Emergency fund drive for the project.............

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Message 1040644 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 15:47:22 UTC - in response to Message 1040640.  

Okay then Claggy, with yours and Wendy's we are now up to $7690. This is unbelievable!!! Great work everyone!!!

It is truly almost unbelievable to Me, Msattler has amassed a bit of an Army to come to Seti's Rescue.

It seems that I just have to beat the naysayers down.

When the project crashes, it just brings out so many negative folks.
Their comments hurt me personally.....although they are not shot at me directly.

The recent response to my pleas has been just overwhelming.

Restores my faith. It really does.

Well You deserve all the credit :D, For this Charge of the Light Brigade. ;)
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Message 1040645 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 15:51:31 UTC - in response to Message 1040637.  

Thanks Albireo,
Here's hoping we hear from some of them. New people are always welcome.( Just some friendly encouragement is fine if they can't donate.)

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Profile dcappello

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Message 1040665 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 17:05:54 UTC

Count me in!

Thank you for your gift of $100.00 via a Credit Card on 10/10/2010.

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Message 1040666 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 17:06:20 UTC

Typo in the list with my name. Should be tnmjr99a, not tnhjr99a.
(I only participate to read Msattler's posts).
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Profile Helli_retiered
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Message 1040668 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 17:10:35 UTC - in response to Message 1040666.  

(I only participate to read Msattler's posts).

Really? That pleases Mark.

A loooong time ago: First Credits after SETI@home Restart
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J. Mileski
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Message 1040670 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 17:25:47 UTC - in response to Message 1040413.  

$55 msattler
$300 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr
$25 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$1,500 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred - www.efmer.eu/boinc
$560 Byron Leigh Hatch @team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$125 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Toni DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$25 Chris S
$50 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$250Roman Wagner
$25 tnhjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$50 Philnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$30 Justin M Morford
$250 RVZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$100 J. Mileski
$50 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank

Ok now for some stats and rules.

So far we have collected $7.080.
We have a total of 63 Donors so far.
We may have up to 30 new stars shining soon.
We have 30 repeat donors and yet my math doesn't add up. Wow now I am off by three. I guess it is time to power up the printer and do a line by line audit, unless someone can spot my mistake.

So...You may have posted your donation here, but wish not to show your star here, please let me know, because once the feature is turned on again, I want to make sure, your star shines.

Now the rules part. Only post your donations and kudos. Anything off topic including more music links etc will be hidden as soon as a Mod comes across it.
There is nothing wrong with also alerting the Cafe Visitors to the drive and you can get more off topic there.

Nuff said.
Once again, great Job Mark for starting another drive and all that have contributed
If you have issues with regards to the donation methods, Please send me a PM I am quite creative in order to help you. And yes it is only via trusted ways.

To answer a question, the color green just let's you know of multiple donation and the blue goes to our champ MarkJ. Someone down under, please give that man a pat on the back.

OH, please the keep the corrections coming, I am only human and it is ok to post them here.

I had donated $20 before and had a green star, Do I qualify for my name to be in green? I only ask this with tongue firmly in cheek, to me it does not really matter, only the support of the cause.
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Profile Helli_retiered
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Message 1040672 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 17:39:24 UTC - in response to Message 1040670.  

I had donated $20 before and had a green star, Do I qualify for my name to be in green?

No, only if you have donated twice in this Thread. :D

That's your chance now... ;-)

A loooong time ago: First Credits after SETI@home Restart
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1040674 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 17:46:42 UTC - in response to Message 1040666.  

Typo in the list with my name. Should be tnmjr99a, not tnhjr99a.
(I only participate to read Msattler's posts).

LOL.......that was a very kind thing to say......

Even if it's true..LOL.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Profile Uli
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Message 1040749 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 20:33:53 UTC - in response to Message 1040666.  

Typo in the list with my name. Should be tnmjr99a, not tnhjr99a.
(I only participate to read Msattler's posts).

Sorry about that, I will fix it when I do the update tonight.
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Profile RWZeitgeist

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Message 1040824 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 23:40:01 UTC - in response to Message 1040749.  

Should be RWZeitgeist, not RVZeitgeist.

ID: 1040824 · Report as offensive
Profile Uli
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Message 1040845 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 0:13:35 UTC - in response to Message 1040824.  

Should be RWZeitgeist, not RVZeitgeist.


Sorry about that, I was tired last night.

I am temporaly looking this thread, while I do the daily update.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

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Message 1040874 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 1:00:59 UTC - in response to Message 1040413.  

$55 msattler
$393 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr
$25 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$1,500 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred - www.efmer.eu/boinc
$560 Byron Leigh Hatch @team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$125 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Toni DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$25 Chris S
$50 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$250 Roman Wagner
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$50 Philnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$30 Justin M Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$100 J. Mileski
$50 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VW Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$15 Clyde
$20 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello

Ok now for some stats and rules.

So far we have collected $7.790.
We have a total of 73 Donors so far.
We may have up to 35 new stars shining soon.
We have 35 repeat donors and yet my math doesn't add up. Wow now I am off by three. I guess it is time to power up the printer and do a line by line audit, unless someone can spot my mistake. I will start on the spreadsheet on Tuesday.

So...You may have posted your donation here, but wish not to show your star here, please let me know, because once the feature is turned on again, I want to make sure, your star shines.

Now the rules part. Only post your donations and kudos. Anything off topic including more music links etc will be hidden as soon as a Mod comes across it.
There is nothing wrong with also alerting the Cafe Visitors to the drive and you can get more off topic there.

Nuff said.
Once again, great Job Mark for starting another drive and all that have contributed
If you have issues with regards to the donation methods, Please send me a PM I am quite creative in order to help you. And yes it is only via trusted ways.

To answer a question, the color green just let's you know of multiple donation and the blue goes to our champ MarkJ. Someone down under, please give that man a pat on the back.

OH, please the keep the corrections coming, I am only human and it is ok to post them here.

Alert There may not be an update tomorrow. I have an evening class and I might be very tired.

@Albireo380 What you posted on that message board is great. Just one small correction. The minimum donation for Seti is $10.
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ID: 1040874 · Report as offensive
JohnDK Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1040878 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 1:05:32 UTC - in response to Message 1040874.  

@Albireo380 What you posted on that message board is great. Just one small correction. The minimum donation for Seti is $10.

Not sure about minimum $10 msattler have donated $5.
ID: 1040878 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1040879 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 1:11:41 UTC - in response to Message 1040878.  

@Albireo380 What you posted on that message board is great. Just one small correction. The minimum donation for Seti is $10.

Not sure about minimum $10 msattler have donated $5.

I wasn't going to argue about it.....but I did, apparently the system took it.

Uli could be right, I do recall some mention of a minimum somewhere.

I don't know what the discrepancy is.....and it is really not an issue...I don't see too many seeking to donate $10.00 or less here.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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JohnDK Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1040880 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 1:15:10 UTC

Well yes it says minimum $10 on the donation page, maybe it's due to fees or something.
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Message 1040897 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 2:04:39 UTC

I was about ready to stop Seti crunching and move on to more reliable BOINC projects but this drive made me feel that things can and will get better. So I figured I might as well donate something to help it along. Not much but hopefully it helps.

Thank you for your gift of $25.00 via Visa on 10/10/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $25.00

Your confirmation number is:

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Profile Ray_GTI-R

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Message 1040924 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 2:52:57 UTC - in response to Message 1040880.  

Not sure if this zero-cost solution has been considered before ...

It seems clear that many Teams are associated with commercial interests.

Many commercial interests are simply testbeds and are given hardware for evaluation.

Ergo there must be much "stuff" out there that is:-

a) free
b) cutting-edge
c) hardly used
d) discarded after the next magazine issue etc, etc

Put another way ... heads-up to reality to prevent people spending money unnecessarily.

(Just trying to put things into perpective.)
The difference between 0 and 1 is greater than the difference between 1 and 1,000,000
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Profile MJKelleher
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Message 1040929 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 3:22:17 UTC

I donated the other evening (Friday?) while the thread was locked, so don't have my confirmation number now, but there's $10 coming.

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Profile Uli
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Message 1040941 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 4:15:12 UTC - in response to Message 1040929.  

I donated the other evening (Friday?) while the thread was locked, so don't have my confirmation number now, but there's $10 coming.

You will be added.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

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ID: 1040941 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1040963 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 5:28:43 UTC - in response to Message 1040924.  

Not sure if this zero-cost solution has been considered before ...

It seems clear that many Teams are associated with commercial interests.

Many commercial interests are simply testbeds and are given hardware for evaluation.

Ergo there must be much "stuff" out there that is:-

a) free
b) cutting-edge
c) hardly used
d) discarded after the next magazine issue etc, etc

Put another way ... heads-up to reality to prevent people spending money unnecessarily.

(Just trying to put things into perpective.)

The problem is that all donations need to be approved by Berkeley first, and they take their cut of all donations, including the ones given by everyone here.

Far easier to come up with the cold, hard cash than it is to dance with the red tape at the University.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project.............

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