Thoughts on aging..........

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 809079 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 6:19:44 UTC
Last modified: 17 Sep 2008, 6:44:50 UTC

I see as I grow older that my thoughts have slowly changed....
They seem more chaotic now that my body has been through age.
I think more slowly now, and yet sometimes so bright and clear,
but my ability to share my thoughts is becoming all too dear.

I am really quite contented now, with my thoughts and with my cats.....
They let me know that I'm their love, and that is where it's at.
But I falter now more often than I used to and that bothers...
me as well as friends I know, as I don't wish to trouble others.

I forget things that I used to know, and would often share with friends.
I've forgotten more than I used to know and that bothers me to all ends.
I used to be a trivia whiz, and now I can't remember
the name of that song I knew before I hit September.

I am not old, by some folks' terms, I'm only 51..
And I still can sit and think about the youthful things I've done.
Some were painful, some were grand, some fill me with remorse.
The things I've had to apologize for I do regret of course.

I have good days, and I have bad, much like the rest of you....
But the unkind days come sooner now, they are not so far and few.
I get up in the morning with a wish that I may find
a day that treats me fairly and maybe could be kind.

But all too often I crawl back home after the day's worth full of labor
And wonder what it was that made me so unable
to keep that thought I had when waking
when at the breakfast table.

The only things I have to hold that keep me somewhat sane
are the luv of kitties that I adore and that the love of God remains.
And all too often I forget to think about my God given pets.
And what they mean to me and yet.......
It is all too easy to forget.

So I wander in my thoughts.....and they may take me anywhere...
But I shall continue with you, my Seti friends to talk an for to share
the little I have to offer you as friends..
Cuz I guess that friendship never ends.

Forgive my ramblings if you can,
for the time is late at night.
My muse just gets me into this kind of mood sometimes.
And I know I can be a fright.

My mind gets smaller, and the memories are harder to find,
but I still keep certain special things right here, kept in my mind.
Those things that keep me happy, and bring a bit of joy,
And keep me on the day-to-day, they keep me getting by.

But know this, all true friends of mine,
That I hold you close and dear,
and that age alone won't keep me from
keeping your memories dear.

msattler 9/17/08
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Monday Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 809083 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 6:56:53 UTC

Interesting poem Mark, thanks for sharing. I'm 51 also but, alas, some days I feel much older. I was going to say something else... but I forgot what it was. Se la vive. :)
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 809101 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 8:56:50 UTC - in response to Message 809083.  
Last modified: 17 Sep 2008, 9:02:50 UTC

Interesting poem Mark, thanks for sharing. I'm 51 also but, alas, some days I feel much older. I was going to say something else... but I forgot what it was. Se la vive. :)

Thank you Monday, you do not leave your little perch very often.......
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Message 809115 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 10:58:26 UTC

Keep off the fags and stay young?

Stay away from the fatty sugary salty "fast/junk" food also...

Whiskey is still ok :-)

Happy long crunchin'!


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Message 809126 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 12:27:00 UTC

. . . Well said Mark - accolades to You Sir!

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
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Profile [KWSN]John Galt 007
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Message 809130 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 13:00:30 UTC

Wonderful words, Mark...

I, as all of you, continue to age. I will be 38 on Friday. I will no longer be the magical age of 37 (37?? In a row??(and if you get that, I have a podcast that you must subscribe to)), but this doesn't worry me. As long as I have my faith, family, and friends (the few that I do have), I can continue on this great journey of life. I may forget what I want to say or what I came into a room for, or thoughts and ideas, but that is all part of living...

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Profile Clyde C. Phillips, III

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Message 809191 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 18:21:13 UTC

I exercise every day - run, walk, even do weights. I almost always eat at home and watch what I eat. I watch the salt, fat, sugar, etc and eat a lot of fiber. I look at food labels to see how much of the evil things the foods contain. Some foods do contain fat: canned salmon, for example, but that fat is good fat. Since canned salmon contains a lot of salt I break up the meat and rinse it in a pan of water for 30 minutes. I drain it with a fine-mesh colander. I don't think the water carries off the fat because they don't mix. But it does carry off a whole lot of the salt.
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John McCallum

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Message 809192 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 18:30:05 UTC - in response to Message 809191.  

I exercise every day - run, walk, even do weights. I almost always eat at home and watch what I eat. I watch the salt, fat, sugar, etc and eat a lot of fiber. I look at food labels to see how much of the evil things the foods contain. Some foods do contain fat: canned salmon, for example, but that fat is good fat. Since canned salmon contains a lot of salt I break up the meat and rinse it in a pan of water for 30 minutes. I drain it with a fine-mesh colander. I don't think the water carries off the fat because they don't mix. But it does carry off a whole lot of the salt.

sorry Clyde but the water that you use to rinse the salmon with does take most of the fish oil with it beter to eat fresh salmon if you can all the taste all the fish oils and very litle salt(fresh salmon = frozen too).

Old enough to know better(but)still young enough not to care
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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 809227 - Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 21:43:04 UTC

a great poem Mark ;-)

still.. theres something that grows with age -

the value of experience.. and the wisdom in heart. ;-)

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 809380 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 3:46:06 UTC

Thanks everybody.......glad you enjoyed it.

I don't know what comes over me sometimes.....I just get these thoughts in my head and feel the need to express and share it...

Maybe that's something that comes with age too......

Thanks for listening and responding.
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Message 809392 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 4:13:18 UTC - in response to Message 809380.  

Thanks everybody.......glad you enjoyed it.

I don't know what comes over me sometimes.....I just get these thoughts in my head and feel the need to express and share it...

Maybe that's something that comes with age too......

Thanks for listening and responding.

Nice poem msattler,

I thought this thread would have some quips about getting old and googled old jokes before even looking at this thread. I hope you'll allow this lighter side of the phenomenon to find a small place here. (I'm old.):

From: A Senior Citizen

I am a senior citizen...

- I'm the life of the party... even when it lasts 'till 8pm.

- I'm very good at opening childproof caps with a hammer.

- I'm usually interested in going home before I get to where I'm going.

- I'm good on a trip for at least an hour without my aspirin, antacid...

- I'm the first one to find the bathroom wherever I go.

- I'm awake many hours before my body allows me to get up.

- I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear a word you're saying.

- I'm very good at telling stories...over and over and over and over.

- I'm aware that other people's grandchildren are not as bright as mine.

- I'm so cared for: long-term care, eye care, private care, dental care.

- I'm not grouchy, I just don't like traffic, waiting, children, politicians...

- I'm positive I did housework correctly before the Internet.

- I'm sure everything I can't find is in a secure place.

- I'm wrinkled, saggy and lumpy, and that's just my left leg.

- I'm having trouble remembering simple words like... uh...

- I'm realizing that aging is not for sissies.

- I'm walking more (to the bathroom) and enjoying it less.

- I'm sure they are making adults much younger these days.

- I'm in the *initial* state of my golden years: SS, CD's, IRA's, AARP.

- I'm wondering, if you're only as old as you feel, how could I be alive at 150?

- I'm anti-everything now: anti-fat, anti-smoke, anti-noise, anti-inflammatory.

- I'm a walking storeroom of facts... I've just lost the key to the storeroom.

- I'm a Senior Citizen and I think I am having the time of my life... Aren't I?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
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Profile Stealth Eagle*
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Message 809403 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 4:46:54 UTC

For another view on aging go here

What you do today you will have to live with tonight
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 809406 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 4:49:31 UTC
Last modified: 18 Sep 2008, 5:01:10 UTC

Thanks McGray.....

My poem was very pensive and heartfelt.....

But injecting a bit of humor into it is not a bad thing. It is something we all shall face. I guess at my age, I am past my 'midlife crisis' and starting to ponder those things that I face that I cannot do anything about.

The only thing that scares me is the thought of losing my mind before my body has been all used up.

I am already addicted to 'pocket t-shirts', because the pocket always carries a few scraps of paper and a pen to jot down things that I want to do, or things I want to say here on Seti, or bills I have to remember to pay, etc....

I have on more than one occasion been driven to tears because I just cannot bring to my mind something that I KNOW is stored there somewhere.....things that I KNOW that I knew. But I just can't access it anymore.

And yet sometimes, it is quite amazing, that a random thought comes across my mind while I am at work, and I must write it down so I can play with it when I am back at home and have the time.

Some of my kitty poems have been spawned while I was at work and some darn thought or a couple of lines of words just force themselves on me out of nowhere.

And sometimes it happens like last night......
I was almost ready to go to bed, and this thought came to me out of nowhere, and I had to type it out......

I just opened a new thread here, and started notes, no forethoughts, it just flowed and carried me with it........

Here is another short one........

"There are thoughts that flow throughout my being
that sometimes I must share.
For when I'm gone I'd hate to think
the no one else had cared.

So I share them while I'm able, when and where they do occur
for when I'm gone and cannot share, no one else will ever see
what thoughts I'd had within my soul
if I don't take the time right here and now to try to set them free....

I hope my Seti friends don't mind too much
if I carry on now and again.
I'd hope my thoughts would have some value
to those who are my friends.

It's not my wish here to impose,
and my posts can be ignored.
But please could you wait to do so friends
'till I am with my Lord?"

msattler 9/17/08
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Profile Stealth Eagle*
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Message 809407 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 4:54:19 UTC

Mark you don't impose in my opinion. I like the things you share.
Now for some humor check out the link in my previous post. I cannot post it here as I would get modded.

What you do today you will have to live with tonight
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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 809447 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 12:11:50 UTC - in response to Message 809407.  
Last modified: 18 Sep 2008, 12:12:28 UTC

Mark you don't impose in my opinion. I like the things you share.
Now for some humor check out the link in my previous post. I cannot post it here as I would get modded.

Lol.. I would obviously be the first one to complain about a humourus post. hehe.

Now, all you old guys.. please have a beautiful morning ;-D

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Message 809450 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 12:16:07 UTC - in response to Message 809447.  

Now, all you old guys.. please have a beautiful morning ;-D

And may you forever stay 21!


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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 809451 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 12:37:03 UTC - in response to Message 809450.  

Now, all you old guys.. please have a beautiful morning ;-D

And may you forever stay 21!


Which brings me to one of my favorite songs of all time,

Written by Bob Dylan, and performed by one of the most beautiful voices I know....Joan Baez. Forever Young

Sums it up pretty nicely.

May you all stay forever young....................
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 809466 - Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 13:25:36 UTC - in response to Message 809451.  

Now, all you old guys.. please have a beautiful morning ;-D

And may you forever stay 21!


Which brings me to one of my favorite songs of all time,

Written by Bob Dylan, and performed by one of the most beautiful voices I know....Joan Baez. Forever Young

Sums it up pretty nicely.

May you all stay forever young....................

Cheers to that ;-)

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Message boards : Cafe SETI : Thoughts on aging..........

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