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Profile John Clark
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Message 678277 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 16:23:32 UTC

No lerts allowed back of house
It's good to be back amongst friends and colleagues

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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 678280 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 16:25:16 UTC - in response to Message 678267.  

Dinner served ;-)

This posting comes to the right time. I am very hungry. Mhhhhhh....

Goodigood! ;-) just remember to eat like a gentleman, aye? :-D

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Message 678284 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 16:29:32 UTC

Im sorry John.. i forgot the flagon in the hurry with the dinner.
Here you go.. Is it ok? ;-)

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Message 678289 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 17:00:29 UTC

Evening everyone!
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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 678295 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 17:24:21 UTC - in response to Message 678289.  

Evening everyone!

Hello neighbour.. ;-) Can I help you with anything today?

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Profile Demiurg
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Message 678297 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 17:26:46 UTC

Well... depends on if you are good with jacuzzi pump systems... My main pump just died on me.

Otherwise all is well:-)

Hoppas att allt är väl med dig?
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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 678303 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 17:56:55 UTC - in response to Message 678297.  

Well... depends on if you are good with jacuzzi pump systems... My main pump just died on me.

Otherwise all is well:-)

Hoppas att allt är väl med dig?

Hehe.. I have some problems myself with the cirulation pump on my floor heating system.. ;-) but i think it works just for now.. When it comes the the jacuzzi, i have a small one in my bath room.. if your doesnt work, you can borrow mine for a while.. thats ok ;-) If you dont want to use the big one in the backroom of this cafe`..?
Ja.. eg har det bere bra. Eg trivast so godt heime.. ;-))

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Message 678304 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:05:12 UTC

Mostly that I need to fix it before I move from the house into my new apartment in city. Otherwise I will have to refund a small part of the prise I was paid for the house to the new owners...

Har det också bara bra hemma bland alla mina flyttkartonger:-)
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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 678305 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:09:54 UTC - in response to Message 678304.  

Mostly that I need to fix it before I move from the house into my new apartment in city. Otherwise I will have to refund a small part of the prise I was paid for the house to the new owners...

Har det också bara bra hemma bland alla mina flyttkartonger:-)

;-) so spennande! å flytte til ein ny plass.. hmm.. men kaføre gjere du da? Trivast du ikkje dar du bur no? ;-) ja..da e ikkje enkelt med alle dei reglane på salg av eigedom. So best å få ein reparatør på plass fortare enn svint ;-)

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Profile Demiurg
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Message 678306 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:14:42 UTC - in response to Message 678305.  

Vor för långt bort från mitt arbete, jag bor tre mil utanför staden (byen), men nu får jag fem minuters gångväg till arbetet. Plus att jag har saknat att bara kunna gå ut och ta en kaffe när lusten faller på.

Mostly that I need to fix it before I move from the house into my new apartment in city. Otherwise I will have to refund a small part of the prise I was paid for the house to the new owners...

Har det också bara bra hemma bland alla mina flyttkartonger:-)

;-) so spennande! å flytte til ein ny plass.. hmm.. men kaføre gjere du da? Trivast du ikkje dar du bur no? ;-) ja..da e ikkje enkelt med alle dei reglane på salg av eigedom. So best å få ein reparatør på plass fortare enn svint ;-)

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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 678314 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:33:37 UTC - in response to Message 678306.  

ka for ein by e da? ;-) so du har budd landleg til no..og så flytter du inn til byen..hmm.. Veit du ka? Eg kan ta meg ein kopp kaffi når eg vil, sjøl om eg bur i ett hus långt ute i havet.. hehehe. Eg trekker kaffi og har på kanna, og då e da bere å finne meg dar når eg vil ha.. So slepp eg å flytte og alt.. hehe.
Ok.. Eg håpa inderleg du vil trivast på nye-plassen ;-) Tell me how it goes, aye? ;-)
Vor för långt bort från mitt arbete, jag bor tre mil utanför staden (byen), men nu får jag fem minuters gångväg till arbetet. Plus att jag har saknat att bara kunna gå ut och ta en kaffe när lusten faller på.

Mostly that I need to fix it before I move from the house into my new apartment in city. Otherwise I will have to refund a small part of the prise I was paid for the house to the new owners...

Har det också bara bra hemma bland alla mina flyttkartonger:-)

;-) so spennande! å flytte til ein ny plass.. hmm.. men kaføre gjere du da? Trivast du ikkje dar du bur no? ;-) ja..da e ikkje enkelt med alle dei reglane på salg av eigedom. So best å få ein reparatør på plass fortare enn svint ;-)

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Profile Demiurg
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Message 678318 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:38:42 UTC

Just nu bor jag långt ute på landet. Men jag trivs bättre inne i staden. När jag inte är ute och seglar det vill säga. Åh javisstja, jag bor i Umeå.
But I promise to tell how it goes:-)
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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 678331 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:58:44 UTC - in response to Message 678318.  

Just nu bor jag långt ute på landet. Men jag trivs bättre inne i staden. När jag inte är ute och seglar det vill säga. Åh javisstja, jag bor i Umeå.
But I promise to tell how it goes:-)

;-) Eg har våre der ein gong. Og eg var også ute lørdagskvelden.. på ett eller anna hotell..og dansa.. hehe. da va trivele.. hvis eg ser bort i frå ein kar som hadde fått da for seg at eg lo av han.. hmm.. Eg var kun i god humør, men
sidan han visst ikkje forsto ett ord av da eg sa, so tok han da til seg.. ;-)
Eg håpa ikkje du gjere samme feilen. Ler.. but i dont think so.. ;-))

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Profile Dominique
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Message 678332 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 19:01:08 UTC

BIG Eats!

Denny's Beer Barrel Pub
XXXX Woodland Road
Clearfield, PA

Assembling the country's largest commercially available hamburger is a tumultuous endeavor requiring competitive dedication, impeccable grilling skills and lots of ground beef. In 1998, Denny's Beer Barrel Pub brought this coveted title home to Central Pennsylvania with its respectable six-pound offering. Then in 2005, the Clinton Station Diner in Clinton, New Jersey, trumped Denny's with their 12.5-pound "Zeus" burger, only to be outdone one year later by the build-your-own-burger chain Fuddrucker's, which grilled up a 29-pounder.

Well, to the delight of Pennsylvanians everywhere, this year Denny's reclaimed the record with their mammoth 123-pound Main Event Charity Burger! Here's the breakdown: an 80-pound beef patty, a 30-pound bun, 160 slices of cheese, ketchup, mustard, mayo, and—to assuage any nutritional guilt—a pound of lettuce and 12 tomatoes. Outstanding.

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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 678333 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 19:01:10 UTC - in response to Message 678331.  

Just nu bor jag långt ute på landet. Men jag trivs bättre inne i staden. När jag inte är ute och seglar det vill säga. Åh javisstja, jag bor i Umeå.
But I promise to tell how it goes:-)

;-) Eg har våre der ein gong. Og eg var også ute lørdagskvelden.. på ett eller anna hotell..og dansa.. hehe. da va trivele.. hvis eg ser bort i frå ein kar som hadde fått da for seg at eg lo av han.. hmm.. Eg var kun i god humør, men
sidan han visst ikkje forsto ett ord av da eg sa, so tok han da til seg.. ;-)
Eg håpa ikkje du gjere samme feilen. Ler.. but i dont think so.. ;-))

..and maybe we shall continue in english.. ;-) someone may want to throw us out
of here if not.. ;-)))

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Profile AriZonaMoon*
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Message 678334 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 19:02:38 UTC

Hello Dominique! ;-) Good to see you in here!

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Profile Dominique
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Message 678338 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 19:06:25 UTC - in response to Message 678334.  
Last modified: 15 Nov 2007, 19:08:28 UTC

Hello Dominique! ;-) Good to see you in here!

Hi! I stop by now and then. Outside it's cool, miserable and raining. A stay inside day.

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Profile Demiurg
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Message 678341 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 19:10:54 UTC - in response to Message 678333.  

Just nu bor jag långt ute på landet. Men jag trivs bättre inne i staden. När jag inte är ute och seglar det vill säga. Åh javisstja, jag bor i Umeå.
But I promise to tell how it goes:-)

;-) Eg har våre der ein gong. Og eg var også ute lørdagskvelden.. på ett eller anna hotell..og dansa.. hehe. da va trivele.. hvis eg ser bort i frå ein kar som hadde fått da for seg at eg lo av han.. hmm.. Eg var kun i god humør, men
sidan han visst ikkje forsto ett ord av da eg sa, so tok han da til seg.. ;-)
Eg håpa ikkje du gjere samme feilen. Ler.. but i dont think so.. ;-))

..and maybe we shall continue in english.. ;-) someone may want to throw us out
of here if not.. ;-)))

Nej, jag är ganska bra på att förstå norska, tråkigt att killen inte förstod dig:-)

Yes, that might be for the best. For all the non-nordics in here I can just say that we have discussed things that are really nice:-)
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Message 678342 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 19:12:13 UTC - in response to Message 678332.  

Oh my favourite deity... I am in heaven! I want that one. Reminds me of when we got an ostrich leg for a friend who was a chickenlegfanatic...

BIG Eats!

Denny's Beer Barrel Pub
XXXX Woodland Road
Clearfield, PA

Assembling the country's largest commercially available hamburger is a tumultuous endeavor requiring competitive dedication, impeccable grilling skills and lots of ground beef. In 1998, Denny's Beer Barrel Pub brought this coveted title home to Central Pennsylvania with its respectable six-pound offering. Then in 2005, the Clinton Station Diner in Clinton, New Jersey, trumped Denny's with their 12.5-pound "Zeus" burger, only to be outdone one year later by the build-your-own-burger chain Fuddrucker's, which grilled up a 29-pounder.

Well, to the delight of Pennsylvanians everywhere, this year Denny's reclaimed the record with their mammoth 123-pound Main Event Charity Burger! Here's the breakdown: an 80-pound beef patty, a 30-pound bun, 160 slices of cheese, ketchup, mustard, mayo, and—to assuage any nutritional guilt—a pound of lettuce and 12 tomatoes. Outstanding.

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Message 678409 - Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 21:29:43 UTC - in response to Message 678332.  
Last modified: 15 Nov 2007, 21:32:06 UTC

BIG Eats!

Denny's Beer Barrel Pub
XXXX Woodland Road
Clearfield, PA

Assembling the country's largest commercially available hamburger is a tumultuous endeavor requiring competitive dedication, impeccable grilling skills and lots of ground beef. In 1998, Denny's Beer Barrel Pub brought this coveted title home to Central Pennsylvania with its respectable six-pound offering. Then in 2005, the Clinton Station Diner in Clinton, New Jersey, trumped Denny's with their 12.5-pound "Zeus" burger, only to be outdone one year later by the build-your-own-burger chain Fuddrucker's, which grilled up a 29-pounder.

Well, to the delight of Pennsylvanians everywhere, this year Denny's reclaimed the record with their mammoth 123-pound Main Event Charity Burger! Here's the breakdown: an 80-pound beef patty, a 30-pound bun, 160 slices of cheese, ketchup, mustard, mayo, and—to assuage any nutritional guilt—a pound of lettuce and 12 tomatoes. Outstanding.

Hi Domi!!! Great to see you again, Boss!

Hahah! Another Denny's fan. (I might've known). I've been an admirer of Denny's for years. One thing many people don't know about Denny's is that they offered their largest burger for free! to anyone who could meet the challenge of eating the whole plate in one sitting. Very few people won of course, but many tried. LOL

I'm not sure anyone could beat that challenge with the new oversized burgers, even if Denny still offers it, though. So imho, competition is not always a good thing.

Up Denny's!!! Up the Funsters!!! :]]]

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