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Message 935147 - Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 0:06:41 UTC - in response to Message 935076.  

Questions for Christians.

1. Explain why your god's only son had to die so we can go to magic happy land when we die.

2. Did everyone who died before Jesus died go to Hell? Justify your answer.

3. If a Catholic, justify the Inquisition and other persecutions of "heretics" throughout the centuries, concentrating on why the Pelagianists, the Priscillianists, and the Manichaeans were persecuted; if a Protestant, justify the witch trials and the way that Protestants constantly hunted down native Americans until there were so few that the government could simply take their land; if a member of an Eastern Orthodox church, justify the persecutions of the Old Believers after the reforms of the seventeenth century.

4. Explain why your sect (whether Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox) pursued, tortured, and killed people who were not Christian.

5. Explain why your sect (whether Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox) pursued, tortured, and killed people who were not members of your particular sect.

6. Explain why I should believe that your god is all-good when the only real information we have about him is the Bible, which clearly describes him as both good and evil. (See Isaiah 30:32, Luke 14:26, Numbers 31:17-18, Matthew 10:34, Amos 3:6, Deuteronomy 18:8, Deuteronomy 20:16, Exodus 20:5, Exodus 32:27, Isaiah 45:7, Psalms 52:5, Luke 22:36, and Jeremiah 18:11 for a small sample of Biblical passages which describe Jehovah as having an evil morality at times).

7. Explain why, when racism is clearly wrong, Jesus was clearly a racist (see Mark 7:25-29). NOTE: under no circumstances will I believe the idea that racism is morally acceptable.

8. Explain why, when discrimination against women is clearly wrong, the Bible clearly supports the oppression of women. Answering this question entails refuting 1 Cor 11 and 1 Tim 2:11-15. NOTE: under no circumstances will I believe that discrimination against women solely on the basis of sex is morally acceptable.

9. Explain why, when slavery is clearly wrong, the Bible clearly supports slavery. Answering this question entails refuting 1 Peter 2:18. NOTE: under no circumstances will I believe that slavery is an acceptable way to run a society.

10. Explain why children should submit to their parents' decisions even when those decisions are clearly evil. Answering this question entails refuting Deuteronomy 21:18-21, Proverbs 13:24, and Hebrews 12:7-8.

11. Explain why, if your god loves us all, more than half of us are going to Hell after we die. Specifically, refute or explain the following words of Christ, as presented in the New Testament: "Many are called but few are chosen," and "Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto salvation, and few there be that find it." If your god loves all of us, couldn't he find a better way?

12. Explain what type of offense could possibly justify eternal, unbearable torture in Hell; if your sect does not believe in Hell, then refute every passage in the Old and New Testaments which describes Hell (such as 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 and Revelation 20:15). Do not exceed 100 words.

13. Explain how your god can be both just and merciful, when these terms apparently contradict each other.

14. Explain why possession by demons and/or other evil spirits was common during the time of Jesus, but hardly mentioned in the Old Testament, and apparently has been explained completely away today by things such as epilepsy and schizophrenia.

15. Explain why, if the personality resides in the soul, things like drugs and brain damage can affect someone's personality.

16. If heaven is a place where everyone is perfectly happy, then explain how I could be happy in heaven if I had loved ones in Hell.

17. What is Heaven like?

18. What is Hell like?

19. Explain why original sin exists. Why should I be eternally tortured for something that a pair of naked fruit-munching simpletons did in a garden over six thousand years ago? If you believe that children are born stained because they were conceived sexually, explain why I would be punished for something my parents did by your merciful and just god. If this does not apply to your sect, explain why.

20. Explain why getting dunked in or sprinkled with water will prevent me from being eternally tortured for the actions of the naked fruit-munching simpletons mentioned in #19.

21. If your god did not want Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, why did he put the tree in the garden of Eden (and at the center, no less)? Was it for shade? If so, why use something so dangerous as a shade tree? If the purpose of the tree was to tempt Adam and Eve, explain why it's OK for your god to engage in a practice that our modern-day courts of law refer to as "entrapment."

22. Explain why sex, potentially one of the most wonderful, beautiful things in human nature, is considered "bad" by your particular sect. If your sect does not consider sex to be "bad," then refute Matthew 19:12, 1 Corinthians 7 (particularly verses 1 and 9), Galatians 5:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, James 1:14-15, Matthew 24:38, Luke 17:27, and Revelation 14:4.

23. Explain why, if Jesus was perfect, he thought that the end of the world was coming soon, when it has clearly not come yet. See Matthew 16:27-28.

24. Explain why some people (James, Peter, Paul, Thomas, etc.) should get convincing physical proof of miracles, while the rest of us are supposed to take these happenings on faith.

25. Why are the stories of the resurrection inconsistent?

26. If you are a Protestant or a member of an Eastern Orthodox church, explain why you are still using the Catholic Bible, which was formalized by a vote among (supposedly divinely inspired) cardinals and bishops in the fourth century CE, when you disagree with the idea that the Pope, who is higher in the Catholic hierarchy, is divinely inspired; if a Catholic, explain why your church accepts the canonical Bible while rejecting the Apocrypha (do not use the "divinely inspired" argument: Because I am not religious, I will not be able to accept it).

27. If your god is kind and gentle, why do some animals have to eat meat?

28. If your god is kind and gentle, why did he create parasites?

29. If your god wants us to worship him through our own free will, why does he threaten us with Hell? If you have someone threatening you with a punishment, it isn't free will.

30. Why would your god deliberately cause sinners to sin (cf. Romans 9:15-23 and numerous parts of the book of Exodus where Jehovah says, "I will harden Pharaoh's heart."). Are these sinners still responsible for the sins which your god forces them, against their will, to commit? Justify your answer.

31. If Jesus did have to die, why did someone (specifically, Judas) have to be damned in order accomplish the death and resurrection of Jesus? Jesus was at least a volunteer for the cross; I doubt that your god asked Judas if he was willing to go to Hell so that the resurrection could be accomplished.

32. If Judas was willing to go to Hell for humanity (see #31), didn't he make more of a sacrifice than Jesus, who spent only three hours in pain? Shouldn't we then be worshipping Judas?

33. Why should we accept the words of the gospel writers as truth when they are known to be liars? (See Romans 3:7).

34. Do you believe that your god is anti-homosexual? If so, explain why he would create homosexuals in the first place. If not, refute or explain away Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:26-27.

35. According to the Gospels, from the Christian standpoint, Jesus was the most important person to ever live. From the Roman standpoint, Jesus was a huge pain in the ass because of his political activities. Explain why nothing was written about his life for over thirty years after his death, and nothing except the Gospels was written until the third century CE.

36. Explain why you believe a person whose life is so poorly documented (see #36) was even ever born.

37. Define the word "Christ," including references to the pagan origins and meaning of the word.

38. Explain why Jesus, who was anti-Gentile (see Mark 7:25-29) and anti-sex (see Luke 14:26 and Matthew 19:12), would want to be anointed with oil in a pagan sexual rite after his death.

39. In light of Matthew 10:34, explain why Jesus is called the Prince of Peace.

40. The name "Jesus" has been anglicized. What was the original (Hebrew) name of Jesus? Where did you get this information?

41. Why is it that the life of Jesus was so similar to the lives of pagan Christs, particularly Herakles, Dionysios, and Asklepios?

42. If your god requires that people believe in him and follow his orders through their own free will, why do Christians push their views on public policy?

43. Explain why being a good Christian requires you to push your beliefs on others. If you do not believe that you have to push your views on others (no matter how much this annoys them), explain why you do not believe this despite the fact that the New Testament seems to suggest that you must do this to get to Heaven (for instance, in Matthew 28:19-20).

44. At no point in the four Gospels did Jesus claim to be the son of your god. (He said "son of man" quite frequently, and at one point referred to himself as "a son of god," but that was a common Hebrew expression at the time. Someone who was "a son of god" was a Jew. This reflected the Israelites' belief that they were the chosen people of your god. See Job 1:6). Why, then, do you believe that Jesus was divine? If you don't believe that Jesus was divine, then why do you call yourself a Christian?

45. Given the fact that Jesus did not say anything original (the Golden Rule and the "turn the other cheek" idea were stolen from Buddhism; and the Beatitudes were common in the Jewish devotional literature at the time), why do you see Jesus as such a great thinker/philosopher/ethicist?

46. When Jesus said, "Resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also," why do you suppose that most Christians fight for their rights? To put it another way, why don't we, as a country of 85% Christians, let the government abuse us?

47. Why are so many Christian holidays on the same day as Pagan holidays? Couldn't the early Church fathers have converted pagans only by appealing to their reason and/or faith if Christianity is the true religion?

48. Explain how your god can be "just and merciful" in light of Exodus 20:5.

49. Do you believe that the Old Testament should be accepted as part of Christian theology? If so, explain how you can worship such a cruel, sadistic being (see Numbers 31:17-18, Deuteronomy 20:16, Proverbs 20:30, Amos 3:6, Deuteronomy 13:8, Psalms 3:7, Psalms 52:5, etc.); if not, explain how you can believe that Jesus is the promised savior sent by your god without the messianic prophecies and the ruling rights of the line of David, both of which are in the Old Testament in books such as Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Psalms, etc. (as opposed to, say, believing that Jesus was an irritating nut wandering around saying things that people didn't like much).

50. Explain why your "just and merciful" god sent bears to kill forty-two children who called his prophet Elisha "baldhead." (See 2 Kings 2:23-24).

51. If prostitution is wrong, why are there so many examples of it in Genesis? (For instance, Gen 19:8, where Lot offers his daughters to a mob so that his guests can avoid gang rape).

52. What is the sin that people committed that is so incredibly bad that your god had to become flesh and die to correct?

53. Are all members of other faiths bad? Are they all damned to Hell? Justify your answer with quotes from the Bible.

54. Are all atheists/agnostics/humanists bad? Are they all damned to Hell? Justify your answer with quotes from the Bible.

55. Why don't animals go to heaven or hell when they die? What makes us so special?

56. Explain how you can believe in Satan when your faith is directly descended from the Jewish faith, when the Jews did not even believe in Satan until they absorbed the Egyptian god Set while they were captives in Egypt.

57. Why do evil people often prosper? Justify your answer.

58. Why do good people so often fail to prosper? Justify your answer.

59. Explain why your god lets airplanes with sinless infants on board crash.

60. If Jesus is perfect, justify the parable of the fig tree (Matthew 21:17-19, Mark 11:14-20).

61. Explain why Christians (yes, that includes all branches of Christianity) have spread the lie that Jews put Jesus to death when, in actuality, it was the Romans who put Jesus to death. (For a good example of New Testament anti-semetism, see 1 Thessalonians 2:15).

62. Explain why your god created humans as imperfect, then set his standards so high that no one could possibly live up to them, then punishes us for not living up to his standards. Doesn't this also constitute "entrapment?"

63. If we are created in your god's image and likeness (Gen 1:27), how can we also be imperfect?

64. Why was it OK for the ancient Israelites to sacrifice animals to their god, while it is wrong for modern religions to sacrifice animals to their gods? Justify your answer.

65. Why would your god confuse people? (See 1 Sam 7:10 and Gen 11:9). Isn't life confusing enough already?

66. Why would your god cause blindness, deafness, and dumbness? (See Ex 4:11)

67. Why would your god want to damn people by making them believe false things? (See 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

68. Should the book of Revelation be taken literally? Explain your answer.

69. Would it be good for men to castrate themselves? Justify your answer, taking Matthew 19:12 into account.

70. All of the various Christian sects ignore parts of the Bible, usually because those parts of the Bible are inconvenient. Explain which parts of the Bible your sect ignores, and explain why it is OK to ignore those parts of the Bible.

71. Why did your god allow Satan to do evil things to Job (Job 2:7 etc.)? Wouldn't your god better spend his time punishing unbelievers?

72. If Jesus and his father are one (John 10:30), then why does Jesus have to pray (i.e. Matthew 26:39)?

73. Explain your belief in heaven in light of Job 7:9 and Ecclesiastes 9:5.

74. Christ giving himself up on the cross was a great gesture, true, but wouldn't it have been more sensible for him to continue spreading his message until he died a natural death? Answer this question in light of your answer to question #1.

75. In view of Matthew 6:5-6, shouldn't prayer in public schools be discouraged? Support your answer with scripture quotes.

76. Do you feel that the last words of Christ were significant? If so, why do the four gospels attribute three different sentences to Christ as his last? (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"; Luke 23:46: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit"; John 19:30: "It is finished").

77. A commonly recited litany in many forms of Christianity is "The LORD is my shepherd." (Psalm 23:1). Given the fact that the only reasons that people raise sheep are to rob them of their clothes and to kill them for meat, and the fact that sheep will often follow the shepherd to their destruction, do you think that this is any appropriate image for your god? Justify your answer.

78. Why is the theory of the big bang any more (or less) likely that the idea that your god created the universe? Justify your answer. NOTE: I admit that science has not explained where the original super condensed particle came from, but no one has ever explained where your god came from, either.

79. If your god is everywhere at the same time, and hell is the absence of (or separation from) your god, how can he be omnipresent?

80. In the Genesis story, your god tells Adam and Eve that the day they eat from the tree of knowledge they will surely die (Gen 2:17). The devil tells them that they will not die, but that their eyes would be opened and they would know the difference between good and evil (Gen 3:5). Wasn't Satan telling the truth here? Is your god a liar? Justify your answer in light of Jeremiah 20:7 and Ezekiel 14:9.

81. The Bible constantly describes your god as male. In view of the fact that your god supposedly created everything, and creation is very much a female function, isn't this at least a little bit absurd? Justify your answer.

82. In light of the Trinity, angels, the Virgin Mary, etc., isn't Christianity polytheistic? If the Trinity is three who are one, why the three names? Justify your answer.

83. Have you read the entire Bible? If not, how can you be devoted enough to try and convert me to a religion that you don't know that much about? Isn't knowing as much as possible about something necessary to understanding it? Isn't understanding something necessary to being completely devoted to it?

84. Why is 2 Kings 19 exactly identical to Isaiah 37?

85. Is Jesus’ three days in Hell really an ultimate sacrifice, when more than half of humanity going to spend eternity there (see question #11)?

86. Assume that I do not believe that Jesus died for my sins, or that if he did, that necessarily means I will go to your heaven. Name one thing that Jesus ever did for me.

87. Before Mary was knocked up by the Holy Spirit/Ghost, she was never asked for her consent. (She was warned; see Luke 1:31). Mary was also asleep when your god knocked her up; this strongly suggests that he didn't want her to protest. Does this mean that Mary was raped by your god? Do you think rape is wrong? Explain.

88. If it was foretold that Jesus was to be crucified, and if he knew this, and if he was the son of your god, why did he do everything he could to avoid being crucified? (See, for instance, Matthew 26:39).

89. If the Holy Spirit/Ghost is the father of Jesus (Luke 1:35), then why is the central figure of your trinity called God the Father?

90. The original Hebrew word for the Holy Ghost/Spirit includes the idea that the Holy Spirit/Ghost is female in gender. Isn't this rather silly when you consider the fact that the Holy Ghost/Spirit is actually the father of Jesus (Luke 1:35)?

91. Matthew 28:11-15 contains an account of a conspiracy between the Jews and the Roman soldiers to spread the story that the disciples stole the body of Christ. How could Matthew have known about this, since no Jews or Romans would have admitted to it? If it was such a transparent conspiracy that an outsider could have seen it, why didn't the other three gospels mention it? Why didn't the Roman soldiers get into trouble?

92. Jews believe that people are basically good people and can work to overcome their sinful tendencies. Most Christian sects, following the teaching of Psalm 51:5, 1 Kings 8:46, Ezekiel 18:4, Isaiah 59:2, and Psalm 143:2, believe that people are completely debased and hopelessly lost in sin, and that only your god can lift us out of this state if he decides to bestow his gift of grace on us? Isn't this an incredibly negative view of people? Isn't Judaism a more mature faith just for this reason?

93. How do you, as an individual, feel about Psalm 51:5?

94. What does your sect teach about Psalm 51:5 (and 1 Kings 8:46, etc.), predestination, and similar matters?

95. Don't you think that the idea that no matter what we do, we can never be good and righteous without help from your god (Isaiah 64:6) fosters an unnatural and unhealthy dependency on him?

96. Revelation 22:16 says that Jesus is the "offspring of David." Mary was not descended from David, but Joseph was. Doesn't this mean that Jesus wasn't the son of your god at all, but the (mortal and not divine) son of Joseph?

97. What would the correct thing to do be if your god gave you a command that was harmful and/or destructive to you? A common argument, which comes from Paul, states that because clay pots don't complain about what the potter does with them, people shouldn't complain about what their maker (supposedly, your god) does with them, but this completely ignores the vitally important argument that clay pots have no sense of self-awareness and cannot think or feel love, pain, anger, etc. If you want to make this argument, you have to deal with this difference.

98. If your god is "just and merciful," why would he take Solomon's kingdom away from Solomon's son while not punishing Solomon, when it was Solomon himself who committed the sin of idolatry? What did Solomon's son do to deserve punishment? (See 1 Kings 11:12).

99. Why is Solomon commonly considered to be the paragon of wisdom by many Christians, when he constantly sinned against your god (1 Kings 11:4-10, etc.)? Personally, if I had a god talking to me, I'd do what he said.

100. Does it bother you that the cross, supposedly a Christian symbol, was actually stolen from the Egyptians? Why or why not? (The Egyptian cross, the ankh, was a male-female symbol similar in concept to the yin-yang. When the Christians stole the ankh from the Egyptians, they removed the female symbol, or yoni, leaving only the masculine symbol-- a subtle way of reinforcing the idea that women are lesser beings).

101. How do you explain that Christians are twice as likely to have sadomasochistic tendencies as non-Christians?

102. What is the incredibly important doctrinal difference that requires the fighting between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland?

103. Even if your god did create the universe, why does he want to be worshipped? Is your god an egomaniac?

104. How do you explain the fact that the word "blood" occurs over 400 times in the Bible? Isn't this a rather savage way to write a book that is supposed to be at the center of an ethical system?

105. Throughout the Bible, your god commands his followers to wage merciless war on unbelievers (Luke 22:36, Deuteronomy 13:8, Exodus 20:23-25, Deuteronomy 20:16, Matthew 10:34, Numbers 31:17-18, etc). If you are one of his followers, why aren't you out waging merciless war on unbelievers?

106. Numbers 23:21 says that your god "has not seen wickedness in Israel." If this is so, explain why your god burned Israelites for complaining (Num 11:1), sent a plague against them for eating the meat he had given them (Num 11:33), why he burned people for using incense (Num 16:35), why he sent a plague against the Israelites who accused Moses of wrongdoing (Num 16:44-49), and why he sent fiery snakes among the Israelites (Num 21:5). Is your god a liar, or was it just more convenient for him to lie at that particular place and time, or what?

107. What was it that was so bad about eating an apple that death had to result from that act?

108. What was it about humanity's torturing and killing of your god's only son that made your god so happy that he again promised eternal life to everyone who believed in him.

109. How do you explain that Matthew and Luke give different genealogies for Jesus?

110. Matthew says that the prophecy given in Matthew 27:9 was given by Jeremiah. How do you explain that this prophecy was not given by Jeremiah at all, but by Zechariah (in Zech 11:12)?

111. Matthew says (in Matt 2:21) that Jesus dealt in Nazareth so that he could fulfill a prophecy stating that the Messiah would be called a Nazarene. Where is this prophecy in the Old Testament?

112. Matthew says that on the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus was riding on an ass and a colt (Matt 21:7). How do you explain that the original prophecy (Zech 9:9) stated that Jesus would be riding on only one ass, and the other gospel writers place Jesus only on one ass (Mark 11:7, Luke 19:35, and John 12:15)?

113. In Matthew 1:23, Matthew has the angel say that Jesus would be born of a virgin. However, the prophecy that Matthew is referring to, Isaiah 7:14, uses the Hebrew word almah, which simply means a young woman. It has nothing to do with sexual purity; the Hebrew word for virgin is bethulah. How do you explain this?

114. Isaiah 7:16 seems to say that before Jesus had reached the age of maturity, both of the Jewish countries would be destroyed. Where is the fulfillment of this prophecy in the New Testament?

115. Matthew 1:23 says that Jesus would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Why does no one (not even his parents) call him Immanuel at any point in the New Testament?

116. If even the contemplation of sinning is a sin (i.e. "sinning in your heart"; see, for example, Matthew 5:28) and if Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert (Matthew 4:5-8, Luke 4:5-9), how can you say that Jesus was without sin?

117. Why do you think it is that the ancient Greeks, who had a very liberal sexual morality, had many fewer sex crimes (compared to the population) than the United States, which is 85% Christian?
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Message 935178 - Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 2:29:57 UTC - in response to Message 935147.  

Your reference to "magic happy land" proves your line of questioning is meant to be sarcastic and rhetorical. Nice of you to reveal that with the first question. Saved me a lot of time.
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Message 935199 - Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 5:03:53 UTC - in response to Message 935178.  
Last modified: 22 Sep 2009, 5:41:17 UTC

Your reference to "magic happy land" proves your line of questioning is meant to be sarcastic and rhetorical. Nice of you to reveal that with the first question. Saved me a lot of time.

Hey good for you. Now you can just ignore all of the really good questions because you found a way out. If you can't handle the first question, it is after all best that you don't look at the real meat and potatoes in the list.

But yeah I hear ya... heaven is neither magic or happy is it?

Seriously though, it just seems a bit convenient to summarily dismiss pages of valid questions because you don't like how one was worded. But something you said earlier had me thinking and I wanted to comment on it.

A person cannot prove God exists any more than they can prove that ET exists and vice versa. The observation that you can't even prove love (as it is unique within oneself) reinforces this message.

I have to disagree here and here are the reasons; first and foremost let's establish that the inability to disprove something doesn't make it a 50/50 possibility. I know you're not saying that, but just keep that in the back of your mind for a moment.

In regard to proving ET vs. god, the two are not comparable. The reason being is that we have a working example of life on a mote of dust whirling around a star. We can see other stars, and we have discovered extrasolar planets. So what we do know is that there are other stars and other planets, and we know that in the universe life is possible in these arrangements of which there are many. Furthermore, we have an example of life in the universe right here on Earth.

Now you might (and I stress might because I don't really know) be thinking that life on Earth is evidence of God. But you see, that's a different ballgame, because at that point you're talking about origins, not existence. The proof of ET has less to do with origins so much as it has to do with existence at all. Now I will say this and I'll probably take a lot of heat for it; SETI really isn't science because it isn't falsifiable. Not yet anyway. But, the research has scientific implications. It uses the scientific method, and furthermore involves scientific and demonstrable practices in order to function. The reasoning is that life on Earth is evidence of life in the universe. Therefore, it is possible, maybe even likely that there is life elsewhere.

But when you try to apply this reasoning to the discovery of God, it breaks down. We do not have objective examples of God. It is not scientifically testable, falsifiable, nor does it involve scientific implications nor can the scientific method be utilized to prove a god. We do not have objective, empirical evidence for a god. That's where faith comes in. And of course there are different religions, and hey, Christians themselves cannot agree. But that's not the point, the point is that we have scientific evidence of life in the universe. We do not have scientific evidence of God in the universe.

So yes, it might very well be possible to prove the existence of life on other planets without being able to prove (or disprove if you like) the existence of a god. The two phenoms are not interchangeable as you imply.

As far as love, it can be demonstrated. Indirect evidence. It's like saying that air moving having effects on the grass and trees is not proof that air is moving. I cannot prove love except through the acts of love. But it proves love nonetheless, even if love is subjective, it is a tangible variable which can be demonstrated.
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Message 935203 - Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 5:40:56 UTC - in response to Message 935199.  

So then how were the laws of physics and chemistry created that allows this life? Before that how was the universe created? If you intend to counter with string theory and 'branes then tell me how these 'branes were created. According to science everything has a beginning, so explain these.

I believe that God created what was only absolutely necessary with the means (physics, chemistry, even evolution) that what was to follow could take care of itself. It's the simplest answer. There doesn't need to be any more than that, does there?
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Message 935204 - Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 5:44:22 UTC - in response to Message 935203.  
Last modified: 22 Sep 2009, 5:59:57 UTC

I will not attempt to explain something that I don't know about.

But I will say this; God is not immune to the regression argument either. Any argument you make for the origin or eternal existence of a God can be applied faithfully to a scientific origin as well.

So what we end up with is either an infinitely regressive series of events with no beginning, or a starting point.

But God does not solve the regression problem. Example;

"God has always been"
"Really? Who created God?"
"Nobody god has always been"

"Branes have always been"
"Someone had to create them"
"Branes have always been"

As I said earlier, I don't know the origin of everything. It would be intellectually dishonest of me to try to convince you of that. But I do know that the answer of "God" does not solve the regression argument that you propose.

I believe that God created what was only absolutely necessary with the means (physics, chemistry, even evolution) that what was to follow could take care of itself. It's the simplest answer. There doesn't need to be any more than that, does there?

I doubt it. If this were really the case, you wouldn't have taken offense at question #1 of the 117 questions I listed. If you really had a deist perspective on things and just believed in simple creation and nothing past that, such questions wouldn't bother you.

BUT. In case I misunderstood what you were trying to say and you're actually a theistic evolutionist, I must point out; you do realize that evolution completely invalidates the notion of original sin, right?
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Message 935269 - Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 16:16:03 UTC - in response to Message 935204.  

"God has always been"
"Really? Who created God?"
"Nobody god has always been"

Cannot be proven via science.

"Branes have always been"
"Someone had to create them"
"Branes have always been"

With yet-to-be-invented technology should be able to prove with science.

The only way to completely understand God you would need to be God. Since 'science' isn't God 'science' will never prove the existance of God.

If you really had a deist perspective on things and just believed in simple creation and nothing past that, such questions wouldn't bother you.

Or if I believed the questions weren't really to seek knowledge but rather written to trap someone so you could make a point by point argument to disprove those answers I would have stopped reading after the first question. If you really want to know some serious information about Christianity (any why only Christianity?) there are many dedicated websites that could give you more info than what you could get off a search-for-space aliens forum.

BUT. In case I misunderstood what you were trying to say and you're actually a theistic evolutionist, I must point out; you do realize that evolution completely invalidates the notion of original sin, right?

Original as being first, well I'm sure there was a first sin. But it would have been long before what was written in Genesis. And besides, that is Old Testament. There wasn't Christianity in the time of Genesis or Exodus. Christianity is New Testament.
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Message 935282 - Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 21:58:02 UTC

It seems that we have an attempt here to reconcile apples with oranges, cause with reason.

Science to me describes accurately the effect of the physical universe we occupy but in it's own rules fails to explain the reason for such rules to exist.

Religion OTOH relies less on ridgid proofs and attempts to reationalize the cause of such rules to even exist.

Science may prove Branes exist BUT cannot explain the Reason they exist yet Faith and to some extent religion provide a tenative answer.

To gain the theory of EVERYTHING (IMHO) The scientist must first determine the Reason why it exists to begin with, and his own imperical rules prohibit him from doing so.
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Message 935292 - Posted: 22 Sep 2009, 23:06:45 UTC - in response to Message 935269.  
Last modified: 22 Sep 2009, 23:26:35 UTC

Misfit; yadda yadda. Your entire post is to ignore the questions brought forth and summarily dismiss the issues without having to think about them, and it's obvious. You might find the questions offensive, but they are in the nature of rational inquiry.

there are many dedicated websites that could give you more info than what you could get off a search-for-space aliens forum.

I'm not trying to learn about Christianity. I'm trying to see how Christians reconcile these problems. Most take the approach that you have; just ignore them.

And why post here? Because this is the only internet forum I'm active on, and this is after all, a religious thread.

You went from comparing the discovery of ET and the discovery of God on equal footing, to a regression argument, to a "why are you posting this here" tactic. I am interested in what you have to say, but not so long as it's a long winded explanation as to why you won't address the questions despite acknowledging them, while bringing up the issues that you only feel comfortable with. Besides, my motives are irrelevant. The very good points I bring up are relevant.

Original as being first, well I'm sure there was a first sin. But it would have been long before what was written in Genesis. And besides, that is Old Testament. There wasn't Christianity in the time of Genesis or Exodus. Christianity is New Testament.

Oh I see. So, creationism, marriage, the ten commandments... you don't believe in any of that either because it's old testament? If your argument for falsifying trouble within the bible is to disqualify an issue on the grounds that it's old testament, then you must throw out everything in the old testament. Otherwise, explain why the picking and choosing. And many Christians would disagree with you in regard to the old testament not being Christianity. You see, in order to be born into sin and require Christ's salvation, you must have original sin. Ergo, Adam and the garden of Eden. Without original sin, Christ's sacrifice is non-sequitur. So yes, the old testament is very much a part of Christianity.

And, there are many questions I posted above that have to do with new testament.

Since 'science' isn't God 'science' will never prove the existance of God.

Agreed, especially if God isn't there to begin with. Seriously though. Science isn't "ice" so science can never prove the existence of ice? Science isn't human reproduction, so science can never prove human reproduction?
Why is it that believers somehow feel that their reasoning should not be equally applied to everything?

In any case, I care not to try to change anyone's mind. I would just like to see responses to some of the questions I posted. You've expressed that you're not interested in that, so I don't see why you're still trying to talk to me about religion, when I have posted about 8 pages worth of material that you aren't interested in discussing.
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Message 935418 - Posted: 23 Sep 2009, 16:28:33 UTC - in response to Message 935147.  

Questions for Christians.

1. Explain why your god's only son had to die so we can go to magic happy land when we die.

2. Did everyone who died before Jesus died go to Hell? Justify your answer.

3. If a Catholic, justify the Inquisition and other persecutions of "heretics" throughout the centuries, concentrating on why the Pelagianists, the Priscillianists, and the Manichaeans were persecuted; if a Protestant, justify the witch trials and the way that Protestants constantly hunted down native Americans until there were so few that the government could simply take their land; if a member of an Eastern Orthodox church, justify the persecutions of the Old Believers after the reforms of the seventeenth century.

4. Explain why your sect (whether Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox) pursued, tortured, and killed people who were not Christian.

5. Explain why your sect (whether Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox) pursued, tortured, and killed people who were not members of your particular sect.

6. Explain why I should believe that your god is all-good when the only real information we have about him is the Bible, which clearly describes him as both good and evil. (See Isaiah 30:32, Luke 14:26, Numbers 31:17-18, Matthew 10:34, Amos 3:6, Deuteronomy 18:8, Deuteronomy 20:16, Exodus 20:5, Exodus 32:27, Isaiah 45:7, Psalms 52:5, Luke 22:36, and Jeremiah 18:11 for a small sample of Biblical passages which describe Jehovah as having an evil morality at times).

7. Explain why, when racism is clearly wrong, Jesus was clearly a racist (see Mark 7:25-29). NOTE: under no circumstances will I believe the idea that racism is morally acceptable.

8. Explain why, when discrimination against women is clearly wrong, the Bible clearly supports the oppression of women. Answering this question entails refuting 1 Cor 11 and 1 Tim 2:11-15. NOTE: under no circumstances will I believe that discrimination against women solely on the basis of sex is morally acceptable.

9. Explain why, when slavery is clearly wrong, the Bible clearly supports slavery. Answering this question entails refuting 1 Peter 2:18. NOTE: under no circumstances will I believe that slavery is an acceptable way to run a society.

10. Explain why children should submit to their parents' decisions even when those decisions are clearly evil. Answering this question entails refuting Deuteronomy 21:18-21, Proverbs 13:24, and Hebrews 12:7-8.

11. Explain why, if your god loves us all, more than half of us are going to Hell after we die. Specifically, refute or explain the following words of Christ, as presented in the New Testament: "Many are called but few are chosen," and "Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto salvation, and few there be that find it." If your god loves all of us, couldn't he find a better way?

12. Explain what type of offense could possibly justify eternal, unbearable torture in Hell; if your sect does not believe in Hell, then refute every passage in the Old and New Testaments which describes Hell (such as 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 and Revelation 20:15). Do not exceed 100 words.

13. Explain how your god can be both just and merciful, when these terms apparently contradict each other.

14. Explain why possession by demons and/or other evil spirits was common during the time of Jesus, but hardly mentioned in the Old Testament, and apparently has been explained completely away today by things such as epilepsy and schizophrenia.

15. Explain why, if the personality resides in the soul, things like drugs and brain damage can affect someone's personality.

16. If heaven is a place where everyone is perfectly happy, then explain how I could be happy in heaven if I had loved ones in Hell.

17. What is Heaven like?

18. What is Hell like?

19. Explain why original sin exists. Why should I be eternally tortured for something that a pair of naked fruit-munching simpletons did in a garden over six thousand years ago? If you believe that children are born stained because they were conceived sexually, explain why I would be punished for something my parents did by your merciful and just god. If this does not apply to your sect, explain why.

20. Explain why getting dunked in or sprinkled with water will prevent me from being eternally tortured for the actions of the naked fruit-munching simpletons mentioned in #19.

21. If your god did not want Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, why did he put the tree in the garden of Eden (and at the center, no less)? Was it for shade? If so, why use something so dangerous as a shade tree? If the purpose of the tree was to tempt Adam and Eve, explain why it's OK for your god to engage in a practice that our modern-day courts of law refer to as "entrapment."

22. Explain why sex, potentially one of the most wonderful, beautiful things in human nature, is considered "bad" by your particular sect. If your sect does not consider sex to be "bad," then refute Matthew 19:12, 1 Corinthians 7 (particularly verses 1 and 9), Galatians 5:17, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, James 1:14-15, Matthew 24:38, Luke 17:27, and Revelation 14:4.

23. Explain why, if Jesus was perfect, he thought that the end of the world was coming soon, when it has clearly not come yet. See Matthew 16:27-28.

24. Explain why some people (James, Peter, Paul, Thomas, etc.) should get convincing physical proof of miracles, while the rest of us are supposed to take these happenings on faith.

25. Why are the stories of the resurrection inconsistent?

26. If you are a Protestant or a member of an Eastern Orthodox church, explain why you are still using the Catholic Bible, which was formalized by a vote among (supposedly divinely inspired) cardinals and bishops in the fourth century CE, when you disagree with the idea that the Pope, who is higher in the Catholic hierarchy, is divinely inspired; if a Catholic, explain why your church accepts the canonical Bible while rejecting the Apocrypha (do not use the "divinely inspired" argument: Because I am not religious, I will not be able to accept it).

27. If your god is kind and gentle, why do some animals have to eat meat?

28. If your god is kind and gentle, why did he create parasites?

29. If your god wants us to worship him through our own free will, why does he threaten us with Hell? If you have someone threatening you with a punishment, it isn't free will.

30. Why would your god deliberately cause sinners to sin (cf. Romans 9:15-23 and numerous parts of the book of Exodus where Jehovah says, "I will harden Pharaoh's heart."). Are these sinners still responsible for the sins which your god forces them, against their will, to commit? Justify your answer.

31. If Jesus did have to die, why did someone (specifically, Judas) have to be damned in order accomplish the death and resurrection of Jesus? Jesus was at least a volunteer for the cross; I doubt that your god asked Judas if he was willing to go to Hell so that the resurrection could be accomplished.

32. If Judas was willing to go to Hell for humanity (see #31), didn't he make more of a sacrifice than Jesus, who spent only three hours in pain? Shouldn't we then be worshipping Judas?

33. Why should we accept the words of the gospel writers as truth when they are known to be liars? (See Romans 3:7).

34. Do you believe that your god is anti-homosexual? If so, explain why he would create homosexuals in the first place. If not, refute or explain away Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:26-27.

35. According to the Gospels, from the Christian standpoint, Jesus was the most important person to ever live. From the Roman standpoint, Jesus was a huge pain in the ass because of his political activities. Explain why nothing was written about his life for over thirty years after his death, and nothing except the Gospels was written until the third century CE.

36. Explain why you believe a person whose life is so poorly documented (see #36) was even ever born.

37. Define the word "Christ," including references to the pagan origins and meaning of the word.

38. Explain why Jesus, who was anti-Gentile (see Mark 7:25-29) and anti-sex (see Luke 14:26 and Matthew 19:12), would want to be anointed with oil in a pagan sexual rite after his death.

39. In light of Matthew 10:34, explain why Jesus is called the Prince of Peace.

40. The name "Jesus" has been anglicized. What was the original (Hebrew) name of Jesus? Where did you get this information?

41. Why is it that the life of Jesus was so similar to the lives of pagan Christs, particularly Herakles, Dionysios, and Asklepios?

42. If your god requires that people believe in him and follow his orders through their own free will, why do Christians push their views on public policy?

43. Explain why being a good Christian requires you to push your beliefs on others. If you do not believe that you have to push your views on others (no matter how much this annoys them), explain why you do not believe this despite the fact that the New Testament seems to suggest that you must do this to get to Heaven (for instance, in Matthew 28:19-20).

44. At no point in the four Gospels did Jesus claim to be the son of your god. (He said "son of man" quite frequently, and at one point referred to himself as "a son of god," but that was a common Hebrew expression at the time. Someone who was "a son of god" was a Jew. This reflected the Israelites' belief that they were the chosen people of your god. See Job 1:6). Why, then, do you believe that Jesus was divine? If you don't believe that Jesus was divine, then why do you call yourself a Christian?

45. Given the fact that Jesus did not say anything original (the Golden Rule and the "turn the other cheek" idea were stolen from Buddhism; and the Beatitudes were common in the Jewish devotional literature at the time), why do you see Jesus as such a great thinker/philosopher/ethicist?

46. When Jesus said, "Resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also," why do you suppose that most Christians fight for their rights? To put it another way, why don't we, as a country of 85% Christians, let the government abuse us?

47. Why are so many Christian holidays on the same day as Pagan holidays? Couldn't the early Church fathers have converted pagans only by appealing to their reason and/or faith if Christianity is the true religion?

48. Explain how your god can be "just and merciful" in light of Exodus 20:5.

49. Do you believe that the Old Testament should be accepted as part of Christian theology? If so, explain how you can worship such a cruel, sadistic being (see Numbers 31:17-18, Deuteronomy 20:16, Proverbs 20:30, Amos 3:6, Deuteronomy 13:8, Psalms 3:7, Psalms 52:5, etc.); if not, explain how you can believe that Jesus is the promised savior sent by your god without the messianic prophecies and the ruling rights of the line of David, both of which are in the Old Testament in books such as Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Psalms, etc. (as opposed to, say, believing that Jesus was an irritating nut wandering around saying things that people didn't like much).

50. Explain why your "just and merciful" god sent bears to kill forty-two children who called his prophet Elisha "baldhead." (See 2 Kings 2:23-24).

51. If prostitution is wrong, why are there so many examples of it in Genesis? (For instance, Gen 19:8, where Lot offers his daughters to a mob so that his guests can avoid gang rape).

52. What is the sin that people committed that is so incredibly bad that your god had to become flesh and die to correct?

53. Are all members of other faiths bad? Are they all damned to Hell? Justify your answer with quotes from the Bible.

54. Are all atheists/agnostics/humanists bad? Are they all damned to Hell? Justify your answer with quotes from the Bible.

55. Why don't animals go to heaven or hell when they die? What makes us so special?

56. Explain how you can believe in Satan when your faith is directly descended from the Jewish faith, when the Jews did not even believe in Satan until they absorbed the Egyptian god Set while they were captives in Egypt.

57. Why do evil people often prosper? Justify your answer.

58. Why do good people so often fail to prosper? Justify your answer.

59. Explain why your god lets airplanes with sinless infants on board crash.

60. If Jesus is perfect, justify the parable of the fig tree (Matthew 21:17-19, Mark 11:14-20).

61. Explain why Christians (yes, that includes all branches of Christianity) have spread the lie that Jews put Jesus to death when, in actuality, it was the Romans who put Jesus to death. (For a good example of New Testament anti-semetism, see 1 Thessalonians 2:15).

62. Explain why your god created humans as imperfect, then set his standards so high that no one could possibly live up to them, then punishes us for not living up to his standards. Doesn't this also constitute "entrapment?"

63. If we are created in your god's image and likeness (Gen 1:27), how can we also be imperfect?

64. Why was it OK for the ancient Israelites to sacrifice animals to their god, while it is wrong for modern religions to sacrifice animals to their gods? Justify your answer.

65. Why would your god confuse people? (See 1 Sam 7:10 and Gen 11:9). Isn't life confusing enough already?

66. Why would your god cause blindness, deafness, and dumbness? (See Ex 4:11)

67. Why would your god want to damn people by making them believe false things? (See 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

68. Should the book of Revelation be taken literally? Explain your answer.

69. Would it be good for men to castrate themselves? Justify your answer, taking Matthew 19:12 into account.

70. All of the various Christian sects ignore parts of the Bible, usually because those parts of the Bible are inconvenient. Explain which parts of the Bible your sect ignores, and explain why it is OK to ignore those parts of the Bible.

71. Why did your god allow Satan to do evil things to Job (Job 2:7 etc.)? Wouldn't your god better spend his time punishing unbelievers?

72. If Jesus and his father are one (John 10:30), then why does Jesus have to pray (i.e. Matthew 26:39)?

73. Explain your belief in heaven in light of Job 7:9 and Ecclesiastes 9:5.

74. Christ giving himself up on the cross was a great gesture, true, but wouldn't it have been more sensible for him to continue spreading his message until he died a natural death? Answer this question in light of your answer to question #1.

75. In view of Matthew 6:5-6, shouldn't prayer in public schools be discouraged? Support your answer with scripture quotes.

76. Do you feel that the last words of Christ were significant? If so, why do the four gospels attribute three different sentences to Christ as his last? (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"; Luke 23:46: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit"; John 19:30: "It is finished").

77. A commonly recited litany in many forms of Christianity is "The LORD is my shepherd." (Psalm 23:1). Given the fact that the only reasons that people raise sheep are to rob them of their clothes and to kill them for meat, and the fact that sheep will often follow the shepherd to their destruction, do you think that this is any appropriate image for your god? Justify your answer.

78. Why is the theory of the big bang any more (or less) likely that the idea that your god created the universe? Justify your answer. NOTE: I admit that science has not explained where the original super condensed particle came from, but no one has ever explained where your god came from, either.

79. If your god is everywhere at the same time, and hell is the absence of (or separation from) your god, how can he be omnipresent?

80. In the Genesis story, your god tells Adam and Eve that the day they eat from the tree of knowledge they will surely die (Gen 2:17). The devil tells them that they will not die, but that their eyes would be opened and they would know the difference between good and evil (Gen 3:5). Wasn't Satan telling the truth here? Is your god a liar? Justify your answer in light of Jeremiah 20:7 and Ezekiel 14:9.

81. The Bible constantly describes your god as male. In view of the fact that your god supposedly created everything, and creation is very much a female function, isn't this at least a little bit absurd? Justify your answer.

82. In light of the Trinity, angels, the Virgin Mary, etc., isn't Christianity polytheistic? If the Trinity is three who are one, why the three names? Justify your answer.

83. Have you read the entire Bible? If not, how can you be devoted enough to try and convert me to a religion that you don't know that much about? Isn't knowing as much as possible about something necessary to understanding it? Isn't understanding something necessary to being completely devoted to it?

84. Why is 2 Kings 19 exactly identical to Isaiah 37?

85. Is Jesus’ three days in Hell really an ultimate sacrifice, when more than half of humanity going to spend eternity there (see question #11)?

86. Assume that I do not believe that Jesus died for my sins, or that if he did, that necessarily means I will go to your heaven. Name one thing that Jesus ever did for me.

87. Before Mary was knocked up by the Holy Spirit/Ghost, she was never asked for her consent. (She was warned; see Luke 1:31). Mary was also asleep when your god knocked her up; this strongly suggests that he didn't want her to protest. Does this mean that Mary was raped by your god? Do you think rape is wrong? Explain.

88. If it was foretold that Jesus was to be crucified, and if he knew this, and if he was the son of your god, why did he do everything he could to avoid being crucified? (See, for instance, Matthew 26:39).

89. If the Holy Spirit/Ghost is the father of Jesus (Luke 1:35), then why is the central figure of your trinity called God the Father?

90. The original Hebrew word for the Holy Ghost/Spirit includes the idea that the Holy Spirit/Ghost is female in gender. Isn't this rather silly when you consider the fact that the Holy Ghost/Spirit is actually the father of Jesus (Luke 1:35)?

91. Matthew 28:11-15 contains an account of a conspiracy between the Jews and the Roman soldiers to spread the story that the disciples stole the body of Christ. How could Matthew have known about this, since no Jews or Romans would have admitted to it? If it was such a transparent conspiracy that an outsider could have seen it, why didn't the other three gospels mention it? Why didn't the Roman soldiers get into trouble?

92. Jews believe that people are basically good people and can work to overcome their sinful tendencies. Most Christian sects, following the teaching of Psalm 51:5, 1 Kings 8:46, Ezekiel 18:4, Isaiah 59:2, and Psalm 143:2, believe that people are completely debased and hopelessly lost in sin, and that only your god can lift us out of this state if he decides to bestow his gift of grace on us? Isn't this an incredibly negative view of people? Isn't Judaism a more mature faith just for this reason?

93. How do you, as an individual, feel about Psalm 51:5?

94. What does your sect teach about Psalm 51:5 (and 1 Kings 8:46, etc.), predestination, and similar matters?

95. Don't you think that the idea that no matter what we do, we can never be good and righteous without help from your god (Isaiah 64:6) fosters an unnatural and unhealthy dependency on him?

96. Revelation 22:16 says that Jesus is the "offspring of David." Mary was not descended from David, but Joseph was. Doesn't this mean that Jesus wasn't the son of your god at all, but the (mortal and not divine) son of Joseph?

97. What would the correct thing to do be if your god gave you a command that was harmful and/or destructive to you? A common argument, which comes from Paul, states that because clay pots don't complain about what the potter does with them, people shouldn't complain about what their maker (supposedly, your god) does with them, but this completely ignores the vitally important argument that clay pots have no sense of self-awareness and cannot think or feel love, pain, anger, etc. If you want to make this argument, you have to deal with this difference.

98. If your god is "just and merciful," why would he take Solomon's kingdom away from Solomon's son while not punishing Solomon, when it was Solomon himself who committed the sin of idolatry? What did Solomon's son do to deserve punishment? (See 1 Kings 11:12).

99. Why is Solomon commonly considered to be the paragon of wisdom by many Christians, when he constantly sinned against your god (1 Kings 11:4-10, etc.)? Personally, if I had a god talking to me, I'd do what he said.

100. Does it bother you that the cross, supposedly a Christian symbol, was actually stolen from the Egyptians? Why or why not? (The Egyptian cross, the ankh, was a male-female symbol similar in concept to the yin-yang. When the Christians stole the ankh from the Egyptians, they removed the female symbol, or yoni, leaving only the masculine symbol-- a subtle way of reinforcing the idea that women are lesser beings).

101. How do you explain that Christians are twice as likely to have sadomasochistic tendencies as non-Christians?

102. What is the incredibly important doctrinal difference that requires the fighting between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland?

103. Even if your god did create the universe, why does he want to be worshipped? Is your god an egomaniac?

104. How do you explain the fact that the word "blood" occurs over 400 times in the Bible? Isn't this a rather savage way to write a book that is supposed to be at the center of an ethical system?

105. Throughout the Bible, your god commands his followers to wage merciless war on unbelievers (Luke 22:36, Deuteronomy 13:8, Exodus 20:23-25, Deuteronomy 20:16, Matthew 10:34, Numbers 31:17-18, etc). If you are one of his followers, why aren't you out waging merciless war on unbelievers?

106. Numbers 23:21 says that your god "has not seen wickedness in Israel." If this is so, explain why your god burned Israelites for complaining (Num 11:1), sent a plague against them for eating the meat he had given them (Num 11:33), why he burned people for using incense (Num 16:35), why he sent a plague against the Israelites who accused Moses of wrongdoing (Num 16:44-49), and why he sent fiery snakes among the Israelites (Num 21:5). Is your god a liar, or was it just more convenient for him to lie at that particular place and time, or what?

107. What was it that was so bad about eating an apple that death had to result from that act?

108. What was it about humanity's torturing and killing of your god's only son that made your god so happy that he again promised eternal life to everyone who believed in him.

109. How do you explain that Matthew and Luke give different genealogies for Jesus?

110. Matthew says that the prophecy given in Matthew 27:9 was given by Jeremiah. How do you explain that this prophecy was not given by Jeremiah at all, but by Zechariah (in Zech 11:12)?

111. Matthew says (in Matt 2:21) that Jesus dealt in Nazareth so that he could fulfill a prophecy stating that the Messiah would be called a Nazarene. Where is this prophecy in the Old Testament?

112. Matthew says that on the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus was riding on an ass and a colt (Matt 21:7). How do you explain that the original prophecy (Zech 9:9) stated that Jesus would be riding on only one ass, and the other gospel writers place Jesus only on one ass (Mark 11:7, Luke 19:35, and John 12:15)?

113. In Matthew 1:23, Matthew has the angel say that Jesus would be born of a virgin. However, the prophecy that Matthew is referring to, Isaiah 7:14, uses the Hebrew word almah, which simply means a young woman. It has nothing to do with sexual purity; the Hebrew word for virgin is bethulah. How do you explain this?

114. Isaiah 7:16 seems to say that before Jesus had reached the age of maturity, both of the Jewish countries would be destroyed. Where is the fulfillment of this prophecy in the New Testament?

115. Matthew 1:23 says that Jesus would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Why does no one (not even his parents) call him Immanuel at any point in the New Testament?

116. If even the contemplation of sinning is a sin (i.e. "sinning in your heart"; see, for example, Matthew 5:28) and if Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert (Matthew 4:5-8, Luke 4:5-9), how can you say that Jesus was without sin?

117. Why do you think it is that the ancient Greeks, who had a very liberal sexual morality, had many fewer sex crimes (compared to the population) than the United States, which is 85% Christian?

Good grief! This has to be the longest post in SETI history. Makes me wonder how many people here would have time to reply to all of that.

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Message 935450 - Posted: 23 Sep 2009, 19:04:39 UTC

I assume he retried these questions from an anti bible/Christian site. Thats just to much info for 1 person to casually write out without typos and repeated or similar questions. That being said I didnt bother to read it because it just seems like he is spoiling for an argument. One that makes nobody happy

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
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Message 935469 - Posted: 23 Sep 2009, 21:36:26 UTC - in response to Message 935450.  

I assume he retried these questions from an anti bible/Christian site. Thats just to much info for 1 person to casually write out without typos and repeated or similar questions. That being said I didnt bother to read it because it just seems like he is spoiling for an argument. One that makes nobody happy

Could be from here, looks like the same set of questions. "Spoiling for an argument", surely not ;-) ?
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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Message 935473 - Posted: 23 Sep 2009, 22:13:05 UTC - in response to Message 935147.  
Last modified: 23 Sep 2009, 22:30:28 UTC

Should you earnestly be seeking answers to your 100+ questions I could suggest you enroll as I did in several denominational catechisms, read a few philosophy works, and familiarize yourself with relgious doctrines other than Christianity. And hardest of all - attempt to understand the material in it's historical, social, and moral context.

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Message 935474 - Posted: 23 Sep 2009, 22:15:09 UTC - in response to Message 935469.  

I assume he retried these questions from an anti bible/Christian site. Thats just to much info for 1 person to casually write out without typos and repeated or similar questions. That being said I didnt bother to read it because it just seems like he is spoiling for an argument. One that makes nobody happy

Could be from here, looks like the same set of questions. "Spoiling for an argument", surely not ;-) ?

Good find! At least I gave them a well meant greeting on their celebration. Looks like I got the opposite in return.

But a lot about Christianity (and my own personal beliefs on God and science) has already been hashed out and rehashed in previous Religious [X] threads; and even before that during the WW crusade. I guess Little Jimmy isn't using the search function or reading previous threads.
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Message 935512 - Posted: 24 Sep 2009, 1:21:39 UTC - in response to Message 935450.  

.... That being said I didnt bother to read it because it just seems like he is spoiling for an argument. One that makes nobody happy

That's called trolling!

"I'm trying to maintain a shred of dignity in this world." - Me

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Message 935515 - Posted: 24 Sep 2009, 1:32:28 UTC - in response to Message 935418.  
Last modified: 24 Sep 2009, 2:14:54 UTC

Good grief! This has to be the longest post in SETI history. Makes me wonder how many people here would have time to reply to all of that.

Well, if it was, yours is now longer!

Could be from here, looks like the same set of questions. "Spoiling for an argument", surely not ;-) ?

Actually, I will take credit for the questions. I did all of the research and compiled all of the questions as part of an essay I wrote in the early 90s. I have a video on 8mm of myself and a Baptist minister sitting down together while I ask him these questions which takes a couple of hours.

But I have found it in many forms though with various people taking credit. Your link said, "Cygnus" (whatever or whomever that is), I've also seen, "The Hierophant", "Douglas", and "The Redundant Rider of Redundancy". If you bothered to look at the page you posted Bobby, you'd see that he is not taking credit for the material.

I've noticed that it's also in a different format, bullets instead of numbers, some questions reworded, and it's growing. Every time I see it there are new questions added along with it. If I wanted to post someone else's material on contradictions, I'd just link here

But really, where they come from doesn't matter. Especially as far as your standards are concerned Bobby, editing wikipedia and then posting that as a reference for your information on other threads.

Should you earnestly be seeking answers to your 100+ questions I could suggest you enroll as I did in several denominational catechisms, read a few philosophy works, and familiarize yourself with relgious doctrines other than Christianity. And hardest of all - attempt to understand the material in it's historical, social, and moral context.

Which still wouldn't answer the questions posed. I was a Christian for some 20 years or so and couldn't find believable answers, in context or otherwise. So I guess the problem is just me, but then again if that were the case, these questions could be easily dealt with by the "real" Christians.

Nor do I expect someone to go through and answer all of the questions. I would imagine that someone would come along and try to pick apart one or two, which isn't happening. Aside from that, the sheer volume of scripturally referenced contradictions is a statement in and of itself.

But addressing everything but the topic; where the questions came from, what my motives are, what my expectations are, ad homs... everything but addressing the questions posed, doesn't seem very scientific from what I would expect of a largely scientific forum. Either the questions spark interest or they do not. Who I am, where they came from, my motives; all irrelevant.

Nor did I come here on a whim to find something to fight about. I've been involved in religious debate for some time now as you can see here

But to show that I'm not here to fight, if anyone wants to address any of the questions specifically, I'll acknowledge their answer without rebuttal. Just seeing the mental gymnastics and bizarre rationalizations that are entailed answering some of these is enough for me :)

So anyone can either decide to look at the questions posed, or ignore them. But I will not be responding further to defend my character in regard to unrelated notions.
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Message 935545 - Posted: 24 Sep 2009, 2:53:17 UTC - in response to Message 935515.  

Mr. Poodle,

If you look at the first post in this thread you will see it contains links to 11 previous Religious Threads. You need to read all of those posts and then re-post any of your 117 questions that have not already been discussed in this series of threads. If you do not do that background work, don't expect anyone to do the work of answering your questions.

Once you have done that, I will discuss some of your questions if they are not obvious baiting.

Have a nice day.
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Message 935574 - Posted: 24 Sep 2009, 4:08:24 UTC - in response to Message 935545.  

Ok. Let's save us both a lot of time. How about just one question? I'll pick one at random, see if it has been discussed, and if not, pose it. Fair enough?

For those of you that believe in the bible, please explain the following;

76. Do you feel that the last words of Christ were significant? If so, why do the four gospels attribute three different sentences to Christ as his last? (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"; Luke 23:46: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit"; John 19:30: "It is finished").

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Message 935633 - Posted: 24 Sep 2009, 13:48:49 UTC - in response to Message 935515.  

Especially as far as your standards are concerned Bobby, editing wikipedia and then posting that as a reference for your information on other threads.

Just for the record, I have never posted a reference to a wiki entry I have edited. I have posted references to wiki entries that have subsequently been edited by others, but that's hardly the same thing. Didn't want an accusation of dishonesty go unchallenged.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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Message 935637 - Posted: 24 Sep 2009, 14:40:34 UTC - in response to Message 935574.  

Now that the question count is reduced by 116,
IMHO - there is NO signficanct meaning to ME. As I understand it - none of the authors were present at the event and would have to obtain that data from unidentified sources who alledgedly attended the event. This being done after a significant time lapse after it's occurance.
IMHO such reports add readability and drama to the messages they were composing but add little to the complete message they were trying to convey.

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Message 935643 - Posted: 24 Sep 2009, 15:20:41 UTC - in response to Message 935637.  

Now that the question count is reduced by 116,
IMHO - there is NO signficanct meaning to ME. As I understand it - none of the authors were present at the event and would have to obtain that data from unidentified sources who alledgedly attended the event. This being done after a significant time lapse after it's occurance.
IMHO such reports add readability and drama to the messages they were composing but add little to the complete message they were trying to convey.

Quite, it seems MP's questions should be posed to somebody who takes a very literal view of the bible, that every word as written in English be accepted as truth. This defense though raises a separate problem, if the gospels were written by people that were not witnesses to the events, how does one decide what is "real"?
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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