Hills and Valleys (Feb 10 2011)

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Message 1077087 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 9:07:33 UTC - in response to Message 1077078.  

Now out of work on all machines and have 38k to report on the all of the machines.

Wow.. lol, 38,000 WU? Nice!

Looking forward to some significant uptime if the everything does get worked out

Sounds like the servers are gonna need it, too! Refilling your cache is going to be.. fun for the download servers :P NEZ mark II anyone? (without the negative connotations, of course :) )
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Message 1077101 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 10:50:40 UTC

Don't forget to crunch for other BOINC contributors until Seti gets going again.

There are other projects in the same field (space) like Cosmology and Einstein. When he does get in touch, ET will need a map and he will want to know what the weather will be like and whether we can cure our ills.

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Profile Fred J. Verster
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Message 1077109 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 11:43:17 UTC - in response to Message 1077101.  

Thanks Matt, must be having a hard time, stuck between a cross-fire ;-),
but I'm (quite) sure, you've dealt with 'this' before and do whatever is
necessary, to get things going, again, in time.

There are numerous other projects, available for everyone to crunch to everyones hearts delight, now doing Einstein, GPUgrid, Docking, CPDN, Milky Way and Collatz C., but there are many more........................
To name a few, time to give the ATI Multibeam Crunching, a new go.

Alpha and Bêta testers are always needed, as Papa stated in another post,
I can only agree with him, whithout this, none of the CUDA- crunching, would
be happening, also no Optimized, SSE3; SSSE3x; SSE4.1, etc.,
CPU-Crunching, only 'stock', although nothing wrong with
that ;-).

I used to 'like' reading the Number Crunching Fora.... :(

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Message 1077133 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 13:47:54 UTC

A while back I adjusted my "resource share" to be 999 for SETI and 0 for Einstein. Since then, including now, as the SETI wu's are processed and my cache is exhausted, boinc calls up einstein and I get a bunch of einstein wu's. Last night I got 40 or so, for example. When SETI gets up again, boinc will get more seti wu's and not ask for any more einstein's. The einstein ones I already have will be completed on time. This way my host is never at a loss for work (I suppose einstein could drop out simultaneously, but that seems to be far less likely), and seti always has precedence for work requests.

People should try this method and stop fretting. It always does seti work unless seti is belly up.
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Profile Jaye Ellen

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Message 1077138 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 14:40:23 UTC - in response to Message 1075931.  

Hi ... just a word of thanks for all your difficult and dedicated work ... without which we PROBABLY would not have any WU's at all !!!

Jaye Ellen
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Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 1077140 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 14:42:53 UTC
Last modified: 14 Feb 2011, 14:44:02 UTC

I hope the scheduler will find all ULed results.. ;-)
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Profile KWSN THE Holy Hand Grenade!
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Message 1077191 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 16:22:11 UTC - in response to Message 1077133.  

A while back I adjusted my "resource share" to be 999 for SETI and 0 for Einstein. Since then, including now, as the SETI wu's are processed and my cache is exhausted, boinc calls up einstein and I get a bunch of einstein wu's. Last night I got 40 or so, for example. When SETI gets up again, boinc will get more seti wu's and not ask for any more einstein's. The einstein ones I already have will be completed on time. This way my host is never at a loss for work (I suppose einstein could drop out simultaneously, but that seems to be far less likely), and seti always has precedence for work requests.

People should try this method and stop fretting. It always does seti work unless seti is belly up.

Don't bet on only one non-SETI project to be up - attach to at least two... I had a situation recently where, on a computer attached to seven projects, four were either down completely or not accepting UL's... (yes, I count SETI and SETI beta as separate projects - and those were two of the projects mentioned...)

Hello, from Albany, CA!...
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David S
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Message 1077201 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 17:13:39 UTC - in response to Message 1076419.  

I'm using the SETI downtime to do a bit of House keeping
(New 6 core ,crossfire Rig -will be crunching Seti 80% of time)

re SETI files
any clues on how to `migrate' files
or do we just REinstall BoinC
and it takes care of itself

If I understand you correctly, during the downtime, you have gotten a new computer and want to stop using the old one for BOINC, but you want the WUs it's sitting on to be uploaded and credited when the project comes back up.

Just set each BOINC project on the old computer to No New Tasks. When the time comes, it will upload/report whatever it has left in it, but won't get anything new.

Meanwhile, yes, do a new install of BOINC on the new computer. If you really want to be a good SETIzen, set it to NNT also until a day or two after the project comes back to reduce the load on the servers and pipeline.

My situation:

According to my account page, my measly Pentium 4 is still working on 2 WUs and has a bunch of others pending. I presume that the 2 are done and waiting to report. I also presume that all the pendings have been completed by someone else and will be credited as soon as they are able to report. Meanwhile, my 6 day cache setting caused a bleepload of Einsteins to be downloaded. I am happy to see that the bleepload is being whittled down as it finishes them and is not being replenished, at least not unit for unit. I am even happier that it is not crashing daily like during the November outage.

Sitting on my butt while others boldly go,
Waiting for a message from a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri.

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Message 1077236 - Posted: 14 Feb 2011, 18:18:40 UTC - in response to Message 1077191.  

In terms of multiple project handling, the thing is, some projects are more dependable than others. Einstein is very solid. For GPU projects, Collatz is very solid. I also have found POEM and Spinhenge to be very reliable (though at this very moment Spinhenge is having problems).

Milkyway (one of the few if perhaps the only project which runs ATI and CUDA GPU, albeit higher end cards only, along with CPU) is about as 'reliable' as SETI -- more outages, shorter duration.

Climate has been solid in the past, but recently they have had reliability issues and staffing problems -- ie resource issues.

I also run Aqua -- this is a CPU only project which really needs quad CPU rigs with a fair amount of RAM. Like Collatz they are not only pretty reliable, but also are very user responsive.

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Message 1077434 - Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 6:38:36 UTC - in response to Message 1077078.  

Now out of work on all machines and have 38k to report on the all of the machines. Kinda nice to have the cache cleared out and all ready to to processed once everything comes back online in the next few days hopefully.

Looking forward to some significant uptime if the everything does get worked out - if not I'm sure there will be a fundrasing drive in the future that we can all help out the project some.

Don't get discouraged everyone - things will get better :)

Wow Todd and I thought have ~800 to report was high lol. Best of luck getting those uploaded and replaced in a timely manner, it may take awhile.
Traveling through space at ~67,000mph!
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Message 1077438 - Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 6:46:22 UTC - in response to Message 1077434.  
Last modified: 15 Feb 2011, 6:46:53 UTC

Now out of work on all machines and have 38k to report on the all of the machines. Kinda nice to have the cache cleared out and all ready to to processed once everything comes back online in the next few days hopefully.

Looking forward to some significant uptime if the everything does get worked out - if not I'm sure there will be a fundrasing drive in the future that we can all help out the project some.

Don't get discouraged everyone - things will get better :)

Wow Todd and I thought have ~800 to report was high lol. Best of luck getting those uploaded and replaced in a timely manner, it may take awhile.

I just checked, and the Frozen 920 has 4,210 completed tasks to report.
And that is just on 1 of my 8 rigs.

My, oh, my, what some of the top dogs must have to send in to the mother ship, eh?
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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