014 17:41:00 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68772_20
06.03.2014 17:41:01 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 17:41:01 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 17:41:01 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
06.03.2014 19:58:26 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_5
06.03.2014 19:58:26 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 19:58:26 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 19:58:26 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
06.03.2014 20:22:15 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=wu_v4_1393357776_185798
06.03.2014 20:22:15 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 20:22:15 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 20:22:15 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
06.03.2014 21:37:27 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_4
06.03.2014 21:37:27 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 21:37:27 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 21:37:27 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
06.03.2014 22:23:03 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_3
06.03.2014 22:23:03 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 22:23:03 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 22:23:03 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
06.03.2014 22:57:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_21
06.03.2014 22:57:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
06.03.2014 22:57:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
06.03.2014 22:57:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
07.03.2014 00:12:12 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_2
07.03.2014 00:12:12 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
07.03.2014 00:12:12 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
07.03.2014 00:12:12 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
07.03.2014 02:23:51 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=wu_v4_1393357776_191677
07.03.2014 02:23:52 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
07.03.2014 02:23:52 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
07.03.2014 02:23:52 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
07.03.2014 03:07:09 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_20
07.03.2014 03:07:09 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
07.03.2014 03:07:09 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
07.03.2014 03:07:09 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
07.03.2014 03:52:13 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_1
07.03.2014 03:52:14 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
07.03.2014 03:52:14 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
07.03.2014 03:52:14 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
07.03.2014 04:26:31 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_19
07.03.2014 04:26:31 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
07.03.2014 04:26:31 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
07.03.2014 04:26:31 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
07.03.2014 07:30:50 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=ps_140302_68773_18
07.03.2014 07:30:50 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
07.03.2014 07:30:50 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
07.03.2014 07:30:50 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX
07.03.2014 08:25:26 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).WuName=wu_v4_1394086381_5534
07.03.2014 08:25:26 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Call GetProjects
07.03.2014 08:25:26 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): Das ProjectApps()-Array ist NICHT dimensioniert!
07.03.2014 08:25:26 [2.1.2] - modBOINC.SaveWuRecord(): WuSlot(iSlot).Project=ProjectX


- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
ID: 1485639 · Report as offensive
Profile dschwarting

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Message 1485660 - Posted: 7 Mar 2014, 7:58:42 UTC - in response to Message 1485639.  

Thanks for your report. I have to check it later, as I'm not at home the next days.

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ID: 1485660 · Report as offensive
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Message 1489664 - Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 8:40:20 UTC - in response to Message 1485639.  

BilBg, sorry for the delay in answering your request.

The problem with the 0 / 0 tasks shown in the SETIspirit Workunit Counter (bottom-left) is related to the old BOINC client you are using. It seems that the <client_state.xml> files found in the BOINC data directories are different between BOINC 6.x and 7.x clients.

At the start of the SETIspirit software development in November 2012, the BOINC client version 7.0.38 was current. I have tested all newer BOINC client publications in the further development of SETIspirit, but no older ones. As today I know that SETIspirit isn't compatible with BOINC 6.x Clients, I've included this in the SETIspirit FAQ.

The boinccmd.exe --get_state outputs are compatible between BOINC 6.x and 7.x clients (which shows your 'getstate 1.txt' file).

The cause for the errors shown in your debug.log file are unclear at the moment.

The big numbers problem is related to a very big <stdoutdae.archiv> file (your archiv file begins in Nov. 2009 and has almost 1.000.000 lines!) if the operating system is Windows XP (therefore SETIspirit has only a limited support for Windows XP).

I strongly recommand to use a newer operating system like Windows 7 or 8.x. SETIspirit works well with these operating systems using a BOINC 7.x Client.

However maybe I can adjust SETIspirit to work with BOINC 6.x clients.

Could you please sent me your <client_state.xml> file found in the BOINC data directory and all files found in the SETIspirit data directory?

SETIspirit Homepage
ID: 1489664 · Report as offensive
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Message 1525705 - Posted: 7 Jun 2014, 22:31:10 UTC

New SETIspirit Add-On available

On the first SETIspirit anniversary the long-awaited Database Maintenance Tool is now released.

D a t a b a s e   M a i n t e n a n c e   T o o l

The Database Maintenance Tool is able to downsize the SETIspirit logs, which will result in a faster application startup and a lower memory usage (usefull after a long time of operating). For more information please see the manual.

The SETIspirit Development continues...
The last months I couldn't continue the SETIspirit development for private reasons, but this is now over. In some weeks there will be new versions with new features available.

I hope you look forward to new SETIspirit releases, too.

Best regards,
SETIspirit Homepage
ID: 1525705 · Report as offensive
Profile dschwarting

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Message 1537442 - Posted: 7 Jul 2014, 19:01:30 UTC

SETIspirit Add-On Update available

Database Maintenance Tool Update v1.0.5:

N E W  F E A T U R E

The Database Maintenance Tool is now logging the execution and maintenance results in the dbm.log file in the SETIspirit Data Directory.


Bugfix which prevents an application crash on systems which uses other symbols for numeric grouping as '.' or ','.

You can download the new Database Maintenance Tool on my homepage.

SETIspirit Homepage
ID: 1537442 · Report as offensive
Profile dschwarting

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Message 1546885 - Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 12:13:18 UTC

SETIspirit v2.4.0 is released

I'm happy to publish SETIspirit v2.4.0 with new features, some improvements and important bugfixes.

N E W   F E A T U R E S

· new workunit "started" ( hh:mm:ss) and workunit "run time" (hh:mm:ss) fields in the analysis results database
· workunit audio monitor (allows to listen to the outer space noise of SETI@home workunits)
· long workunit names shown in the sky map will now be shortened and additionally shown as a tooltip
· new sky map button in the analysis results form (shows the workunit position of the selected analysis result in the sky map)
· SETIspirit Help Window (a new help system)


· tooltips for the Result Viewer-, Sky Map- and Workunit Log- command buttons in the analysis results form
· reloading analysis results now runs more smoothly even if the cpu load is 100 percent
· new SETIspirit icon tooltip showing the current version of the application (main window)
· minor gui enhancements


· the analysis results explorer could crash or hang up the SETIspirit application, if more than 32767 analysis results were recorded
· the workunit year statistics was incompletely calculated, if an overflow has occurred (more than 32767 wu's)
· the vb errors # 52, # 54 and # 55, which could have occurred under very rare circumstances have been resolved

help window advantages vs. tooltips

· no time limit for showing the help text (the help text will be showed as long as the mouse points to the object)
· no delay, the help text is displayed immediately
· the help window text is better readable
· the help text can be easily modified in a simple text file (helptips.asc)
· translated help texts can be integrated into the help system without much effort

Translator wanted: I'm looking for support for the translation of the SETIspirit help texts

If you like to translate the SETIspirit help texts from English to your native language, just contact me at (it isn't much work, there are currently about 80 short help texts to translate).


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Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1546895 - Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 12:53:14 UTC

Nice tool Dirk.

With each crime and every kindness we birth our future.
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Message 1546900 - Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 12:59:46 UTC

Thanks for this v2.4.0 Dirk :)
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Message 1570933 - Posted: 12 Sep 2014, 12:34:44 UTC

SETIspirit v2.4.8 is released

I'm happy to publish SETIspirit v2.4.8 with new features, some improvements and two bugfixes.

N E W  F E A T U R E S

· full support for BOINC 6.x clients
· new option: use higher contrast colors for crt monitors (settings\miscellaneous)
· the workunit audio looping can be enabled or disabled (loop audio playback menu option)
· the menu of the workunit audio monitor now shows the slot state (active or inactive), workunit project, workunit type (cpu or gpu) and selected slot
· the workunit monitor now offers the ability to switch back to the previous workunit using the [prev] command button (main window and sky map)
· the workunit position in the sky map will now be updated, if the selected analysis result is changed in the analysis results form
· the missing 'recorded on' tag of AstroPulse workunits is now derived from the workunit name


· the analysis results form shows a "loading... please wait" hint, if the analysis results are loading
· reloading analysis results now runs smoothly even if the cpu load is 100 percent
· during the SETIspirit startup the project status label shows (starting...) instead of the last update timestamp until the first update cycle is completed
· the SETIspirit help windows now shows the '&' character correctly
· minor gui enhancements (project explorer)


· the audio monitor did not work, if the SETIspirit data directory path contains an '&' character on Windows XP systems
· the [next] workunit button did not work properly at the last active slot, if workunit slot 0 was inactive

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Message 1570996 - Posted: 12 Sep 2014, 15:26:35 UTC - in response to Message 1570933.  

Thanks for this v2.4.8 Dirk :)
ID: 1570996 · Report as offensive
Profile BMaytum
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Message 1571029 - Posted: 12 Sep 2014, 16:56:11 UTC - in response to Message 1570933.  

I wasn't aware of SETIspirit before I saw this thread. Now I've installed v2.4.8 plus the SkyMap and DM Tool, poked around a bit and WOW it is impressive! Thanks for this terrific add-on suite.
Sabertooth Z77, i7-3770K@4.2GHz, GTX680, W8.1Pro x64
P5N32-E SLI, C2D E8400@3Ghz, GTX580, Win7SP1Pro x64 & PCLinuxOS2015 x64
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Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC add-on -SETIspirit v2.0.0- released

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