Time to have some fun with the US Elections! It could be worse, you could be Canadians.

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Profile AllenIN
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Message 1274806 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 10:12:44 UTC - in response to Message 1274692.  

Allen, from your posts it isn't that you are a conservative -- or rather if you think of yourself as a conservative, you've essentially maligned conservatism as much as the TeaPublicans have mangled the Republican party.

There is room for intelligent discussion of differences -- but not from your vantage point.

As of yet I have seen no discussion, only statements.

The time for discussion is over. It's time for the liberals to see how vile Obama is.
ID: 1274806 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1274848 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 12:00:32 UTC - in response to Message 1274707.  
Last modified: 24 Aug 2012, 12:14:12 UTC

with the fact that President Obama is a natural born American citizen?

Can anyone on Earth find anyone alive today who witnessed The Birth of OBlahBlahBlah aka Pitiful Peace Prize Winning, Drone Hit Man, Throw Everyone Under The Bus, Attack and Blame, Negative Ninja, The SPEECHIFIER, you know, actually saw OBlabby Pop Out of his Mom's Womb in A U.S. Hospital, on U.S. Soil, or say, born in a taxi on U.S. Soil?

Have a Doctor, Nurse, Orderly, Cab Driver, Anyone who has Witnessed First Hand, The Birth?. Let us see them, right now, say so.

Bet you can't find anyone who knows someone who knows. Seen, heard or otherwise. No First hand, second hand, third hand, any accounts of ITs Birth.

NO? Didn't think so.

Well said. That's it, isn't it? Until we have someone come forth who has seen The Birth of The Savior Christ Obama, It Didn't Happen, right?

I suppose there is no proof that I am an American citizen by that logic too. There's not a person alive that would remember my birth, which is why we have birth certificates. The great State of Hawaii has produced their Certificate of Live Birth to the public, it is the public that refuses to acknowledge that because there is so much hate against Obama, and I believe it to be race-initiated hate.
ID: 1274848 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1274852 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 12:13:02 UTC - in response to Message 1274801.  

Guess you would as most of the internet is packed with liberal lamebrains that don't even know how to tie their shoes yet. Stop believing the morons at CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN and you might learn something about the real world.

Why do you put me in the liberal category when you don't know all of my views? I can assure you I do not put myself there. Regardless, what does your attack on liberalism have to do with the fact that President Obama is a natural born American citizen?

I didn't mean to imply. Most people that deny the possibility of Obama not being eligible to be president are liberal.

People seem to lose the understanding between possible and probable. There is evidence that he is an American citizen, and it is not a matter of political affiliation as to whether or not you should believe in a false possibility.

And you certainly did mean to imply. You directly stated that "most of the internet is packed with liberal lamebrains ... stop believing the morons ... and you might learn something real about the world". In that statement, you have directly implied that anyone who does not agree with you and your world view must be liberal, lamebrain, and watch the various news outlets you label as liberal (admittedly most of what you listed are, but you have no evidence that I watch any of those outlets, so you assumed incorrectly).

That's a fairly big claim and it seems to show a lack of impartiality on your part. Most certainly most people would classify Tricky Dicky as one of the worst for his violations against our Democracy. I would also classify Clinton's sex-capades as being far worse than anything Obama has done in office.

Tricky dick was the worst, until Obama.

There's a few things I disagree with our President on, but to flatly state that he's the worst president because of the things he's done or hasn't done in office is to show a level of unjustified hate and bias.

Right, because movies with political agendas make the most compelling unbiased arguments. I think there's a better suspension of disbelief in most modern fictional movies than 2016 tries to pass itself off as non-fiction.

Have you seen it? Who's making judgments now?

I'm not afraid to admit that I made a judgement against your film suggestion. If I were to take every suggestion made to me, I would never have any time to live my own life. This is why a film's synopsis is good enough for me, and the synopsis suggests that the movie is about as unbiased as Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11.

As of yet I have seen no discussion, only statements.

The time for discussion is over. It's time for the liberals to see how vile Obama is.

If the time for discussion is over, then it is a sad, sad day for free thought and democracy. With that statement, you may as well have said, "The time for discussion is over. It's time for the liberals to see how vile the Emancipation Proclamation is." You can insert anything there at the end, and you may as well be an nutty extremist.
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Message 1274911 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 16:47:08 UTC - in response to Message 1274549.  


And he is correct.

Welcome to the boards Guy's long lost evil twin.
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Message 1274918 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 16:55:32 UTC - in response to Message 1274639.  
Last modified: 24 Aug 2012, 17:32:40 UTC

Interesting. When I do a critical search on that, I come up with everyone calling it a conspiracy theory spread by the most fearful of the political right who believe that if they can convince everyone that Obama isn't American, that we will somehow have to "wipe out" everything he's done as President.

It seems only the foolish still think that way.

Guess you would as most of the internet is packed with liberal lamebrains that don't even know how to tie their shoes yet. Stop believing the morons at CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN and you might learn something about the real world.


Yes, we should ditch our news and all listen to Fox. Then we can all be as informed as you are. (BTW, my news sources of choice are not on your list, but stereotype away...)
ID: 1274918 · Report as offensive
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Message 1274924 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 17:01:13 UTC - in response to Message 1274659.  

The essential difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals could not exist without conservatives to defend their freedom and support them economically.

Conservatives, on the other hand, could exist and live quite well without liberals.

Conservatives, are on a campaign to undo basic rights which have been afforded to everyone for many years.

Also, conservatives will let your freedom DIE by handing your freedom over to the rich, and then reducing regulations (protections) so in they end they can have you working 20hrs a day until you die.

If you let the fat cats run wild, only the fat cats will be looked out for.
ID: 1274924 · Report as offensive
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Message 1274928 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 17:04:29 UTC - in response to Message 1274673.  
Last modified: 24 Aug 2012, 17:10:33 UTC

Guess you would as most of the internet is packed with liberal lamebrains that don't even know how to tie their shoes yet. Stop believing the morons at CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN and you might learn something about the real world.

Why do you put me in the liberal category when you don't know all of my views? I can assure you I do not put myself there. Regardless, what does your attack on liberalism have to do with the fact that President Obama is a natural born American citizen?

Come on Ozz, it's because they want to push the idea that Obama is "not one of us", (I wonder if they went that route because of skin color???).

I think its hilarious that there are still some Lim-blahs out there that still say Obama's not a citizen. LOL! You people are a riot.

Also, Oz
I would also classify Clinton's sex-capades as being far worse than anything Obama has done in office.

Agreed 100% on the basis of morals. However, even one's 'sex-capades' really has little to do with one's ability to be a good president.

Both Liberals and Conservatives need to find the middle ground, but that isn't going to happen any time soon.

Again, very true. I'd love to find middle ground. But it seems the uber-conservatives of the now, cannot handle discussing issues like protective regulations, taxing the rich at a higher percentage than the poor, etc.. Ya know, the basic ideas that built this country into the super power it was in the mid 1900's... That's what I'd like to conserve.
ID: 1274928 · Report as offensive
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Message 1274953 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 17:48:15 UTC - in response to Message 1274806.  

Allen, from your posts it isn't that you are a conservative -- or rather if you think of yourself as a conservative, you've essentially maligned conservatism as much as the TeaPublicans have mangled the Republican party.

There is room for intelligent discussion of differences -- but not from your vantage point.

As of yet I have seen no discussion, only statements.

The time for discussion is over. It's time for the liberals to see how vile Obama is.

AllenIN. OK I get it, you really dislike like Obama. Now if you could enumerate what "vile" acts you anticipate I would be more informed.
ID: 1274953 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1274958 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 17:54:03 UTC - in response to Message 1274928.  

Also, Oz
I would also classify Clinton's sex-capades as being far worse than anything Obama has done in office.

Agreed 100% on the basis of morals. However, even one's 'sex-capades' really has little to do with one's ability to be a good president.

Agreed, but how one makes such, what I would call basic moral decisions such as marital infidelity could easily translate into other aspects of decision making. I have no specific examples to speak of, but I still distrust the man.

Look at me sticking up for the sanctity of marriage, yet I have just recently celebrated my 20th anniversary with the same woman without getting married because I want nothing to do with religion or government.
ID: 1274958 · Report as offensive
Profile Sarge
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Message 1275048 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 21:58:48 UTC - in response to Message 1274801.  

Guess you would as most of the internet is packed with liberal lamebrains that don't even know how to tie their shoes yet. Stop believing the morons at CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN and you might learn something about the real world.

Why do you put me in the liberal category when you don't know all of my views? I can assure you I do not put myself there. Regardless, what does your attack on liberalism have to do with the fact that President Obama is a natural born American citizen?

I didn't mean to imply. Most people that deny the possibility of Obama not being eligible to be president are liberal.

You're on a message board for a science project, so where's your scientific data to back up this assertion?
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Message 1275078 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 23:47:22 UTC

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Profile AllenIN
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Message 1275874 - Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 18:01:05 UTC - in response to Message 1274676.  

By the way, you really need to go see a movie that should be playing in your neck of the woods by now. It's called 2016. Once you've seen this, you will be singing a different tune.

Right, because movies with political agendas make the most compelling unbiased arguments. I think there's a better suspension of disbelief in most modern fictional movies than 2016 tries to pass itself off as non-fiction.

First of all it's not fictional and secondly, it makes better sense than the lies that Obama has been spoon feeding his minions.

Once again....closed minds will never see the light. Oh that's right, he's the lefts savior....I forgot...drat.

ID: 1275874 · Report as offensive
Profile AllenIN
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Message 1275875 - Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 18:05:35 UTC - in response to Message 1274848.  

with the fact that President Obama is a natural born American citizen?

Can anyone on Earth find anyone alive today who witnessed The Birth of OBlahBlahBlah aka Pitiful Peace Prize Winning, Drone Hit Man, Throw Everyone Under The Bus, Attack and Blame, Negative Ninja, The SPEECHIFIER, you know, actually saw OBlabby Pop Out of his Mom's Womb in A U.S. Hospital, on U.S. Soil, or say, born in a taxi on U.S. Soil?

Have a Doctor, Nurse, Orderly, Cab Driver, Anyone who has Witnessed First Hand, The Birth?. Let us see them, right now, say so.

Bet you can't find anyone who knows someone who knows. Seen, heard or otherwise. No First hand, second hand, third hand, any accounts of ITs Birth.

NO? Didn't think so.

Well said. That's it, isn't it? Until we have someone come forth who has seen The Birth of The Savior Christ Obama, It Didn't Happen, right?

I suppose there is no proof that I am an American citizen by that logic too. There's not a person alive that would remember my birth, which is why we have birth certificates. The great State of Hawaii has produced their Certificate of Live Birth to the public, it is the public that refuses to acknowledge that because there is so much hate against Obama, and I believe it to be race-initiated hate.

I dare say that your birth certificate was not Photo Shopped and not 9 layers deep either.

ID: 1275875 · Report as offensive
Profile AllenIN
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Message 1275877 - Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 18:11:02 UTC - in response to Message 1274852.  

Have you seen it? Who's making judgments now?

I'm not afraid to admit that I made a judgement against your film suggestion. If I were to take every suggestion made to me, I would never have any time to live my own life. This is why a film's synopsis is good enough for me, and the synopsis suggests that the movie is about as unbiased as Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11.


Yes, that's the real truth....."a film's synopsis".....by whom? In most cases that would be like asking Obama about it.
ID: 1275877 · Report as offensive
Profile AllenIN
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Message 1275879 - Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 18:14:23 UTC - in response to Message 1274924.  

The essential difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals could not exist without conservatives to defend their freedom and support them economically.

Conservatives, on the other hand, could exist and live quite well without liberals.

Conservatives, are on a campaign to undo basic rights which have been afforded to everyone for many years.

Also, conservatives will let your freedom DIE by handing your freedom over to the rich, and then reducing regulations (protections) so in they end they can have you working 20hrs a day until you die.

If you let the fat cats run wild, only the fat cats will be looked out for.

Hahhaha....now that the funniest thing I've heard today. Obama is the one who is taking your rights away and you can't even see it. He wants complete control of you and everything you do. Keep taking the handouts and he will definitely keep taking you to hell. But maybe you like socialism, so be it.

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Message 1275975 - Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 21:27:24 UTC - in response to Message 1275879.  

The essential difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals could not exist without conservatives to defend their freedom and support them economically.

Conservatives, on the other hand, could exist and live quite well without liberals.

Conservatives, are on a campaign to undo basic rights which have been afforded to everyone for many years.

Also, conservatives will let your freedom DIE by handing your freedom over to the rich, and then reducing regulations (protections) so in they end they can have you working 20hrs a day until you die.

If you let the fat cats run wild, only the fat cats will be looked out for.

Hahhaha....now that the funniest thing I've heard today. Obama is the one who is taking your rights away and you can't even see it. He wants complete control of you and everything you do. Keep taking the handouts and he will definitely keep taking you to hell. But maybe you like socialism, so be it.

You have been led to believe that regulations and/or protections take away your freedoms. I cannot think of any freedom I do not have any longer because of policies that have been enacted.
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Message 1276019 - Posted: 27 Aug 2012, 0:18:40 UTC - in response to Message 1275879.  

The essential difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals could not exist without conservatives to defend their freedom and support them economically.

Conservatives, on the other hand, could exist and live quite well without liberals.

Conservatives, are on a campaign to undo basic rights which have been afforded to everyone for many years.

Also, conservatives will let your freedom DIE by handing your freedom over to the rich, and then reducing regulations (protections) so in they end they can have you working 20hrs a day until you die.

If you let the fat cats run wild, only the fat cats will be looked out for.

Hahhaha....now that the funniest thing I've heard today. Obama is the one who is taking your rights away and you can't even see it. He wants complete control of you and everything you do. Keep taking the handouts and he will definitely keep taking you to hell. But maybe you like socialism, so be it.

OK, if Obama wants to create a socialist state what industries do you think he will nationalize?
ID: 1276019 · Report as offensive
Profile Michael Roberts
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Message 1276791 - Posted: 28 Aug 2012, 21:46:36 UTC

Huh. I've heard of politicians being bad losers. Mitt Romney and the GOP seem to be bad winners in failing to mention Ron Paul's votes from the podium at their nomination meeting. Just bad manners.
ID: 1276791 · Report as offensive
Profile AllenIN
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Message 1276801 - Posted: 28 Aug 2012, 22:08:53 UTC - in response to Message 1276019.  

The essential difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals could not exist without conservatives to defend their freedom and support them economically.

Conservatives, on the other hand, could exist and live quite well without liberals.

Conservatives, are on a campaign to undo basic rights which have been afforded to everyone for many years.

Also, conservatives will let your freedom DIE by handing your freedom over to the rich, and then reducing regulations (protections) so in they end they can have you working 20hrs a day until you die.

If you let the fat cats run wild, only the fat cats will be looked out for.

Hahhaha....now that the funniest thing I've heard today. Obama is the one who is taking your rights away and you can't even see it. He wants complete control of you and everything you do. Keep taking the handouts and he will definitely keep taking you to hell. But maybe you like socialism, so be it.

OK, if Obama wants to create a socialist state what industries do you think he will nationalize?

How about the banks, GM (still owes the American tax payer $46 billion) and health care for starters.

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Message 1276806 - Posted: 28 Aug 2012, 22:19:45 UTC - in response to Message 1276801.  
Last modified: 28 Aug 2012, 22:21:31 UTC

OK, where did you get the information on nationalizing the banks, that's a new one.
ID: 1276806 · Report as offensive
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