Quick fundraiser for SETI's new server

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Profile Helli_retiered
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Message 1023193 - Posted: 6 Aug 2010, 19:41:16 UTC
Last modified: 6 Aug 2010, 19:50:09 UTC

Thank you for your gift of $1000.00 for the SETI@home via Visa on 08/06/2010.

Your confirmation number is: 62470

4th confirmed.

A loooong time ago: First Credits after SETI@home Restart
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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1023194 - Posted: 6 Aug 2010, 19:46:22 UTC

well.. hopefully that gives a running start anyway. They can add memory from smaller donations as needed, even fill a CPU socket or two later..

But hopefully they can scrap a server together out of it.
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Terror Australis
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Message 1023203 - Posted: 6 Aug 2010, 20:25:38 UTC
Last modified: 6 Aug 2010, 20:38:38 UTC

Ok, so I'm a bit late but it's 5:00am here :-)

Thank you for your gift of $1000.00 for the SETI@home

Your confirmation number is: 62472


[edit] Kittyman, you really know how to guilt trip a bloke :-) [/edit]
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Profile perryjay
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Message 1023204 - Posted: 6 Aug 2010, 20:36:32 UTC

Ok, I count $6,000.00. That's really fantastic guys. I just don't know what to say. That should get them something really great to play with. Since Jeff has posted already here I'm sure he will let us know what they get as soon as he can. Here's looking forward to a big improvement in the near future.

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Profile Dave Hogan

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Message 1023207 - Posted: 6 Aug 2010, 20:59:22 UTC

Wow, that's impressive. Once I'm back to work I'll make sure to throw in something, but I'm not sure I can do $1000. Thanks on behalf of those that want to help the project but just can't afford it!
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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1023212 - Posted: 6 Aug 2010, 21:11:39 UTC - in response to Message 1023208.  

People do what they need to do.
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Josef W. Segur
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Message 1023213 - Posted: 6 Aug 2010, 21:12:57 UTC - in response to Message 1023194.  

well.. hopefully that gives a running start anyway. They can add memory from smaller donations as needed, even fill a CPU socket or two later..

But hopefully they can scrap a server together out of it.

Agreed, a good start. With the power, rack space, and cooling limitations in the closet restricting what's suitable and ECC server RAM definitely on the expensive side, I'm sure additional donations would be a very good idea.
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Profile Geek@Play
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Message 1023223 - Posted: 6 Aug 2010, 21:46:44 UTC
Last modified: 6 Aug 2010, 21:48:00 UTC

I must say...............................
Thank You
to the 6 $1000.00 USD contributors.
I wish I could have joined you but close inspection of my savings denied me that priviledge.

And to the OP......you certainly know how to raise funds for Seti! Good Job!
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Profile SciManStev Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1023248 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 0:11:51 UTC

You are all great! I normally love this type of thing, but very sadly I am unable to help. If there was a way, I certainly would. :(

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Profile Dirk Sadowski
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Message 1023263 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 1:15:10 UTC

A big 'Thanks a lot!' to Mark for his idea!
A big 'Thanks a lot!' to all who made a so big donation!
Very much appreciated!

I would if I could, but I can't donate a so large amount. I made a small donation in past.
Of course, if I would win in the lottery, the SETI@home crew would get the best server which are available on the market and the fastest internet connection which is possible.
But I think/worry I'll never win.

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Profile Uli
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Message 1023267 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 1:49:42 UTC

You raised $7,000 in a very short time. Baring any unforseen circumstances, I will witness it, when Janice hands Eric her donation. I am so looking forward to see that star next to her name.
I think Pappa is working on another hardware donation.
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Message 1023270 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 2:01:24 UTC - in response to Message 1023172.  
Last modified: 7 Aug 2010, 2:17:44 UTC

Here are some details on why we are shopping for a new server. Currently, our SAH science database runs on a Sun x4500. While rock solid and trouble free, the max 16GB of real memory is a painful bottleneck in our back end processing (even during the outage days). The ntpckr and rfi filter are very memory intensive. We still need to nail down just how much memory we will need.

Jeff et al

thumper: Sun Fire X4500 (2 x dual-core 2.6GHz Opteron, 16 GB RAM)

In a question by a "user" we came up with a Multi CPU/Core that would do NITPCKR with at least 4 gig of RAM/core.

The question is if there were 2 Opti's and a butt ton of Ram, what is the connection interface to the Database Gigabit Internet (presumed) or Fiber Channel... Most modern ServerBoards support 32Gig/CPU

The bottleneck might not be the RAM, it might be that the process is single threaded... It might be time to look at what is being done over at Aqua@home (my other dual CPU project for Boinc Alpha). Thus what is loaded in the RAM get handled by the designated cores. A couple of cores write records (returned Results) Then NITPCKR has X cores X RAM and RFI has X cores and X RAM.

I did a quick Servers Direct for a dual 6100 series

2U rackmount (Supermicro's main board) (2) 6100 Opti's at 2.0GHZ (16 Cores), 64 Gig of RAM the riser support 8 PCI-E slots, Dual Gigabit network and (2) 500 drives (no added raid controller) for the OS. $4671 plus tax and shipping.


Edit: to take it to 80 Gig of RAM would be $6214.00 before tax and shipping
Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Profile Pappa
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Message 1023317 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 3:18:34 UTC


Thank You, All for the Conntributions.

The quick response, it is to be admired.

Seriously, I still see people complaining about this or that. There are no funds for a Seti Staff Memeber to hold your hand. It really comes down to "You and I" doing what we can to help Seti Survive.

So even $10 helps, when you add that up over "all" the Seti Users it can make more difference than you realize. It is "You" that care and find a way to make it happen.


Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Profile Dave Hogan

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Message 1023335 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 4:44:11 UTC - in response to Message 1023317.  

I'm hoping to start helping the week I get back to work. What can the team do with $20, $50, or $100 from a donation?

Knowing these details might motivate us even if we can't afford it.
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Message 1023341 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 5:07:14 UTC - in response to Message 1023335.  

I'm hoping to start helping the week I get back to work. What can the team do with $20, $50, or $100 from a donation?

Knowing these details might motivate us even if we can't afford it.

As Pappa said, every little bit helps. This quick fundraiser was awesome! This can get the team a new server. I wish I had the money to help, but my bills and family gotta come first. :-( With these next few months being holiday's, I get good pay for working them. I just might try to throw $100 by the end of the year, if things go the way I hope they go.
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Profile Uli
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Message 1023344 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 5:24:33 UTC - in response to Message 1023341.  

Why don't you bring your family down here? Instead of the SF Zoo"
I'm hoping to start helping the week I get back to work. What can the team do with $20, $50, or $100 from a donation?

Knowing these details might motivate us even if we can't afford it.

As Pappa said, every little bit helps. This quick fundraiser was awesome! This can get the team a new server. I wish I had the money to help, but my bills and family gotta come first. :-( With these next few months being holiday's, I get good pay for working them. I just might try to throw $100 by the end of the year, if things go the way I hope they go.

Pluto will always be a planet to me.

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Profile Pappa
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Message 1023346 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 5:29:33 UTC - in response to Message 1023335.  
Last modified: 7 Aug 2010, 5:32:24 UTC

I'm hoping to start helping the week I get back to work. What can the team do with $20, $50, or $100 from a donation?

Knowing these details might motivate us even if we can't afford it.

This is tough, I myself have not given up on Finding ET or attempting to help get money to support Seti. Over the years I know that donation requests get caught in SPAM filters or many users have many reason to not send money. It is tough actually explain some of the things that Eric and I have had conversations about in keeping the doors open. For a long time I expalined without details about why...

We know that there are monthly expenses that are handled by the University. We know that the Seti Staff are paid by the University. What some do not know that the tasks that they bill against go to project A or B. I surmise that billing is about optimizing or Science. Generally that tells me that that Seti is dieing. Yes it goes along with Staff statements that the Science wlll be done after the doors are closed.

So for as myself and "others" who were prime movers in Donations and getting Bruno built. It is tough for me to just let it go. So from a donated Server Motherboard and less than $3000 later (a couple of years ago) Seti Users moved Seti ahead. You the Seti Users helped to solve one problem... WE are now here again.
So as I am unemployed and the number of my machines have decreased. I still have a green star. I Do what I can. Nothing more is asked.

If 10% of the Users could give $10, we would not be having this conversation. So yes, it is not easy...

Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Profile Uli
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Message 1023372 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 6:43:17 UTC

In my case that would be three Sodas or Two packs of smokes a day.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

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Message 1023378 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 7:04:14 UTC

I wish I could kick some more in but am struggling to keep my doors open...
Official Abuser of Boinc Buttons...
And no good credit hound!
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Profile soft^spirit

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Message 1023384 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 7:18:45 UTC

This push.. was to get a powerful enough server to do what is needed. What exactly they need, let thim decide. If they can do some of the work on Fermi or Tesla cards.. then that is what they should put in if it makes sense to them.

The servers may need a bit more hardware. Other upgrades/maintenance may be needed. 6-7 people just got carried away here... do NOT let it lessen smaller
donations, and donations to the general project. Employees still need to be able to respond, connectors/cables/hubs are no less vital, other hardware will be needed, and the lists go on. So 10/20/100, it all adds up.

System admin, programming, engineering. R&D, does not (or should not) come cheap. Even if they decide tomorrow that "this will not work".. Much has been learned from it, and SETI@home has been and is a success. And everyone who has crunched work units whether it is 200 or 200 million has contributed to it.

20-30 years ago people were listening to the universe with 6 ft satellite dishes and radios. 20-30 years from now it might be an entirely different approach. But we do need to see SETI@home through to its natural conclusion,
whatever that might be, and however long that might take.

Mark: Ya did good. I wanna slap you silly for how you did it, but you still managed to do good.

Seti staff: Choose wisely, I am not doing this donation again next month.
And the rest of you.. Do what you can, do what is appropriate.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Quick fundraiser for SETI's new server

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