Ho Hum (Jun 04 2007)

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Profile Matt Lebofsky
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Message 581403 - Posted: 4 Jun 2007, 21:06:04 UTC

An event-free weekend - how boring. The only real downside from a healthy data flow is that we're back to regularly pushing out work faster than our acquisition rate (we always claimed this would be our "ceiling"). So without any intervention we'll pretty much run out of work by the end of the week. Don't worry: there will be intervention. I'll probably scrape some data from the archives worth doing again but maybe we'll get some multibeam data out to the public before too long.

This morning I came in and found my linux desktop CPU load at around 1000. The culprit was beagled. I have no idea what beagle is or what it tries to do - all I know is that I don't need it and it clogs my system. But you can't kill it, and the scant documentation I found says nothing about how to disable it. One problem I have with linux operating systems is the endless inclusion of software packages with non-descriptive names and irrational behavior. Then again I'm a total Luddite.

- Matt
-- BOINC/SETI@home network/web/science/development person
-- "Any idiot can have a good idea. What is hard is to do it." - Jeanne-Claude
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Profile Heechee

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Message 581409 - Posted: 4 Jun 2007, 21:16:27 UTC - in response to Message 581403.  

This morning I came in and found my linux desktop CPU load at around 1000. The culprit was beagled. I have no idea what beagle is or what it tries to do - all I know is that I don't need it and it clogs my system. But you can't kill it, and the scant documentation I found says nothing about how to disable it. One problem I have with linux operating systems is the endless inclusion of software packages with non-descriptive names and irrational behavior. Then again I'm a total Luddite.

- Matt

Matt, this may have the information you need to disable beagle.

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Message 581473 - Posted: 4 Jun 2007, 23:27:04 UTC - in response to Message 581409.  

This morning I came in and found my linux desktop CPU load at around 1000. The culprit was beagled. I have no idea what beagle is ...

Ouch! I'm sure beagle is not supposed to do that!

Matt, this may have the information you need to disable beagle.


Sorry, but that link is not useful and a time waster to scan through.

Beagle is a file indexer that indexes files and their contents for fast searching.

You can disable it by modifying/removing the /etc/cron job listing it, or by tweaking the configs for it. Or you could just simply uninstall it.

Further details:
Disabling Beagle (OpenSUSE)
Beagle home page

Keep searchin', ;-)

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Message 581676 - Posted: 5 Jun 2007, 6:32:21 UTC - in response to Message 581403.  
Last modified: 5 Jun 2007, 6:33:15 UTC

Then again I'm a total Luddite.

More of a Neo-Luddite, I suppose - that would explain why you folks like to run SETI on obsolete hardware ;-)


I'm only kidding, of course. Congratulations on providing us with a smooth user experience over the past days, and thanks for all your hard work!


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Message 581761 - Posted: 5 Jun 2007, 11:35:08 UTC - in response to Message 581473.  

This morning I came in and found my linux desktop CPU load at around 1000. The culprit was beagled. I have no idea what beagle is ...

Ouch! I'm sure beagle is not supposed to do that!

Matt, this may have the information you need to disable beagle.


Sorry, but that link is not useful and a time waster to scan through.

Beagle is a file indexer that indexes files and their contents for fast searching.

You can disable it by...

Duh... Brain not in gear...

No doubt you had already uninstalled or disabled it in any case!

Keep searchin',

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Profile Dennis Lathem

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Message 581783 - Posted: 5 Jun 2007, 12:38:53 UTC - in response to Message 581403.  

Thanks Matt to you and the crew for a wonderful past few days. Montgomery Scott would be proud of how all of you manage to perform miracle after miracle!

During the downtime I loaded the chicken apps and my six machines are humming like never before.

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Message 581785 - Posted: 5 Jun 2007, 12:44:27 UTC - in response to Message 581403.  

An event-free weekend - how boring. The only real downside from a healthy data flow is that we're back to regularly pushing out work faster than our acquisition rate (we always claimed this would be our "ceiling"). So without any intervention we'll pretty much run out of work by the end of the week. Don't worry: there will be intervention. I'll probably scrape some data from the archives worth doing again but maybe we'll get some multibeam data out to the public before too long.


- Matt

I'd guess there's somewhere in the region of a quarter of a million WU's which were handed out over the extended outage and are infact "ghosts". These should expire over the next two weeks and we'll see the In Progress numbers drop back to their usual level of around 1.5m. This should help a little - not sure what the WU churn/week is though.
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Profile KWSN THE Holy Hand Grenade!
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Message 581798 - Posted: 5 Jun 2007, 13:09:30 UTC - in response to Message 581785.  
Last modified: 5 Jun 2007, 13:10:21 UTC

An event-free weekend - how boring. The only real downside from a healthy data flow is that we're back to regularly pushing out work faster than our acquisition rate (we always claimed this would be our "ceiling"). So without any intervention we'll pretty much run out of work by the end of the week. Don't worry: there will be intervention. I'll probably scrape some data from the archives worth doing again but maybe we'll get some multibeam data out to the public before too long.


- Matt

I'd guess there's somewhere in the region of a quarter of a million WU's which were handed out over the extended outage and are infact "ghosts". These should expire over the next two weeks and we'll see the In Progress numbers drop back to their usual level of around 1.5m. This should help a little - not sure what the WU churn/week is though.

I agree that there's a lot of "ghost" WU's in the system, but I think a "quarter million" is too low an estimate - it's probably somewhere between a half to three-quarters of a million WU's that are "ghost"s. (at one point I noted that the "number of WU's outstanding" on the server page was in the 2.4 range. If 1.5 is/was the average outstanding b4 the outage, that's 900K "ghost" WU's...) I know that at least 5 of those are "mine" - all created in the May 17-23 range.


Hello, from Albany, CA!...
ID: 581798 · Report as offensive
Profile Dr. C.E.T.I.

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Message 581803 - Posted: 5 Jun 2007, 13:18:50 UTC

Thanks for the Update Matt - Berkeley is to be Commended on their Efforts . . .

BOINC Wiki . . .

Science Status Page . . .
ID: 581803 · Report as offensive
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Message 581854 - Posted: 5 Jun 2007, 14:57:12 UTC - in response to Message 581798.  
Last modified: 5 Jun 2007, 14:57:54 UTC

An event-free weekend - how boring. The only real downside from a healthy data flow is that we're back to regularly pushing out work faster than our acquisition rate (we always claimed this would be our "ceiling"). So without any intervention we'll pretty much run out of work by the end of the week. Don't worry: there will be intervention. I'll probably scrape some data from the archives worth doing again but maybe we'll get some multibeam data out to the public before too long.


- Matt

I'd guess there's somewhere in the region of a quarter of a million WU's which were handed out over the extended outage and are infact "ghosts". These should expire over the next two weeks and we'll see the In Progress numbers drop back to their usual level of around 1.5m. This should help a little - not sure what the WU churn/week is though.

I agree that there's a lot of "ghost" WU's in the system, but I think a "quarter million" is too low an estimate - it's probably somewhere between a half to three-quarters of a million WU's that are "ghost"s. (at one point I noted that the "number of WU's outstanding" on the server page was in the 2.4 range. If 1.5 is/was the average outstanding b4 the outage, that's 900K "ghost" WU's...) I know that at least 5 of those are "mine" - all created in the May 17-23 range.

My apologies - I'd struggled with denoting 3/4m (pointless effort to avoid typing 750,000) and ended up mistyping. I agree with your estimate. Any view on the WU churn/week?

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Message 581936 - Posted: 5 Jun 2007, 23:46:56 UTC

one thing to note about beagle.... or whatever its called.... i havent used it personally...... but, i had a simular problem with a process called updatedb a few years back, which basically indexes files to make searching quicker.

The problem was, the harddrive in the machine was faulty, and everytime it tried to cache data about a file and it failed reading the file, the process would crash, and use exactly 1.00 load.

Everytime it hit a file it couldn't read, it would go up another 1.00 load.

And you couldn't kill these processes, and even trying to reboot the machine, it would hang on terminating running processes.

Anyway, the load on my machine only went up to something like 45.00 over 12 days..... but i just thought it was worth mentioning... just icnase something simular is happening to you.
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Message 582008 - Posted: 6 Jun 2007, 1:25:48 UTC - in response to Message 581936.  

one thing to note about beagle.... or whatever its called.... i havent used it personally...... but, i had a simular problem with a process called updatedb a few years back, which basically indexes files to make searching quicker.

The problem was, the harddrive in the machine was faulty, and everytime it tried to cache data about a file and it failed reading the file, the process would crash, and use exactly 1.00 load.

Everytime it hit a file it couldn't read, it would go up another 1.00 load.

And you couldn't kill these processes, and even trying to reboot the machine, it would hang on terminating running processes.

Anyway, the load on my machine only went up to something like 45.00 over 12 days..... but i just thought it was worth mentioning... just icnase something simular is happening to you.

Good comment, and I've seen that sort of thing happen still on even recent 2.6 kernels as a HDD begins to fail...

Another clue is when the kernel cannot unmount a HDD partition on the first try...

Happy crunchin',

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Profile Andy Lee Robinson

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Message 582514 - Posted: 6 Jun 2007, 23:18:30 UTC - in response to Message 582008.  

Yes, as an administrator this beagle thing was a total waste of time...

We already know where everything is that needs to be found!

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Message 582815 - Posted: 7 Jun 2007, 11:14:30 UTC - in response to Message 582514.  
Last modified: 7 Jun 2007, 11:15:14 UTC

Yes, as an administrator this beagle thing was a total waste of time...

"slocate" / "updatedb" are more than good enough.

We already know where everything is that needs to be found!

...Well, the file name at least for that config file last visited a few years ago!


Keep searchin',

See new freedom: Mageia Linux
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Message boards : Technical News : Ho Hum (Jun 04 2007)

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