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Astronaut Gordon Cooper's letter to the UN regarding UFO
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![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 14 Nov 02 Posts: 153 Credit: 26,925,080 RAC: 0 ![]() |
"Letter by astronaut Gordon Cooper regarding UFOs to the ambassador of Grenada to the United Nations. November 9, 1978 Ambassador Griffith Mission of Grenada to the United Nations 866 Second Avenue Suite 502 New York, New York 10017 Dear Ambassador Griffith: I wanted to convey to you my views on our extra-terrestrial visitors popularly referred to as "UFO's", and suggest what might be done to properly deal with them. I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on earth. I feel that we need to have a top level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion. We my first have to show them that we have learned to resolve our problems by peaceful means, rather than warfare, before we are accepted as fully qualified universal team members. This acceptance would have tremendous possibilities of advancing our world in all areas. Certainly then it would seem that the UN has a vested interest in handling this subject properly and expeditiously. I should point out that I am not an experienced UFO professional researcher. I have not yet had the privilege of flying a UFO, nor of meeting the crew of one. I do feel that I am somewhat qualified to discuss them since I have been into the fringes of the vast areas in which they travel. Also, I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe. They were at a higher altitude than we could reach with our jet fighters of that time. I would also like to point out that most astronauts are very reluctant to even discuss UFO's due to the great numbers of people who have indiscriminately sold fake stories and forged documents abusing their names and reputations without hesitation. Those few astronauts who have continued to have a participation in the UFO field have had to do so very cautiously. There are several of us who do believe in UFO's and who have had occasion to see a UFO on the ground, or from an airplane. There was only one occasion from space which may have been a UFO. If the UN agrees to pursue this project, and to lend their credibility to it, perhaps many more well qualified people will agree to step forth and provide help and information. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely, L. Gordon Cooper Col. USAF (ket) Astronaut " Video here..... ![]() *** Those who know, don't speak, those who speak, don't know *** |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Sep 06 Posts: 3093 Credit: 2,652,287 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Ok, lets look at this from the point of view of the UN, world leaders and politicians. What exactly should they do??? Should the governments of all the countries of the world all start having meetings to discuss UFO sightings? They would all be voted out of power within weeks for wasting taxpayer money on something there is no evidence for. If aliens are visiting us in flying saucers, and they are technologically more advanced than us, then its obvious they don't want to make it official. If they wanted it to be official, they would land on the White House lawn and ring the front door bell. If UFO's really exist, and they are monitoring us, then they themselves will decide when the time is right to make official contact. There is nothing more the governments of the world can do. It serves no function for any government leader to make public statements about UFO's. It would just damage the credibility of the leader. John. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 14 Nov 02 Posts: 153 Credit: 26,925,080 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I have the greatest of respect for Gordon Cooper(sadly now deceased) and Edgar Mitchell, both great Americans and human beings, who have placed their lives on the line on more than one occasion and have had the balls to come forward into the public arena with their views on the UFO issue. Gordon had first hand experience, Edgar has not but relates his information very convincingly. The testimony of these 2 honourable scientific men, and very little else, has led me to admit to myself that in all probability there may be something that somebody isn't telling us, no doubt for their own nefarious reasons. I have watched "The disclosure project testimonies", currently going through the "UFO Hypotheses" videos on youtube, and admittedly, while some of the videos from the latter appear a bit off the wall, the high ranking military witnesses tell a convincing tale. Are we all sheep on this world, being managed in what we are told? Thanks to the internet we can dig in places and form our own calculated opinions. The most recent being a death bed confession by Ben Rich former CEO of Lockheed Skunk works recounted in the Mufon UFO Journal, extracts of which can be seen here......... Larry King has also done a few programs on the issue, available on Youtube. Again, I would like to hear your opinions on the topic. ![]() *** Those who know, don't speak, those who speak, don't know *** |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 25 Oct 06 Posts: 3756 Credit: 1,999,735 RAC: 4 ![]() |
It's all bunk and delusion based on our innate craving for a religion of some kind telling us that there is someone or thing of superior intelligence and capability watching over us. It is another false religion. Miracles and UFO's all in the same voodoo religious ilk. If these men saw things on the moon then where are the pictures and where is the physical evidence. What's controlling you and others is just the scammers of the poor souls who are delusional. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 25 Oct 06 Posts: 3756 Credit: 1,999,735 RAC: 4 ![]() |
Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works CEO had admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars. Really, Now did they burn up? Tell me more !! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 20 Jun 99 Posts: 6659 Credit: 121,090,076 RAC: 0 ![]() |
It's all bunk and delusion based on our innate craving for a religion of some kind telling us that there is someone or thing of superior intelligence and capability watching over us. It is another false religion. I agree completely. Humans have a tendancy to grab for the most outrageous conclusions when faced with an unknown. Even though science can easily debunk most everything of that nature, people will not let it go. Physics does allow for travel at high speeds, but there is time dilation to contend with. Some have said worm holes. Well there is a super massive black hole in the center of the milky way, but that is 50,000 light years away. There are 511 G type stars within 100 light years of the sun. Even these distances are huge, and the chance of an intelligent civilization being so close is remote, although not impossible. Since Earth has been sending out radio signals for about 100 years, that would mean that if someone 50 light years out had received our earliest transmissions, and just headed out to meet us, they would just be getting here. Within 50 light years there are only 63 stars within that range. Due to time dilation, and the enormous resources needed for interstellar travel, an alien civilization would want to be sure of a certain target before taking off on an interstellar jaunt. Why would you just head out when the return may be tens of thousands of years from when you initially set off, and your whole civilization may be gone. There are gazillions of planets in our galaxy, and most of them would be dead ends. The earth is invisible, other than the slight wobble it and the other planets cause the sun to make, and it could be seen as in crosses the sun in transit due to the slight darkening of the sun. Other than that is is invisible except for radio waves, which are only about 100 light years out. Is life out there? With the tremendous number of stars and planets, life on only one planet just does not make sense. On the other hand due to the enormous distances and obsurities, it is equally improbable that we have been visited. If you shrink our entire solar system to the size of a dime, the nearest star is 5 miles away. Steve Warning, addicted to SETI crunching! Crunching as a member of GPU Users Group. GPUUG Website |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
The assertion that government officials can do nothing by their statements to advance the process of contact with any extraterrestrials that may now be in the vicinity of Earth was not supported. Inferences about the plans or intentions of such beings are highly speculative, at best. It is conceivable that they might be waiting for world leaders to admit that they know about extraterrestrial life, sharing their knowledge with their citizens, by way of preparing them, before initiating open contact. Michael |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Oct 00 Posts: 9541 Credit: 50,759,529 RAC: 60 ![]() ![]() |
If they've been here give us something more than lip service. certainly, someone somewhere could produce something that is clearly not of this earth(other than meteorites and moon rocks) to prove their point. Until then I am not a believer ![]() In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face. Diogenes Of Sinope |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
There proved to be exceptions to Newton's laws of gravitation, under certain circumstances, which were elucidated by Einstein. Similarly, it is perfectly reasonable that there could be certain exceptions to Relativity which would allow starting at point A and arriving at point B in such a way that less time was consumed than when light makes the trip. The speed of light would not be exceeded, but the intervening space might be shortened. Such things as the warping of space, and quantum tunneling have received serious scientific consideration in this connection. Interplanetary flight of rockets was once considered an impossible dream. Who can say what a more advanced civilization will or will not be capable of? Michael |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
The requirement of physical evidence is a reasonable one, assuming we are dealing with a newly alleged natural phenomenon, or exotic plant or animal. As I have suggested elsewhere in these forums, such methods of proof may well be unworkable in the study of an advanced race of extraterrestrials. If such a race is at Earth now, but does not wish to reveal itself fully, it might destroy or at least render ambiguous any sort of physical evidence of its existence. Even humans act somewhat similarly when they destroy technical devices and information, when they seem likely to fall into the hands of a rival political power. Michael |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 14 Nov 02 Posts: 153 Credit: 26,925,080 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Getting past the giggle factor usually associated with this topic, the deviousness of humanity, especially those with something to loose, never surprises me. To some extent , we are sheep. The majority of the population believe what they are fed through the media and can be manipulated by those in power. Look up fractional banking to see how dollars are invented from thin air by banks. I digress :) If an advanced offworld culture have cracked the physics for ftl travel, the number of light years they are away may proove to be of relatively little importance. It is very possible that ET's are here, in a caretaker capacity so to speak, with contact already made, seemingly prompted by the detonation of the first nuclear device, this apparently attracted their attention :) Whether those that are in contact with them are keeping quiet to protect the fragile global economy from imploding if so called free energy became widely available to the masses, or keeping quiet to protect their respective pockets as new technology is trickle fed to the public, I can't imagine a benevolent et race being complicit in that. It is equally possible that they are not here. We just have no way of proving this if it is the former, because security for that scenario would be locked solid if humans were to gain from advanced technology. It would also be extremely dangerous to poke ones nose into this if it were true. However, WE are here. Most of the galaxy is made of the same "stuff". There are a couple of billion suns in our galaxy. The numbers dictate that sentient life exists. Whether it is 10 ly's from us or 10,000, I firmly believe the galaxy to be teeming with life. I don't need proof. Whether we are being visited, a lot of people think so, credible witnesses from the military and aviation world have come forward, running the risk of ridicule, with their considered opinion on what they have seen and witnessed. And it most certainly was not the planet Venus. ![]() *** Those who know, don't speak, those who speak, don't know *** |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 14 Nov 02 Posts: 153 Credit: 26,925,080 RAC: 0 ![]() |
It's all bunk and delusion based on our innate craving for a religion of some kind telling us that there is someone or thing of superior intelligence and capability watching over us. It is another false religion. BTW, great link, Steve, very informative and a good find. ![]() *** Those who know, don't speak, those who speak, don't know *** |
Michael Watson Send message Joined: 7 Feb 08 Posts: 1388 Credit: 2,098,506 RAC: 5 |
If we entertain the possibility that extraterrestrials are already at Earth, it does not necessarily follow that formal contact has been made with governments, which have kept the news from the masses. Some claims have been made to this effect, of course. I sometimes wonder if these could be misinformation, designed to make it look as though the governments are more in control of the situation than is actually the case. The UFO phenomenon may be almost as elusive and mysterious to the powers that be as it is to the general public. It would obviously not be desirable to them for such an impression to take hold. If the UFO phenomenon is what I take it to be, a very careful, gradual introduction of one culture to another, then the sharing of technology may occur in the same incremental fashion, and may not yet even have begun. Michael |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 14 Nov 02 Posts: 153 Credit: 26,925,080 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Assuming contact has been made with an et species, we are most likely not the first they have encountered, and if truthful, are likely to tell us the fate of other civilisations after knowledge of the fact became widespread, it's impact on sociology, political, monetary, theist beliefs, technological infrastructure and potential for social unrest. Perhaps this is where the caution about revelation comes from, whomever the hypothetical aliens are allegedly talking to. As Michael W says above, if these things were hard facts, the cautious course of action would be to take a gradual approach to the issue. More, on lunar conspiracy this time, here.... and...... ![]() *** Those who know, don't speak, those who speak, don't know *** |
Norwich Gadfly ![]() Send message Joined: 29 Dec 08 Posts: 100 Credit: 488,414 RAC: 0 ![]() |
What makes people think that an alien civilisation would be benign ? It seems to me much more likely that they would treat us as humans have treated animals - to be wiped out, hunted, domesticated for food or experimented on. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 18 May 99 Posts: 6497 Credit: 34,134,168 RAC: 0 ![]() |
What makes people think that an alien civilisation would be benign ? It seems to me much more likely that they would treat us as humans have treated animals - to be wiped out, hunted, domesticated for food or experimented on. Assuming they have an inquisitive and selfish nature similar to humans, it would be more likely they would seek to communicate and exploit us for their own gain first. Only if that failed would they seek to exterminate us or use us for food. Who here wants the first dish of friend alien? Janice |
![]() Send message Joined: 25 Nov 01 Posts: 21533 Credit: 7,508,002 RAC: 20 ![]() ![]() |
If you believe in panspirmia, the WE ARE the "aliens"! Keep searchin', Martin See new freedom: Mageia Linux Take a look for yourself: Linux Format The Future is what We all make IT (GPLv3) |
Flipper Send message Joined: 31 Jul 10 Posts: 18 Credit: 117,656 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I strongly believe there is other life in the universe, maybe far removed from the level of understanding that we humans have. To not believe in ET's of some sort would in my belief like believing the Earth is flat. Have a look on the internet and see the increased level of UFO sitings around the world. When the Chinese government owned Television network are airing stories related to UFO's and the Red Rain in India. For the Chinese government to allow stories of this type to go to air. It just might be that the Disclosure Project is starting to loosen what information is being released. One must consider that the efforts going into the Disclosure Project worldwide may force the governments to disclose the facts they have on UFO's without playing there games. |
Norwich Gadfly ![]() Send message Joined: 29 Dec 08 Posts: 100 Credit: 488,414 RAC: 0 ![]() |
What have UFOs got to do with aliens ? Much more likely that some of the sightings are of secret military technology, and governments have encouraged the ET belief to avoid having to admit their existence. ![]() |
Rick Send message Joined: 7 Sep 99 Posts: 46 Credit: 271,541 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I do find it odd that we haven't mapped the moon in ultra-fine detail yet. With negligible atmosphere, we should have better moon maps than Google Earth by now. |
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