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Message 1418582 - Posted: 21 Sep 2013, 16:07:54 UTC - in response to Message 1418577.  

Then don't try to add Seti as a new user, but as an existing user. You show the 'volunteer tester' title, which means you already have an account at Seti Beta.
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1418610 - Posted: 21 Sep 2013, 16:45:53 UTC - in response to Message 1413951.  

Anything you see online about batteries developing a "memory" that requires them to be discharged fully doesn't apply to NiMH or Lithium batteries. It really didn't apply to NiCd batteries either. It's just one of those urban legends that refuses to go away.

Sorry, but I read that in my prev netbook's manual (Acer Aspire One). They definitely recommended full charge/discharge cycle when possible.
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Message 1418925 - Posted: 22 Sep 2013, 12:35:43 UTC

Has anybody had performance issues with the app running in the background? I'm running an App Killer as it is due to sluggish response. Wonder if this will just make that worse...
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Message 1418945 - Posted: 22 Sep 2013, 14:29:41 UTC - in response to Message 1418925.  

Has anybody had performance issues with the app running in the background? I'm running an App Killer as it is due to sluggish response. Wonder if this will just make that worse...

I find that when it's running, the time/weather takes a second to appear on the screen when I wake up my phone. Other than that, no problem. But my phone has 4 cores and Boinc is only using 2.

It does have trouble keeping the battery charge up (even using a wall or car charger) if I'm actively using other apps at the same time. I may cut Boinc back to 1 core for that reason.

If I know I'm going to be away from a power source for hours, I go into the Boinc app's menu and exit so it's not even idling in the background.

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Eric Korpela Project Donor
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Message 1419030 - Posted: 22 Sep 2013, 18:45:53 UTC - in response to Message 1418945.  

I find that with my phone as well, the 5.2V charger that came with the phone can keep up, but the standard 5.0V USB charger doesn't.

I suggest leaving the setting at "run only above 90% charged" even if it reduces the amount of time you spend crunching. (Mastodon)

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Message 1419039 - Posted: 22 Sep 2013, 19:10:21 UTC - in response to Message 1418610.  

Sorry, but I read that in my prev netbook's manual (Acer Aspire One). They definitely recommended full charge/discharge cycle when possible.

Hardware manufacturers may have a vested interest in batteries that die after a certain number of cycles, especially with non-replaceable batteries. I work in an industry where a dead cell in a battery can destroy a quarter billion dollar mission, our typical maximum allowed discharge is 20% (i.e. 80% remaining) and the main cause of early battery failure is discharging too deeply. That killed the last mission I worked on, three months early.

Of course since that cost of failure on the ground is much less (a replacement battery or a replacement device) it may be worth the chance of maintaining battery capacity with a small chance on destroying the battery. Even when reconditioning early (pre-1990s) NiCds on the ground it was discharge at a constant 5 mA until the cell reached 0.4V. Going below that risked damage, and you couldn't do it with multiple cells in series because of the risk of cell reversal.

Not that most smart phones give you much choice. 8 hours off the charger and they are dead anyway. (Mastodon)

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Message 1419152 - Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 4:43:57 UTC

My HP 635 laptop runs 3 BOINC projects always connected to the charger. If I have a blackout and my desktop is silent, the HP is alive on its battery but the BOINC projects are suspended.
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Message 1419193 - Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 8:26:50 UTC

Dear Mr. Korpela,
and others ;)

I'm a eager member of this great family, and I got very happy when I saw you were doing a Android APP. I'm running several Linux servers with the BOINC client and have been looking for some kind of application to be used on the android device, but...
I've been reading 40-50 posts to seek the answer to my question, but I'm still not sure. Hope it's OK to ask you this:

1. Is this new APP a monitor to view ongoing results from your projects? Or, is it a client to run on the mobile phone? I guess that it maybe both, but using the phone for processing data of this kind will it not seriously block the phones other tasks, or what?

2. If it's a client, is it then possible to run it as a monitor only? This is what I am mostly looking for I guess..
If it's partial a monitor or a monitor only, is it then anything like the AndroBOINC APP which work directly with the BOINC clients on your hosts or does it retrieve data from the BOINC account (if possible)

PS! Do anyone of you know what happened with asteroids@home, it hasen't been running since friday, i think it was!?!?

Sorry if my question is a newbie one, I'm not that guru ;)

Kind Regards,
Dan Hansen

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Message 1419222 - Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 10:51:40 UTC - in response to Message 1419193.  
Last modified: 23 Sep 2013, 10:52:25 UTC

I'm a eager member of this great family, and I got very happy when I saw you were doing a Android APP. I'm running several Linux servers with the BOINC client and have been looking for some kind of application to be used on the android device, but...
I've been reading 40-50 posts to seek the answer to my question, but I'm still not sure. Hope it's OK to ask you this:

1. Is this new APP a monitor to view ongoing results from your projects? Or, is it a client to run on the mobile phone? I guess that it maybe both, but using the phone for processing data of this kind will it not seriously block the phones other tasks, or what?

2. If it's a client, is it then possible to run it as a monitor only? This is what I am mostly looking for I guess..
If it's partial a monitor or a monitor only, is it then anything like the AndroBOINC APP which work directly with the BOINC clients on your hosts or does it retrieve data from the BOINC account (if possible)

Neither, in the world of Boinc, Boinc is the client, you download Boinc from the Google Play app Store (other app Stores are available), then attach to a project, the projects will send apps to crunch their Wu's, as is the case here.

PS! Do anyone of you know what happened with asteroids@home, it hasen't been running since friday, i think it was!?!?

News on Project Outages

New date of server migration is planned on friday 20th. It should start at about 07:30 UTC and supposed needed time is about 6 - 8 hours.

As of Sunday 22nd Asteroids@home are still off-line. According to their latest Twitter post (dated 20th of Sept) they are likely to be off-line until Monday.

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Message 1419250 - Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 12:58:23 UTC
Last modified: 23 Sep 2013, 13:01:51 UTC

Hi Claggy,

Thanks for your propmt response ;)
And thank you for the info regarding Asteroids...

Allow me to quote myself:

2. If it's a client, is it then possible to run it as a monitor only? This is what I am mostly looking for I guess..

I'm looking for a monitor, not a client to be run on my android.. Got a rack full of computers to do the hard labour ;) According to the samples of BOINC from google store, its a client.. But maybe you all have another way to keep track with the result of your computers hard work.. Maybe you just view the homepage of each projet? Or maybe you just uses the mobile link statistiks ( It's just that I thought somebody developed a viewer, monitor or some kind of APP to be used on a mobile phone - only to keep track and se your results ;)

I'm currently "playing" with AndroBOINC, but this APP is working directly with the client on the computer.. And when you are using several computers as I am, this setup means a lot of modification and setting up portforwarding, boinc passwords, firewalls etc. And I thought just maybe, there was an APP (to view result etc.) that used the online data from your account at e.g. SETI@HOME..

But maybe, I'm getting it all wrong..
Anyway, thanks for your post! I have some choices now ;)

By the way, Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 + BOINC client - any chance that you know if activating the UFW firewall to listen on 314xx would block an SSH (putty) connection via port 22 ??? I guess I should have added port 22 as well or?

Kind Regards,
Dan Hansen
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George Couttolenc

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Message 1419360 - Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 18:06:43 UTC

I've been receiving three green colored signals from a low frequency, recorded at Arecibo on December 10 2009...

Is there a way to get a realtime space, since I believe that 2009 signals are of no value to the project...
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Message 1419366 - Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 18:21:51 UTC - in response to Message 1419360.  
Last modified: 23 Sep 2013, 18:22:17 UTC

The software to analyze the signals has been updated since 2009 and IIRC some of the old data which was interesting has been resent for a second look.
Feel honored you have been sent potentially real good data!
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1419414 - Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 20:07:37 UTC - in response to Message 1419360.  

I've been receiving three green colored signals from a low frequency, recorded at Arecibo on December 10 2009...

Is there a way to get a realtime space, since I believe that 2009 signals are of no value to the project...

What makes you believe they're of no value to the project?
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Message 1419488 - Posted: 24 Sep 2013, 0:53:31 UTC

Running it. That's a very nice idea, since Android and other mobile systems are outnumbering desktop devices.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1419557 - Posted: 24 Sep 2013, 5:07:17 UTC

George, almost any signals received are already tens if not millions of years old, so a short delay of a couple of years will make no difference in us finding the location of ET. In recent years the sensitivity and selectivity of the software used has been altered so older tapes are being re-run to see if there is anything of interest hiding.
The colour of any signal on the display is of little use other than to make a pretty picture. The real science comes when the same sort of signal is observed coming from the same location in the sky over several observations spread over a long time frame (months/years not hours/days).
Bob Smith
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Message 1419598 - Posted: 24 Sep 2013, 8:01:21 UTC - in response to Message 1419557.  

almost any signals received are already tens if not millions of years old

Well, that's a little too much. As far as I understand, the distance that Seti is looking for is 200 to 1,000 light years range. And with radio signals traveling at close to the speed of light, that's the same amount of years.

But in this it won't matter if the data was made in 1999 or 2013.
There's one other fun fact that's been here in the Seti Readme all this time, and that is: Also, there is only a finite amount of sky that can be seen from Arecibo. In the next two years the entire sky as seen from the telescope will be scanned three times. We feel that this will be enough for this project. By the time we've looked at the sky three times, there will be new telescopes, new experiments, and new approaches to SETI. We hope that you will be able to participate in them too!

So, even at this time, with all the Arecibo data, it's all been looked at already. And again. And again. Not just redone with newer, better science applications, but also redone because Arecibo has looked at that swath of the sky already.
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Message 1420284 - Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 22:34:10 UTC
Last modified: 25 Sep 2013, 22:39:36 UTC

I accedently hit the trash Botton on WU and a two Botton choice both named "cancel" leaded me to blast the WU. Will you please fix that anyhow :/

Use berkeley boinc on androids. Thank and hope we could help :)

Sorry, if in placed in wrong Topic.

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Message 1420462 - Posted: 26 Sep 2013, 8:09:19 UTC - in response to Message 1411576.  

I downloaded but it says it is suspended because your device is busy with other apps. Not running anything other than what I usually have running.
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Carlo DeVito jr
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Message 1420565 - Posted: 26 Sep 2013, 16:09:13 UTC - in response to Message 1411576.  

I just installed and now running on my Droid X.

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Carlo DeVito jr
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Message 1420569 - Posted: 26 Sep 2013, 16:14:36 UTC - in response to Message 1420462.  

It says that if you have more than one project running at once. Pause everything else to verify.

I downloaded but it says it is suspended because your device is busy with other apps. Not running anything other than what I usually have running.

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