Time has come 2 this

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Profile Wiggo

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Message 1055541 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 0:02:37 UTC - in response to Message 1055538.  

Great weather here to, 11am and 28C though we may get some thunderstorms later today, ;)

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Message 1055544 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 0:07:16 UTC
Last modified: 13 Dec 2010, 0:10:36 UTC

i used to like snow....
back about 30 years ago...

nowadays, some idiot will be out driving in it and hit
a powerpole and knock power out for a good %
of the day....
and i hate hard boots...
usually after an outage it takes days to get the computers running right...
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Message 1055550 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 0:25:11 UTC

I think a few people need to get their goals back in alignment with the goals of this project and their participation in it. Seti needs additional processing power in which they would never be able to fund. Thats were we come in, if they have something for you, if you want to help, download it, crunch it, and upload the results. If they don't have anything for you then there is nothing to complain about. As far as the whole, "I helped pay for two new servers I deserve answers and better service!" type of attitudes out there.....well this isn't a service, much less a commercial space service. You donated, not paid, bought, or bartered anything from Seti. They do not owe you anything. You are part of a science experiment to hopefully enlighten our knowledge, amongst other things, of possible alien communications. You are not part of a contractual agreement. If you feel that way may I suggest you don't donate next year so you don't feel cheated. In fact if I was that scandalized, disarrayed, and nettled about it I would find another project to donate and participate in....

Maybe it's just me, along with quite a few others here, or maybe it's just the IT side of me and understanding the issues that new hardware entails. But I think the guys are doing the best they can with what time and money they have, infused with some donation money. I wouldn't expect or imply they should spend their family and free time to abide by my rather rank effectuation of this project for me to meet personal goals no matter how large or small. And I don't expect them to do it for anyone else either.

Traveling through space at ~67,000mph!
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Profile perryjay
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Message 1055564 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 1:39:49 UTC - in response to Message 1055550.  

Okay, you donated but you don't feel you are getting your money's worth? I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll give you the whole next years worth of crunching absolutely free!! (Cost of equipment and electricity not included.)

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Message 1055565 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 1:46:33 UTC

but if you call now, in the next 15 minutes, because you know we can't do this all day!!!
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Profile Bill Walker

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Message 1055570 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 2:58:22 UTC

Sign me up guys!!!!

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Profile Todd Hebert
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Message 1055590 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 7:02:31 UTC - in response to Message 1055481.  

Right now sitting in my office waiting for RAM there is a new dual hex-core server waiting to be shipped to the S@H lab. This was a group donation from the GPU Users Group. Many private parties have banned together to donate a complete server to the cause. I know that there are other groups that have thousands of users that could also do the same as we have. We are one of the smallest groups around but we have come up with thousands of dollars amongst our own members to make this donation happen for the all around good of S@H.

Things are getting better - there are still wrinkles to work out however and that will take time. We need to keep this in perspective.

Todd - GPU Users Group Admin and World RAC Leader

Why does S@H HAVE to be up on weekends? This is not a commercial service, and nobody suffers or dies when it goes down.

given the rag-tag mix of hardware, and the fact that the software is constantly being rewritten and adjusted, down times will happen. So what? BOINC keeps most of us crunching through brief down times. For longer down times there are other projects. (All with their own problems.)

Yes, recent donations paid for two new servers. There are 9 others, of mixed heritage and age. UC Berkeley pays some wages, donations pay some more, but not enough to provide 24/7 staffing. We get what we pay for.

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Message 1055591 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 7:38:14 UTC

Late Evening everyone.

In a couple of Forum threads Robert, brings up the point of weekend support. I guess what he does not understand is that UCB is a State ran University. That means any of the Seti Staff are on a Salary. They have a specific work week including Furlow days which have been reported.

The point about "Interns."
There are two types of interns. One in the commerical world which implies a fixed number of hours of work, and very limited pay. This normally is a form of furthering education and providing on the job training in a skill set.
In the case of interns at UCB, they normally are post doctorial candidates. Who also have fixed number hours that they work for a project. They are also required to have direction for the thesis they are working on (in many cases they have other classes that may interfere with thier schedule).

So in order to get personnel to cover weekends, that would mean that Seti via UCB would have to have more staff with offset work weeks. That is a Noted Failed Budget item.
The fact that various Staff members do check into Servers or Processes on the weekend (thier own time) tells they do care... The fact that they can "sometimes" reboot some machine and get Seti back into operation also shows they care. The fact that in the tech news that one of the staff took time to drive also states they care. From personal knowledge, I know that he closest person live about 18 miles from the campus. That is a 36 mile round trip with traffic delays, not counting the "onsite time" for a cold reboot or the issues that show during the server(s) reboot.

So while the Science needs to get done... While things have been put off until the new servers can be "validated"... "WE" expect to see things change as things get back to "normal." At that point in time, we will see a "new" schedule and "new" growing pains. The fact that somethings are happening about two weeks ahead of the projected schedule is good. There will still be snags.

"WE," are here to "help" with doing the Science. Things we "contribute" to aid are the important part. Otherwise, Seti owes "us" nothing more than the Project Goals.
That "Goal" is Finding ET! Which "we" are a part of. It is part of a project that has "Always Stated" there will be downtimes.

So while many of you recieved work, I had only one machine that I set for Allow new work for Seti. That is one running Alpha Boinc 6.12.7 to test for multiple projects on multiple resoures (CPU/GPU). The 6.12.x series is supposed to help the multiple resource types. Then you do not need a 20 day cache to keep your machine busy for a 3-4 day outage. Honestly that is a work in progress.
So while people will disagree again. You need to look at a newer Boinc Core Client that can solve some of the "client issues." Many people are working on it in their "spare time."

Have a Good Night


Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Profile Jord
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Message 1055592 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 8:30:07 UTC - in response to Message 1055591.  

Many people are working on it in their "spare time."

And doing a bad job about it, according to those 'out there', come when 6.12 is released into the Wild and more bugs are found. ;-)

My opinion? Just put Robert on ignore. That makes all these complaint threads very easy to read. He can't PM you at such a time either. Or just leave the forums for the better part of 3 weeks, read some if you want to, react only when you want, when it's urgent enough or others are truly fouling up. Ignore Robert. Ignore all those others who think they know so much better what this project should be run like.

I never see anyone at any of the other projects tell them how they should run their project, so why is it always at Seti that (some) people think they need to tell the scientists behind the project when and how to do their job?

There's enough projects (half) off line at this time where you can go to and tell the scientists how to do their job. I don't see you there. "You, general complaining you," not anyone specific. Rosetta (dives off without much explanation every weekend or so), RCN (was hacked, but I suppose you can tell them how to run things better), Hydrogen (was screwed up by an admin while learning how to run the project), QUANTUMFire (is just completely gone), Orbit (also completely gone), etc.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1055600 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 9:33:58 UTC - in response to Message 1055592.  

In support of those developing in their spare time.
Over the years I have been involved in much software and system testing in the transportation world. We can test as much as we like, but the final (most difficult to find) bugs are always revealed when the system is exposed to the user. So don't knock the development teams, but accept that we, as users, are the most harsh test any system, or software, ever has.
Bob Smith
Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society)
Somewhere in the (un)known Universe?
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Message 1055687 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 18:34:44 UTC - in response to Message 1055480.  

No one is available on weekends
We can only bitch -- They do AS THEY PLEASE
NO matter how much we plied they do as THEY WANT

You forget the whole concept was we donate unused cpu cycle for them to use as they please. This never started as we have a new thing we're giving up our lives for for your entertainment.
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Message 1055691 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 18:46:14 UTC


Increase your cache.
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Robert Ribbeck

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Message 1055698 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 18:57:15 UTC - in response to Message 1055691.  


Increase your cache.

This has what to do with the lack of staff on weekends ??
My cache is holding fine .. at least for today

Pappa You refer to failed budget item
Do you mean the posted 2008 budget or a more recent one no one has seen

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Wandering Willie
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Message 1055715 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 19:39:57 UTC

As the users of the world outside the u.s.a. also require access to Seti@Home.

You could argue that we over this side of the pond (where is our coverage ?)

Most of us are thinking of retiring for the night just as the guys at seti are finishing for the day.

If the server is down we have to wait till 17:00 GMT or later.

Leave these guys alone to enjoy their free time.They have IMHO done a good job.

Looking at some of the whingers that still have WU from the 1st Dec I would say get a life.

How many of these guys would go out after their hours of employment without expecting extra payment or time off in loo.

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Message 1055739 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 22:38:12 UTC

what we have here
is failure to communicate.

on the front page:
"Please note we may continue to bring servers up/down over the next few weeks"

now, for those of us that have been doing Seti since before the invention of the wheel...
the above statement is "the norm"

the state of California is gutting the budgets of the University of California
Seti@Home is a minor part of the Science Lab.

To put it in a Christmas analogy...
you may want a pony for Christmas...
you're lucky to get underwear and socks.

Also, in a Grinch mindset,
be thankful you have what you have.

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Message 1055743 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 22:41:43 UTC - in response to Message 1055739.  

To put it in a Christmas analogy...
you may want a pony for Christmas...
you're lucky to get underwear and socks.

Also, in a Grinch mindset,
be thankful you have what you have.

Or to put it short and mild, get over it.
Traveling through space at ~67,000mph!
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Blake Bonkofsky
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Message 1055748 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 22:50:54 UTC - in response to Message 1055715.  
Last modified: 13 Dec 2010, 22:51:51 UTC

I thought the point of the BOINC software and it's ability to keep a cache, run multiple projects, etc, was so that a single project did not NEED 100% uptime? You don't NEED to be connected to process data, only to receive it. It takes a few seconds to download a WU, but 10min to a few days to process it. Set your cache accordingly, and don't worry about it! I run a 5 day cache, as that is enough to get through the 3 days outages and the feeding frenzy that occurs on the day or 2 following the outage. Only on the long, unscheduled outages do I ever run out of work. I have 4 machines running SETI, and all but one is still crunching, even without getting new work in a couple days. The 4th machine just couldn't get it's cache built back up in time.

Amazon.com needs 100% uptime, we do not. When they lose availability, they lose sales. When we lose availability, we are still crunching on our caches.
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Message 1055749 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 22:55:53 UTC - in response to Message 1055592.  

I am curious, how do you flag a poster to be ignored. I recall seeing that a long time ago but can't remember how it is done.

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Profile Gundolf Jahn

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Message 1055752 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 23:03:52 UTC - in response to Message 1055749.  

It's in your Community preferences, "Message filtering".

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Message 1055753 - Posted: 13 Dec 2010, 23:04:52 UTC - in response to Message 1055749.  
Last modified: 13 Dec 2010, 23:05:50 UTC

I am curious, how do you flag a poster to be ignored. I recall seeing that a long time ago but can't remember how it is done.


Get their userid from their profile. Then goto your community preferences and add it to the filter list.
Traveling through space at ~67,000mph!
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