Kryten woes (Jan 31 2007)

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Dark Angel
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Message 514549 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 12:33:31 UTC - in response to Message 514538.  

say that's a bit narcissistic, and quite offensive.

well it is normal when someone donates something it is named after them.. most schools, have at lest half of there buildings named after someone who paid for it not a teacher who work for that school. the same is said for sports stadiums/bowl games. if your going to have a standerd make mine a double

Got news for you most schools buildings are named after significant people sometimes large donors usually as a memorial for people that have passed away. Most stadiums are named after major corporations which pay big bucks to pin their name on a building; bowl games on the other hand aren't typically named after people. Rose bowl, orange bowl, pro bowl, super bowl, gator bowl, to name but a few or am I loosing you here. So in following with the "standard" it would make sense that the status quo remain the other words it should be up to the SETI staff to name it like I stated in my earlier post.

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Aurora Borealis
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Message 514570 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 14:09:21 UTC
Last modified: 7 Feb 2007, 14:12:35 UTC

Naming things after donors is mostly a North American fetish which I find deplorable. Its usually done because the donators makes it clear that the money has string attached or as a desperate method of getting so call 'donation' from corporation.

Not to be cynical but these donations are generally used as a way to avoid paying taxes on exorbitant profits. It's either a form advertising for corporations or a need for a sense of immortality or redemption for individuals.

Living in Canada we don't see it too often although it exist here as well. The latest one that really bugged me was when the Blue Jays baseball team was bought by the local cable company and they got the SkyDome stadium (built by taxpayers and named by fans) at a discount price and renamed it the Rogers Center.
[/rant almost over]

I'm really offended by any suggestion that a donated server be named after a 'Team'. It's an obvious recruitment/advertisement ploy which should be resisted. Next thing we know the project will be called Seti-IBM or Sun-Seti.

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ID: 514570 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 514574 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 14:24:58 UTC

I agree with AB. Speaking from the UK, we were - as a colonial power - implicated in drawing a lot of lines on maps: lines which human beings seem to have been arguing over ever since. (One of our better efforts seems to have been the line dividing Canada and the USA, but YMMV....).

Now fast forward to the ultimate goal of this search: just say we find ET, and manage to make contact with an inter-stellar civilisation. How narrow-minded, introspective and trivial will our nationalism look then?

The SETI@home project is truly a global one: I would vote not to name any kit after a parochial interest, whoever the donor is.
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Message 514578 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 14:39:41 UTC - in response to Message 514570.  

Naming things after donors is mostly a North American fetish which I find deplorable. Its usually done because the donators makes it clear that the money has string attached or as a desperate method of getting so call 'donation' from corporation.

Not to be cynical but these donations are generally used as a way to avoid paying taxes on exorbitant profits. It's either a form advertising for corporations or a need for a sense of immortality or redemption for individuals.

Living in Canada we don't see it too often although it exist here as well. The latest one that really bugged me was when the Blue Jays baseball team was bought by the local cable company and they got the SkyDome stadium (built by taxpayers and named by fans) at a discount price and renamed it the Rogers Center.
[/rant almost over]

I'm really offended by any suggestion that a donated server be named after a 'Team'. It's an obvious recruitment/advertisement ploy which should be resisted. Next thing we know the project will be called Seti-IBM or Sun-Seti.

Well said, Aurora Borealis! Here, here!!!

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John McLeod VII
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Message 514597 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 15:51:27 UTC

Well, that would be a way of raising money. Have companies bid for the right to name one of the computers.

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Aurora Borealis
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Message 514607 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 16:26:04 UTC - in response to Message 514597.  

Well, that would be a way of raising money. Have companies bid for the right to name one of the computers.

Brrr... That sent a chill running down my back. Ok, bidding starts at million dollars maybe....

I know what that makes me and the negotiations are on, but hey, they say everyone has his/her price. :)

Boinc V7.2.42
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Message 514616 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 16:59:11 UTC

getting back tpo the point of the thread...

I'm having lots of problems trying to get WU's today... and I notice that one of the assimilators is off-line again... perhaps it is time to re-boot something?

Hello, from Albany, CA!...
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Wander Saito
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Message 514632 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 17:43:25 UTC - in response to Message 514570.  

Naming things after donors is mostly a North American fetish which I find deplorable. Its usually done because the donators makes it clear that the money has string attached or as a desperate method of getting so call 'donation' from corporation.

Not to be cynical but these donations are generally used as a way to avoid paying taxes on exorbitant profits. It's either a form advertising for corporations or a need for a sense of immortality or redemption for individuals.

Living in Canada we don't see it too often although it exist here as well. The latest one that really bugged me was when the Blue Jays baseball team was bought by the local cable company and they got the SkyDome stadium (built by taxpayers and named by fans) at a discount price and renamed it the Rogers Center.
[/rant almost over]

I'm really offended by any suggestion that a donated server be named after a 'Team'. It's an obvious recruitment/advertisement ploy which should be resisted. Next thing we know the project will be called Seti-IBM or Sun-Seti.

Agreed. Instead of naming the server itself, maybe the SAH staff could post the Team's logo at the sponsors page like everybody else.

Not too long ago, Intel donated a very nice server to the project and it became "Thumper".

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Wander Saito
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Message 514633 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 17:56:56 UTC - in response to Message 514549.  

say that's a bit narcissistic, and quite offensive.

well it is normal when someone donates something it is named after them.. most schools, have at lest half of there buildings named after someone who paid for it not a teacher who work for that school. the same is said for sports stadiums/bowl games. if your going to have a standerd make mine a double

Got news for you most schools buildings are named after significant people sometimes large donors usually as a memorial for people that have passed away. Most stadiums are named after major corporations which pay big bucks to pin their name on a building; bowl games on the other hand aren't typically named after people. Rose bowl, orange bowl, pro bowl, super bowl, gator bowl, to name but a few or am I loosing you here. So in following with the "standard" it would make sense that the status quo remain the other words it should be up to the SETI staff to name it like I stated in my earlier post.

Hi Dark Angel,

Granted, those are very normal, specially in the US, but I think there's a key difference here (not to mention this a WW project): all those institutions you mentioned are corporations, seeking profit and exposing trade marks as a marketing strategy. If you check the sponsors page, there are several large corporations collaborating with SAH, and ultimately the public recognition of such collaboration in a project like this (be a new server loaned, some piece of SW, cash) is what they can expect in return. Some day in the future we will discover that alien signal and the SAH staff and their sponsors will be held as heroes of mankind, and make truckloads of cash in endorsements, public appearances and seminars all around the world, but until then the best they could hope is to keep working, together, if possible :)


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Profile Steve @ SETI.USA

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Message 514639 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 18:07:46 UTC

Well, I personally think that the name of a server is irrelevant, as long as it helps the project run smoothly.

In fact, why not embrace the benefits of team sponsored servers? If a team has its name attached to a project server, that team is likely to take it upon themselves to assist in providing parts or $ for any repairs to keep that server running well. This would give Berkeley a LOT less to worry about. Think about it.
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Message 514667 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 19:10:21 UTC

Do you want SETI to run or not? It looks like you wanna kill it - but at the same time discussing wether the servers are online or not!

you people worry to much - period.

Beer out/
ID: 514667 · Report as offensive
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Message 514676 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 19:50:41 UTC - in response to Message 514597.  
Last modified: 7 Feb 2007, 19:54:49 UTC

Well, that would be a way of raising money. Have companies bid for the right to name one of the computers.

This is not a bad idea - I don’t see anything wrong with it. Let them bid. At least it is a way to get the needed cash for the project. What does it hurt, and who really cares.

I don't get it. If someone wants to donate cash - they get a green star, if they choose. All of us get recognized for our donations or prosessed work by credits - part of the project, crunch a work unit, get credit. NO DIFFERENCE!
Even our posts our tracked and credited. And to some, the number of posts is a big deal, in the end, who really cares.

However if someone wants to donate hardware and wants some recognition for doing so - we get a bunch of whiners crying not fair not fair.

If team BOINC Synergy or any other team, wanted to gather the pennies and offer a hardware donation, what would be wrong with naming the hardware in their name- if they so choose, or in the name any single person.

Berkeley can only say - no, not interested.

This is Not a big deal guys, get over it. Someone has offered help, and wants to be recognized for his donation, so what!

SETI needs stuff to make it run, if someone donates that stuff, and wants to be recognized for donating they should be allowed to be recognized.

What is the difference of this or having a green star ????????!!!!!!!

ID: 514676 · Report as offensive
Profile Rhihannisu_[SETI.USA]

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Message 514687 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 20:13:06 UTC

I don't care if it's seti.usa, kryten, krytenII....or pepsi, doritos, mcdonalds.....or larry. Whatever the machine's called at least it's a working server. If the project team find that they can use it, what diffference does it make as to its name?

What a disappointment, it's sad really. This person, Dan, wants to provide a server to help keep the project running. Now, what I'm seeing is almost nothing but criticism about his request for naming it. Outside of his teammates, I think I see one, just one, comment from one person thanking him without complaining about his wanting to name the server after his team.

Now fast forward to the ultimate goal of this search: just say we find ET, and manage to make contact with an inter-stellar civilisation. How narrow-minded, introspective and trivial will our nationalism look then?

If ET's ever come to this planet, I can only hope and pray they land here in the USA. Why, you may ask? Because if they land just about Anywhere else, it's almost guaranteed that someone will say, "Oh, and while you're here could you please blow up America? We'll owe you one." People all over the world like to complain about how we meddle in world affairs, and that we should just mind our own business. We tried that, got Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in return. Go figure.
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Message 514698 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 20:51:26 UTC

Bragging rights, green stars and RAC.. Is that really the final goal ?
No, simply a way to drive childish people to keep an illusory project alive.

Who can seriously believe that we are going to find ET with S@H, and that's the only way to find it efficiently ?
Still better, who can seriously believe that we can CONTACT an extraterrestrial intelligency thanks to S@H ?!

Where are the results of the analysis of all the data crunched by all of us, all of YOU ?

Ho, sorry.. some of you have green star, some others have nice RAC, perhaps soon their name on a S@H server.. Why to bother after all..

Sincerely, after having read some messages here and there, I have no regrets having left S@H. If not to have passed so much time to understand, since the time of Seti classic, and to have wasted time and ressources for virtually.. nothing.

Sorry for those which will be opposed by these some lines. They are the last.
Bon vent et bonne route à tous.

ID: 514698 · Report as offensive
Profile Blurf
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Message 514710 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 22:11:00 UTC

Ok....with all due respect to Eric & Matt and the crew at UB. Let me summarize the relevant concern...and someone other than Poppa (no offense)-preferably Eric or Matt-please respond...

1) You need a server...
2) Dr Dan has one and it was researched by Dr. Dan to fit your needs as closely as possible.
3rd logical step---JUMP AT IT-SAY YES AND TAKE IT REGARDLESS OF WHO'S NAME IS OR ISN'T ON IT! Name it Kryten Jr for all I care. Stop waiting for everyone to be in one place---if it fits a need-take it!

SETI's progress is slowing down...we need to get back up and running to continue our work.

I see NO sense of urgency to do this when you know we're having major issues with Kryten. I just can't comprehend it.

Either Yes the server fits our needs in some manner-we'll take it...or
No it doesn't thank you for the offer

It's a simple thing really.

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Message 514712 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 22:21:39 UTC

Couldn't we let Berkeley keep their naming sequence, and have an entry on the server status page saying who/what donated item.

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Profile Wanabeelee

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Message 514716 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 22:26:20 UTC

Kna, you know your right. Who can seriously believe we can find the cure for aids, or cancer. Hell, who can seriously belive we can make electrons move accross a filament to make light. Lets all be thankfull everyone in the world is not like KNA.

I'd be more than glad to see a new server with any name. How about another team donate a server to replace klaatu. Then we can replace koloth. Seti could have all new equipment in a year if people would wake up. Save money where you can, and spend it where you have to.

Working in IT is basically long periods of boredom broken up by sheer moments of terror.
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Message 514731 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 23:35:09 UTC - in response to Message 514698.  
Last modified: 7 Feb 2007, 23:36:55 UTC


I am sorry the the gold no longer glitters for you. Many people have picked up things from along side the road and made something from what they picked up, no it is not easy and the rewards are probably only know to themselves...

If you look back at mine and others "past posts," Matt has stated they actually now have enough results to start making something useful out of them... The catch 22 is manpower, time and resources... For Myself, I may be the one that helps to turn out the lights when there is nothing left... But that is my choice. In the mean time I work to do everything I can to make sure there are lights on in the Seti Shop.

So as I have a green star, have work for 5 projects, and have RAC then I guess that I am bad... I beg to differ, I am only a human that has good days and bad days... I continue to do the best that I can...

Bragging rights, green stars and RAC.. Is that really the final goal ?
No, simply a way to drive childish people to keep an illusory project alive.

Who can seriously believe that we are going to find ET with S@H, and that's the only way to find it efficiently ?
Still better, who can seriously believe that we can CONTACT an extraterrestrial intelligency thanks to S@H ?!

Where are the results of the analysis of all the data crunched by all of us, all of YOU ?

Ho, sorry.. some of you have green star, some others have nice RAC, perhaps soon their name on a S@H server.. Why to bother after all..

Sincerely, after having read some messages here and there, I have no regrets having left S@H. If not to have passed so much time to understand, since the time of Seti classic, and to have wasted time and ressources for virtually.. nothing.

Sorry for those which will be opposed by these some lines. They are the last.
Bon vent et bonne route à ´ous.

As this would normally be in the the milestone Forum Thread and I normally am not one to brag about credits, then I guess that as my profile does not have a link I should post where I stand in the world... then I can brag...


what 4 or 5 like minded individuals can do

So, I am guilty of all the things that you find so offensive! I care about Seti and BOINC. I Belive that if we can get the funding to keep Seti Alive we will see things... But that takes Time, Effort and Money...



Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Message 514733 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 23:43:25 UTC - in response to Message 514712.  


What an Excellent Idea!

The short call where I gave Dan, Eric's phone number he was upset to cause such a stir... All I can say is there there are options to help cure Kryten's woes...

Couldn't we let Berkeley keep their naming sequence, and have an entry on the server status page saying who/what donated item.


Please consider a Donation to the Seti Project.

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Eric Korpela Project Donor
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Message 514734 - Posted: 7 Feb 2007, 23:44:11 UTC - in response to Message 514710.  
Last modified: 7 Feb 2007, 23:46:04 UTC

Ok....with all due respect to Eric & Matt and the crew at UB. Let me summarize the relevant concern...and someone other than Poppa (no offense)-preferably Eric or Matt-please respond...

1) You need a server...

Yes, we do.

2) Dr Dan has one and it was researched by Dr. Dan to fit your needs as closely as possible.

I spoke on the phone to Dr. Dan this morning and I'm looking into whether it can be done.

3rd logical step---JUMP AT IT-SAY YES AND TAKE IT REGARDLESS OF WHO'S NAME IS OR ISN'T ON IT! Name it Kryten Jr for all I care. Stop waiting for everyone to be in one place---if it fits a need-take it!

It's not quite that simple. I wish it were, but its not. We have to consider not only the 220V issue, but whether it will tax the total power that can be put into the server closet without tripping a breaker and whether the amount of waste heat it produces will overload the air conditioning unit. Then there's the issue of having enough physical space. There's a reason we call it a closet.

This is a massive machine, and it would cost Dr. Dan a significant amount of money to ship it here. If it gets here and there's something that prevents us from using it, I'd feel pretty bad about putting him to the trouble.

As is, it doesn't immediately fit an immediate need. In order to use it, assuming the power supplies aren't easily switched, we'll need 220V in the closet or a replacement power supplies, and we'll need 12 or more GB of additional compatible RAM, we'll need to decide which disk array to use and how to drive it. Dr. Dan will have to ship it across the country. Those things will take a little while to come together (assuming they can come together). There's no point in shipping it until we're sure that we won't hit a show stopper.

In the same conversation he mentioned another machine that is significantly smaller and might do just as well for what we need, so I'm looking into that, too.

We have to check things out because we have received machines that we weren't able to use as we intended because we didn't take a close enough look at the specifications and come up with the right plan.

And I don't care about naming. We can call it whatever the donor wants or doesn't want.
[/edit] (Mastodon)

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