Michael Moore's: Sicko

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Message 638601 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 2:43:00 UTC - in response to Message 638371.  

(If you've read all of this you have my thanks.)

I've been saying this stuff for years, yet it always sounds better when you say it... ;)
It may not be 1984 but George Orwell sure did see the future . . .
ID: 638601 · Report as offensive
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Message 638680 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 5:51:33 UTC - in response to Message 638371.  

Look around,

Yeah, look around at what many laws do to people. For one, they keep those cabbies from earning a decent living. They send soldiers to war. They create the CIA and the Stasi.

See the construct and it's effects on our society and the world. Your living in a dream. Wake up and look at the cause of so many people being swept under the rug. Put yourself in the other mans shoes for just a moment.

Jeebus, how about being specific?

"The construct is x and it's effects on our society and the world are bad because..."

"You're living in a dream because..."

"X causes so many people to be swept under the rug because..."

"Walking in another man's shoes for just a moment would change your mind because..."

All your stupid feel-good phrases mean nothing unless you are specific. All they say is that, in general, you feel bad about stuff. Not anything specific, or why, just that you feel bad.

Imagine being brought up in a home where you hear your parents and grand parents talking about being beaten by people because of the color of their skin. Your Grandmother, old and frail, telling of days where she was thrown to the asphalt for not giving way to white people who were walking on the sidewalk near you. Hung and shot for no other reason than being a different color. Stories and documentaries about your people being abducted from their homes around the world to be sold to the highest bidder. The lies of 40 acres and a mule, share cropping, segregated water fountains, bathrooms, restaurants. Then going out to school to be harassed by police because you live in a certain area. Then hearing and seeing people like BrainsmasheR spouting further hate.

Imagine having no food and no medical. No school because the school sucks for whatever reasons; teachers are prejudice, don't care, or getting to the antiquated school is a life or death problem in itself. Imagine having no job opportunities because of this.

What would you do? What option is left to you? Gang Banging and crime are the result of these social inadequacies. If you were constantly looked down on, beaten, turned away, and swept under the rug... What would you do? What would you have to do to survive?

Dude, you have no idea the trials and tribulations that I went through to make my way in this world. I spent most of my life poor. Very poor. And at no time did I commit crimes to get ahead.

Some people have it harder than others, such is the very nature of life. The kids who got to watch the Hutus hack their parents to death with machetes, or the refugee kids who saw the same in the Sudan earlier today (and every day) would probably give their right arms to sit on their grannies porch in the U.S. and listen to stories about how people generations ago had it soooo bad.

News reports about Mel Gibson, Martha Stewart, ENRON, and yes... Paris Hilton, walking from charges, hours after being arrested, while people they know have been locked up for years, even if it was their first offense. Due and speedy process being non existent.

Wow, your precious gov't treating people differently. And yet, you seem to think that if they run our health care, they won't do such things. That all will be equal, when they are not. This is the result of the silly laws you want passed.

Do you think the Kennedy family always had money?

Dude, they broke whatever laws there were at the time, and were protected specifically by a whole bunch of others. They treated people crappily. Guess what: that will ALWAYS happen. Some people will ALWAYS treat others poorly. Laws and gov't have never changed that. Welcome to reality.

Do you remember reading about Irish and Italians being shunned by American society? Crime is the result of these issues and is simply the only way people in these situations can empower themselves to survive and help their families survive. These people are not evil by birth or nature. They are forced into it by being beaten mentally and physically so that they gladly turn to crime. I do not blame them for trying to live outside the matrix and live life.

Wow. So you think they must break laws to live. That they must prey on others, they must initiate force against others, to survive. Lovely.

That's wrong because force is not the way to run society. If force is the only rule, then rape is OK because it's just more force.

So, now people of the upper, middle, and lower white classes, (and others.) have a big joke running for a couple hundred years here in America. It's not funny or realistic. They go out of their ways to promote and perpetuate the construct, not realizing they are wrong and that it is the cause of suffering on both sides of the line. Separate and conquer. Rich vs poor, Black vs White, beautiful vs unattractive, the list goes on.

Welcome to human nature and reality. If this bothers you, you should be screeching at the universe and reality around you, but it won't listen.

Meanwhile, 10% or less of the rich have aquired 80% or more of the worlds real property and wealth with the consent and adoration of their population who value money over all things. Capitalism has run amok with those below the elite rooting them on as heroes.

Except they did this under socialism and communism as well. Humans want to make their lives better and they always try to. Since they are all unequal, they will have differing results. Still, that has nothing to do with capitalism at all.

The system is failing because we have allowed it to fail. Whether by not doing anything or not knowing any better, we have become consumers; sheeple.

Your post clearly suggests that you have. I have not.

America is not the same place I was born in, but I will not sit with my hands folded while we are run into the ground any longer. I will not perpetuate the problems. I will not condone that which is socially condoned. I will not view the system as a monster that can not be changed. Checks and balances need to be installed before it is too late. We Americans are no longer in control of our freedom. Think about it a little. Just a little. Not for me but for yourselves and your families.

I think about it all the time. I think, for example, how people like you begged the gov't to limit what the cabbies could charge, and how now the cabbies are starving.

If the majority is wrong or acting in their own self interest while causing perpetuation of human suffering, I will speak out.

Go nuts. You'd actually help other people by giving them jobs. Say, for example, posts like this. You've done NOTHING to make anything better for even one person, but you've convinced yourself that you have.

I will not live in the matrix silently. If the system is failing: modify or place it.

This is my right as an American.

Get the gov't out of the way, and watch the world improve, massively.

(If you've read all of this you have my thanks.)

You're welcome.

Time for lunch. (I wonder how many people in the world wish they had a refrigerator to hit up, or electricity to run that refrigerator, or a phone or car to order food or go get some. Or the money to buy some once they order or go to the store. Or a store, water hole, garden, for that matter.)

Hey, I wonder if the would have preferred that you took the time to spout all this off, or if they'd prefer that you gave them a fridge? I wonder if they'd prefer that Moore makes another stupid movie or if they'd prefer that he fed them all or paid for their health care for a year?

Do you think they're happy that Oprah talks about them on her show, or would the prefer that the sells that 50 million dollar mansion, and feeds their children through their adolescence?

I'll bet their sick to death of all the talk, literally.

Remove the obvious...
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Message 638688 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 6:43:33 UTC

I offer no solutions because I have none. I do not condone socialized medicine but know it would be far better than what we have now. I only know people are dying and that it isn't right. Never was and never will be. Your opinion about the rich always getting their way is false. Many revolutions have been waged against tyranny and oppression. One is responsible for our countries existence.

Your story and path are your own. I am not here to attack you or pass judgment. I did not direct my thoughts at anyone. I simply stated the state of our unseen, unrepresented, nation. The people with absolutely no chance in hell of ever having medical care, or the American dream for that matter. I did this to address the people who have said that those who do not have money do not deserve medical care. That people want a free handout from tax payers who work for a living. Well... some have been deprived of this "productive life" scenario. Our welfare system is a nightmare caused by society itself. The same people who are in all wars protecting the rights of the pampas, only to return to the same old BS, no matter how well they served their country or what body parts and friends they left on the battlefield.

Instead of making excuses about why things won't work I ask that you all consider what seems to be unfathomable to most of us: Thinking outside the box we are in to get a task for humanity accomplished. Some quote the media when they know it's got a 95-100% chance of being flat out fake or twisted. Some call people from the countries who have gotten it done liars. Some still think inside the box, which will never work for social programs because it is designed not to work here. Some dance in circles shooting down every idea mentioned, preferring the existing system over change. Why? Does it scare you to think that helping others may somehow hurt you? Why can other countries get it done while we, The SUPER POWER OF THE PLANET, can't do it? Horse fritters!!

Why do we support an illegal war that takes money from our society and places it in the hands of those with too much money while we pay up and keep our mouths shut? I know there is a population problem but this is not the way to address it! How can we justify funded space missions and programs like SETI, pro athletic teams, movies, TV shows, cosmetics, gas guzzling cars, junk food, wars, acronym bureaus that seek world conquest and acquisition, while our OWN PEOPLE ARE DYING?

What happens when the "Administrators of our construct own everything? Think it will be better or worse than it is now? People are talking and they aren't happy. As a matter of fact they are P***ed.

Are you ready for a revolution? I'm not!!!

Say what you will but at least I can be man enough to acknowledge there is a problem and put my positive two cents in to try to help get something done, even if it is limited to pep talks.

Plenty of critics in the world. Not enough problem solvers for humanity.

Get 'er done or get off the pot. Anything else is pure folly and a waste of everyones time.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
ID: 638688 · Report as offensive
Profile KWSN - MajorKong
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Message 638689 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 6:45:20 UTC - in response to Message 638371.  

Look around,

See the construct and it's effects on our society and the world. Your living in a dream. Wake up and look at the cause of so many people being swept under the rug. Put yourself in the other mans shoes for just a moment.

Imagine being brought up in a home where you hear your parents and grand parents talking about being beaten by people because of the color of their skin. Your Grandmother, old and frail, telling of days where she was thrown to the asphalt for not giving way to white people who were walking on the sidewalk near you. Hung and shot for no other reason than being a different color. Stories and documentaries about your people being abducted from their homes around the world to be sold to the highest bidder. The lies of 40 acres and a mule, share cropping, segregated water fountains, bathrooms, restaurants. Then going out to school to be harassed by police because you live in a certain area. Then hearing and seeing people like BrainsmasheR spouting further hate.

Imagine having no food and no medical. No school because the school sucks for whatever reasons; teachers are prejudice, don't care, or getting to the antiquated school is a life or death problem in itself. Imagine having no job opportunities because of this.

What would you do? What option is left to you? Gang Banging and crime are the result of these social inadequacies. If you were constantly looked down on, beaten, turned away, and swept under the rug... What would you do? What would you have to do to survive?

News reports about Mel Gibson, Martha Stewart, ENRON, and yes... Paris Hilton, walking from charges, hours after being arrested, while people they know have been locked up for years, even if it was their first offense. Due and speedy process being non existent.

Do you think the Kennedy family always had money? Do you remember reading about Irish and Italians being shunned by American society? Crime is the result of these issues and is simply the only way people in these situations can empower themselves to survive and help their families survive. These people are not evil by birth or nature. They are forced into it by being beaten mentally and physically so that they gladly turn to crime. I do not blame them for trying to live outside the matrix and live life.

So, now people of the upper, middle, and lower white classes, (and others.) have a big joke running for a couple hundred years here in America. It's not funny or realistic. They go out of their ways to promote and perpetuate the construct, not realizing they are wrong and that it is the cause of suffering on both sides of the line. Separate and conquer. Rich vs poor, Black vs White, beautiful vs unattractive, the list goes on.

Meanwhile, 10% or less of the rich have aquired 80% or more of the worlds real property and wealth with the consent and adoration of their population who value money over all things. Capitalism has run amok with those below the elite rooting them on as heroes.

The system is failing because we have allowed it to fail. Whether by not doing anything or not knowing any better, we have become consumers; sheeple.

America is not the same place I was born in, but I will not sit with my hands folded while we are run into the ground any longer. I will not perpetuate the problems. I will not condone that which is socially condoned. I will not view the system as a monster that can not be changed. Checks and balances need to be installed before it is too late. We Americans are no longer in control of our freedom. Think about it a little. Just a little. Not for me but for yourselves and your families.

If the majority is wrong or acting in their own self interest while causing perpetuation of human suffering, I will speak out.

I will not live in the matrix silently. If the system is failing: modify or place it.

This is my right as an American.

(If you've read all of this you have my thanks.)

Time for lunch. (I wonder how many people in the world wish they had a refrigerator to hit up, or electricity to run that refrigerator, or a phone or car to order food or go get some. Or the money to buy some once they order or go to the store. Or a store, water hole, garden, for that matter.)



It never ceases to amaze me... How people can be so illogical as to condemn something in one paragraph, then be guilty of it themselves in the next.

Divide (or as you said 'seperate') and conquer. You even listed the 'big government' people's favorite division: rich vs. poor, then promptly descended into a rant about 'the evil rich'. Bah.

The big-government people attain their political power by getting those with less to hate those with more. And since those with less are in the majority, these people get elected then promptly create, through their 'social programs', a class of people designed to be permanently dependent on the now-bigger government, thereby locking in their votes. These disciples of personal power through big government don't give a rat turd about 'the people', only their own power. They are the true 'elitists'. Where can you find them? On the Democrat side of the Congress (although there are a growing number on the Republican side as well).

Think about it... In the 40+ years since LBJ started 'the war on poverty', what has changed? Not much, for the poor are still with us. The only two things that HAVE changed are our ever-increasing tax bills (to PAY for these 'politics of dependency' social programs), and the poor (and quite a number of the non-poor) now think it is Government's responsibility to take care of their needs, and not their OWN responsibility.

Well then, you may ask what is the solution to poverty? If Government spending on social programs was the answer, then we would all be as rich as Midas by now, looking at the obscenely huge pile of money spent on those programs since they started. The real (and only) answer is that it depends solely on the 'poor person', and the life-choices they make. The way out of poverty is three-fold: 1. education, 2. hard work, and 3. living within your means.

Even in the crappiest of schools, the opportunity is there to get a decent enough education to get into college. The student must be self-motivated, however. Goofing off in school is one of those 'life choices' I mentioned earlier that has disastrous consequences. If you have to, work full time and go to college part time, or even join the military for the college benefits after your hitch is up. Where there is a will there is a way, but you have to be hungry for it and want it BAD.

And stop complaining about Capitalism. It, and it alone, has formed the 'developed world'. If it wasn't for Capitalism, Europe and the USA would still be backward agrarian economies filled with masses of poor people, ruled over by a feudalistic aristocracy. Capitalism made the Industrial Revolution possible. Capitalism created all the wealth we enjoy today. Are some of the powerful Capitalists evil persons? Certainly. But then, so are some of the powerful Socialists and Communists. Its a certain percentage of the population that is 'evil', not the economic system.

As to your diatribe against racial prejudice in your opening paragraphs, yes, I agree that it stinks. And I don't have to listen to parents/grandparents about it. It seems that I wasn't pearly-white-waspish enough for a number of the sheet-head boys I grew up with, and received regular beatings from them over it. I think that we can all agree that racial prejudice sucks.

The system is falling apart. I agree there. Where we disagree is on the cause. The problem is that too many politicians have led the American people into the mire of the politics of dependency. Too many people have believed the lies of 'Entitlements'. They think (mistakenly) that it is Government's responsibility to take care of them, and not their own responsibility.

It may shock you to hear this, but trust me. It is NOT the Capitalists that want to keep you down in poverty. They WANT you to be rich enough to buy their stuff! The poor don't buy luxury goods (where the REAL profit is to be made!). The group of people in this country that DO want to keep as many people as possible poor and downtrodden are the big-government, tax-and-spend politicians. If they can keep people that way, the false promise of their 'social programs' will keep people dependent on them, thereby ensuring a continuing series of votes come election days. Its all about political power.

How does all of this relate to health care? Simple. The first thing we need to do to 'fix' health care in this country is to get the government OUT of it. The government social programs re: health care (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) are DESIGNED to not only keep those on them dependent on them, but to force as many additional people as possible INTO these programs through rapidly increasing health care costs. It might not fix everything, nor help much at first, but the FIRST thing you do to put out a fire is to turn off the fuel supply.

Remember, Capitalists don't want you to be poor. The poor don't (can't) buy much stuff. The big-government politicians DO want you to be poor, for they can hook you on their social program 'drugs' and keep you dependent on them, so they can count on your vote come the next election day. And if you can't see or do not agree with this SIMPLE TRUTH, then YOU, my friend, are one of the 'sheeple'.
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Message 638690 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 6:48:51 UTC
Last modified: 11 Sep 2007, 7:16:06 UTC

Your opinion is yours. Mine belongs to me and I'm proud of it.

I may not be a smart man but I know what "wrong" is.

Address the problem, not me.

(Don't miss part 2 of my supposed "rant" just below kong's post.)
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
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Message 638707 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 7:51:31 UTC
Last modified: 11 Sep 2007, 8:13:23 UTC

At the end of a long day of debating, hopefully we can all kick off the dust, take our shoes off, give a little laugh, and all still be friends.

These are not easy subjects, but it is good to learn from one another.



*Edit ' link fixed '

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
ID: 638707 · Report as offensive
Profile Darth Dogbytes™
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Message 638732 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 8:43:22 UTC

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 638736 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 8:50:01 UTC - in response to Message 638689.  
Last modified: 11 Sep 2007, 8:50:55 UTC

How does all of this relate to health care? Simple. The first thing we need to do to 'fix' health care in this country is to get the government OUT of it. The government social programs re: health care (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) are DESIGNED to not only keep those on them dependent on them, but to force as many additional people as possible INTO these programs through rapidly increasing health care costs. It might not fix everything, nor help much at first, but the FIRST thing you do to put out a fire is to turn off the fuel supply.

Remember, Capitalists don't want you to be poor. The poor don't (can't) buy much stuff. The big-government politicians DO want you to be poor, for they can hook you on their social program 'drugs' and keep you dependent on them, so they can count on your vote come the next election day. And if you can't see or do not agree with this SIMPLE TRUTH, then YOU, my friend, are one of the 'sheeple'.

At the risk of being incendiary.......
One of the first things the government should do is quit ignoring the pourous situation of our borders and export all those who are here illegally and sapping our social services and health systems of their resources. Let's save them for those who are legal citizens and those who are paying into the system.
Do you disagree with that?
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

ID: 638736 · Report as offensive
Profile Darth Dogbytes™
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Message 638739 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 8:52:47 UTC

I like that, but there is just one problem. How much do you think it is going to cost to deport over 12,000,000 illegals (assuming no more get in)?
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Message 638741 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 8:53:55 UTC - in response to Message 638739.  

I like that, but there is just one problem. How much do you think it is going to cost to deport over 12,000,000 illegals (assuming no more get in)?

Less than it costs to support and jail them now.........
"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." Alan Dean Foster

ID: 638741 · Report as offensive
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Message 638863 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 15:09:51 UTC - in response to Message 638688.  

I offer no solutions because I have none.

Yeah, but you seem perfectly willing to use the gov't to bend the will of others to your non-solutions.

I do not condone socialized medicine but know it would be far better than what we have now.

More empty words. It would be better how, exactly? I mean, have you even read this thread?

I only know people are dying and that it isn't right. Never was and never will be. Your opinion about the rich always getting their way is false. Many revolutions have been waged against tyranny and oppression. One is responsible for our countries existence.

Sheesh, I'm not even sure you can read. I've never said, nor even implied that that rich always get their way. Nor, am I responsible for the existence of any country. I am one of 300 million in the U.S., not some Borg collective.

Your story and path are your own. I am not here to attack you or pass judgment. I did not direct my thoughts at anyone. I simply stated the state of our unseen, unrepresented, nation. The people with absolutely no chance in hell of ever having medical care, or the American dream for that matter. I did this to address the people who have said that those who do not have money do not deserve medical care. That people want a free handout from tax payers who work for a living. Well... some have been deprived of this "productive life" scenario. Our welfare system is a nightmare caused by society itself. The same people who are in all wars protecting the rights of the pampas, only to return to the same old BS, no matter how well they served their country or what body parts and friends they left on the battlefield.

Wow. Nothing but vague generalities that mean nothing. You didn't "simply state[] the state of our unseen, unrepresented, nation," you just vaguely waved your hand toward some ill-defined and unsupported opinion you kind of think of once in a while. Then you supplicated yourself with an idea you found pleasing, that you speak for the down-trodden and (other vague groups you have in your head) masses.

Instead of making excuses about why things won't work I ask that you all consider what seems to be unfathomable to most of us: Thinking outside the box we are in to get a task for humanity accomplished.

Thinking "outside the box," IS not always running to the gov't, it IS letting individuals work things out the best for themselves. Kinda like those cabbies. Let them set their rates. If they are too high, they will not get business.

Some quote the media when they know it's got a 95-100% chance of being flat out fake or twisted.

Heh, that hasn't stopped you pal Moore from doing it and then lying and misleading people even further.

Some call people from the countries who have gotten it done liars. Some still think inside the box, which will never work for social programs because it is designed not to work here. Some dance in circles shooting down every idea mentioned, preferring the existing system over change. Why? Does it scare you to think that helping others may somehow hurt you? Why can other countries get it done while we, The SUPER POWER OF THE PLANET, can't do it? Horse fritters!!

Ah, the cry of impotence and frustration. I'll tell you again, maybe the 1,342 time will sink in. "We" won't do it, because I refuse. I (and everyone that thinks like me) won't play along with your crappy ideas, and we'll fight like hell to escape paying for them.

But to hear you guys tell it, you don't need me; you don't need a wall. So do it, Gray. Get everyone that feels as you do together and DO it. NO ONE will stop you. Get you, and Thorin, and Mys, and get going with your little commune.

I have proposed shutting down 90+ of the system you decry. All you have suggested is passing more laws on top of the thousands upon thousands we already have.

Why do we support an illegal war that takes money from our society and places it in the hands of those with too much money while we pay up and keep our mouths shut?

Because you support the system that uses gov't force against others. You want to force others to pay for your stupid health care system. Other want to force you to pay for war in Iraq. It's ALL gov't force. Sometimes you get a bit of what you want, mostly you pay a lot for what a whole lot of other people want. Happy yet?

I know there is a population problem but this is not the way to address it! How can we justify funded space missions and programs like SETI, pro athletic teams, movies, TV shows, cosmetics, gas guzzling cars, junk food, wars, acronym bureaus that seek world conquest and acquisition, while our OWN PEOPLE ARE DYING?

It's very very simply, Gray. People do exactly as you do: try to make their lives better. For example, why did you buy a computer instead of saving someone's life? Your OWN PEOPLE ARE DYING.

What happens when the "Administrators of our construct own everything? Think it will be better or worse than it is now? People are talking and they aren't happy. As a matter of fact they are P***ed.

Are you ready for a revolution? I'm not!!!

Yeah, well, don't hold your breath.

Say what you will but at least I can be man enough to acknowledge there is a problem and put my positive two cents in to try to help get something done, even if it is limited to pep talks.

And how many people died today because you were wasting time patting yourself on the back with this crap? How many actual individuals slipped into death because you didn't do something to actually save the life of a person while you were typing this? I can GUARANTEE you, that they would prefer that you had done what it took to let them live, instead of typing some empty comments on the internet.

Plenty of critics in the world. Not enough problem solvers for humanity.

Get 'er done or get off the pot. Anything else is pure folly and a waste of everyones time.

Well, so far, you've you, Thorin, and Mys, all doing nothing but talking about the eeeevil corporations. If that's your plan, then you will fail. Oh, but Thorin will get to put on his grave stone that he did what he thought was right.

Just like Pol Pot did.

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Message 638864 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 15:11:32 UTC - in response to Message 638690.  
Last modified: 11 Sep 2007, 15:15:27 UTC

Your opinion is yours. Mine belongs to me and I'm proud of it.

And it has provided plenty of entertainment as well.

I may not be a smart man but I know what "wrong" is.

To you maybe. The last few posts suggest that you aren't even quite sure of that.

Address the problem, not me.

Heh, that's all I do.

(Don't miss part 2 of my supposed "rant" just below kong's post.)

Fear not, Don!


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Message 638917 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 20:12:58 UTC
Last modified: 11 Sep 2007, 20:13:15 UTC

Always happy to entertain.


Any solution to the problem of Americans dying because of no, or poor medical insurance, or is this just the way it is and should be?
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
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Message 638920 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 20:15:47 UTC - in response to Message 638917.  

Always happy to entertain.
Any solution to the problem of Americans dying because of no, or poor medical insurance, or is this just the way it is and should be?

Read the thread.

I'll give you a hint: What was the solution to providing mobile phone service so cheaply such that even the poorest of the poor could afford it?


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Message 638925 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 20:23:53 UTC

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
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Message 638930 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 20:28:35 UTC - in response to Message 638920.  

Always happy to entertain.
Any solution to the problem of Americans dying because of no, or poor medical insurance, or is this just the way it is and should be?

Read the thread.

I'll give you a hint: What was the solution to providing mobile phone service so cheaply such that even the poorest of the poor could afford it?

I didn't realise that the poorest of the poor could all afford a mobile phone.

Oh..you were just talking about Americans weren't you? The rest of the world that had their resources plundered so that all Americans can afford a mobile phone don't count I guess.
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Message 638942 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 20:51:50 UTC - in response to Message 638930.  
Last modified: 11 Sep 2007, 20:52:08 UTC

Always happy to entertain.
Any solution to the problem of Americans dying because of no, or poor medical insurance, or is this just the way it is and should be?

Read the thread.

I'll give you a hint: What was the solution to providing mobile phone service so cheaply such that even the poorest of the poor could afford it?

I didn't realise that the poorest of the poor could all afford a mobile phone.

Oh..you were just talking about Americans weren't you? The rest of the world that had their resources plundered so that all Americans can afford a mobile phone don't count I guess.

It matters to me, but who am I in this ocean of people...


"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
ID: 638942 · Report as offensive
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Message 638943 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 20:53:23 UTC - in response to Message 638930.  

I didn't realise that the poorest of the poor could all afford a mobile phone.

Oh..you were just talking about Americans weren't you? The rest of the world that had their resources plundered so that all Americans can afford a mobile phone don't count I guess.

You didn't manage to realize a lot of things in this thread, not the least of which is the topic: American health care.

And no, they don't count. The U.S. will not provide them with health care, anymore than the U.K., or you and Gray and Thorin, or anyone else will.

Funny, even given your editorializing, one could easily make the case that the U.K. has been "plundering" (whatever the hell that means) the rest of the world so that the English can have their standard of living, since LONG before the U.S. ever got involved.


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Message 638951 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 21:07:44 UTC

Proportionately, even thought we are a young country, yet oldest democracy on the planet, we have plundered more in less time than the UK, and others combined.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
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Message 638953 - Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 21:11:53 UTC - in response to Message 638951.  
Last modified: 11 Sep 2007, 21:12:16 UTC

Proportionately, even thought we are a young country, yet oldest democracy on the planet, we have plundered more in less time than the UK, and others combined.

Shouldn't you then have NOT bought a computer, or any other consumer product? I mean, that is DIRECTLY responsible for all the "plunder."

Kinda like your standard of living. Seems you're perfectly happy to take part in the "spoils" of such "plunder."

If it's OK for you to do so, it's OK for other people to do so...


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