Quick fundraiser for SETI's new server

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Message 1034565 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 20:10:00 UTC

You've got to love eccentrics.
Since this thing started on 6th August: -

    06-Aug-10 6,025.00 6,025.00
    07-Aug-10 100.00 6,125.00
    08-Aug-10 20.00 6,145.00
    09-Aug-10 65.00 6,210.00
    10-Aug-10 25.00 6,235.00
    11-Aug-10 25.00 6,260.00
    13-Aug-10 50.00 6,310.00
    16-Aug-10 10.00 6,320.00
    18-Aug-10 25.00 6,345.00
    20-Aug-10 100.00 6,445.00
    21-Aug-10 200.00 6,645.00
    22-Aug-10 45.00 6,690.00
    23-Aug-10 165.00 6,855.00
    24-Aug-10 250.00 7,105.00
    25-Aug-10 25.00 7,130.00
    28-Aug-10 457.00 7,587.00
    29-Aug-10 600.00 8,187.00
    30-Aug-10 1,175.00 9,362.00
    03-Sep-10 1,080.00 10,442.00
    07-Sep-10 12.34 10,454.34
    08-Sep-10 100.00 10,554.34
    14-Sep-10 150.00 10,704.34
    15-Sep-10 25.00 10,729.34
    16-Sep-10 50.00 10,779.34
    17-Sep-10 4,000.00 14,779.34
    18-Sep-10 3,483.00 18,262.34
    19-Sep-10 1,165.00 19,427.34

Balance after deductions (89%)
Some of those may not be related to this crazy exercise, but that's truly amazing!

I'm more a lurker than a participant on here, but huge respect to the crazy man that started this, and to those that made such a dream into reality.

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Robert Ribbeck

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Message 1034581 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 21:12:31 UTC - in response to Message 1034536.  

I'm retired living on a fixed income
Since there are those that are to CHEAP to even get in on the $1O challenge
here's another $10+

Thank you for your gift of $15.00 via Mastercard on 09/19/2010.
You gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $15.00

Your confirmation number is:
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Message 1034599 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 22:08:55 UTC - in response to Message 1034581.  
Last modified: 19 Sep 2010, 22:21:45 UTC

Hopefully that wasn't aimed at Me, As I'm not too cheap, I'm broke currently. As I also live on a fixed income.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1034604 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 22:34:01 UTC - in response to Message 1034599.  

Hopefully that wasn't aimed at Me, As I'm not too cheap, I'm broke currently. As I also live on a fixed income.

No, Vic.......
Nobody is too 'cheap'.........

Some cannot afford to donate extra funds to Seti, some simply do not wish to.......
Some can afford to grant us $4000.00, some $10.00, some none.

It's all good, as one's heart is where the kibble lies..........+-
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1034620 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 23:06:45 UTC

I am done here........

Believe it or not, I have gotten some rotten PMs about my ATTITUDE........and accusing me of misdoing.........

Implying that I was making jest of those who could not afford a $100.00 gift.
And that somehow I was making money offa this fund drive. How could I EVEN????????

Nothing could be further from the truth, and I thought I had made that very clear here.

You give me a thousand $1.00 donations, and I will make it happen, somehow.......

Even if it comes out of my own kitties' kibble bowls.......

So do not EVER accuse me again of doing anything in other than Seti's best interests here.

I thought I had done good, but I am crying now.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

ID: 1034620 · Report as offensive
Profile Uli
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Message 1034621 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 23:08:55 UTC - in response to Message 1034387.  

Time for an update

$100 Tim Norton
$500 MarkJ
$200 Helli
$100 Lupo
$400 SciManStev
$100 MSattler
$200 Soft^Spirit
$150 Gary Charpentier
$243 JohnDK
$1K Jon
$50 MSattler
$250 MarkJ
$10 Nanodk
&20 perryjay
$50 James Sotherden
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$75 Area51
$100 BoincWoman
$250 Terror Australis
$100 Albireo380
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$10 Marine Iguana
$10 MP3
$10 MadmaC
$150 Magnet
$50 Geek@Play
$50 Jeff Bakle
$300 Orioneti
$10 Robert Ribbeck
$15 Robert Ribbeck
$150 Anonymous

$4,000 Joe Segur, for general purposes

Did I misspell your name, missed you as a double donor or plain missed your donation? Ok, now is your one time chance to get a little huffy with a Mod, moi
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

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ID: 1034621 · Report as offensive
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Message 1034624 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 23:13:02 UTC

The total so far is $4,753 without counting Joe's general donation.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

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ID: 1034624 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1034629 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 23:28:17 UTC - in response to Message 1034624.  

The total so far is $4,753 without counting Joe's general donation.

Thanks, hon.....

To the rest of y'all.......
Uli has been a good friend of mine for a few years now.
So I reserve the right to call her 'hon'.

It's between us, and shall remain so, even though I have never met her............

So let's lay THAT one to rest as well.

The kittyman loves Lori, Callie kitten (especially 'cuz she's not doing so well), Starbucks......because he loves the new kittens, Leo........Ty

I think I mentioned........Lori has a pair of Maine Coon kittehs.....now 7 months old..........and they are freaking amazing. We went to a kitty with purebred breeders competing.......and there were NONE as grand as hers.
No BS here......their tails are getting to be as large as their whole bodies.
THAT is a Maine Coon.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1034635 - Posted: 19 Sep 2010, 23:42:13 UTC - in response to Message 1034620.  

I am done here........

Believe it or not, I have gotten some rotten PMs about my ATTITUDE........and accusing me of misdoing.........

Implying that I was making jest of those who could not afford a $100.00 gift.
And that somehow I was making money offa this fund drive. How could I EVEN????????

Nothing could be further from the truth, and I thought I had made that very clear here.

You give me a thousand $1.00 donations, and I will make it happen, somehow.......

Even if it comes out of my own kitties' kibble bowls.......

So do not EVER accuse me again of doing anything in other than Seti's best interests here.

I thought I had done good, but I am crying now.

An amazing feat, but sadly, some even more amazing (for want of a better word) attitudes. It heartens and saddens at the same time. Come this Friday (Yippee Day, as I'm 'rich' for a couple of days!) I'll throw what I can, into whatever hat is around S@H. Somehow.

Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
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Message 1034637 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 0:06:54 UTC - in response to Message 1034636.  

Thank you for all you have done the last few weeks. Without your enthusiasm in these fund drives the boys at Berkeley would still be scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to get enough for a new server not half as good as they can have now.

They will probably have enough left over for a beer or two at their local watering hole too. At least I hope they do. I sure wouldn't begrudge them a couple. (They can take it out of my $20.00 if it's still left over. I didn't specify any use for it.)

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Message 1034640 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 0:14:11 UTC


Since I am paying off my house this year; I thought that I could give a little.

Thanks to all the seti staff and to you.


We received your gift of $50.00 via Mastercard on 09/19/2010.

Your confirmation number is 63035.

ID: 1034640 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1034642 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 0:15:24 UTC - in response to Message 1034637.  
Last modified: 20 Sep 2010, 0:16:35 UTC

Thank you for all you have done the last few weeks. Without your enthusiasm in these fund drives the boys at Berkeley would still be scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to get enough for a new server not half as good as they can have now.

They will probably have enough left over for a beer or two at their local watering hole too. At least I hope they do. I sure wouldn't begrudge them a couple. (They can take it out of my $20.00 if it's still left over. I didn't specify any use for it.)

Sweet mother of God....they should all have a hell of a kegger on our behalf when the deed is done.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1034695 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 2:19:10 UTC


The tactlessness of some people is unimaginable. As cynical as I am, it's beyond comprehension that anyone could question your motives in this endeavor.

So anyway, since I live in Vegas, I happened to be in a casino last night, and slipped a fiver into a slot machine and got quite lucky. It's found money to me anyway, so I'll add it to the pile.

Thank you for your gift of $100.00 via Visa on 09/19/2010.
You gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $100.00

Your confirmation number is:
ID: 1034695 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1034706 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 2:44:45 UTC - in response to Message 1034695.  
Last modified: 20 Sep 2010, 2:46:58 UTC


The tactlessness of some people is unimaginable. As cynical as I am, it's beyond comprehension that anyone could question your motives in this endeavor.

So anyway, since I live in Vegas, I happened to be in a casino last night, and slipped a fiver into a slot machine and got quite lucky. It's found money to me anyway, so I'll add it to the pile.

Thank you for your gift of $100.00 via Visa on 09/19/2010.
You gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $100.00

Your confirmation number is:

Well........You know hos it goes.......

Sugar is sweet, so it attratct flies and all sorts of.........

Thanks.,gatekeeper hanks.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1034707 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 2:51:34 UTC

You gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $100.00

Your confirmation number is:

That should cover the confusion over coffee funds last month. .. or close to it.
The idea of someone installing a new server without adequate caffiene levels
I find frightening.

And.. that should empty out my donation abilities for some time.

ID: 1034707 · Report as offensive
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Message 1034711 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 3:06:29 UTC - in response to Message 1034621.  

Time for an update

$100 Tim Norton
$500 MarkJ
$200 Helli
$100 Lupo
$400 SciManStev
$100 MSattler
$200 Soft^Spirit
$150 Gary Charpentier
$243 JohnDK
$1K Jon
$50 MSattler
$250 MarkJ
$10 Nanodk
&20 perryjay
$50 James Sotherden
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$75 Area51
$100 BoincWoman
$250 Terror Australis
$100 Albireo380
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$10 Marine Iguana
$10 MP3
$10 MadmaC
$150 Magnet
$50 Geek@Play
$50 Jeff Bakle
$300 Orioneti
$10 Robert Ribbeck
$15 Robert Ribbeck
$150 Anonymous
$50 bj
$100 Gatekeeper
$100 Soft^Spirit

$4,000 Joe Segur, for general purposes

Did I misspell your name, missed you as a double donor or plain missed your donation? Ok, now is your one time chance to get a little huffy with a Mod, moi.

Tally so far in this upgrade drive $5,003

Pluto will always be a planet to me.

Seti Ambassador
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ID: 1034711 · Report as offensive
kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1034722 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 3:26:56 UTC - in response to Message 1034707.  

You gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $100.00

Your confirmation number is:

That should cover the confusion over coffee funds last month. .. or close to it.
The idea of someone installing a new server without adequate caffiene levels
I find frightening.

And.. that should empty out my donation abilities for some time.

OMG, Uli, did you make a total, hon?

An impressive list, my friends.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

ID: 1034722 · Report as offensive
Profile zoom3+1=4
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Message 1034725 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 3:40:53 UTC - in response to Message 1034711.  

Time for an update

$100 Tim Norton
$500 MarkJ
$200 Helli
$100 Lupo
$400 SciManStev
$100 MSattler
$200 Soft^Spirit
$150 Gary Charpentier
$243 JohnDK
$1K Jon
$50 MSattler
$250 MarkJ
$10 Nanodk
$20 perryjay
$50 James Sotherden
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$75 Area51
$100 BoincWoman
$250 Terror Australis
$100 Albireo380
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$10 Marine Iguana
$10 MP3
$10 MadmaC
$150 Magnet
$50 Geek@Play
$50 Jeff Bakle
$300 Orioneti
$10 Robert Ribbeck
$15 Robert Ribbeck
$150 Anonymous
$50 bj
$100 Gatekeeper
$100 Soft^Spirit

$4,000 Joe Segur, for general purposes

Did I misspell your name, missed you as a double donor or plain missed your donation? Ok, now is your one time chance to get a little huffy with a Mod, moi.

Tally so far in this upgrade drive $5,003


I did see an ampersand instead of a dollar sign on Perryjay, But I fixed that, Other than that, That is one impressive list.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1034725 · Report as offensive
Profile Geek@Play
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Message 1034726 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 3:43:04 UTC

Absolutely an impressive list................

And you just can't say enough about Joe Segur who really stepped up in a big way!
Thanks Joe!
ID: 1034726 · Report as offensive
Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1034727 - Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 3:44:35 UTC

Need someone in the staff to wave their magic wand and say "okay we have enough!" I am suspecting they do but.. keep it pouring in until then?
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Message boards : Number crunching : Quick fundraiser for SETI's new server

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